S iJ tl
Kindness of Clarence B Maori; b>q.
FIG. 1. (S. 1-1.) Problematical forms found by Mr. Moore with burials at Indian Knoll, Kentucky.
(See page 237). A, chalcedony, skeleton 163. B, banded clay stone, skeleton 161. C, granite,
skeleton 115. D, Silicous rock, skeleton 67.
II. How THIS VOLUME WAS PREPARED . ^ -. . . . . ... ...... . 22
XIII. TUBES . - 130
INDEX . . 444
The study attempted in the following pages has been sufficiently
explained elsewhere and it is scarcely necessary to make any prefatory
remarks. The author has spent his spare time for many years in the study
of the unknown or problematical forms made and used by prehistoric man,
and this volume is offered as a result of such labors. That it cannot be
complete, and may quite likely not be entirely accepted by other observers,
goes without saying. The study of prehistoric archaeology in the United
States is beset by many difficulties and there are certain problems which do
not appear in other countries. The author begs the indulgence of his
readers. Everything considered, the relation of ornamental stones to the
everyday life of the Indian is a complex subject, and one which may be
approached from many angles.
Denied the hearty co-operation of the many individuals and institu-
tions thanked in the following pages, such a book would be impossible. It
has been difficult to determine how much of the material prepared by bthers
should be included. The space between the covers of several volumes
might be well employed in presenting the wealth of material submitted.
It is quite possible for one to write an entire volume on any one of the thirty-
six types and their variations.
I am especially indebted to Arthur C. Parker, Esq., for preparing the
chapters upon the ornamental-problematical stones found in the State of
New York, and also to Professor Edward H. Williams, Jr., and Professor
Benjamin L. Miller, for their careful analysis and painstaking study of the
problem of patina and weathering. Clarence B. Moore, Esq., has my
thanks for sending the advance sheets of his volume, Some Aboriginal
Sites on Green River, Kentucky, and permission to use certain figures in
two of his colored plates. Professor Harlan I. Smith of the Museum of the
Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, and his assistant, Mr. W. J. Wintem-
berg, made for me one hundred or more outlines of the types on exhibi-
tion in the Ottawa Museum. I am very grateful for all that they did.
George G. Heye, Esq., founder of the Museum of the American Indian,
New York, very kindly permitted Alanson B. Skinner, Esq., to outline
most of the forms available in that Institution, and I herewith thank them.
Willard E. Yager, Esq., photographed many of the objects in his large and
interesting collection of southern New York, and has my thanks. In addition
to these gentlemen there are many others to whom I am indebted, especially
Mr. E. P. Upham of the Smithsonian Institution; Dr. George B. Gordon,
University of Pennsylvania Museum; L. W. Jenkins, Esq., Peabody Museum
of Salem, Massachusetts; Charles E. Brown, Curator of the Wisconsin
Historical Society; American Museum of Natural History; Miss H. Newell
Wardle, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; C. C. Willoughby,Esq.,
Director of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa-
chusetts; Dr. A. G. Rogers, Parker, Indiana; H. E. Buck, Esq., Delaware,
Ohio; Christopher Wren, Curator of the Wyoming Historical Society,
Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania; Paul S. Tooker, Westfield, New Jersey; H. E.
Cole, Baraboo, Wisconsin. Professor W. O. Emery of Washington has
accumulated a large collection during the past thirty years and wrote me a
description, together with some observations on weathering and patina.
Professor W. C. Mills of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society
and the Ohio State University Museum, also enumerated all of the objects
in that large collection and took photographs of many. There were many
others who should be thanked individually, but space forbids mentioning
in detail the kind assistance rendered by each one. I, therefore, present
the following list and desire to thank all of them most sincerely.
Addis, Albert L., Albion, Indiana
Akeroyd, W. J. R., Dresden, Ohio
Alexander, W. M., Louisville, New York
Aldridge, D. M., Vestal, New York
Amos, Ira B., Bushnell, Illinois
Anderson, A. E., Brownsville, Texas
Anderson, Rev. Joseph, Waterbury, Connecticut
Arthur, John J., Topeka, Kansas
Auringer, O. A., Glens Falls, New York
Baatz, C. L., Massillon, Ohio
Baer, John L., Delta, Pennsylvania
Bailey, Erskine E., Little Rapids, Wisconsin
Ballard, E. R., Winona, Mississippi
Banser, W. H., Honeoye Falls, N. Y.
Barbour, Erwin H., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
Barrett, S. A., Curator, Public Museum of City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Bartlett, Dr. W. E., Belle Plaine, Kansas
Bates, Albert C., Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Connecticut
Beasley, B., Montgomery, Alabama
Beauchamp, Rev. William, Syracuse, New York
Beesen, L. H., Niles, Michigan
Ballamy, N. R., Wellsville, New York
Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin
Bisel, Willard, Charlotte, Michigan
Bishop, Townsend L., Portlandville, New York
Blackie, Rev. William R., New York City
Bodfish, W. P., New York City
Bosworth, William L., Amenia, New York
Boas, Franz, Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, New York
Braecklein, J. J., Kansas City, Missouri
Braun, H. M., East St. Louis, Illinois
Branegan, James A., Millbourne, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brannon, Peter A., Montgomery, Alabama
Brewster, Daniel O., Assistant Curator, Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston.
Brooking, A. M., Curator, Museum, Hastings College, Inland, Nebraska
Broughton, C. G., Marblehead, Massachusetts
Brown, Lovell, Piqua, Ohio
Brown, Monroe N., Hershey, Pennsylvania
Bryan, W. E., Elmira, New York
Buck, H. E., Delaware, Ohio
Buck, Solon J., Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minnesota
Buell, Ira M., Curator, Logan Museum, Beloit, Wisconsin
Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences
Burkett, H. F., Findlay, Ohio
Burroughs, Clyde H., Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, Michigan
Cairns, George, Centralia, Illinois
Camp, Mrs. Martha C., Beebe, Arkansas
Carpenter, Walter S., New London, Ohio
Carter, Dr. Albert, Murphysboro, Illinois
Carter, John H., Milton, Pennsylvania
Case, L. V., Tarry town, New York
Cawley, James S., Somerville, New Jersey
Chambers, Sprague M., Plainwell, Michigan
Chandler, George P., Knoxville, Tennessee
Chapman, W. R., Remington, Virginia
Clark, T. C., Brilliant, Ohio
Clendenin, W. F., Sparta, Illinois
Cobb, B. F., Jr., Atlanta, Georgia
Coffin, C. C., Bridgeport, Connecticut
Cole, H. E., Baraboo, Wisconsin
Coleman, Fred E., Pasadena, California
Coleman, G. P., Williamsburg, Virginia
Collie, Prof. G. L., Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin
Cottlow, Dr. B. A., Oregon, Illinois
Craig, T. F., Velpen, Indiana
Cressey, J. N., Harpursville, New York
Cromley, C. E., Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Crozier, Archibald, Wilmington, Delaware
Cummins, Dr. Wycoff, Belvidere, New Jersey
Davis, R. N., Curator, Everhart Museum, Scranton, Pennsylvania
Dauphin County Historical Society
Davis, Willard H., Lowell, Ohio
Dean, F. C., Ripley, New York
Deisher, H. K., Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Dewey, Alvin H., Rochester, New York
Dodge, R. E., Santa Cruz, California
Donehoo, George P., Coudersport, Pennsylvania
Edinger, Joseph, Hillsdale, Michigan
Elchert, Albinus A., New Riegel, Ohio
Emerson, Ralph W., Bridgeton, New Jersey
Esselborn, Paul, Portsmouth, Ohio
Falge, Dr. Louis, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Felton, Don Reid, Muncie, Indiana
Fenton, W. T., Conewango Valley, New York
Figgins, J. D., Colorado Museum of Natural History, Denver, Colorado
Finger, Frank, Marissa, Illinois
Fish, F. S., Farrell, Pennsylvania
Fletcher, Emily, Westford, Massachusetts
Floor, Dr. J. M., Petersburg, Ohio
Forney, J. M., Birds Run, Ohio
Fox, George R., Curator Museum Nebraska State Historical Society
Francis, C. E., Elkhart, Indiana
Gabriel, Fred C., South Bend, Indiana
Gage, D. S., Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri
Gage, George S., Lawrence, Massachusetts
Gearhart, Rev. E. M., Indiana, Pennsylvania
Gerend, A., Cato, Wisconsin
Gibbs, H. N.| West Barrington, Rhode Island
Gifford, E. W., Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley,
Gill, Mrs. Mary W., Washington, District of Columbia
Gilliland, Dr. A. B., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gilmore, E. L., Curator, Maine Historical Society, Portland, Maine
Gimbi, A. W., McAdoo, Pennsylvania
Glenk, Robert, Curator, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana
Godfrey, Fred M., Oldtown, Maine
Goldsborough, E. Ralston, Frederick, Maryland
Graves, Dr. E. E., Penacook, New Hampshire
Gray, William H., Columbus, Georgia
Haberer, C. H., Dunnon, Kentucky
Hall, F. S., Curator, State Museum, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Hall, Inez, Meadville, Pennsylvania
Harlan, E. R., Curator, Historical Department of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa
Harrington, J. P., School of American Archaeology, Museum of New Mexico,
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Harris, Charles S., Bardolph, 111.
Harris, L. O., Lebanon, Ohio
Hassler, E. F., Byrdstown, Tennessee
Hayes, Oscar W., Allerton, 111.
Heacock, E. G., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Henderson, Junius, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
Hepp, Charles E., Boonville, Indiana
Hermann, R., Dubuque, Iowa
Hess, Asher L., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hewett, Edgar L., School of American Archaeology, Museum of New Mexico,
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Hill, Marshall G., Afton, New York
Hill, O. C., Waterbury, Connecticut
Hills, F. P., Delaware, Ohio
Hills, Leslie W., Fort Wayne, Indiana
Hine, Charles A., Akron, Ohio
Hole, Allen D., Curator, Department of Geology, Earlham College, Richmond,
Holmes, W. A., Chicago, Illinois
Hope, C., Sedalia, Missouri
Hostetter, Karl M., Minerva, Ohio
Rowland, H. R., Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, New York
Hughes, F. M., Lakeville, Ohio
Hurlbutt, H. S., Libertyville, Illinois
Humphreys, J. A., Birmingham, Alabama
Jackson, Charles, Jetmore, Kansas
Jackson, J. W., Belchertown, Massachusetts
Johnson, H. L., Clarksville, Tennessee
Kennedy, W. H., Losantville, Indiana
Keniston, J. A., Newburyport, Massachusetts
Kimball, H. J., Richmond, Illinois
Kobert, Charles, Lebanon, Kentucky
Kroeber, A. L., Department of Anthropology, University of California, California
Laidacker, J. G., Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania
Laidlaw, G. E., The Fort Ranch, Victoria Road, Ontario, Canada
Lang, Percy, Waverly, New York
Lange, William F., Harpursville, New York
Langridge, Clyde, Albion, Michigan
Lawson, B. H., Mattoon, Illinois
Leach, R., Kansas ville, Wisconsin
Lenz, Charles, Cuero, Texas
Lett, R. C., Winnipeg, Manitoba
Lewis, J. B., Petaluma, California
Lewis, Walter P., Phillipsburg, New Jersey
Little, George, Xenia, Ohio
Link, H. A., Waterloo, Indiana
Loeb, Julius, Oakland, California
Lovejoy, J. R., Schenectady, New York
Lowe, Frank H., Chicago, Illinois
Lowe, F. H., Port Byron, New York
Lowe, William A., Massillon, Ohio
MacCurdy, Dr. George A., Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
MacLellan, C. B., New Haven, Connecticut
MacMurray, Mrs. H. V. A., Washington, District of Columbia
Manktelow, Charles W., Cadillac, Michigan
Martin, Dudley, A., Duboistown, Pennsylvania
Marye, William, Upper Falls, Maryland
Matchett, W. F., Pierceton, Indiana
Mathis, C. A., Greenwood, Nebraska
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Connecticut
Mattern, J. E., West Rush, New York
McCauliss, N. C., Rockville, Indiana
Mclntosh, H. T., Albany, Georgia
Mclntosh, William, Curator, Natural History Society of New Brunswick, St. John,
New Brunswick
McLain, J. E., Bluffton, Indiana
McQuiston, H. A., Camden, Ohio
McQuown, S. B., Monmouth, Illinois
Merkel, John, Bellevue, Iowa
Metzger, J. F., Bridgeport, Connecticut
Miller, Raymond E., Worcester, Massachusetts
Mitchell, I. McGirk, St. Louis, Missouri
Moore, Clarence B., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Moore, G. R., Janesville, Wisconsin
Montgomery, Henry, Toronto, Canada
Morris, G. E., Somerville, New Jersey
Morrison, Charles E., Williamston, Michigan
Murray, Mrs. Louise W., Athens, Pennsylvania
Myer, W. E., Carthage, Tennessee
Neiss, Walter E., Lehighton, Pennsylvania
Nichols, Percy G., Aitkin, Minnesota
Noe, C. F., Amana, Iowa
North, C. A., Middlefield, New York
O'Brien, Henry L., Brooklyn, New York
Ogden, L. B., Penn Yan, New York
Ogle, Seldon K., Klamath Falls, Oregon
Orr, Ellison, Waukon, Iowa
Overstreet, J. T., Elmwood, Tennessee
Owen, Thomas M., Director, State of Alabama, Department of Archives and History
Parker, S. S., Farmington, New Hampshire
Pastle, J. M., DeKalb, Illinois
Payne, E. W., Springfield, Illinois
Pearsall, L. M., New York, New York
Pelton, George A., Somers, Connecticut
Pepper, Geo. H., Museum of the American Indian, New York
Perkins, Dr. E. L., Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Perkins, George H., Burlington, Vermont
Persell, George A., Jamestown, New York
Pettit, R. Fred, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Phillips, John W., Hailey, Missouri
Pritchard, A. L., Fremont, Ohio
Provincial Museum, Ontario, Canada
Pugsley, F. W., Perth Amboy, New Jersey
Purchase, A. S., Syracuse, New York
Racey, G. W., Shawanee, Tennessee
Rauge, C. E., Tampa, Florida
Rayner, J. A., Piqua, Ohio
Reagan, W. J., Paterson, New Jersey
Renno, E. Lee, St. Charles, Missouri
Riebel, Alexander C., Arbela, Missouri
Rieder, F. S., Mt. Vernon, Oregon
Robertson, James D., Holly, Michigan
Robinson, C. H., Normal, Illinois
Robinson, Ira W., Clayton, Michigan
Robinson, V. V., Schuyler, Nebraska
Rogers, Mrs. E., Bleidt, Kentucky
Rogers, Dr. A. G., Parker, Indiana
Sapir, E., Department of Mines, Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada
Savage, Rev. James, Detroit, Michigan
Saville, Prof. M. H., Museum of the American Indian, New York
Sauermann, George J., Crown Point, Indiana
Saunders, J. W., Camden, Tennessee
Schlegel, J. W., Reading, Pennsylvania
See, Jay, Dimondale, Michigan
Seever, William J., St. Louis, Missouri
Setterlun, A., The Dalles, Oregon
Sherman, H. S., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Shoemaker, Ernest, Brooklyn, New York
Shoemaker, L. D., Elmira, New York
Shultz, H. F., Chicago, Illinois
Slaughter, Edna, Crystal Run, New York
Smith, Eugene A., Geological Survey of Alabama, University of Alabama
Speck, Frank E., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
State Museum, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Stengel, F. A., Marion, Ohio
Stewart, T. B., Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
Stone, Witmer, Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania
Story, C. E., Augusta, Georgia
Sugden, E. O., Orland, Maine
Taylor, J. D., Bristol, Tennessee
Test, Erastus, Lafayette, Indiana
Thacker, W. H., Arlington, Washington
Thoburn, J. B., University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Thompson, C. A., Hillsdale, Michigan
Thompson, F. P., Dayton, Ohio
Titus, W. A., University of Wisconsin, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Tonsfeldt, J. P., White Salmon, Washington
Tooker, Paul S., Westfield, New Jersey
Tuttle, F. May, Osage, Iowa
Urban, Theodore L., Columbia, Pennsylvania
Upham, E. P., Smithsonian Institution
Valentine, F. B., Ridgeley, West Virginia
Van Devir, F. M., Medina, Ohio
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, Newark, New Jersey
Wadsworth, Henry, Glencoe, Minnesota
Wainwright, Capt. R. D., Roanoke, Virginia
Ward's Natural History Establishment, Rochester, New York
Warkentein, H. F., Kansas City, Missouri
Waters, William L., Godfrey, Illinois
Webb, Walter F., Rochester, New York
Weills, Isaac M., Vero, Florida
Weiss, Walter E., Lehighton, Pennsylvania
West, George A., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wheeler, Rev. H. E., Jonesboro, Arkansas
Whelpley, Dr. H. M., St. Louis, Missouri
Whitney, Leander. Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut
Whitney, W. R., Schenectady, New York
Wilkinson, William, Fountaintown, Indiana
Wise, B. E., Jones ville, Michigan
Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin
Wissler, Dr. Clark, American Museum of Natural History, New York
Wood, Kenneth P., Wyncote, Pennsylvania
Wren, Christopher, Plymouth, Pennsylvania
Wyoming Historical Society, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania
Zubke, Herman, Thiensville, Wisconsin
Zumstein, J. H., Rock Island, Texas
Scattered throughout the United States and Canada are many peculiar
ornamental and problematical forms in stone made and used by our
aborigines. Because students of American Indian life have been unable to
interpret the uses to which these were put, and further on account of the
apparent value attached to such objects by the native Americans, they
have been the subject of much speculation. In most cases these stone
ornaments, charms, amulets and unknown forms are wrought from stones
more or less brightly colored, banded or susceptible of a high polish. In
this respect the contrast between the ornamental class and the utility or
service tools of everyday life is quite marked. Notwithstanding the wide-
spread distribution of this class of stone artifacts and although there have
been numerous brief references to them, yet no one has devoted a volume
to their study, description and classification, that is, to all of them.
As the ornamental and problematical class occur in considerable
numbers with burials, in mounds and graves, and since they frequently
are found unassociated with more ordinary forms of Indian tools, they
have come to be regarded as representing the higher level of stone age art.
Stone age man in the United States and Canada possessed no metal,
that is, although he used copper, he treated it as a malleable stone, and was
therefore different from other primitive nations, who had discovered the
use of metal. An effigy pipe sculptured in high relief, or the artistic pottery
found in the cliff houses of the Southwest may be said to represent the
culmination of stone age art. Outside of these two divisions of prehistoric
artifacts, the problematical forms, ornamental and charm stones should
be placed as representing the highest attainment of art in stone on the part
of our aborigines. In certain sections of the United States and Canada,
the Indian had reached an advanced plane in the neolithic culture, and it
would have been but a step to that higher plane — the use of metal.
In the large museums there are hundreds of pendants, charm stones,
ornaments, and many polished stones labeled "ceremonials", banner-
stones, which are the result of accumulation of years. Most of them were
found on the surface of camp sites and others have been taken from various
mounds and graves. It is no reflection on the curators of museums to say
that in their present state, these many objects are of little use to anyone.
Certainly their educational value is practically nil. All of which is due to
the fact that we have devoted our time to the accumulation of material
and the massing of field observations. I do not mean this as a blanket
statement. It refers merely to the class of objects under consideration in
this volume. The students of the Indian languages, have done their part.
If we had as careful and detailed work upon the artifacts, as is evinced in
the publications of Boas, Hodge, Dixon, Kroeber, Hrdlicka, Pilling,
Mooney, Mallery, and many more in other divisions of American anthro-
pology, the future consideration of the ornamental-problematical forms
would be absolutely unnecessary. We need the same careful examination
of stone and analysis of stone objects as the gentlemen I have named and
others have given to language and ethnology.
The compilation of the work treating of the use of stone ornaments,
and problematical forms among the American Indians in the United States
is a difficult task.
The author of this volume has always been interested in the various
unknown forms presented in the following pages. The very fact that we
know very little concerning them seems to add, rather than detract from
the interest that one has in them.
Most readers will agree that Professor William H. Holmes is the dean
of American archaeology. Professor Holmes has devoted the best years
of a long, arduous and busy life to a study of Indian problems and parti-
cularly artifacts. Yet Professor Holmes himself has coined for the greater
number of these polished stones the term "Problematical forms".
Professor Holmes hesitated to solve the mystery connected with the origin,
development and use of this extensive class of stone artifacts. It might
seem presumptuous for anyone other than he to undertake this work.
However, some one must make a beginning — although such beginning be
fraught with uncertainty and beset by difficulties. It is quite probable
that years from now, when the entire field of Indian knowledge has been
covered, some one will do for the prehistoric American what Francis
Parkman did for the Indians of the colonial period. In the meantime,
although all of us are groping more or less in the dark, in view of the
activities of our museums, institutions, historians and collectors, it seems
to me that we have sufficient material available to warrant us in beginning
what might be termed a primary discussion of this subject.
There are in the United States and Canada to-day, a large number of
public and private museums, educational and historical associations, as
well as students of archaeology, who have in their possession large numbers
of artifacts illustrating the life of the primitive American. The extent of
these exhibitions and the grand total of objects displayed and stored is
surprisingly large, and it is only after one has inspected them that the
realization of their extent and importance comes home in the fullest sense.
It is self-evident that this increasing material, and the ever-extending field
of researches should be of real benefit and value to mankind. In brief,
these accumulations illustrating primitive culture are a part of our American
FIG. 2. (S. 1-3) Spade and Shield-shaped Gorgets. Materials |
Slate. Localities: Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin. Phillips Academy
Localities: Indiana and Ohio
FIG. 3. (S. 1-1 to 1-2.) Phillips Academy collection. The ordinary flat tablet with concave
sides and rounded ends. I have found several of these on the chests and arms of skeletons. The
lower specimen presents a peculiarity noted in a number of similar objects in the Peabody Mu-
seum, Cambridge. There is a polished groove between the two perforations. There are four or
five specimens, all from the same locality in Maine, on exhibition in the Peabody Museum which
present this peculiarity. The groove is worn smooth and apparently the polish is the result of
the rubbing back and forth of the thongs with which this specimen was fastened. To what it
was fastened I am unable to state. The upper specimen exhibits three perforations.
educational scheme. Like other divisions of education these should be put
to the greatest possible use. This applies not only to the specimens them-
selves, but equally so to the great accumulation of scientific data of all
kinds, which is continually augmented. The mere compiling of facts and
the accumulation of specimens serve no real purpose to mankind. There-
fore, I have set myself to this rather imposing task in the belief that the
work should be begun. It further seems to me that an attempt at inter-
pretation should be made, and that such is infinitely preferable to no
interpretation at all.
Readers will find in the bibliography at the end of this book, references
to all forms of ornamental-problematical stones. It was thought best to
include all the references there, rather thanjnserting them as footnotes to
accompany the text.
FIG. 4. (S. 1-1.) Perforated pebbles from near Menard
mound, Arkansas County, Arkansas. The simplest form
of ornament. Collection of C. B. Moore, Philadelphia,
FIG. 4A. (S. 1-1.) An object
of jade, which was found on a
village-site, on the banks of the
Miami River, Miami County,
Ohio. It is in the collection of
J. A. Rayner
These should precede other figures in the Classification.
Localities: Ohio, Arizona. Materials: Banded slate, sandstone, black slate, mica schist.
FIG. 5 (S. 1-2.) Pendants and shield forms (top). In the centre is a small pendant
perforated for suspension. The three specimens at the bottom of the figure represent the
squared pendant and oval pendant. The latter has been grooved for suspension. It was
probably a different form originally, judging from the perforations, and was later changed
to the pendant form. Phillips Academy collection.
It may be of some interest to readers to be informed as to the method
followed in preparation of this volume.
Even as the average student turns to the encyclopedia when desiring
to study a given subject, and ascertains what that work has to say, so one
interested in the American Indian first consults the Handbook of the
American Indian. In these volumes are found many brief references to the
more common ornamental-problematical forms. All the authorities or
writers cited were read and the net results of their observations tabulated.
Miss Ethel Cohen, familiar with research work in libraries, was assigned
the task of preparing the bibliography covering all references to ornamental-
problematical forms. This required a great deal of work in the Boston
Public Library and the Library of Harvard University, since the Phillips
Academy Library did not contain all the books, reports or articles to which
it was necessary to refer. The making of a bibliography is tedious and
requires much time. The chief task lay in the attempt to systematize
and group a class of objects scattered throughout a territory over three
thousand kilometers east and west, and two thousand kilometers north
and south. This necessitated correspondence with more than two hundred
public institutions and upwards of one thousand private individuals.
Some three thousand letters were addressed to institutions and private
collectors in the United States and Canada. About one thousand persons
replied. Of this number approximately half could give some information.
About four hundred gave more.or less detailed information. Quite a number
sent photographs and drawings, covering hundreds of specimens from
restricted areas, or various portions of the country. In each of these letters
was included a sheet of two hundred and twenty-one outlines of prob-
lematical and ornamental stones. The responses were very satisfactory
and represented sections of the United States and Canada in which these
types and their variations occur. Many of the replies were in the negative,
as was expected from persons living where the ornaments of stone do not
occur. Many returned the original sheet of outlines, marking thereon in
figures the numbers of each form found in the locality where the collector
resided. Thus a great deal of valuable information was collected, and a
rough estimate compiled by me from these replies seems to indicate that
there were more of these objects in the hands of private collectors than in
the public museums.
Rectangular forms expanding or contracting from centre.
FIG. 6. (S. 2-5.) Denotes the passing of the oval ornament into the
rectangular class and the tablet form. The long one to the left is rather
unusual. Sometimes these long ornaments have concave sides, or may
be straight pendants of unusual size. Collection of C. L. Baatz, Massillon,
The large collections owned by the eight or ten leading institutions
cannot be studied satisfactorily, for the reason that not all of the objects
are on exhibition. Such objects as can be seen in the cases are from all
sections of the United States and Canada lying in the "ornament" area.
In order to make the study complete, to these exhibits should be added
the many local collections in various portions of the United States, scores
of which are quite complete, as to types.
Many correspondents sent in outlines of forms not included in the sheet
of two hundred and twenty-one outlines. A new sheet of figures was
prepared totaling about four hundred and fifty. This sum has since been
reduced to four hundred and seven. Many of these are practically the
same form, but it was thought best to include them. A few are "freak
forms", the originals of which I have never seen. It is just possible that
some of them may not be genuine, but they are not numerous, and do not
affect the totals or the tables. Enough material was assembled from all
sources to give a fairly accurate idea of the geographic distribution of these
types among the Indians. At best, however, this work must be considered
of pioneer character. Years hence it is quite likely that some archaeologist
will arise and will be able to better classify, group and describe these
stone ornaments.
In order that so extensive an array of pictures of stones might be studied
intelligently, it was necessary to spread out all this data in a large basement.
The first arrangement was geographical. The actual specimens sent for
study, or on exhibition in the cases of Phillips Academy, number about
eighteen hundred. To this total should be added specimens observed by
the author, many of which he made outlines of in Salem, Hartford,
Cambridge, New York, Albany, Philadelphia, Washington, Burlington and
elsewhere. Every specimen in the large collection of the Museum of the
American Indian (Heye Foundation) , Smithsonian Institution or American
Museum of Natural History could not be studied in detail. Their very
numbers preclude this. Yet the author spent some time in looking through
the cases and stacks and selected numbers of specimens which the officials
kindly permitted to be photographed. Anyone familiar with these types
or forms recognizes them at a glance, and in the average collection it is
but necessary to glance through the cases and confine one's observations
to the unusual, after one has observed the prevailing types in the given
area. It would be safe to remark that about fifteen hundred were seen
in these collections. The greater number, however, were presented in
photographs, drawings and outlines from distant places which the author
was unable to visit. These illustrations spread out for study filled a space
about 170 meters in length and a meter in width and represented 4522
objects. Adding to this total over 900 carefully studied and reported upon
FIG. 7 (S. 1-1.) Gorget, shield-shaped. F. P. Thompson,
Montgomery Co., Ohio. The bands are especially clear. Ma-
terial: striped slate.
by Professor William C. Mills, 300+ by Arthur C. Parker, Esq., and 1385
in the table made by A. E. Douglas, Esq., and many local collections
throughout New England, tracings or drawings of which were secured by an
assistant sent out by me, gives a grand total of 11,221 ornamental-
problematical forms seen by the author or his friends. On the Susquehanna
river in the eight largest collections at Lock Haven, Oneonta, Wilkesbarre,
Athens, Waverly, Williamsport, and Columbia there are at least 500 orna-
mental stones, most of which were examined in May -August 1916. In this
total the objects illustrated in various reports and books are estimated at one
thousand. It is not necessary to stop and count them all, but the author
feels safe in assuming that in the extensive writings of the following gen-
tlemen, Moore, Mills, Beauchamp, Holmes, Brown, Fowke and Boyle,
there are more than one thousand specimens shown, to say nothing of
the number in papers or works of other authors. The spreading out of all
these photographs and illustrations enabled one, almost at a glance, to
note, not only the geographical distribution of these forms, but also to
observe the change of types from one area to another.
It seems to the author that all these illustrations, photographs or
outlines (many of which are exceedingly well made) give the student a
better idea of this subject than could have been obtained in any other
manner. Omitting Andover's 1592 and the Smithsonian's one thousand
(approximate), in no three institutions, or for that matter in no dozen
institutions, are there more than three thousand of these objects on exhibition.
In the hall devoted to the archaeology of the United States in the
Smithsonian Institution, one sees scattered through the cases something
like one thousand of these forms, yet there are many more stored. The
same is true of other institutions, all of which is no reflection on any of the
museums since it is manifestly impossible for them to exhibit everything.
The point is this, — that by assembling all these illustrations one has before
him practically the entire range of forms in the United States. Such arrange-
ment includes enough forms from the various institutions to give an idea of
the character of their extensive collections.
After all this material was assembled and studied, it was again
assembled according to form or type. This was a verification of the facts
obtained in the geographical study, and the two put together enabled one
to correctly draw the maps showing distribution of types.
Although all those who aided in the undertaking have been thanked,
the author desires to once more express his appreciation of the extensive
assistance rendered by persons in nearly every State in the United States,
and the Provinces of Canada. Because each man contributed his part it
was possible to cover the entire field. The assembling and study of these
several thousand objects naturally resulted in a great deal of duplication,
and in spite of considerable effort it has crept into the pages of this volume.
It was found impossible to give sizes of all the objects presented. A
sufficient number of these, with sizes appended, give an idea of the pre-
vailing length, breadth and thickness.
FIG. 8. (S. varying,) Phillips Academy collection. Three ovate pendants
drilled at either end. The one to the right is decorated with eight incised lines on
the right end, and seven at the left. The specimen to the left is full size, the centre one,
a pendant of veined quartz, is two-thirds size, while the smaller one is one-third size.
Localities: Ohio and Iowa. Materials: Black slate and granite.
That we have no proper archaeological nomenclature has often been
lamented. There is no more reason why there should not be a proper
terminology in archaeology than in geology or mineralogy. Until recently
no one attempted it, and writers followed their own fancy in naming these
things, with the inevitable result that we have many names which
are confusing, others ambiguous and still others that are crude and
I showed a sheet of outlines of types described in this volume to
Professor Charles H. Forbes, head of the Department of Latin, Phillips
Academy. Professor Forbes, after some reflection, furnished me with a
list of names derived from the Latin, such as lunate, spatulate, ovate,
geniculate, bilunate, bipennate, and so forth. There seems to be no valid
reason why some of these names should not be applied to type series of
problematical forms, and I intend to use a number of them in this volume.
The general use of these terms would simplify our descriptions and render
our work more uniform. Each of these terms would take the place of
several words which we are compelled to utilize in our descriptions, and
which carry no definite meaning. The term ovate was used in the bulletin
on gorgets and also in the Baltimore classification; lunate refers to the
moon-shaped or crescent forms; bilunate to the double crescents; bipennate
covers the double-winged forms; and spatulate the spade-shaped and such
objects which were formerly classed under the wretched term "spuds".
A somewhat limited class of objects formerly called the "L" shaped or
"three-cornered", Professor Forbes placed under the general title of
geniculate forms. Whether these will be generally accepted I do not know,
but they certainly are an improvement over the multiplicity of indefinite
words, terms, and phrases we have been compelled to use in the past.
Twenty -two years ago, in the Archaeologist (May, 1894, page 156), I
called attention to the need in this country of an archaeological nomenclature
and classification. Whether some one had preceded me, or whether I had
made similar suggestions earlier, I am unable to state, but I am of the opinion
that the matter had been suggested in one of my articles previous to the
date mentioned. However, be that as it may, no one paid attention to the
suggestion, which was afterwards repeated in two or three articles over
my signature. About five years ago, after several attempts at such a
classification, I had a long conference with Dr. Charles Peabody, and
FIG. 9. (S. 2-3.) Rectangular gorget from Michigan. This was
originally a winged-stone and was later made into an ornament. Slate.
FIG. 10. (S. 1-1.) Small circular and other pendants. New York State
Museum, Albany. See Chapter XVIII.
FIG. 11. (S. about 1-2.) Five specimens, two of which are ovate, two pointed, and
the upper one to the left is spade-shaped. The two lower are spear-shaped. But the
upper one was broken and afterwards ground down, so that its present form is no
indication that the original form was spade-shaped. Collection of Peabody Museum,
Cambridge, Mass. Localities: Ohio, West Virginia and Michigan. Materials: slate
and sandstone.
presently he took up the matter with the American Anthropological Asso-
ciation, and a committee was formed consisting of Professor John H.
Wright, Mr. J. D. McGuire, Dr. F. W. Hodge, Dr. C. Peabody, and myself,
with Dr. Peabody as chairman. We worked long and assiduously upon
this classification. Dr. Peabody and myself grouped and regrouped most
of the available specimens in the Andover collection before we were
satisfied with the results of our labors. Then we submitted our scheme to
the other members of the Committee. After more than a year of labor
the Committee presented a preliminary classification which was accepted
by the members of the Anthropological Association at the Baltimore
meeting, December, 1908.
Herewith follows that portion of the Committee's classification which
deals with the forms under study in the following pages.
I. Problematical forms
1. Laminae (i.e., flat "spuds", "gorgets", and pendants)
(A) Spade-shaped
(B) Ovate
(a) Sides concave (not common)
(b) Sides straight
(c) Sides convex
(C) Leaf-shaped
(D) Spear-shaped
(E) Rectangular
(a) Sides concave
(b) Sides straight
(c) Sides convex
(F) Shield-shaped
(G) Pendants
(a) Celt-shaped
(b) Rectangular
(c) Oval or circular
2. Resemblance to known forms
(A) Animal-shaped stones
(B) Boat-shaped stones
(C) Bar-shaped stones
(a) Longer, resembling true "bars"
(b) Shorter, "ridged" or "expanded gorgets"
(D) Spool-shaped stones
(E) Pick-shaped stones
(F) Plummet-shaped stones
(G) Geometrical forms
(a) Spheres
(b) Hemispheres
(c) Crescents
(d) Cones
3. Perforated stones with wings
(A) Wings with constant rate of change of width
(a) Wings expanding from perforation
\b) Wings with sides parallel
(c) Wings contracting from perforation
(B) Wings with varying rate of change of width.
Tubes and tube-shaped stones
Pitted stones other than 1 ammer-stones
FIG. 12. (S. 1-1.)
Locality: Arkansas.
Ovate gorget, lower edge notched. Museum of the American Indian, N. Y.
Material: red sandstone — hard.
FIG. 13. (S. 1-2.) The three to the left represent the first stage in the making of the
problematical form. That to the right, the second stage. These are of slate and are from
Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. The upper specimen is a block of slate which has been
worked into shape by means of a heavy hand-hammer. The first stage is not unlike that
observed in the manufacture of flint implements. The central and lower ones represent
the second stage in the process of pecking, while the one to the right is still further reduced,
and the elevation, strengthening the perforation, is worked into relief. When completed
they would all be of the bipennate or winged form. Phillips Academy collection.
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This interesting class of unknown objects will be studied first in the
unfinished form. Previous to this page, in Figs. 13 and 14; and subse-
quently in Figs. 15 to 22, I have presented nearly all the steps or stages
of process of manufacture in problematical forms. It would appear to
readers that the accumulation of these types is an easy matter; it is not,
but requires much time and patience and an endless correspondence. I
was more than ten years in accumulating a hundred unfinished prob-
lematical forms. These all vary according to locality and material.
There are local cultures, developed in this form of object as in flint or
other types.
There are some sites in this country where shale or slate occur; notably
at Martin's Creek, Pennsylvania, where we obtained many unfinished
bipennate or winged stones of Pennsylvania forms. These materials are
not as hard as granite, but they are not always soft. So far as I can ascertain
aboriginal man visited such places and secured masses of material. He
reduced this by pecking or abrasing with stone hammers or rough blocks
of flint (for a flint pebble makes a better hammer than other stones) .
I have, under each of these figures mentioned, stated at some length
what stages of workmanship the objects represent. Reference to these in
conjunction with reading the following paragraphs will acquaint readers
with the essential facts.
After pecking with stone hammers the surfaces and sides of the slat-j
or shale until he had reduced it to desired shape, the worker then began
to grind the stone. The scratches on several of these specimens indicate
that they were ground vigorously with other gritty stones, or rubbed back
and forth on the edges of larger stones. There is no other way to account
for the scratches on the surfaces. Possibly some have been cut with
flint flakes.
The average tablet, a flat gorget, must have been made from a piece
of slate or water-worn shale. It is not to be supposed that the native
would put himself to the trouble and inconvenience of reducing a block of
slate larger than the required size. Large fragments of slate, shale, granite,
and blooded quartz he did make into winged objects. Manifestly, he could
not make a winged object out of a thin, flat stone (such as our Committee
have classified under "laminae"). The flat tablets, gorgets and pendants
are more numerous than the winged objects, for the reason that they are
FIG. 15. (S. 3-4.) Paul S. Tooker collection, Westfield, N. J. Material: heavy slate.
The lower object roughly blocked out. The upper one pecked but not polished. Neither
are perforated. These represent the earlier stages of workmanship.
FIG. 16. (S. 1-2.) Material: grey slate. Susquehanna valley, near Scranton, Pa.
Upper object polished and drilled. Lower one shows a very rough surface, but is
drilled. There is also a groove to the left (in the upper specimen), which may mean
that the maker intended to change the form. Everhart Museum, Scranton, Pa., R. N.
Davis, Curator.
easy to make. Inspection of the specimens illustrated in Figs. 23, 27 and 28
will prove the point I make that many of these objects required little work,
save in shaping the edges. Man cut or ground the edges until they were
concave or convex or angular to suit his fancy.
Most of the rectangular and oval ornaments were ground into
form or the stone was nice and smooth, so no grinding was necessary save
on the edges. The object was then ready for perforation, and he perfor-
ated it and rubbed and polished it until the scratches had disappeared.
In the case of the winged stones much more care was necessary. The
crescents or lunate forms and the ridged stones being thicker were not as
easily broken, and we find fewer broken specimens among them than of
the winged class. There were more broken "butterfly" or winged stones
than of any other class. Because of the thin wings it was necessary for him
to work very carefully, and probably to place one-half of the specimen on a
raised surface covered with buckskin or hide and to rub that until he was
ready to turn the specimen and work on the other wing. At best the
process was a long and laborious one, as the many unfinished objects of
this character attest.
A study of the unfinished winged objects in the Andover collection
furnishes one with a great deal of information. When I said that we had
a hundred unfinished winged problematical forms, I meant of those with
exaggerated wings, those in which the wings are the prominent feature.
The larger objects in all the collections examined indicate that, after
being quarried, or, if not quarried, after the blocks were chipped or ham-
mered, the process of pecking followed next. Then grinding, scratching, or
cutting. Last of all came rubbing with softer materials and polishing.
Another thing that we proved was that most of these winged objects were
drilled with a reed drill. Illustrations of the core remaining in the centre of
the perforation are shown in Fig. 85. It is also apparent that the specimens
were drilled before they were nearly completed. A specimen is not worked
down quite thin before the drilling is undertaken. Apparently, the pecking
has been ended, most of the grinding done, and the fine grinding and
polishing remain to be completed after the specimen is drilled.
Mr. Paul S. Tooker of Westfield, New Jersey, sent me some sixty
New Jersey specimens for study and description in this volume. Some of
these were unfinished and others had been broken and re-worked. The
number of unfinished objects of the ornamental-problematical class in
New Jersey exceeds those found in New England.
On an island in the Susquehanna River some miles below Columbia,
Pennsylvania, is a ledge of heavy slate. The Indians resorted to it for the
manufacture of winged-perforated objects and large numbers of unfinished
forms in all stages of workmanship have been found. Mr. Theodore L.
FIG. 17. (S. 1-3.) A large double-winged problematical form, roughly worked
out of dark gray slate. The unusual size of this object makes it very interesting.
It is about two cm. in thickness. It wras found by a farmer near the home
of Mr. Addis, Albion, Indiana, to whom the Museum of Andover is indebted for a
number of fine specimens of the problematical class.
In this specimen the work has passed to the second stage. Pecking is finished,
some grinding remains. But neither of these will be undertaken until the perfora-
tion is completed. And there is no indication that the Indian had begun it.
Urban of Columbia has more than 150 unfinished ones in his large col-
lection. For the most part they are rude, but partly completed ones are
not wanting.
My field notes on the Susquehanna Expedition state:—
"Fishing Creek, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. — On Mountain
Island there seems to have been a long-settled Indian village in which
quantities of relics have been obtained. The spot is most interesting
because the Indians seem to have gone to the mainland to the east of the
island and there obtained slate which they brought back to the island and
manufactured into ceremonial objects, such as banner-stones and gorgets.
The party found a large number of fragments, ranging from plain slabs
of slate to banner-stones in all stages of completion.
"Some examples of the unfinished objects, although broken, were
found. It is a matter of common knowledge .to the farmers in this neigh-
borhood that these objects are abundant on Mountain Island. Some miles
above this island was a smaller island now covered by water since the
erection of McCall's Ferry dam. On this small island hundreds of frag-
mentary and half-made banner-stones, with numbers of finished implements,
are said to be found."
In New Jersey the winged stones are more frequently of shale, quartzite,
and granite than of banded slate. This is true of Delaware and lower New
York. The stones are thin in the centre (See Figs. 230 and 232) and the
wings usually curve downwards instead of being at right angles, or expand-
ing from the perforations. These New Jersey types to me suggest a bird
in motion, and may stand for the "thunder-bird", so common in American
Mr. Tooker possesses a broken bipennate form of mica schist. This has
been perforated through the centre at right angles to the original long
perforation, and was worn as an ornament until the rough, broken edges
became polished through use. The New Jersey specimens look old and do
not appear to show white man's influence in any way.
In his collection was a bit of broken winged object made from quartzite,
commonly called blooded quartz stone from Arkansas. This specimen
was probably secured by the New Jersey natives through exchange.
All ornamental objects pass through very much the same evolution.
That is, they are all made by hand from slates, shales, sandstone, granite,
mica schist, and some of the rarer materials. The stone selected is usually
more slab-like than a pebble, unless the native desires to make a plummet,
spherical or thick object. Slate and shale have been quarried in certain
portions of the country where they were not numerous on the surface or
where a better material could be secured from ledges. This is notably
FIG. 18. (S. 1-3.) Four winged, unfinished, problematical forms from Ohio,
Indiana and Pennsylvania. Material: highly banded slate. Phillips Academy
collection. Two of these were collected by Albert L. Addis, of Albion, Indiana.
The upper one at the right is interesting in that it has been perforated, as if worn
for suspension in the unfinished stage. Such use is frequently noted in these objects,
and is to me an indication of great age, that they were made by a certain individual,
lost, afterwards found by another individual, an unknown length of time intervening,
and perforated. This, being of the winged type, seems too heavy to be worn sus-
pended as an ornament, yet the perforation seems to indicate that purpose. The
perforation is different from that ordinarily seen in winged objects, being at right
angles to the faces instead of parallel to them.
true of the site near Martin's Creek, Pa., portions of Delaware, New
Jersey, Ohio, the Columbia, Pa., site referred to, and elsewhere.
Out of about 4522 objects shown in the photographs and drawings
and the two thousand or more original specimens studied by the
author of this volume, something like twenty per cent are unfinished.
As he writes this page, there lie before him drawings of over three hundred
unfinished problematical forms from Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Kentucky, Georgia, and
Tennessee. Yet, curiously, there are vastly more specimens of unfinished
winged stones than of the simple, ovate and rectangular, single and double
perforated pendants, ornaments and tablets. The number of unfinished
winged and complicated forms is out of all proportion to the simple forms.
That is true of every large collection. The only exceptions are found in
collections from the outskirts of the area indicated on the maps, and which
I have presumed to call the heart of the ornamental-problematical belt.
This fact illustrates the importance of intensified study, and that it is
necessary to assemble large numbers of pictures of these things, in order to
be able to properly study or group them. A few hundred of these objects
assembled would not bring out strongly this interesting fact of the pre-
ponderance of the unfinished complicated forms over those of simple design.
Naturally, one would conclude that the rectangular and oval forms in
unfinished state would be most numerous. It is not necessary to present
large numbers of these unfinished objects, since, as stated above, the
evolution is practically the same.
Primitive man selected an ordinary flat stone for the oval or rectangular
ornament, pecked and ground it by means of stone hammers and bits of
sandstone, then perforated the stone and polished it. There is no evidence
that he made the perforation before he began the pecking and grinding
process. Again, he generally perforated the winged stone after the pecking-
grinding had progressed to some extent. There may be a few exceptions,
but as a rule, he would not attempt to drill the object after the wings had
been worked down to the required thinness. There is too much danger of
breakage. In the case of the flat ornament (simple forms) it did not matter
when he perforated them, since in drilling of flat surfaces there was little
or no danger of breakage.
FIG. 19. (S. 3-4.)
ground but not polished.
Paul S. Tooker collection, Westfield, N. J. Of argillite,
FIG. 20. (S. 4-5.) James A. Branegan collection, Millbourne, Pa. Roughly
pecked out. Not ground and not polished. Material: granite. Cecil Co., Md.
FIG. 20A. (S. 1-1.) Short winged object, showing that perforation was made
by means of a reed drill, the core remaining in the hole. Reed drills were made
use of in many of the larger problematical forms. Another example of reed drilling
is shown in Fig. 85.
FIG. 21. (S. 3-5.) Large, unfinished, winged object of fine-grained, highly
banded slate. This shows the specimen at a stage when the pecking and grinding
are completed and the object is partly polished After further rubbing, the speci-
men would be perforated through the centre, and the edges further ground down.
Collection of J. E. McLain, Bluffton, Indiana.
What was the form of the first ornaments used or worn by primitive
man in the United States or Canada? Manifestly, no one knows
positively what the earliest inhabitants of this country wore in the way
of personal adornment. For that matter we do not know with certainty
whether they made use of ornaments of any description. The old theory
was that men of the early stone age had not begun to make ornaments.
Yet later discoveries in Europe would indicate that men of a very early
period made paintings and drawings on the walls of caverns and that these
pictures exhibit artistic ability. Eliminating paleolithic man of Europe,
and confining our consideration to the United States and Canada, we are
not certain that man existed here in a state of culture so low that it may be
considered as representing the paleolithic. But the discoveries of Mr. Volk
and Dr. Abbott at Trenton, which are generally known, would tend in
that direction. Yet the majority of students of the Indian are not willing
to admit that man lived in North America at as early a period as he did in
Europe. Discarding the question of paleolithic man here, and coming
down to more recent times, we find that very primitive peoples such as
the Seri observed by McGee, or some of the Shoshoni seen by Lewis and
Clark, had scarcely developed the art of ornamentation. Among them,
very simple ornaments of wood, shell or stone might have been in use,
although McGee believes that ornaments were practically unknown among
the Seri. That may be true, yet it cannot be affirmed as a general propo-
sition to be applied to the whole of the United States and Canada. Simple
ornaments, such as perforated stones or shells are not necessarily confined
to realms of antiquity. The Seri and Shoshoni seem to be exceptions and
should not affect the entire area. It seems reasonable to suppose that the
first aborigines, whether they came from Asia or across a land bridge from
Europe, or whether they developed on this continent (as Brinton once
thought), first used simple ornaments. If they began with the more com-
plicated forms, these would indicate that they had come here from else-
where when in a more or less advanced stage of barbarism. This also brings
to mind what seems to the writer to be quite important: that if they had
come from elsewhere in an advanced stage of barbarism, they would have
brought here forms of ornaments and artifacts found in some other
portions of the world. It is surprising that, taken as a whole, the Red
American artifacts and ornaments are different from those made use of
by any other people on the face of the globe. The term as a whole, is used
FIG. 22. (S. 4-5.) Collection of Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y. Material: sandstone. Localities:
Otsego and Oneonta Plains, New York.
FIG. 23. (S. 1-2.) Peabody Museum, Harvard University, collection. Further
development of the single-perforation stone ornament. The circular disc is often
found, and was probably an ear-ring. Localities: Ohio. Materials: banded and
ordinary slate.
advisedly and, of course, it means that the art should be considered in its
ensemble. Arrow-heads, celts, bone awls, ordinary clay pots, many of the
shell ornaments, some stone ornaments, spindle whorls and other things
found here cannot be distinguished from elsewhere in the world. Along
with these things that are similar everywhere, are scores of types totally
dissimilar and, because of this fact, stamp the American culture as
Anyone who cares to investigate this interesting phase of prehistoric
life may settle the problem for himself by studying the extensive African,
Egyptian, Assyrian, Swiss Lake Dweller, Australian and Scandinavian
collections, and compare them in their ensemble with the complete
American collections in any large museum.
The simple oval ornament doubtless developed among all peoples of
the world, when they were in the stone age. It is natural to suppose that
the first man, whether in America, Egypt or France, perforated a unio or
other shell and hung it about his neck or let it dangle from his belt. The
use of shell extended down to neolithic times in Europe, just as the plain
shell ornaments among our Indians later became the engraved gorgets of
our Tennessee mounds, or the slender shell hairpins of the Cumberland
graves. Again, if one will reflect upon the beginning of human culture
here in North America, it is reasonable to suppose that the use of shell
preceded that of wood or stone. Wood had to be fashioned. Stone must
be drilled, whereas the clamshell may be easily perforated and worn. An
Indian traveling along the rocky shore of some stream, or near the ocean
observed a piece of shale or colored stone. Its color attracted him and he
picked it up and with thorn or splinter of stone drilled a hole through the
top, thus making a rude ornament.
Now, while such Indians as the Seri have not progressed, we must not
imagine that the rate of progress among all tribes was slow. It may have
required considerable lapse of time for ornamentation to develop. No
man can affirm with assurance as to this.
We may imagine that the first aborigine to discover the possibilities of
the stone ornament, selected an unusually soft claystone, punched a hole
through it with a thorn, and the material being very soft, the rim between
the perforation and the upper part gave way and the stone was lost. Mean-
time, other natives, seeing and admiring this new ornament, followed his
example. Presently it was ascertained that slate and sandstone, while
harder to drill, retained their shape and were more serviceable than softer
clay stones (See Fig. 22). Somebody discovered that it was well to make
two perforations in the oval stone. Again, that by grinding the edge of the
stone one could change the form, and thus the simpler objects shown in
Figs. 23 and 26 came into use. A stone of about the desired shape was
FIG. 21. (S. 5-6.) Willard E. Yager Collection, Oneonta, N. Y. An unusual per-
foration in the ovate forms. Localities : Susquehanna River banks near Oneonta . Material :
FIG. 25. (S. 4-5.) Small pendant or ear-ring and winged object. The pendant is of
black slate from Michigan. The winged object is worked unusually thin and made of a
light green slate. It is found near Nashville, Tennessee. While the pendant or ear-ring
may properly be included in this class of objects, the winged stone should come under the
classification of bipennatc forms. The ornament is notched on the lower end.
worked accordingly, and flat discs remained as more or less circular or
rectangular ornaments. Thus slate and shale, rectangular in the natural
state, were made into rectangular or square ornaments and tablets.
The simple oval ornament, whether perforated or unperforated, is
distributed more widely than any other type or form in the United States
and Canada.
In Figs. 205 to 210 I have shown all the forms, and in Fig. 202
I have indicated the ovate-gorget distribution. Readers will observe
that in the method of arrangement some other grouping is quite possible.
That is, another student or observer might conclude that I have not
properly grouped these objects. The oval perforated ornament is present
in large numbers of collections. What are supposed to be primary forms
are placed first in the plans. It is a natural step in the evolution of these
forms from the oval, single perforated ornaments to the double, drilled
ornaments and those with triple perforations. From the flat, oval ornaments
to the rectangular ornaments there is a gradual development or change.
The rectangular passes through a like period of evolution until one reaches
tablets and specialized forms.
In Figs. 205 to 210 some of the very gradual changes are not shown, but
the writer has endeavored to present a sufficient number. These things being
hand-made, it is natural that they should vary. If the personal equation
enters into the grouping of these, certainly the individual fancy of the
Indians who made them enters into it much more considerably. It might be
said of ornaments in general what was said of common arrow-heads, that
there were not two exactly alike. How many objects of Indian manufacture
I have examined during my lifetime it would be impossible to state, but
of all that number I have never seen two that were exactly alike. This
does not refer to machine-made wampum, or objects in use among historic
tribes, but, on the contrary, to stone artifacts and ornaments. For all
practical purposes, however, in our study of these objects, they should be
grouped as nearly as possible according to the form. The simple oval orna-
ment to which this chapter is devoted, is illustrated in numbers in the figures
scattered throughout the text.* That some of these objects were in use
in historic times no one will deny; that many of them are ancient is also
quite true. It requires no skill to shape and drill those represented by the
outlines in Fig. 205. Tribes of the most primitive culture could easily
possess themselves of these things, and their wide distribution throughout
the area (Fig. 202) indicates this fact.
In Chapter XX, devoted to objects found in the mounds and graves,
numbers of them are noted in the publications by Mr. Moore, Professor
*In the Bibliography all the articles upon them will be found cited .
FIG. 26. (S. 1-5.) A good series of the flat, rectangular gorgets and a few ovate
ones. The three central objects and the lower central one do not belong in this
classification. Students should examine all these twenty-seven objects carefully.
Materials: slate, granite, sandstone, diorite. Localities: chiefly Ohio; a few from
Indiana. Collection of J. A. Rayner, Piqua, Ohio.
Mills and others. My own explorations in small mounds of the Ohio Valley
lead me to believe that more of them occur among the more primitive
cultures than among the higher cultures, although they are present there.
Rude implements found among people who were capable of making artistic
and complete forms, simply means that there were poor, careless workmen
among the Indians as among ourselves. There are other specimens, how-
ever, that show weathering and from their appearance, or position in the
older mounds or graves, must be of considerable antiquity. A few oval
forms, perforated or unperforated, which the writer has observed in
ethnological collections look fresh compared with those from mounds or
graves in which skeletons have either disappeared or are fragmentary, but
oval forms occasionally found in the Red Paint People's graves in Maine
are much weathered and appear very old.
The simple form of ornament was doubtless worn as a pendant. Having
one perforation, it did not lend itself conveniently to any other use. No one
seems to have assigned these to a different purpose other than as pendants
or personal ornaments.
FIG. 27. (S. 1-2.) Mottled slate. Susquehanna River, near Scranton, Pa.
Davis, Curator. This is a primary form of a singly perforated gorget.
Everhart Museum, R. N.
FIG. 29. (S. 1-2.) The purpose of these spade-shaped forms
is not clear. Probably they are developments of the simple,
straight-side ornament. Phillips Academy collection. Ma-
terial: slate. Localities: Ohio.
FIG. 30. (S. 1-1.) This long, rectangular slate ornament
becoming broken was ground down and re-perforated and used
for suspension. This specimen was originally something like
15 cm. in length and was perforated about 5 cm. from
either end. Originally it was worn or tied at right angles to
the position in which it would hang in its present form.
Phillips Academy collection. From Ohio.
FIG. 28. (S. 1-1.) Material: fine gray sandstone — hard. Locality: near Westfield, N J.
Tooker collection. This is a gorget rather than an ovate form.
Paul S.
In 1906 Dr. Charles Peabody, Director of the Department of Arch-
aeology, Phillips Academy, and myself published a monograph devoted to
a study of gorgets. There is considerable demand for this publication,
and it has been out of print for several years. Hence it may not be con-
sidered improper to quote a few pages from our publication.
The bibliography compiled by Dr. Peabody included 138 references.
The monograph was the result of considerable study, travel and corre-
spondence. It was confined to a technical description of gorgets, omitting
winged objects and everything except flat and ridged ornaments perforated
in the centre or near the end. None of the objects classed as gorgets were
drilled through their long diameter. The authors personally examined
and measured 126 gorgets on exhibition in the Peabody Museum, Harvard,
282 in the Phillips Academy collection, making a total of 408. This total
does not include objects in other collections.
All measurements were in the metric system, and the ten classes care-
fully studied from every possible point of view. In fact, the measurements
in all classes except Number 10 were as complete as it was possible to make
Omitting the reference to the plates the result of our study was the
following classification : —
Class 1 Spade-shaped
Class 2 Ovate. Ends rounded
(A) Sides concave
(B) Sides straight or irregular
(C) Sides convex
Leaf-shaped. Ends pointed
Spear-shaped. One end pointed
(A) Sides concave
(B) Sides straight
(C) Sides convex
Class 6 Ridged. Surface elevated
Class 7 Expanded at middle
Class 8 Shield-shaped
Class 9 Pendants
(A) Celt-shaped
(B) Rectangular
(C) Oval or circular
Class 10 Unusual forms
FIG. 31. (S. 1-1.) A long, pointed red
sandstone ornament with notches (pre-
sumably records) on either edge and
originally perforated near each end. Be-
coming broken, it was perforated on either
side at the top either for repair or for
suspension. Phillips Academy collection.
Lo.-ality: Ohii>.
FIG. 32. (S. 1-1.) A good illustration
of the elongated gorget form, pointed at
either end, highly polished. Such a speci-
men as this must have been highly prized
by ancient man. Collection of Dudley A.
Martin, Duboistown, Pa. Material: red
It should be borne in mind that this classification precedes that made
by the Nomenclature Committee of the American Anthropological Asso-
ciation at the Baltimore Meeting in 1898. The authors stated*:— "Each
specimen in the tables has also been studied as to its length, breadth and
thickness, its materials, provenance, perforations, and any signs it may carry
of wearing by use. The perforations have also been studied in regard to their
number, position and countersinking. A perforation is described as counter-
sunk when it possesses a diameter decreasing with the distance from the face.
The countersinking has been studied in regard to upon which face, where
significant, lies the larger diameter of the perforation; in other words,
generally, upon which face has been done the greater countersinking.
"In any description of objects whose forms are humanly determined,
an exact limitation of classes is not possible; one division or subdivision
encroaches upon the territory of its neighbor; exact boundaries are no more
to be found than the termination of a repetend. In like manner the personal
equation enters into the active work of the student of specimens. Had the
two collections been studied inversely by the authors or by others the
statistics would not be identical, nor would they be identical were the same
men to repeat their task. As in a composite photograph or an impressionist
picture, blurred outlines do not impair the truth of the presentation,
and individual variation in either the makers of the object or in the investi-
gators has little influence on the sum total of results."
Gorgets as shown by our maps and illustrations gradually merge into
more complicated forms. A lengthy description of them is not necessary,
since they have been so completely studied by Dr. Peabody in the mono-
graph. But one of the most interesting features in connection with these
stones is the use to which prehistoric man put broken gorgets. In some
instances the maker has attempted to repair them by drilling one, two or
three holes slightly back from the margin where the break occurred. In
other specimens (See Figs. 30, 35 and 219) additional perforations have
been drilled in order that the gorget might again be worn as an ornament.
Many broken winged or problematical forms were drilled and worn and made
use of by Indians in subsequent times. In many of these the secondary
perforations are fresher and less weathered than the originals. This
naturally brings up the question as to how much time elapsed between the
original manufacture and the later working.
"Because of its unusual high polish and slightly oval surface, we
cannot well illustrate No. 39544, which was found by Clarence B. Moore in
Washington County, Florida, in 1902 (See Fig. 103). This is a remarkable
*Peabody, Chas. and Moorehead, W. K., The So-called "Gorgets", pp. 6 ff.
FIG. 33. (S. 1-2.) Dark slate.
Near Scranton, Pa. Everhart
Museum, Scranton. A specially
worked gorget. These variations
are not uncommon. Yet a gorget
notched or grooved in the centre
FIG 34. (S. 1-1.) An unusual form of ornament.
Small perforation at the top, grooves or indenta-
tions, forming a neck. Large perforations below,
which are worn smooth. A few such ornaments
have been found in this country, but they are ex-
ceedingly rare. Material: dark red jasper. Col-
lection of F. B. Valentine, Ridgeley, West Virginia.
specimen, and although it is set down as having one surface flat and the
other convex, it would be more accurate to say that the flat or upper surface
is slightly hollow. The entire specimen is highly polished, so much so that
it has a glossy appearance. The specimen is broken. After breaking
it has been used, possibly by later Indians, for smoothing the sinews or
similar purposes, as there are grooves worn across its large diameter.
These grooves almost obliterate the perforation. It is possible but not
probable, that the specimen was a pipe of the monitor type. There is
a raised circular line still traceable, and this was originally 25 mm. in
diameter. As this is in the centre of the object at the broken end, where
the specimen is 11 mm. thick, it is possible that this may have been the
base of the bowl."*
A winged-perforated object (Phillips Academy, No. 18144), was broken
long ago, and the Indian who found it drilled it at the top and wore
it as an ornament. All the edges and perforations carry patina and evince
great age. This is a very old specimen, and we may construct theories
that the second tribe made of it an entirely different object than that
intended through the workmanship of the first.
The Phillips Academy collection contains a broken gorget of curious,
mottled stone, No. 25011, found in the Connecticut Valley. There were
two perforations, one on either side of the centre. "The one that remains
shows unmistakable wearing in the perforation. The specimen is not
a work of art, but is one of the most important in this entire series,
if not in the entire museum, because it clearly and positively indicates
that two strings were put through the opening, and the wearing is on such
side of the perforation as could come from two strings and not from one.
The wearing is at the right of the perforation on one side, and at the left
of it on the other. Further, the specimen was worn across the body or
at least tied across something rather than in a vertical position; the thong
or cord slipped and caused the wearing. To the suggestion that the speci-
men should show wearing on four sides of the perforation rather than on
two, it may be remarked that the string while flat and tight against one
surface was tied to something on the other side that elevated or brought it
out more from the perforation. Possibly this may seem ambiguous, but if
one experiments with strings, as has been done, he will observe that it is
impossible for one string to cause the wearing indicated. One string
drawn back and forth will cause a polish on the edges of the perforation at
the same places on either side. The more one studies these objects the
firmer becomes the conviction that the term 'gorget', as applied to some of
them as a class, is misleading or even more than misleading. That most
of them are gorgets one may not deny. That a lesser number are not
*Bulletin No. 2, "So-called Gorgets'', p. 86.
FIG. 35. The upper ones, full size. The two to the left, 1-3 size. The two to the
right, 3-5 size. Phillips Academy collection. Several of the broken and re-worked
forms are described on pages 57 and 59. Materials: black and banded slate, steatite
and granite. Localities: Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Massachusetts.
gorgets we are free to affirm; that the bulk of them one cannot positively
assign to this purpose or that purpose is quite probable."*
"Moorehead found more of them on prehistoric sites than on Shawano
or Delaware sites in the Ohio Valley. From the surface of South Fort at
Fort Ancient, Warren County, Ohio, he collected one rectangular gorget
with straight sides and two perforations; one oval, with two perforations;
one concave, two perforations; one rectangular pendant, straight sides,,
one perf oration. f
"In graves within the South Fort, he found two pendant-shaped
gorgets among decayed human bones. There was one perforation near
the end of each gorget.
"In the Coiner mound, three miles east of Frankfort, Ohio, a diamond-
shaped gorget was found under the head of a skeleton .J
"Three miles down the Scioto River from Chillicothe, in the Redman
mound, were found two gorgets: one with expanded centre, two per-
forations, with skeleton; one broad, with concave sides, two perforations^
and under head of skeleton. Both of these were of slate.
"With skeleton No. 278, in the Hopewell group (explored 1891), lay
a gorget of cannel coal.
"The Storey mound, west of Chillicothe, sheds some light upon the
gorget class. On the right wrist of a skeleton was found a fine expanded-
centre gorget of ribbon slate, with two perforations. On the left wrist
there was one of the same kind, but not perforated. Also at the left wrist
was a concave one with unusually sharp edges.**
"In the Roberts mound, Perry County, Ohio, was found a gorget
injured by fire. It was thick, expanded centre, with two perforations^
and lay amid the remains of a cremated skeleton.
"At the Corwin mound, one and one-half miles north of Waverly,
Ohio, a curious thick stratum of a soft, black substance lay upon the
base-line. In this were several objects of the 'problematical' class. One,
of galena, had two perforations, and was almost boat-shaped.**5
"At Beavertown, Ohio, in a mound, the same survey discovered
another slate gorget with straight sides and two perforations."
In all these burials with skeletons, the forms found were chiefly the
pendant, the expanded centre, the ridged and the octagonal outline and
"Reference has been made to certain ornaments made of broken
ceremonials or broken gorgets. It seems that they may mean more than
*ibid. pp. ff. 88
fFort Ancient, p. 111.
^.Primitive Man in Ohio, p. 131.
** Report of The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society, vol. vn, p. 134.
***ibid p. 161.
FIG. 36. (S. 10-11.) Decorated gorget. Fine-grained purple slate. Highly
polished. Purple slate is often used for these things in the Susquehanna Valley.
Found at the well-known "Cold Spring", on the banks of the Susquehanna, about
4 kilometers above Oneonta. Willard E. Yager Collection, Oneonta, N. Y. (See
Chapter XXVI.)
Fio. 37. (S. 1-1.) Found in central part of Sussex County. A gorget of pink,
hard sandstone, curiously mottled, being on one side pink and on the other varie-
gated with yellow and green bands. Apparently this stone was considered unusual
by the Indians. They had drawn five wigwams near one end, and a snowshoe and
other objects at the other end and in the centre. There are four notches on each
side, made V-shaped, and six in each end. Collection of Paul S. Tooker, Esq.,
Westfield, New Jersey.
what is implied in the simple statement that a broken ornament was
re-made into a serviceable ornament. That the following is probable, it
is not claimed, but the assertion is ventured that it is possible. Since on
becoming broken they are afterwards made into entirely different objects in
shape, is it not possible that in their original form they were made and
used by a much earlier tribe? That they were found upon the surface by
later natives, and were fashioned by them into such ornaments as are
common upon sites occupied in comparatively recent times? If this is not so,
why do all the broken stones, when re-fashioned, take the form of ornaments
different from those found generally throughout the country? It may be
offered as a suggestion that the original form was a design common to the
tribe that made them. Becoming broken they were cast aside. Subsequent
individuals or tribes made quite differently-shaped gorgets, and accordingly
changed the broken gorget of their predecessors to the pattern that best
suited them."
Regarding Wisconsin gorgets, Mr. Charles E. Brown, curator of the
Wisconsin Historical Society, writes me: —
"Wisconsin has produced a large number of gorgets. A few are from
mounds or graves. They range in their distribution from the Wisconsin-
Illinois line as far north as Barren and Langlade counties, and embrace
a variety of well-known as well as some curious forms. A small number
are ornamented with incised markings upon one or both faces. Some bear
a succession of small incisions upon their edges at the extremities or sides,
or in both places.
"Our gorgets are made of slate, steatite, catlinite, sandstone, limestone*
syenite, mica schist, and of other materials. Most specimens have a single
perforation near one extremity or at the middle. A smaller number have
two perforations, these being placed at the middle, or one near either end.
Gorgets with three or more perforations are of rare occurrence. Unper-
forated specimens and specimens in which the drilling has only been begun
are occasionally found. Broken and re-drilled examples occur. The ac-
companying outlines are of some of the common and of the infrequent
"Rectangular and oval gorgets (See Fig. 205, outlines 46 to 85) are also
of quite common occurrence. Examples have been recovered in Milwaukee,
Waukesha, Rock, Sauk, Manitowoc, Winnebago, Juneau, Portage, Wau-
paca, Outagamie, and other counties.
"A small number of small perforated stone ornaments, known to local
collectors as 'pendants', have also been found on Wisconsin camp or village-
sites. These are often circular, oval, or triangular in shape. A few are in
the shape of small animals. These are made of catlinite."
FIG. 38. (S. 1-1.) Front view of the "Owl Ornament", found in a grave at
Fort Ancient, Ohio, 1882. Collection of Ohio State University. One of the first
specimens collected by W. K. Moorehead at Fort Ancient. Material: graphite slate.
Few finer problematical forms have been found. There are two grooves on the
face and back of this object. One runs from the top down about 4 cm., intersecting
the other. In the angles formed by these two grooves are two perforations extend-
ing through the stone and drilled from each side. At the bottom is an oval-shaped
hole on the face extending through. This latter perforation does not exhibit an
oval shape from the rear, but presents a round appearance. Around this oval-
shaped depression are fourteen holes, each drilled about 3 mm. deep. They present
the form of an arrow-head, or a heart. On the reverse side are two holes above
the oval perforations which are not drilled through the stone, and which lie just
under the horizontal groove.
FIG. 39 (S. 1-1). The "Owl Ornament", reverse of Fig. 38
These have been placed under the general title of gorgets. It is quite
likely that the double or single perforated gorget, whether shield-shaped,
spatulate form, contracting centre or expanding centre, was but a higher
development of the single perforated pendant. They are closely related,
and it requires no stretch of imagination to classify them thus. Fig. 207 (upper
row) clearly indicates this, and all these forms are strikingly alike, being
fashioned along one general plan. It is quite obvious that objects from
flat pebbles or water-worn slabs of slate or other stone were easier to manu-
facture than the winged and complicated types. The fact that these
various forms of gorgets are much more numerous indicates the correctness
of this view. However, while the gorgets of all kinds are numerous, there
is an exception in that the ridged gorgets are far less in number than the
winged forms. Reference to Figs. 205 to 210, where all the outlines are
assembled in regular order, will acquaint readers with the gradual change
of the gorget forms to the more complicated ones.
To take these up in great detail would necessitate more or less
repetition of that which precedes and that which follows. Therefore, it is
just as well to curtail the text in this chapter and present sufficient illus-
trations to cover the forms. By reference to the various maps, plans, and
tables, readers will be able to obtain the necessary information, and thus
obviate the necessity of lengthy description of each sub-division of type
or variation.
The ridged gorgets can be carried through a series ending with the form
shown to the left in Fig. 176. This is specialized until the knob is almost
horn-like in its elevation. Taking this in its extreme and working back
to the forms shown in Fig. 42, quite a wide range has been covered.
Figures 163 to 166 illustrate the gorgets contracting in the centre,
expanding in the centre, and, one to the right in Fig. 44, a spatulate form.
In Fig. 248 are two tablets, center of lower row. The tablets may have
straight or concave sides, but they are very seldom expanded in the centre.
There are short, rather thick gorgets expanded in the centre and illus-
trations of these are given in Figs. 46 and 42. These seem to vary from the
gorget type and I am rather uncertain whether they should be classed as
We might profitably study them in some detail. An examination
of perforations, measurements of length, breadth and thickness — all
of these things were done and statistical tables presented in a previous
FIG. 40. (S. 1-2.) Face of one gorget and rear of another gorget with expanded
sides. The face is flat, the reverse is convex. These are usually perforated from
the face downward, the holes being small on the reverse. They were not drilled with
a reed or hollow drill, as the ho.es are cone-shaped. This type and the flat,
tablet-like form occur more in the mounds than other forms, and seem to have
been favorite ornaments among mound-building tribes. Nearly all such thick
gorgets are made of slate. Localities: Ohio, West Virginia. Phillips Academy
FIG. 41. (S. 1-1.) Material: steatite. Found in Erie County, Pa. Holes show
string wear Collection of F. C. Dean, Ripley, N. Y.
publication.* A further examination by measurements and analysis of
surfaces of some thousands of them might widen the horizon of our knowl-
edge. We need not take up that technique here, but we should consider
the differences between the flat gorgets and the ridged ones.
It seems to me that we are passing over the border-land from gorgets
to something else when we consider the thick, ridged forms. These may
be grouped until our series ends in the "coffin-shaped" form which is
unperf orated.
This latter type (See Fig. 42) is less widely distributed than the flat
ornaments, whether they be of expanding or contracting centres. Reference
to the tables, Chapter XXIII, will show this.
As to how the elevated, ridged or thick gorgets were mounted we do
not know. Certainly flat, thin ornaments or gorgets could be more easily
and conveniently worn than the thicker ones. That the long and thick
ones may have been arm-guards worn by archers is quite likely. And
this is equally true of the slender bar-shaped amulets. The tablets and
wide forms seem to have been for other purposes, since they could not be
quite so conveniently worn. I have used a heavy English bow in experi-
menting as to how far arrows could be thrown at Fort Ancient. At full
strength the bow pulled about sixty pounds. Without protection the
cord would cut one's arm. I found that leather, or a strip of wood was
more satisfactory as a protector. It does not seem that the Indians would
make use of perforated stones as arm protectors when hide or wood was
more easily and naturally shaped for this purpose. However, some observers
claim the arm-protection theory for certain of these stones and they may
be correct.
The position of gorgets and tablets in the mounds and graves on
skeletons leads me to conclude that they are personal ornaments pure and
simple rather than utility objects. There appears to be much labor expended
upon many of them. Indians were not wont to engage in profitless labor
and I cannot conceive that stone age man used his works of art for ordinary
The long, "bobbin-shaped" objects may be a division of ridged gorgets,
but I doubt it, since they are not perforated. Examples of these are shown
to the left in Fig. 44 and in Figs. 47 and 48. These constitute a class by
themselves and it is difficult to group them. In the series of outlines they
are placed together and form a separate class. It will be observed that
they are narrow and often pointed. A short distance from the upper end
there is a pronounced ridge or elevation; occasionally this encircles the
specimen, but usually they are slightly flattened on one side. They are
•Bulletin No. 2. The So-called "Gorgete". C. Peabody and W. K. Moorehead. 1906.
never perforated and do not seem to belong in the pendant class. The
longer and more slender ones may have been worn in the scalp-lock, but
they seem rather heavy to serve such a purpose. Like many other prob-
lematical forms their purpose must remain a mystery. I have said more
concerning them on page 73.
Mr. Beasley found quite a number of expanded gorgets in Alabama.
They probably represent a local development of this form. Large numbers
seem to have been made and were doubtless exchanged with other tribes.
Under the picture, the word "unfinished" is used, yet they may be finished
FIG. 42. (S. 1-3.) Unfinished objects, ridged, with expanded sides. Material:
slate and shale. Collection of B. Beasley, Montgomery, Alabama.
FIG. 43. (S. 1-3.) Bar-amulet
and four ridged objects, somewhat
different from bar -amulets, but
of such forms as could be ranged
in a series, beginning with bar-
amulet and ending in a ridged
type, or nee versa.
FIG. 44. (S 1-1.) Specimen to left, Warren County, Ohio.
Object to right, from Darke County, Ohio. Both of ribbon slate.
Collection of F. P. Thompson, Lancaster, Ohio.
There has been very little said about either the elongated, perforated
bar-amulets or the hollowed shorter objects, known as the boat-stones.
The Handbook of the American Indians, page 157, contains descriptions of
boat-stones, written by Gerard Fowke, Esq., and Professor Holmes. I
quote their remarks: —
"Prehistoric objects of polished stone having somewhat the shape of
a canoe, the use of which is unknown. Some have straight parallel sides
and square ends; in others the sides converge to a blunt point. A vertical
section cut lengthwise of either is approximately triangular, the long face
is more or less hollow, and there is usually a perforation near each end;
some have a groove on the outer or convex side, apparently to receive a
cord passed through the holes. Sometimes there is a keel-like projection
in which this groove is cut. It is surmised that they were employed as
charms or talismans and carried about the person. They are found spar-
ingly in most of the States east of the Mississippi River, as well as in Canada.
Those in the Northern States are made principally of slate, in the South
and West steatite is most common, but other varieties of stone were used.
In form some of these objects approach the plummets and are perforated
at one end for suspension; others approximate the cones and hemispheres.
Analogous objects are found on the Pacific Coast, some of which are mani-
festly modeled after the native canoe, while others resemble the boat-stones
of the East, although often perforated at one end for suspension."
The subject is practically unknown to most students of stone ornaments
and problematical forms in use among the American Indians.
Mr. Douglass states* that there were thirty-eight of the bar-shaped
stones in the American Museum of Natural History collection. Douglass
himself spent considerable time in trying to solve the mystery. These
objects, contrary to many of the winged stones, ridged gorgets or other
unique forms, do not seem to have been found to any extent in mounds or
graves. At least I can find few references, indicating that they were made
use of as votive offerings. They must have been more difficult to manu-
*Douglass, A. E. Table of the Geographical Distribution of American Indian relics in the Collection
Exhibited in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Bulletin of the American
Museum of Natural History, vol. vm, p. 221.
FIG. 45. (S. 1-2.) Bar-amulets; Phillips Academy collection, Andover. These
range from base with slightly turned ends to long, straight objects pointed at
either end. They are of black slate, perforated in the bottom like a bird-stone.
Localities: Ohio and Michigan.
FIG. 46. (S. 1-2.) Peculiar bar-amulet, of which three views are represented;
top, side, and bottom. John Merkel collection, Bellevue, Iowa. Material: mottled
facture than many of the forms which we do find. There may be a few
instances where they were so used, but the evidence so far is inconclusive.
This may be due to the fact that the bar amulets and boat-stones are not
at all numerous. Reference to the tables will indicate this fact. In all
collections examined I do not suppose there are over two hundred of them,
which is a very small percentage of the whole. The rarity of unfinished
bar-shaped stones should also be noted. I do not recall having seen more
than one or two, and have none available for illustration. Yet, obviously
these finished objects passed through the same evolution as the others,
and were pecked, ground and polished into shape.
They naturally divide themselves into two or three simple classes:
the straight bars, the bars with squared and elevated ends, and the bars
slightly, but gracefully enlarged in the centre and enlarged at each end.
Sometimes the edges are slightly rounded or beveled. There are a few
unique or unusual forms, notably the one found in Iowa in Mr. Merkel's
collection, of which three views are presented in Fig. 46. There is a very
fine one in the Smithsonian exhibit and quite a number are reported by the
Wisconsin State Historical Society (Mr. Brown) and from Michigan. Ohio
and Indiana seem to furnish the larger number. The area in which they
occur is quite restricted.
The bar-shaped stones are quite closely related to the longer ridged
gorgets, and the bobbin-shaped slate objects shown in Figs. 47 and 48.
Of these latter no one has ever offered any explanation, so far as I am aware.
In Fig. 51 there are two presented, one pointed at either end, and the
other apparently made from a similar object, which had become broken
and was then re- worked. The shorter one might pass as an elongated
In speaking of ridged gorgets (page 69) I referred to these bobbin-
form objects. In form, they are more closely allied to bar-amulets than
to ridged ornaments. But they are not perforated. Therein lies their chief
difference from each of these classes. They are pin-like in form in many
cases and may have been used as were the long shell pins common in the
mounds of the Tennessee Cumberland regions.
In Fig. 47 there is a different form of the same type. This one
is very finely polished and has an unusually flaring centre. The top is
smooth, but originally may have terminated in a point as in the case of
Fig. 51. To the right in Fig. 44 is a small pendant of polished slate quite
different from most pendants, and having the perforation through the
top from one side to the other.
Fig. 48 exhibits another of these expanded-centre and pointed objects,
the top of which is worked until it slightly resembles a human head. These
objects, with their expanded centres and points, or rounded heads, must not
FIG. 47. (S. 1-1.) Kentucky. Black
slate. Museum of the American Indian,
Heye Foundation, New York.
FIG. 48. (S. 1-1.) Stone grave near
Clarksville, Tenn. H. L. Johnson col-
lection. Material: dark blue banded
FIG. 49. (S. 1-1.) Steatite. Georgia
Foundation, New York City.
Collection, Museum of the American Indian, Heye
FIG. 50. (S. 1-1.) Black granite, highly polished. Ohio. Museum of the
American Indian, New York City.
be confused with expanded gorgets. They are much thicker than the gorgets
and are not of that shape. Few of them are ever perforated, and in that
they are different from the bar-shaped stones.
Concerning the boat-stones, one might say that they are more common
than either of the types we have previously but briefly described, and
they are more widely spread. Quite a number are found in the larger
collections. The late Dr. Thomas Wilson frequently stated that he believed
that they were medicine stones and were potent in warding off evil, that is,
if one feared a witch or the power of the shaman, he must make a boat-
stone and in it tie a small wooden effigy representing the witch or the
shaman. Wilson always claimed that years ago some very old Indian told
him that canoe-shaped stones were used for that purpose by the old-time
Indians. After the effigy of the witch or shaman had been tied in the stone,
it was often thrown into a stream or lake, and thus the power for evil was
destroyed forever. Whether this is merely a folk- tale or is the true
explanation of the use of these stones, I am unable to state.
The boat-stones are occasionally found in the mounds and graves,
but not frequently. The illustrations of the complicated forms in
Chapter XX, of the explorations of Mills, Moore and others include very
few of them. It is quite possible that I have overlooked specific reference
to the finding of boat-stones in mounds, graves or gravel-knoll burials.
There is much literature to be consulted when one prepares a volume
covering so extensive a field, and some references may have been inad-
vertently overlooked. Be this as it may, the boat-stone, like the bar-shaped
stone, shows a great deal of care in its manufacture. Indeed, it is harder
to make a boat-stone out of granite, hematite or even sandstone than to
manufacture winged stones or lunate forms. If the natives always placed
their most treasured possessions with the dead, one would imagine the
boat-stone and the bar-shaped stone would accompany burials. Since we
do not find them with interments, it is possible that some taboo must have
been attached to these forms, and Wilson's explanation may be correct.
The ruder boat-stones occur occasionally in the extreme South and
throughout the Delaware-Hudson region, and New England, but there
are also superb examples of Indian art in the New England boat-stones,
one of which is shown in Fig. 56, presenting three views of a specimen
found not far from Ipswich, Massachusetts, and now in the Phillips Academy
collection. In North and South Carolina there have been discovered quite
a number of crude boat-stones made of steatite and other softer materials,
most of which exhibit no particular care or skill in their manufacture. In
FIG. 51. (S. 1-2.) Two of a series of peculiar pointed type regarding
which I am totally in the dark. Material: black slate and granite.
Phillips Academy collection, Andover. The one to the right has a groove
about the top. There are some of these in all museum collections, and
I am sorry I cannot illustrate a large number of them. They range from
the ordinary ridged form, unperforated, to long, slender, almost pick-
shaped objects. They constitute a study in themselves. There have
been many theories as to drilled and winged objects, but these pendant-
shaped, "dagger "-shaped, and kindred stones not only defy classification,
but there is absolutely no use to be assigned them. There are no per-
forations, seldom are they grooved, and there is no way whereby one
might judge for what purpose they were made use of. Truly the word
"problematical" belongs to them more than to any other type of stone
this respect the boat-stone does not differ from othsr objects of the
ornamental-problematical class, for on the outskirts of the area shown 'on
the maps we would naturally find a deterioration of stone art as applied to
these objects. That is quite generally true and the survival of here and
there a fine specimen can be explained on the grounds of aboriginal trade
or the occasional presence of a skilled workman.
FIG. 52. (S. 1-1.) From the collection of A. Setterlun, The Dalles,
Oregon. The most typical form of boat-stone. The plain, ordinary type
such as is found in Ohio, western New York, New Jersey and Kentucky,
FIG. 52x (S. 1-1.) Broken winged-stone showing cuttings or grooves.
The Indians probably intended to work it down into form for an ornament.
FIG. 53. (S. 1-1.) Boat-stone. Locality given. Hard, compact slate. Surface smooth,
but not polished. Holes irregular — drilled from both sides. Collection of James^A.
Branegan, Millbourne, Pa.
FIG. 54. (S. 1-3.) Four beautiful boat-stones from the collection of B. H. Young,
Louisville, Kentucky. All are highly polished. From various portions of Kentucky.
Materials: greenstone and banded slate.
FIG. 55. (S. 1-1.) Boat-stone, form not common. Material: unknown,
in Central Ohio. H. E. Buck collection, Delaware, Ohio.
Fig. 56.' (S. 1-2.) Boat-stone of red sandstone, well polished. Ipswich
river near Ipswich, Mass. Phillips Academy collection. Three views are shown.
Note the groove between the perforations.
These occupy considerable of the area shown in Fig. 204. The few
examples of stone effigies of this and kindred forms which have been found
far to the South and East in nearly every instance exhibit variations from
the established forms. The bird-stones more than any other of our
ornamental-problematical forms prove the theory that these radiated from
a given centre. It is necessary, therefore, that we treat of them at some
The classification of the Committee should be expanded, it seems to
me, as follows: —
A. The ordinary bird-stone; lower figure in Fig. 70.
B. The bird-stone with slender body, neck and head specialized. Figs. 70 (upper) and 68.
C. Bird-stone with short body. Fig. 61 and several in Fig. 65.
D. Short, wide bird-stone (southern). Figs. 64 (central) and 65 (top row, centre).
E. Bird-stone with wide body and large ears. Fig. 63 and several in Fig. 76.
F. The variation to another type. Figs. 66 and long one in centre of Fig. 72.
Now the bird-stone and the bar-amulet are closely related. Some
bird-stones have low heads, short necks and the ends are bar-amulet-like
in character. To the left in the centre of Fig. 72 is shown a southern form.
The body is straight, but the ears (or projections) are unusually well
The established forms are quite generally recognized. They are
A, B, and E of my classification. These are the forms which predominate,
although the short body effigy (See Fig. 61) is found in Canada and the
No doubt these finer bird-stones have been carried to a considerable
distance and exchanged. Unfinished bird-stones are very seldom found
outside of the Ohio-New York-Indiana-Michigan-Wisconsin area. Most of
them seem to have been made in the ornamental-problematical heart
of the belt. The southern and eastern forms may be recognized at a
glance — which is not true of some of the other divisions of our artifacts.
All of this is clearly shown in the public and private collections. The
only uncertainty to my mind is the age of these bird-like stones. They
are seldom found in the mounds and graves of the North, although a few
have been taken from stone graves in Tennessee. Are they of a pre-mound
period in the Ohio Valley, or should they be assigned a later date? This
is a question which is not yet determined.
Another interesting thing is that barring their presence in the tumuli
(with a few exceptions) they are found in regions where the largest village-sites
®» *o
occurred. From the altar mounds short effigies with protruding ears have
been recovered. But I am. not aware that true bird-stones have been found
in our mound groups. Quite a number have been picked up near Fort
Ancient in southwestern Ohio, but that is a different culture from the
larger mound groups of elsewhere.
Unfinished bird-stones are not common, yet after considerable trouble
I secured some twelve or fifteen. Other museums contain numbers of them.
Figs. 57, 58 and 60 present six of the unfinished effigies and all of them plainly
show the marks of the hand-hammer. These are in various stages of
manufacture; some were fairly well worked into shape and the grinding-
polishing process was well under way when the specimen was set aside,
or lost.
In collecting numbers of these unfinished bird-stones, my object was
to prove that these slender, delicate objects did not indicate European
knowledge or influence, but were wrought after much labor from ordinary
stone by prehistoric man. None of them show the marks of steel cutting-
tools. Fig. 58 is the roughest one and yet the ears or eyes stand out in
relief. Fig. 57 is interesting in that it shows three on which the result of
pecking and battering is in evidence. The one to the left, upper row, has
been pecked, and ground, and was in process of being polished when the
work ceased.
Fig. 60, Phillips Academy collection, found in Ohio, is a large bird-stone
about thirteen centimeters in length. The marks of the flint cutting-tool or
of the hard-grained rubbing-stone, which cut the softer surface of the slate,
are still apparent. Fig. 76 presents various bird-stones, both rare and
common forms, with and without ears. All these are from the extensive
collection of Prof. W. O. Emery, who informs me he possesses thirty-eight of
them. These are found long and slender, short and thick, almost as low as
the bar-amulet, and also so high that they merge into other effigies. Four-
teen bird-stones from the collection of Mr. Leslie W. Hills of Fort Wayne,
Indiana, are shown in Fig. 157A.
The bird-stones with projections on either side, which by some are
called ears, and by others eyes, are quite frequently found in the eastern
United States and Canada. An unusual one is illustrated in Fig. 61, this
having one button-shaped knob on the top of the head. Fig. 78 from the
collection of Mr. Hills illustrates bird-stones about one-third size. Mr.
Hills' specimens came from various portions of Indiana, Ohio, and Canada;
an unfinished one in Fig. 157A (number on its side 561) is interesting in
that the bill or nose is unusually long, the head high, and the body quite
short. One beautiful specimen owned by Mr. George Little of Xenia,
Ohio, is illustrated in Fig. 68, and the specimen is turned in Fig. 69 so
that the perforations are visible. The neck of this is unusually long. It
FIG. 58. (S. 1-1.) Unfinished bird-stone. Collection of Emily Fletcher, Westford,
Massachusetts. Material: slate. First stage of workmanship. Very roughly
blocked out.
FIG. 59. (S. 1-1 and 1-2.) These three problematical forms are from the Pro-
vincial Museum collection, Ontario, Canada. The upper one is from central
Ontario. The base view of the lower specimen is also shown.
will be observed that all of these bird-stones have flat bases; none of the
bases are round.
Naturally, there are more of plain bird-stones (A) than those with large
projecting ears, or elaborate heads. It will be observed that the width of
the tail varies, being long and narrow in some, short and slightly flaring in
others, and in still others broad, or fan-shaped. Sometimes the eye is very
small, as in the lower left-hand specimen, Fig. 65. Or it may be sunken,
several of which are shown in Fig. 76. But usually it is worked in high
There are presented, all told, in this chapter, seventy bird-stones. It
would be possible for me to present ten times this number. There are
included in the series numbers of effigy-like objects that might not be
classed by other observers as bird-stones. For instance, the central speci-
men, top row, of Fig. 65.
The bird-stones are very interesting and unique objects and the range
in them is considerable. Sometimes they are almost square, as is seen
in the central specimen, lower row, Fig. 65. Again, the head is a prominent
feature, as is observed in the lower one to the right in Fig. 157A, and the body
is of secondary consideration. A group of these stones from the Phillips
Academy collection is shown in Fig. 72. The very small bird-stone in the
upper row to the left is half the size of the original, as are the others. This is
the smallest bird-stone, the genuineness of which is beyond question, brought
to my attention. Just below it is a peculiarly straight effigy from Tennessee,
which is almost bar-amulet in shape, and marks the merging of the bird-
stone into the bar-amulet. Fig. 63 is an expanded-wing type of bird-stone.
In the centre of the top row, Fig. 65, is one almost frog-like in character.
Several of these have been found in Tennessee, and in Figs. 236 and 237 I
present back and base view of a rather remarkable one made of fine-grained,
banded slate.
In this same Fig. 65, top row and second from the left, is a short stone,
hardly bird-like in character, of which a few have been found in the United
States. Fig. 59, from the collection in the Provincial Museum, Toronto,
Canada, presents at the top a stone as much bar-amulet as bird in character,
and also a stone at the bottom in the centre of which is worked a projection
or knob.
Figs. 66 and 67 present views of an object from the Reverend William
Beauchamp's collection, which is somewhat different from ordinary bird-
stones, although it is included under that class. The best description is
that by C. E. Brown, Esq., and to which I have referred on page 92. He
divides the Wisconsin bird-stones into three classes:
FIG. 60. (S. 2-3.) Unfinished bird-stone. Phillips Academy collection. Material:
green slate. Southern Ohio.
FIG. 61. (S. 1-1.) Bird-stone. Material: banded slate. Central Ontario, Canada.
Provincial Museum collection.
FIG. 62. (S. 1-1.) From western New York. New York State Museum collection.
FIG. 63. (S. 3-5.) "This specimen is from western New York. It is made in the form
of a bird which from the number of similar specimens have given the name to this class.
The eyes are represented by great protuberances, which must have greatly increased the
difficulty of manufacture. It is made from a boulder or large piece, and while the material
is hard, it is not rough but rather fragile. It could not be chipped like flint nor whittled
like soapstone, but must have been hammered or pecked into shape and afterwards ground
to its present form, then polished until it is as smooth as glass. A consideration of the
conditions demonstrates the difficulty of making this object and the dexterity and the
experienced working required." Smithsonian Report for 1896, p. 451. Dr. Thomas Wilson.
Material: diorite with feldspar crystals. Smithsonian collection. Otis M. Bigelow
Class A. The Bar Form
Class B. The Bird Form
Class C. Specimens with Eyes
Class D. The Short, Wide Form
Mr. Brown cleverly traces through a series beginning with a straight bar-
amulet and ending with the complicated bird, — large ears, small body or
other features.
Dr. Thomas Wilson once made a statement* concerning bird-stones,
and I quote one of his paragraphs : "The United States National Museum
possesses many of these specimens. While they bear a greater resemblance
to birds than anything else, yet scarcely any two of them are alike and they
change in form through the whole gamut until it is difficult to determine
whether it is a bird, a lizard, or a turtle, and finally the series ends in a
straight bar without pretense of presenting any animal."
The range of material is from Huronian slate or shale to red sand-
stone, granite, and porphyry. Usually the stone from which they are made
is banded or contains spots of color. They are either red, gray, or brown,
with variations. Sometimes feldspathic granite, diorite, and porphyritic-
feldspar are made use of. Dr. William Beauchamp gives a very good
description of some fifteen bird-stones. f I have reproduced one or two of
the illustrations he gives, and as his text is timely, I quote some sentences
from his paper: —
"The theories about their use seem fanciful, as some certainly are.
Two writers assert that they were worn by married or pregnant women
only, and many have accepted this statement. Others think they were
worn by conjurors, or fixed on the prows of canoes. It is enough to say
that some of the perforations are not adapted to any of these uses. It
seems better to class them with the war and prey or hunting gods of the
Zuni, some of which they resemble. In that case the holes, of whatever
kind, would have given a firm hold on the thongs which bound the arrows
to the amulet, a matter of importance in an irregular figure.
"These perforations form the most important feature. The amulet
may be but a simple bar, but to each end of the base is a sloping hole,
bored from the end and base and meeting. To this necessary feature may
be added a simple head or tail, and there may also be projecting ears.
None of these are essential. They are but appropriate or tasteful
"Two notable collections contain a large number of amulets. In the
Canadian collection at Toronto there are about fifty bird -amulets."
*Smithsonian Report for 1886, p. 451.
fPolished stone articles used by the New York aborigines, before and after European occupation.
Bullet;n of the N. Y. State Museum, vol. iv, No. 18, 1897.
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"They were variable in material as well as form, although most
commonly made of striped slate. Perhaps full half have projecting ears,
when of the bird-form. In the wider forms, usually of harder materials,
there are often cross-bars on the under side, in which the perforations are
made. Occasionally these are not entirely enclosed, yet are without signs
of breakage. This seems to prove that these were not intended as means
of attaching them to any larger object, on which they would rest, but
rather for fastening articles upon them, as in the Zuni amulets already
mentioned, and which were illustrated by Mr. Frank H. Gushing, in the
Second Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. On comparison a general
resemblance to these will be seen, and in a few cases it is quite striking.
That they were used in this way, rather than in those suggested by others,
is a reasonable conclusion which gains strength with fuller study. As a
class they belong to the St. Lawrence basin."
Mr. Gerard Fowke and Professor David Boyle should be quoted upon
this subject. Mr. Fowke says: — *
"Stone relics of bird-form are quite common north of the Ohio River,
but are exceedingly rare south of that stream. (He illustrates the same
specimen figured by Dr. Wilson.)
"According to Gilman,f the bird-shape stones were worn on the head
by the Indian women, but only after marriage. Abbott quotes Colonel
Whittlesey to the effect that they were worn by Indian women to denote
pregnancy, and from William Penn that when the squaws were ready to
marry they wore something on their heads to indicate the fact.
"Jonesf quotes from De Bry that the conjurors among the Virginia
Indians wore a small black bird above one of their ears as a badge of office."
Professor Boyle** says: "Although for convenience known as bird-
amulets — most of them being apparently highly conventionalized bird-
forms — now and again one sees specimens that are not suggestive of birds,
whatever else they may have been intended to symbolize. In some in-
stances there has not been any attempt to imitate eyes even by means of
a depression, but in the majority of cases the eyes are enormously
exaggerated, and stand out like buttons on a short stalk, fully half an inch
beyond the side of the head. In every finished specimen the hole is bored
diagonally through the middle of each end of the base, upwards and down-
wards. If merely for suspension when being carried, one hole would be
sufficient, but the probability is that these were intended for fastening the
* amulets' to some other object, but what, or for what purpose, is not known.
*Stone Art, Bureau of Ethnology Report for 1891-1892, p. 125.
i( lilniMii. G., in Smithsonian Report for 1873, p. 371.
\Antiquitiea of the Southern Indians, p. 30.
**Note* nn Primitite Man in Ontario, by David Boyle. Toronto, 1895, p. 67.
FIG. 65. (S. 1-4.) The several sub-divisions of the bird-stories. Ohio, Tennessee, Michigan and
Indiana. W. A. Holmes's collection, Chicago.
FIG. 66. (S. 1-1.) Rev. William Beauchamp collection. From Michigan. Banded slate.
FIG 67. Sid.- view of Fip;. 66.
Dr. Beauchamp mentions Mr. Douglass's seventy specimens in the
American Museum of Natural History collection, and also refers to the
rarity of bar-amulets in Western New York:—
"It has been suggested that these articles . . . were employed in
playing a game; that they are totems of tribes or clans; and that they were
talismans in some way connected with the hunt for water-fowl. They are,
at all events, among the most curious and highly finished specimens of
Indian handicraft in stone found in this part of America, and the collection
of them in the Provincial Archaeological Museum is said to be the best
that has been made."
Professor Boyle speaks of the bar-amulets after treating of bird-
stones, but he does not class them as belonging to the same kind of forms.
Frank Hamilton Gushing illustrated bird-stones and flat tablets,
and he thought the bird-stones were tied on flat tablets and these worn on
the head. I inclined to that opinion when I published The Bird-Stone
Ceremonial, but now I do not believe this, for the reason that most bird-
stones could not be conveniently tied to stone tablets.
That they are found in regions where there are many mounds is correct,
but as indicated in Chapter XX, this does not necessarily imply that they
accompany burials in the mounds.
In the Wisconsin Archaeologist, vol. vin, No. 1, January -March, 1908,
Charles E. Brown, Esq., describes a large number of bird-stones. These
include all the known forms from the Wisconsin area. Mr. Brown also
presents a map showing the distribution of bird-stones and the bar-form
bird-stones. The dots representing distribution follow the eastern shore
of the State along Lake Michigan. Fully three-fourths of the bird-stones
in Milwaukee and Madison Museums, together with those in the Logan
Museum of Beloit College and private collections are from this area. Mr.
Brown's conclusions are as follows:
"It is the author's belief that bird-stones were introduced into
Wisconsin from the Ohio region, where objects of this class appear to be
native, and are far more abundant. Their introduction came about either
through the commerce which existed between the inhabitants of the two
regions, or through tribal migrations. The area of their distribution in
Wisconsin lies directly along a principal route of aboriginal movement.
Their comparatively small number, and the fact that of the specimens
found nearly half are made of Huronian or striped slate, a material which
does not occur in southern Wisconsin, strengthens the belief that they are
imports. If any of those described as made of other materials are the
productions of native artisans, it is probable that their form was suggested
by those procured in trade."
^ I
o ro
FIG. 69. (S. 1-1.) Base view of Fig. 68.
FIG. 70. (S. 3-4.) Bird-stones. Material: fine slate. Upper object, Darke County, Ohio Lower
object, Miami County, Ohio. F. P. Thompson's collection, Lancaster, Ohio.
FIG. 71. (S. 1-1.) Typical bird-stones from Ohio. Banded slate.
I FIG. 72. (S. 1-2.) Slate bird-stones. Ohio, Tennessee and Indiana. Excepting the notched
central ornament, these are all variations of the bird-stone form. Phillips Academy Collection.
FIG. 73. (S. 1-1.) Rude effigy of banded slate. FIG! 74. (S. 1-1.) Animal stone of banded slate
Collection of Phillips Academy, Andover. Found from Lynn, Walworth County, Wisconsin. Col-
at Muncie, Indiana. lection of W. A. Titus, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
FIG. 75. (S. 1-1.) Bird amulet, Clinton County,
Michigan. Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
D. C. Another variation of the bird-forms.
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FIG. 77. (S. 3-4.) Dark slate. Kentucky. Museum of the American' Indian.
This is another variation of the bird-form. Probably an animal effigy. The body
is much heavier than is observed in the average bird-stone.
FIG. 78. (S. about 1-3.) Collection of Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. Materials: slate.
Where one should begin in treating of this division of problematical
forms is an open question. Probably the straight or rounded stone was
the primary form (Fig. 79) and the crescent (lunate) and pick forms de-
veloped from these. An ordinary thick, rounded stone was perforated.
That suggested more slender forms, as the ordinary perforated pebble was
heavy and unattractive. Certainly the pick-shaped stones are more easily
made than the lunate (crescent) forms. By grinding the thick oval (central
object in Fig. 79) could be reduced and the ends made round or
Formerly I thought that possibly the L-shaped stones may have
preceded the crescents. Some of them are illustrated in Chapter XIX
on the geniculate forms. Where curves merge into angles, we may safely
end our crescent class and include the angular L-shaped objects in what
Professor Forbes terms geniculate forms.
Little or nothing is known concerning the lunate or crescent-shaped
objects, and we have absolutely no evidence as to the use of the geniculate
types. While it might be proper to consider the lunate forms as a division
of the winged-perforated forms, yet they seem to constitute a separate class.
As in most instances of our study, series could be arranged beginning
with the ruder lunate types and ending with the winged, perforated,
bilunate (double crescents or banner-stones).
Figure 79 illustrates quite satisfactorily the first forms of the lunate,
all of which are unfinished except the one at the bottom. The crescent or
lunate form may have developed through the process of evolution by the
forms shown in the several outlines in Fig. 207, centre. Perhaps a better
illustration is afforded by the four central objects shown in Fig. 80, and
from the collection of L. W. Hills of Indiana. There is a geniculate form in
the lower right-hand corner, and also seven objects which do not belong in
this division. Second from the top at the upper right-hand corner is a pick-
shaped perforated stone. It is quite likely that the pick-shaped form
preceded the lunate, but we have no positive evidence on this point.
In Figure 86 are presented six specimens, illustrating a different
grouping of these forms. In this figure we have in the centre three pick-
shaped objects tapering to points. On the right is a form slightly curved,
but not sufficient to call it lunate. On the left is a fairly well defined lunate
form, while at the bottom is a winged object, which does not belong in the
two divisions named.
FIG. 79. (S. 1-2.) The evolution of the pick-shaped forms and crescents from
the rough block of red slate at the top, which has been pecked into shape, down to
the completed crescent at the bottom. Phillips Academy collection, Andover.
This series is made up of specimens from Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and
Indiana. Various shades of color in slate.
Figure 87 presents a thick, short pick-shaped object and a long,
slender one, both from New Jersey.
The drilling of these objects is interesting and in Fig. 85 we observe
the cores, which were left by the reed drills. What percentage of these
objects were drilled with solid hardwood sticks or hollow reeds, it is
impossible to determine, since only the unfinished objects would show the
core made by a hollow drill; and there are not many of these.
Figure 81 again presents variation of the pick from the lunate form.
Dr. Beauchamp's remarks on certain specimens in Fig. 83 should be
quoted, and I insert them, save the change from his measurements, which
do not correspond with mine:—
"Next from the right is a beautiful article and comes from Fabius or
Pompey, much resembling one in the State Museum from that vicinity.
It is made of beautiful olive-green striped slate, and in form is like a slender
pickaxe, having a central ridge along both sides, from end to end. Each
end has a slight projection. In the centre, on one side, is a partially effaced
ornament. It is 13 cm. wide by 3 cm. and 4 mm. deep, and the orifice is
15 cm. in diameter. No finer example of this form is on record.
"To the left is a pick-shaped article of black slate, unique in some
respects. The centre is enlarged by a distinct concave sweep on either
side, terminating in a central flattened surface. Near this is a lateral
perforation on either hand, drilled precisely as in the gorgets. No other
has been reported with holes like these, and if the stone had been placed on
a staff, they might have served to attach pendant ornaments. The sides
are covered with transverse lines, suggesting tallies. The blades are thin,
and the total length is 15 cm., with a depth of 3 cm. and 4 mm. It was
found on a camp-site on the Seneca River in 1875. The ends are abrupt,
and may be either broken or unfinished.
"In the lower right-hand corner is a thick, crescent-formed banner-
stone from Skaneateles Lake, made of green-striped slate, and 25 mm.
deep by 8}/£ cm. wide. The ends are rounded, and the orifice is a little over
10 mm. in diameter, contracting slightly in the interior of the stone.
There are no village-sites near, and but few small camps."
In Figs. 82, 84, and 88 are shown three beautiful lunate forms from
southern Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia. Attention is directed to
the rounding of the ends in Fig. 88 and the specialization of the termination
of the bars in Figs. 82 and 88. These three specimens are "high art" in the
working of stone by prehistoric man.
Figure 211 is from the collection of Albert C. Bates, Esq., Curator
of the Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Connecticut. These two
interesting objects were found in the Connecticut Valley, and are repro-
duced on the same plate, although the boat-stone shown above belongs
FIG. 80. (S. about 1-3.) A group of problematical forms, from the collection of Leslie
W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Most of these are in banded slate, although two are in
granite. They will fall under three or four subdivisions of the classification. The lunate
and pick-shaped forms are in the centre. Two boat-shaped objects are in the lower left-
hand corner.
FIG. 81. (S. 1-2.) From the collection of Rev. James Savage, Detroit, Michigan.
Found in Michigan and Ohio. Material: fine slate.
FIG. 82. (S. 1-2.) is a highly specialized lunate form with flaring ends. It is
beautifully worked, highly finished, and was found by Willard H. Davis, near the
mouth of the Muskingum River, in Washington County, Ohio.
in another division. The lunate form is not quite as fine as those found in
the Middle West area. Yet it approaches more nearly the Maine types
of lunate form. Those from the Red Paint graves in Maine are much more
slender and smaller.
To what use did the Indians put these forms? While no one knows
positively, it may be well to suggest that they may have been worn as head
ornaments in imitation of antlers. Such forms as Figs. 82, 84 and 88 are
observed in ethnological collections of head-dresses among existing tribes.
FIG. 83. These are reproduced from plates illustrating Dr. Win. M. Beauchamp's "Polished Stone
Articles used by the New York Aborigines," New York State Museum Bulletin, vol. iv, No. 18. They
have been drawn, which shows the bands in the stone better than do half-tones. These types are
found in New York State and Canada, Ohio, and Indiana. As one passes into Michigan or south of
Kentucky, the forms and materials change. Attention is called to the central object, perforated on
either side. This was originally a winged object, but becoming broken was perforated after the manner
of a tablet and used in a way different from that the original form would indicate. It must be
observed, in studying these problematical forms, that the perforations or drilling are even in all
winged types and the large objects, but in the flat tablets the holes were rimmed out, and are wide on
the face, and small on the reverse side, save where drilled from both sides, which is not common.
FIG. 85. (S. 1-1.) Phillips Academy collection. These are presented to show the use of
the reed drill. Unfortunately, the camera does not show the perforations and the central
cores as it should. What appears to be a rim in each specimen is the dark depression
about the core left by the reed drill.
FIG. 88. (S. 2-3 ) Black slate. Smithsonian Institution collection. West Virginia.
FIG. 86. (S. 1-2.) This is a group of six objects from the Phillips Academy collection. These
illustrate pick-shaped problematical forms. On either side are two lunate forms, only one of
which is of pronounced type. The series marks the gradual change of one type to another.
AH of banded slate and from Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.
The winged objects with their various subdivisions constitute the
largest class of problematical forms. Many of the pendants and ornaments
from their position on skeletons, may be taken out of the unknown class,
thus reducing it. Therefore, it is proper to say that the greater number of
objects under study in this volume belong to the winged class and its
subdivisions. Quite likely Professor Holmes when he used the word
problematical had in mind various forms of winged perforated stones,
rather than ovate and rectangular forms. Excepting a few regions in the
East or South, the material selected by the Indians for winged objects was
quite different from that employed in the manufacture of axes, pestles,
celts and other utility tools. An inspection of the hundreds of photographs
and drawings, illustrations in books and specimens spread out before the
author as he writes these pages, seems to indicate a general line of thought
which may be subdivided as follows:—
First, most of them are made of unusual materials; that is, the ancient
Indian selected a bright, clear stone, a stone with well defined bands, of a
fine-grained banded slate, or dark-brown sandstone, or red or blue shale,
or a bright granite, or quartzite. He did not use ordinary limestone, and he
employed gray slate or black slate without bands when he could obtain
nothing else. He preferred the brighter colors. The very material and its
treatment indicate that these objects in their purpose stand apart from the
ordinary run of common artifacts.
Second, he brought these objects to a state of high finish, all of which
involved a deal of labor.
Third, he was very careful in their manufacture. Pictures illustrating
the progress of the double-winged problematical form from the block of
slate to the finished specimen have been given in numbers of places in
this book.
Fourth, he cast away broken axes or celts, and we seldom find a broken
spear that is rechipped, unless for use as a scraper. But it is significant
that he made use of nearly half of the broken problematical forms. This
may seem trivial, but it is important; for we must inquire into every detail
with reference to these objects because it is only by such study that we
shall learn anything about them.
Fifth, he made his perforations at right angles to the grain or bands
of the stone, which should be noted. The exceptions are rare. If he drilled
FIG. 89. (S. 1-3.) H. E. Buck collection, Delaware, Ohio. Fine sandstone. This
form is rare in central Ohio, and usually occurs in the South. This illustrates a
type classed by the Committee as "A. Wings with constant rate of change_of
with the grain, the stone would chip, and before he finished the object, it
might break.
Sixth, he drilled the specimen before it was completed, knowing that
the drilling was a dangerous process at best. And if be did not prize the
specimen very highly, he would not have cared when he drilled it.
Seventh, he buried many of these short-winged stones with his dead.
He placed specialized forms in altars, or under other conditions which
stamped them as peculiar and valuable.
After ascertaining that slate pebbles were not always obtainable, he
looked about for material and discovered veins of slate which cropped out
in certain portions of the United States. He quarried slate even as he
quarried flint, though on a less extensive scale. He blocked out this slate
after the fashion of "turtle backs" in order that he might conveniently
transport it and work it into desired form at his leisure.
These winged stones were divided by the Committee on Nomenclature
(Baltimore Meeting, American Anthropological Association, 1908) as
follows: —
(A) Wings with constant rate of change of width
(a) Wings expanding from perforation
(6) Wings with sides parallel
(c) Wings contracting from perforation
(B) Wings with varying rate of change of width
It seems to the writer that these should include the lunate forms,—
pick-shaped stones and others which the Committee included later. Under
the illustrations accompanying this chapter I have included specimens
from all these classes. It should be borne in mind that double-winged stones
may also be classified according to the perforations (Fig. 207) rather than by
variations of the wings. This is illustrated in Figs. 207 and 208, Chapter
XXII. The objects in Fig. 207 clearly indicate that the squared or rec-
tangular and double-perforated tablets may be arranged in series exhibiting
increasing concavity of sides until such forms as are shown in Outline 203 are
reached. Yet these objects are thin and are perforated from one flat surface
through to the other, whereas the true winged stone (as I understand the
term) is thicker and contains a single perforation through the centre. This
perforation is usually protected by an elevation or expanding ridge. Usually
the ridge is symmetrically curved and most of the objects are brought to a
high finish. The perforation in the true winged form, as well as the wings
themselves, are the prominent parts of the type. Viewed from one angle of
our study, the perforation dominates rather than the wings. The per-
foration is large and the walls surrounding it are reinforced. Many of the
specimens would withstand harder usage than the thin tablets and bilunate
forms shown in Figs 105 and 106. The perforations in these latter are small
FIG. 90. (S. 1-3.) Bipennate forms, wings expanding from perforation. All belong in this
class except the lower one. L. W. Hills collection, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Ohio, Indiana and
Illinois. Material: banded slate and black slate. One or two are not entirely common. An
imitation of horns in stone is shown in the lower specimen. These antler-shaped stones are
not uncommon, although one as pronounced as this type is rare. It is possible that they were
part of a head-dress, as the perforation would indicate it was worn with the points extending
upwards. This belongs in the lunate class.
and the object is often as thin as 4 mm. and seldom thicker than 6 mm.,
whereas the true winged form varies from 10 to 20 mm. in thickness at the
centre. The wings themselves are frequently thin and this is characteristic
of many forms shown in Fig. 208. The sizes of the forms are indicated
in the many illustrations, but it may be said that they range from 4 to 20 cm.
in length or breadth. I have seen two or three which equalled this greater
diameter, three of which are unfinished. They are in the Smithsonian
Institution, Columbus and Phillips Academy collections.
The most interesting feature and one which has been touched on else-
where, is that the majority of winged stones from the South tend to thick-
ness and shortness. One nearly finished, and several in process of
manufacture are shown in Fig. 9lA. The wings of the southern objects are
round rather than pointed. Most of the beautiful drilled winged stones of
blooded quartz from Arkansas, Tennessee, and Louisiana, are smaller than
the average northern forms, yet are thicker and of the type at the top in
Mr. Moore's colored plates, Figs. 1 and 181.
In General Young's collection (Fig. 105) there are a number of typical
southern types of the character indicated. While this is true, yet in
Tennessee and Kentucky large bilunate or double crescent forms are not
infrequent. Two of these are shown at the right and left at the top of
Fig. 105 in the same collection. Though the winged stones are more widely
distributed (save the simple ovate and pendant), they seem to be quite as
highly developed in Kentucky and Tennessee as in Ohio, Indiana and
Wisconsin, but they are not as numerous south of the Ohio River as north of it.
Charles E. Brown, Esq., Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society,
has had wide experience in studying these forms throughout Wisconsin
and Michigan. Mr. Brown's several papers on the subject will be found
listed in the bibliography, and it is suggested that readers consult these
excellent articles. Mr. Brown wrote a number of pages for my Stone Age
in North America, and as several of these are quite apropos and the book is
out of print, I herewith insert them. They relate to the distribution of
certain forms in the State of Wisconsin.
" Butterfly form. This is one of our most common forms of Wisconsin
banner-stones. It is represented by fine examples in many public and
private collections. Unfinished specimens occur in several cabinets. The
following counties have produced specimens: Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine,
Washington, Dodge, Jefferson, Rock, Dane, La Crosse, Manitowoc, Green
Lake, Winnebago, and Waupaca.
"An allied form, with rounded wings. Only two examples, one from
Washington and the other from Ozaukee County, are known. The latter
is made of ferruginous quartz, and is in the Joseph Ringeisen, Jr., collection
at Milwaukee.
FIG. 91. (S. 1-1.) Bipennate with straight sides. These are not common in the
North. Of blue slate, very highly polished. Collection of Leslie W. Hills, Fort
Wayne, Indiana. This was originally of butterfly form, such as is shown at the
right in Fig. 93, and my theory is that it was broken and the wings ground down
until this form resulted.
FIG. 9lA. (S. 1-2.) Unfinished problematical forms. From Georgia and Alabama.
Material: quartzite and sandstone. Phillips Academy collection. These are typi»
cally southern. The other forms are found in the South, but these predominate.
"Oval form. This form is of quite as common occurrence as the butter-
fly form. Nearly all of the specimens are made of plain or banded slate.
Specimens have come from Kenosha, Racine, Waukesha, Dodge, Dane,
Sheboygan, Fond du Lac, Kewaunee, Brown, Door, Marquette, Winnebago,
Waupaca, and Wood counties. Wood, Waupaca, and Door counties mark
the northern limit of its distribution. This form also occurs in the adjoining
States of Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa.
"A related form, of which specimens have been obtained in Racine,
Dane, and Sheboygan counties. It also occurs in Iowa.
" Double-crescentic form. An example of this graceful form in the
State Historical Museum comes from Dane County. Fragmentary speci-
mens are known from Kenosha and Waupaca counties. All are fashioned
from slate. This form also occurs in Illinois and Michigan.
"Crescent form. Specimens have been recovered in Racine, Fond
du Lac, and Green Lake counties. Michigan, Iowa, and Indiana have
produced specimens.
"Knobbed crescent form. A fine example, in the C. T. Olen collection,
comes from Omro, Winnebago County. It is made of banded slate. A
fragmentary specimen is reported to have been found at Winneconne in
the same county. Illinois and Ontario have produced specimens of this
"Pick-shaped form. Specimens have been found in Racine, Washing-
ton, Green Lake, and Brown counties. This form also occurs in Michigan.
" L-shaped form. Specimens of this interesting form have been
obtained in Dodge, Dane, Waukesha, Ozaukee, Columbia, Sheboygan,
Fond du Lac, Marquette, and Manitowoc counties. All are made of slate."
Figs. 100 and 102 illustrate a few of the Wisconsin types. Other speci-
mens from Ohio, Indiana, etc., illustrate the more widespread Wisconsin
It often happens that a later tribe makes use of an object of ancient
form and special purpose, for some service totally foreign to the mind of
the original owner.
This fact is illustrated in specimen No. 38205, from the Phillips Academy
exhibit, shown in Fig. 94, which has an interesting history. It was
found in Indiana on the banks of the Wabash River, on the site of a
Miami Indian village. The object is still fastened to its original handle.
The Miami lived on that site about seventy years ago, and the specimen
was found shortly after they departed for their reservation west of the
Mississippi. As will be seen, the object is an unfinished bipennate, or
possibly an ornament. Material, banded slate. The maker had done
little more than block it out roughly. The specimen is clearly prehistoric
and is covered with patina. It has every appearance of age. It was picked
up from its ancient site by some Miami Indian who was in search of a
suitable instrument for tapping sugar-trees. As the specimen was of the
right weight, and shaped something like a hammer-head, he lashed it in a
stick and used it as an instrument with which to drive pegs or chips into
the sugar maples. The original handle has been preserved, although it is
now frail and much decayed.
Moreover, the specimen seems to carry a moral. We cannot explain
the purpose of the "ceremonial" or unknown "problematical" class
through information or data obtained from modern Indians, and so far as
prehistoric times are concerned, modern folk-lore sheds little light on
them. In this case the Indian made use of an unfinished ceremonial as a
rude hand-hammer. No glimmer of what that specimen stood for in the
mind of prehistoric man entered his head. The Miami Indian saw in this
thick stone a convenient tool and he made use of it accordingly.
Mr. Paul S. Tooker of Westfield, New Jersey, kindly sent me a large
number of original specimens from New Jersey for study. A number of
them were sent to Professor Edward H. Williams and they will be found
described in Chapter XXV of Professor Williams's analysis.
FIG. 92. (S. 1-2.) Unfinished. Of the type "wings contracting from perfora-
tion". Heavy slate. Smithsonian Institution collection.
FIG. 93. (S. 1-2.) Types of finished problematical forms. Ohio Valley. Of these four winged stones,
I would call attention to the one in the lower right-hand corner. It is very unusual to find an object
with wings so short that it appears more like a reel on which to wind cord than a true problematical stone.
It is believed that it originally had longer wings, but these becoming broken, were ground down until
nothing remained but what appears in the present specimen. The object is fully finished, and highly
polished. Phillips Academy collection, Andover, Massachusetts.
FIG. 94. (S. 2-5.) Found in Indiana. Material: banded slate,
collection. (Seep. 116)
Handle, hickory. Phillips Academy
FIG. 95. (S. 1-2.) Smithsonian Institution collection. Light slate. Georgia.
FIG. 96. (S. 2-3.) Central Ohio. H. E. Buck's collection, Delaware, Ohio. Of
light colored slate. Dark or banded slate were the prevailing colors. Not many
bipennate forms of light slate occur.
FIG. 97. (S. 2-3.) Dark and light slate. From a Red Paint People cemetery, Oldtown, Maine.
Fred Godfrey collection, Oldtown, Maine. These forms are typical of the Red Paint graves.
FIG. 98. (S. 2-3.) James H. Branegan collection, Millbourne, Pennsylvania. Most of the Pennsyl-
vania, New Jersey and Connecticut winged stones are of this form. Material: steatite.
FIG. 100. (S. 2-3.) Problematical forms from the collection of Beloit College,
Wisconsin. The two objects in the centre are not unlike Ohio Valley forms, but the
upper one to the left and the one in the lower right-hand corner are typical of
Wisconsin. These two are made of mottled granite and beautifully worked.
FIG. 101. (S. 1-1.) Georgia. A granite winged form, perforated and very well
polished. Museum of the American Indian, New York City.
FIG. 102. (S. 1-1.) Winged form of mottled granite. Wisconsin Historical
Society; kindness of the Wisconsin Archaeologist. One can distinguish this form
at once as typical of the Wisconsin-Michigan region.
FIG. 99. (S. 1-2.) Susquehanna Valley types. Both broken. The upper speci-
men shows three deep grooves, indicating that the broken part was to be removed
and a flat ornament made of the remaining portion. Everbart Museum, Scranton,
FIG. 103. (S. 1-1.) (See p. 54) A broken and reworked problematical form found
by Clarence B. Moore, Esq., in Washington County, Florida, 1903. This was
referred to in the chapter on gorgets, but after careful study of the specimen I am
of the opinion that it is half of a platform pipe or monitor pipe. The half containing
the stem hole is missing. While the object may have been used to smooth sinews,
it is more likely that the Indians intended to make of it an ornament or pendant.
We have now reached a class of objects regarding which even less has
been said than other forms, excepting the geniculate forms. In Figs. 104
to 109, scattered through the text of this chapter are eight or more of these
interesting and gracefully wrought objects. There is not great variation
in forms, and numbers have been reported.
The material for the bilunate is slate, shale, granite, graphite slate
and cannel coal. None of the coarser or gritty stones were selected by the
Indians for these forms. The bilunate forms are delicate and artistic.
While it is doubtful that the Indian in his natural state recognized the
artistic as we do, yet he seems to have selected the best materials for the
finer objects. The percentage of bilunate forms compared with the gorgets
and bipennate (winged stones) is low. The bilunate and the geniculate
forms are the least widely distributed, so far as can be observed. •
Fig. 106 illustrates a specimen found on the breast of a skeleton in a
gravel knoll in Mercer County, Ohio. It is made of cannel coal and is one of
the largest and best worked of any of the objects of this class. It is 25 cm.
in length and 16 cm. in width at each end, and is 4 cm. and 6 mm. in width
at the centre. The skeleton was badly decayed, and the bone dust still
adheres to one side of the object. It is slightly convex on the side placed
next to the body and flat upon the reverse.
FIG. 104. (S 3-4.) Hard sandstone. Locality: Michigan. A rare lunate form and scarcely to be
included in a classification. Museum of the American Indian.
FIG. 105. (S. 1-4.) Problematical forms. B. H. Young's collection, Louisville, Kentucky. (See
diagram on following page.)
The bilunate, as the term implies, is merely a double crescent, and
carries to perfection that form. The bilunate forms may be thin and
perforated from one flat surface to the other, but they are usually of the
form shown at the right and left at the top of Fig. 105 in General Young's
collection. Also, the specimen in Fig. 108 presents a good example of
this type, as do the two objects shown in Fig. 109 from the collection
of George A. West, Esq., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The bilunate forms do not seem to have reached New England or the
extreme South. Neither do they occur in the Northwest or northern
Canada. They are not common in New York State. On Fig. 202 I have
indicated their distribution.
Absolutely nothing is known concerning their use. They resemble no
form of life. Along with the other problematical forms the painstaking
care with which they were manufactured indicates that they served some
special purpose, but we cannot specifically state whether that purpose was
religious in character.
Banded slate, Kentucky. Bilunate.
Mottled granite, Trigg County. Bipennate, straight wings.
Banded slate, Meade County. Bilunate-shaped.
Soft green slate, Madison County. Pick-shaped.
Compact black stone, Livingston County. Lunate.
Steatite, Madison County. Pick-shaped.
Greenstone, Franklin County. Bipennate, almost bilunate.
Hard red material, Livingston County. Same as No. 2.
Blooded quartz, Hancock County. Bipennate.
Slate, black, Trigg County. Curious pennate form.
Blooded quartz, Oldham County. Same as No. 2.
Green banded slate, Madison County. Tube.
Quartz, Trigg County. Contracting centre.
These specimens, found in Kentucky, are beautiful, highly finished, and represent the acme of stone-
age art in the problematical class. The double-winged crescents at the top on either side are to be noted.
Also the fine crescent, No. 5. No. 9, of blooded quartz, is a type somewhat common in the South, but
very seldom found in the Ohio Valley and never in the East, or west of a line drawn between Omaha,
Nebraska, and Dallas, Texas.
No. 13 is of that same beautiful blooded quartz, which material was selected by the natives because
of its fine texture and brilliant colors. This plate emphasizes that while winged objects, as a general
proposition, may be somewhat alike, yet in the detailed form and material they are different, and those
of one section can be distinguished from those of another.
FIG. 106. (S. about 3-10.) Bilunate form of cannel coal. This was found in
Mercer County, Ohio, in a gravel-pit. It was on the breast of a skeleton.
Phillips Academy collection. See page 124.
FIG. 107. (S. 1-1.) Light blue slate. Highly polished. Darke County,
Ohio. Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Collection. Columbus,
FIG. 108. (S. 1-1.) Banded slate. Very highly polished. Franklin County,
Ohio. Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society collection, Columbus, Ohio.
FIG. 109. (S. 1-2.) Upper one, banded slate. Lower one, greenstone. Found on the northeast corner
of Sect. VI, town of Hammond, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, on the farm of Michael Dillon, in 1901
or 1902. The two specimens were found together. No others of the type were found in Wisconsin so
far as I know. Collection of George A. West, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Stone and clay tubes are more or less closely related to tubular pipes.
On the Pacific Coast the tubular pipe was almost exclusively used over
other forms of pipes. The tubes from the Pacific Coast, therefore, are
dismissed from consideration in this volume, since they appear to be pipes.
The term "tubes", as the author understands it, is restricted to the cylin-
drical forms in use among Indians throughout the Mississippi Valley, the
Great Lakes, the South, Canada and New England. Many of these may
have served as pipes, but the greater number are of such form or size as to
render it inconvenient for Indians to make use of them for smoking.
Just where the bead ends and the tube begins, no man may know.
Especially in Tennessee and Kentucky there are large numbers of small,
oval stones perforated, which are more likely to have been large beads
rather than tubes. Fig. Ill illustrates a number of steatite beads found in
southern Pennsylvania. In the centre of the figure are two or three tubes
of steatite from the South.
In Figs. 110 to 124 are presented a number of tubes from various
Fig. 115 illustrates an interesting hourglass-shaped tube from the
collection of G. P. Chandler, Esq., Knoxville, Tennessee. This specimen
is of fine sandstone. It was impracticable to present a photograph of the
object. One of the openings is about 5 mm. larger than the other. Around
the centre is a raised band.
Tubes might be subdivided as follows: (a) ordinary, cylindrical forms;
(b) short, oval tube, grooved or flattened, Fig. 112; (c) telescope tubes,
Fig. 110; (d) specialized forms, such as Figs. 116, 117 and 120. Fig. 116
is of the true southern type of which there are many in the Smithsonian
Institution, G. P. Thruston, W. E. Myer and American Museum of Natural
History collections. These large southern tubes may have been pipes.
They are also found in the northern mounds and graves, and Messrs.
Squier and Davis secured two or three during their explorations of 1844-
1847. Professor George H. Perkins, Dean of the University of Vermont,
in his paper, "On an ancient burial ground in Swanton, Vermont", read
at the Portland Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Science,
August, 1873, describes in detail some tubes that were found on that site.
The tubes are of light drab color, except where they are stained by iron
oxide. They are all probably stone, but a few look as if made of baked
clay. They are not of uniform size throughout length, but generally largest
FIG. 110. (S. 2-5.) Long, slender tube. Compact sandstone. Franklin County,
Vermont. This may be one from the Swanton graves. Smithsonian Institution
Fig. 111. (S. 1-1.) H. K. Deisher's collection, Kutztown, Pennsylvania.
FIG. 112. (S 1-1.) Found near Akron, Ohio. From collection of Charles A.
Hine, Akron, Ohio. Green, banded slate, polished.
FIG. 113. (S. 9-3.) Stone tube. Gray shale. Kanawha County, West Virginia.
Smithsonian Institution collection.
FIG. 114. (S. 2-3.) Tubes of slate of the several types. Phillips Academy collection.
FIG. 115. (S. 2-3.) Phillips Academy collection. Drawn by George P.
Chandler, Knoxville, Tennessee. (See p. 130)
Fie. 1 16. (S. 1-2.) Stone tubes. The two upper specimens are of steatite, and the lower
one is of dark claystone. B. H. Young's collection, Louisville, Kentucky. Localities:
Kentucky and Tennessee,
at one end, and often both ends are larger than the middle. Three some-
what diverse forms are found. One contracts rapidly at the end, but after
about 2.5 cm. it changes and enlarges very gradually till within 5 cm. of
the opposite end, when it again contracts, the whole shape being a good deal
like that of an ordinary ball club. The length of the tube is 20cm.; the
greatest diameter is 3 cm. Another form has its greatest diameter at one
end, from which the tube contracts, first rapidly, but soon slowly to the
other end.
There were over a dozen tubes found in the Swanton graves. The
burials were one to two meters in depth and fragments of some of the
skeletons remained. A score or more of tablets, rectangular gorgets and
gorgets of various forms were secured from the burials. Some of these are
preserved in the State House, Montpelier, Vermont, but the greater num-
ber have been lost. A bird-stone and a bicave are shown in Fig. 261.
Professor Perkins's paper is the only detailed account we have of this
extensive cemetery. It is most unfortunate that complete records were not
made at the time of the exploration. The presence of long tubes (slightly
different from Fig. 110) and ornamental-problematical stones in the same
graves might have shed light on the uses to which such things were put by
the Indians. Professor Perkins's discovery is very interesting and so far
as the writer is aware records the largest find of tubular-shaped objects in
one place.
Clarence B. Moore, Esq., illustrates in his excellent reports, a number
found during his explorations in the South.
The general theory frequently quoted by archaeologists is that tubes
were a part of the equipment of shamans. That they were made use of in
the treatment of the sick — to draw the evil spirit from the body of the
patient. This has been quoted in detail in so many reports that it need
not be repeated here. Aside from this use, it has been stated that many
of them may have been used as whistles. By covering one end of the tube
and blowing across the other, a very loud sound may be emitted. Whistles
of bone or wood would serve the purpose quite as well. The writer never
believed that tubes served as whistles primarily, although they may have
been used as such upon occasions.
The long, cylindrical tubes, highly polished, and tubes with contracting
perforation, are reported from mounds and cemeteries. But the smaller
tubes of slate or tubes of classes (a) and (b) are seldom if ever found in
mounds and graves. That they belong to the problematical class is quite
certain, but it is doubtful if they should be included as ornaments. Eliminat-
ing those that might be considered pipes, most of them appear to have been
manufactured for some utilitarian purpose. But we have not yet dis-
covered the exact nature of their use.
FIG. 117. (S. 2-5.) Tube, flaring base
or mouthpiece. Greenstone. Boone
County, West Virginia. Smithsonian
Institution collection.
FIG. 118. (S. 2-5.) Tube of steatite.
Cumberland County, Tennessee. From
a mound. Smithsonian Institution col-
FIG. 120. (S. 2-3.) Tube (Cast). Allen FIG. 121. (S. 2-3.) Stone tube. From Baldwin
County, Ohio. Material: banded slate. Smith- County, Georgia. Material: Chlorite. Smith-
sonian Institution, Washington. sonian Institution, Washington.
FIG. 119. (S. 1-1.) Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Tube of
banded slate. Found on Elk Creek, Butler County, Ohio. William S. Vaux
These two may be tubes or small winged objects, according to one's point of view.
FIG. 122. (S. 4-5.) (Cast). Scott FIG. 123. (S. 4-5.) (Cast). Kan-
County, Arkansas. Material: fer-
ruginous quartz. Smithsonian
Institution, Washington.
awha County, West Virginia. Ma-
terial: ferruginous quartz. Smith-
sonian Institution, Washington.
FIG. 124. (S. 1-1.) Upper figure of steatite. Central one of blooded quartz.
Lower of light granite. These may be too wide to be classed as tubes, but the upper
one is of the tube type. Cumberland River sites, Tennessee. H. L. Johnson
The term "spatulate", as previously stated, was given me by Professor
Charles H. Forbes, to take the place of the wretched word "spuds", which
is suggestive of a heavy iron implement in the hands of an Italian
As the gorget class begins to expand and change, one reaches the spade
or spatulate form of gorgets. These being flat and not rounded should
scarcely be included under the same classification as the objects illustrated
in this chapter. Yet the general term "spatulate" will cover such forms
as are shown in Figs. 125 to 137. In this chapter, I confine the use of
the word "spatulate" to the more or less round, handled objects, which
end in a broad, curved blade.
This form might also have developed from the celt. This suggestion
is illustrated in Fig. 125 herewith presented, of a spatulate form and a celt
found together in Allamakee County, Iowa. A few of these forms occur
in Iowa, and quite a number in Wisconsin. In fact, recently, more of
them have been found in the Wisconsin region than in the South.
Fortunately, we have two excellent authorities on the distribution
and use of these objects in Messrs. C. B. Moore and Charles E. Brown.
In Figs. 127 and 132 I present some outlines made by Mr. Fay from
Mr. Moore's reports. These outlines cover the range of types in
the South, and are made much smaller than the objects illustrated by
Mr. Moore.
In the Wisconsin Archaeologist* Mr. Charles E. Brown published a
paper describing the spatulate formf. This could in no wise be improved
upon, and with the omission of some local specimens he has cited, I quote
most of his article. His figure numbers have been changed to suit my
figures, and a few paragraphs at the end are not included:
"The class, or more properly, classes of stone implements of which
a consideration is attempted in the following pages, have been variously
referred to in our archaeological literature as spuds, hoe, spade
and paddle-shaped implements and spade ceremonials and by other names
equally indefinite and undesirable, and the only explanation which can
be offered for the adoption of the present title is, that though not entirely
satisfactory, it has nevertheless the advantage of being the one by which
these varied, peculiar, and interesting objects are now most familiarly
"October , 1902 , p. 15
fl have not taken the liberty to change Mr. Brown's term "spud" to "spatulate form"
FIG. 125. (S. 1-2.) Spatulate form and celt found together on Oneota River (upper Iowa), Alla-
makee County, Iowa. The celt form — often with flaring edge — may have suggested the spatulate
types. Ellison Orr collection, Waukon, Iowa.
FIG. 126. (S. 2-3.) Spatulate form from Mound C, Black Warrior River. Alabama. Plutonic rock.
Collection of C. B. Moore.
known to the archaeologists and collectors of our own state and of the
country at large.
"It is apparent that the term 'spud' as at present employed, is being
used to define and include within its scope at least two classes of stone
implements, which, though they resemble each other in a general way, were,
if we may judge by the difference in condition, workmanship, and general
adaptability, intended for and undoubtedly served quite distinct purposes.
"Save that presented by Fowke,* which embraces only such forms
as are represented in the United States National Museum and does not
include the Western form, no regular classification of these implements
appears to have been attempted. In a like manner, nearly all of the pub-
lished descriptions of various authors relate only to Southern and South-
eastern forms and but little or no effort appears to have been made to
assemble the data or compare them with others.
"Such being the case, a re-classification or reconsideration of all of
the known types is both timely and necessary.
"In the following convenient classification which is based upon a
rather exhaustive study of the available specimens and literature, the
writer has attempted to explain to his brother students what are the
differences both in form and probable mode of application of the several
classes of these implements. This he has supplemented with extracts from
the published descriptions, notes, suggestions, and theories advanced by
leading archaeologists and with such additional data as he has himself
been able to collect.
"Those who have undertaken similar studies will appreciate the
difficulties with which he has had to contend. It is therefore unnecessary to
recall them here. The rather broad divisions proposed may hardly be
found to include all of the known forms, yet the classification is probably
as good as any that can be devised in the present and as yet limited state
of our knowledge. The author desires to acknowledge his indebtedness
to Dr. J. F. Snyder, Mr. Harlan I. Smith, Prof. T. H. Lewis, Prof. W. K.
Moorehead, Hon. J. V. Brower, Rev. James Savage, Rev. E. C. Mitchell,
and others for suggestions and data received and to his brother students
in various parts of Wisconsin for the loan of material from their collections.
"In the first of these classes may be included implements answering
the following description:—
"Class A (See Fig. 128). Blade broad, of a semi-circular, semi-
elliptical, or somewhat hexagonal or triangular shape, flat or slightly
"Stone Art. Thirteenth Annual Report, Bureau of Ethnology.
FIG. 128. (S. about 1-6.) The various spatulate forms described by Charles E. Brown, Esq., in the
following pages. Classes A and B of his grouping. Wisconsin Archaeological Society collection.
convex, thickest near the handle and ground down to a dull rounded or
fairly thin edge in front; shoulders square or sloping, in some cases rounded
or barbed; handle generally long, tapering to a blunt point, and usually
circular or elliptical in section. Sortie examples have the edge of the blade
near the shoulder ornamented with incisions or deep notches and others
also have incisions at the extremity of the handle. These implements are
as a class graceful and beautiful objects and represent a high type of
aboriginal stone art. They are usually wrought of hard primitive rock
and are generally highly polished. Nearly all are of large size, the largest
known example measuring about 57 cm. in length. Of their distribution
Mr. Clarence B. Moore says: 'Unlike so many of our aboriginal relics,
this implement is of a type unknown in Europe. It is comparatively rare,
though of wide distribution in the United States.'
"As the greater number of the known examples have been obtained
in the Southern and Southeastern United States, that is generally considered
to be the natural habitat of this class of stone artifacts. Specimens have
been procured in districts as far north as Canada, but there is every reason
to believe that these have been brought from some distant Southern or
Southeastern locality in the course of aboriginal trade or war relations.
It is this class of spade, or paddle-shaped spud which we find
most frequently described and figured in our archaeological literature,
and which in their endeavors to understand its precise office has cost so
much trouble to our leading archaeologists. Some idea of the several
theories and suggestions thus advanced may be gleaned from the following
extracts : —
"Dr. Charles Rau, in a chapter devoted to a consideration of 'Scraper
and Spade-like Implements', figures one and describes another of these
implements.* He speaks of their resemblance to diminutive spades, but
does not assert that they were so employed. One of these in the collection
of Dr. Joseph Jones, now in the University of Louisiana at New Orleans,
was taken from a grave mound at Old Town, Tennessee. It is made of
greenstone and is 50 cm. in length. The other specimen is from South
"Colonel C. C. Jones also describes and figures the Jones spud and
adds: 'We suppose this to have been an agricultural tool.'f
" Gerard Fowke describes and figures a specimen fashioned of chloritic
slate, from Prairie County, Arkansas. His remarks are intended to
apply to both this and the perforated class of spuds. He says: 'They
are, usually, of a comparatively soft material, carefully worked and
*Archaeological Collections of the U. S. National Museum.
^Antiquities of the Southern Indians.
FIG. 129. (S. 1-2.) Black stone spatulate form. From Kyle mound, near
Columbus, Georgia. Collection of Dr. H. M. Whelpley, St. Louis, Missouri.
FIG. 130. (S. 1-4.) Large, very highly polished object. Collection of J. R. Lovejoy,
Schenectady, New York. There is a groove near the small end. Sixteen notches are upon
the more perfect surfare. Dark greenish stone, smooth as satin.
polished, and bear no marks of rough usage. On the other hand, they are
too large for ornament. Perhaps their office may have been in some cere-
mony or game.' He states that old residents of the Shenandoah Valley
claimed that the last century Indians of that locality used implements of
similar pattern for removing the bark from trees.
"General Gates P. Thruston figures three of these implements,
including a very handsome specimen in his own collection which was
found in the stone grave settlement near Nashville, Tennessee.* He says
of them: 'As no other more practical use has been suggested as to them,
we call them ceremonial spades or maces.' He also describes two others,
' one about 30 cm. long and the other a delicate little type 9 cm. in
length,' and concludes his description with the following statement: 'These
implements are too dull for cutting purposes and must have been too
valuable for use as ordinary agricultural or mechanical tools.'
"Mr. Clarence B. Moore figures several fine specimens in the
magnificent reports of his explorations. One of these, 35 cm. in length, is
made of sassurite and was taken from the Shields mound in Duval County,
Florida. f Another of polished claystone and 28 cm. in length was procured
from Mt. Royal (mound) in Putnam County, Florida. The same author
credits Thomas Wilson, Esq., for a report of two of these implements, one of
blue traprock, highly polished, found near Columbia, South Carolina, and
the other from Kentucky.
"He quotes Dr. Joseph Jones, who says: 'Several conjectures have
been formed as to the use of these singular implements. Some have sup-
posed them to have been used in agriculture, the flat head being employed as
a spade and the round handle for making small holes in the earth for the
deposit of Indian corn; others believe that they were used to strip bark
from trees; others again, that they were used in dressing hides, in excavating
caves, or in felling trees after the wood has been charred by fire. It is
possible that they may have been used for all these purposes and also as
warlike weapons, since it would be easy to cleave or fracture the human
skull with a single blow from one of these stone implements.'
"Mr. Moore concludes his remarks as follows: 'Mr. Thruston reports
a number of these implements from various parts of Tennessee, and rightly,
we think, classes them as ceremonial. We consider them of too infrequent
occurrence to suggest their employment for any practical use. We have
been able to learn of none showing breakage or signs of use and some are
too small in size to render them useful as weapons. Moreover, the tally
marks on certain specimens connect them with the ceremonial class.'
* Antiquities of Tennessee.
^Certain Sand Mounds of Duval County, Florida.
FIG. 131. (S. 1-3.) Seven spatulate-form objects of slate and greenstone. These range
from 6 to 40 cm. in length. All are from sites along the Cumberland and Tennessee
rivers in southwestern Kentucky. Collection of General Bennett H. Young, Louisville,
"In closing this chapter the author desires to present the following
conclusions and remarks which, though at variance with much that has
been written concerning the purpose of this class of implements, are, he
believes, worthy of consideration: —
"He is convinced that further researches in the field and examination
of the thousands of public and private collections of our country will show
that these implements are of more frequent occurrence than we entertain
any idea of at present. The very considerable amount of additional data
which he has been able to collect in his own and adjoining states would
indicate as much.
"Contrary to what has been supposed, some broken and mutilated
specimens have been found.
"Such specimens as have come to his notice and which he has been
able to examine were generally so substantially fashioned and their blades
so edged as to suggest their employment for a practical purpose, though
possibly not for all or any of those which have been suggested.
"The presence of notches or incisions upon the blades and handles of
some examples does not imply a relationship with objects of the so-called
'ceremonial class', any more than do the flutings upon the polls and blades
of a fairly numerous class of Wisconsin grooved stone axes, which, not-
withstanding their often artistic ornamentation, are of equal value for
service and present the same evidence of hard usage that other stone axes
have received.
"Class B (See Fig. 128). Blade generally short, crescent-shaped or
oval, convex or flat, reduced to a sharp cutting edge, shoulder when present
also partially edged; handle generally of short or medium size, of nearly
uniform width, circular, elliptical, less frequently square or somewhat
rectangular in section.
"Diorite, diabase, and granite appear to have been most employed in
the making of these implements. Specimens made of slate, sandstone, and
other materials are known.
"They are usually quite smooth and polished. The sides of the handle
are frequently pecked or left unpolished as if to afford a better grip for the
hand. The notches and incisions which characterize many specimens of
the former class are absent in this. There is a well-marked tendency in some
of the smaller types toward celt forms.
"The blades of a majority of these implements exhibit nicks and
fractures and other unmistakable signs of use. Broken specimens are
common and there can be no doubt of their having been employed by the
aborigines for one or more useful purposes.
"Dr. J. F. Snyder, who is well acquainted with these implements, says
of them: 'These indigenous specimens were evidently tools in common
FIG. 132. (S. 2-5.) Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi mounds. Explorations of Clarence B.
Moore, Esq. These outlines are reduced from Mr. Moore's reports.
use. It is readily to be seen that they were serviceable appliances for
stripping the bark from trees, for skinning large animals, for dressing hides,
and a variety of domestic purposes.'
"Honorable J. V. Brower of St. Paul, who has spent fifty years in
studying the habits and customs of the Northwestern Indian tribes at
their camping-grounds, and whose work in the archaeological field is well
known, says:
'They were most likely used in the process of making canoes from
burned-out logs.' He has not found them in Kansas, where 'boat tools
were very scarce, simply because they used bull-boats instead of log canoes.'
"This, then, is the form of stone implement which has come to be
designated by the name 'spud' by Western archaeologists and of which,
curiously enough, little or nothing has been written.
"The majority of the implements illustrated and described in this
article as Wisconsin types, belong to this class. Dr. Snyder and others
have informed me of the occurrence of these implements in Illinois,
Honorable J. V. Brower, Professor T. H. Lewis, Reverend E. C. Mitchell,
and others, of their being found in various localities in Minnesota and
North and South Dakota. The writer has seen specimens from Ohio,
Michigan, and Iowa. It is quite probable that further research will show
them to be quite common in nearly all of these states.
"In the Terry collection, in the American Museum of Natural History,
there is an example (T. 2011) of this type. It is of limestone and comes
from Charleston, Missouri. Mr. H. P. Hamilton has a specimen which
was found near El Paso, Texas.
"Class C. Broad flattish implements, generally of comparatively
small size. (See Figs. 135 and 137).
"Blade broad, nearly circular, elliptical or semi-elliptical in shape,
edge fairly thick and smooth, or thin and sharp, shoulders rounded or
sharply pointed; handle narrower than the blade, flat or convex, sides
straight or curved, parallel or slightly tapering to the top.
"Some specimens have the handles perforated, as if it were intended
to attach them to the person by means of a thong passed through the hole.
It is quite probable that some of these, and of the finer unperforated forms
as well, are, as has already been suggested, deserving of being classed with
the stone ornaments known as gorgets. Their generally small size, soft
material, shape, finish, and the condition of their edges, would appear to
make such a separation desirable and proper.
"In the making of others, greenstone and other hard rocks have been
employed. Many of these are roughly made and have quite sharp cutting
edges. There is a tendency on the part of some of these toward a scraper
FIG. 133. (S. 1-2.) Large, highly polished spatulate form. Museum of the American
Indian. Locality: Georgia. Material: greenstone.
iorm, and it is quite likely that they were utilized for such or a similar
domestic purpose.
"There appears to be but little reason for associating any of these
implements with the large paddle-form (Class A), as some writers have
done. Some examples might be included with the former class (B) as
medium types.
"Implements of this class are said to be of fairly common occurrence
in the South and specimens are to be seen in various public and private
collections, and have been described by various authors from Kentucky,
Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and
Florida. The writer has sketches of several specimens which were found
in Ohio.
"Mr. W. H. Ellsworth formerly possessed two specimens of this class,
one made of slate and the other of red sandstone, which were found near
Stafford, Tolland County, Connecticut."
Mr. Clarence B. Moore, who has conducted extensive explorations in
Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, etc., is an authority on archaeology
in the South. After Mr. Brown's paper appeared, Mr. Moore wrote an
article for the American Anthropologist (July-September, 1903, p. 498), in
which is contained much additional and valuable information. I quote
certain portions of it: —
"As I have found, in place, in Florida, in Georgia, and in Alabama,
a considerable number of what have been called 'hoe-shaped implements'
(Mr. Brown's 'Class C', among spuds, though he differentiates their uses
from those of the other two classes), I have thought a description of these
'implements' found by me might be of interest.
"Three of these 'implements', all beautifully made of hard stone, all
with perforations, came from a mound on the 'Charlotte Thompson place',
near Montgomery, Alabama. One of these specimens clearly bears the
marks left by a handle. The shank has projected beyond the handle on
one side; on the other side the line of the handle passes across the top of
the perforation. Another 'implement' has similar traces of a handle which
are less distinctly marked.
"An interesting feature is that marks made by a drill, probably a
reed, since the nucleus of a core is apparent, are plainly visible on the
implement. Seemingly the endeavor to perforate the shank was abandoned
after several attempts. The line left by one side of the handle is just where
the perforation was to have been."
From the twelve specimens found by Mr. C. B. Moore in his ex-
plorations he draws conclusions as follows: —
FIG. 134. (S. 1-2.) Two black slate ornaments from Fulton County, Kentucky. The lower
one is almost of spatulate form in character, but may be too slender to be considered
in that class. Ornaments of this form are very rare and doubtless represent individual fancy,
as do many of these things. Collection of General B. H. Young, Louisville, Kentucky.
FIG. 135. (S. 1-2.) Hoe-shaped object. Florida. Smithsonian Institution collection.
"From the soft character of the stones from which some of these
'implements' are made, it would seem that they were intended for active
"As some are not pierced, and as others have the hole too low on the
shank to allow graceful suspension, it does not seem likely that these objects
were used as ornaments or that the hole was intended for attachment to
the person.
"Inasmuch as on some of these, marks left by a handle are plainly
discernible, probably all were used with handles, some of which left no
trace. On certain 'celts' also one plainly sees where handles have been,
but more frequently no marks are apparent.
"Presumably, then, the 'hoe-shaped implement' was an axe and, as it
was not intended for active use, it was a ceremonial axe, as I have main-
tained in previous writings; and the hole, when it existed, was to lash the
blade more firmly to the handle. Perhaps, where the hole is not present,
the blade was used without one, since the hole is not indispensable; or just
as likely an unfinished object was buried with the dead. The discovery of
cases of this kind abound in mound work."
FIG. 136. (S. about 1-2.) Collection of L. B. Ogden, Penn Yan, New York. At
the bottom is a long, slender ornament with spatulate form ends. At the left is an
implement which may be said to belong to the spatulate class. The ornaments are
typical of early New York sites.
FIG. 137. (S. 1-3.) Two well-made spatulate-form objects from General B. H. Young's
collection. The one to the left is made of greenstone, that to the right of canel coal.
Cumberland Valley, Kentucky. That one is made of a soft material indicates use other
than for digging.
FIG. 138. (S. 1-1.) This was found on a village site 1 kilometer from Lowell,
Washington County, Ohio. Material: greenish-gray banded slate. Collection of
Willard H. Davis.
The name for these, it would seem, is quite appropriate, since the
majority are shaped like the modern plummet. The plummet class is
honored above other ornamental-problematical forms for the reason that
it is found in great numbers along the Pacific Coast. Whether it extends
through the Columbia Valley, I have been unable to determine. There
have been plummets found along the lower Columbia, but no large number
has been reported. While these curious, rounded and tapering stones are
found on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia,
there are also many found in Florida and a few along the Gulf of Mexico.
They are absent (or rare) between the Coast Range and the Mississippi
River valley. Aside from California more of them seem to occur in Maine,
Massachusetts, Connecticut and Florida than elsewhere. They are fairly
common throughout the Ohio Valley but they do not constitute a predomi-
nant type in that region. In Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio many of
them are made of hematite and highly polished. This would preclude use as
ordinary net and line-sinkers. No Indian would laboriously fashion a net-
sinker out of a hematite nodule, and then polish the object. Moreover, the
grooves on most of the hematite plummets are too narrow and shallow for
the attachment of any save the most slender cords.
Those who contend that most of these plummets were made use of in
fishing, have grounds for their belief. Indians along both Coasts made use
of the ruder ones for that purpose, beyond question. Indians of the interior
where bass, perch, trout and other game fish abound, might have used
plummets as sinkers. However, most of the fish seem to have been caught
in weirs or nets. Many Indian tribes preferred to spear fish rather than
to angle for them. Judged by our standards of angling for game fish, most
of these sinkers are entirely too heavy. While the plummets are common
where large fish abound, yet they extend throughout the Ohio Valley.
There do not seem to be great numbers of them in the St. Lawrence Basin,
a region famous for large and fine fish.
For the instruction of readers, we are fortunate in having to recom-
mend a monograph entitled The So-called Plummets, which was written by
Dr. Charles Peabody.* This contains an exhaustive description of such
forms of objects' as are illustrated in Figs. 139 to 150. Dr. Peabody
""University of Pennsylvania, Bulletin Series 1901.
FIG. 139. (S. about 1-6.) California plummets and small mortars. J. B. Lewis collection, Petaluma. Cal.
examined all that the writers have said with reference to these interesting,
problematical forms. The many theories offered were presented by him
in the form of a table which is herewith reproduced.
I In connection with fishing
II. In connection with the chase or warfare
III. In connection with textiles
1. Drag-line sinkers
2. Fishing-line sinkers (above hook)
3. Fishing-line sinkers (below hook)
4. Net sinkers
5. Bait and hook combined
6. As slingstones
7. As black-jacks
8. As bolas
9. Twine or sinew twisters
10. Spinning- weights
11. Netting- weights
[12. Weaving- weights
13. Hand-pestles
14. Hanging-pestles
15. Paint-stones
16. Rubbing-stones
17. Hammers
18. Ear ornaments
19. Simple pendants
20. Amulets and
21. Charm-stones
22. Lucky stones
IV. In connection with hitting or grinding
V. As ornaments
VI. W'ith superstitious significance
VII. As drum-rattles
VIII. As true plummets
IX. As game stones
X. In connection with phallic worship
All of the above uses were assigned by various writers. Now and then
bright-colored stones, slender and oval in form, have been made use of by
tribes in the far North and on islands of the sea as fish lure, just as we
make use of bright spoons in trolling. But the average fresh-water fish
would not be attracted by such clumsy lures. I have seen objects similar
to those shown in Fig. 146 in the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, and in
the Smithsonian Institution, which may have been used for such purposes.
But these are very different in form, as readers will observe by reference,
from plummets. Among observers, it is generally accepted, that in the
Delaware and Susquehanna Valleys where many common, flat pebbles are
found, the notches on these indicate that they were made use of as net-
sinkers. I have seen old Ojibwa Indians on White Earth reservation using
such sinkers as net-weights. Although several writers, including Mr.
Meredith, claim that plummets were made use of in line-fishing, I cannot
bring myself to accept the statement. This applies to the finer plummets,
not the rough ones.
It seems to me that the uses assigned under V and VI are more probable.
I am of the opinion that we can set aside the proposal under IV, that
plummets served as hand-pestles, they being too small for that purpose.
FIG. 140. (S. 1-3.) Four porphyry plummets from the Peabody Museum collection^
Salem, Massachusetts. A number of these were found together, not far from Ipswich.
The Salem collection contains numerous examples of fine plummet-shaped stones. They
range from those having a narrow neck to those with broad necks. Usually, the bases are
round, but occasionally they are drawn to a point. Three types are shown in this figure.
FIG. 141. (S. 1-3.) Plummet-shaped stones from various sites in Kentucky. Bennett
H. Young's collection, Louisville, Kentucky.
FIG. 142. (S. 1-2.) Slender plummet. W. H.
Foster collection. Found near Andover, Mass.
FIG. 143. (S. 2-3.) Specialized plummet. Soap-
stone. Marion County, California. Smithsonian
Institution collection.
FIG. 144. (S. 1-1.) From Section
21,Monroe Township, Johnson County,
Iowa. C. F. Noe's collection, Amana,
FIG. 145. (S. 1-3.) Stone plummets from Florida mounds. Re-drawn
from C. B. Moore's reports. Double-grooved plummets are common
along the Florida coast. If these are fish-line sinkers, why the
double grooves? Why make them so symmetrical, when a rough
cylindrical stone would serve the purpose just as well?
All the paint-pestles I have ever observed were miniature hand-pestles, or
"mullers", and not grooved.
There is presented by Dr. Peabody on page 25 of his paper, the opinion
that these might be worn about the neck by a man when fishing or hunting,
rather than that they were in actual use as a part of fishing or hunting
paraphernalia. Here we have what seems to me to be the solution of the
mystery. The charm-stone brought luck to the man in his pursuits of
game on land and fish in the sea. But it was entirely too valuable a stone
to attach to the cord and risk losing during the fishing operations. Pursuing
our study of aboriginal traits, we may, at least, come to an understanding
of the workings of the Indian mind, and we may learn that the man placed
greater faith in the potency of his medicine, or of his charms, than he did
in his actual implements made use. of in capturing game or defeating the
enemy. Such things as these plummets and other problematical forms
served as charms, amulets, and medicine-stones. But ruder things were
made use of in the actual workings necessary to achieve the desired results.
We have already seen (page 30) under which classification the Com-
mittee places plummets. This might be expanded as follows:—
(All are grooved)
A. Very rude, flattened or rounded pebbles (not notched). Fig. 147.
B. Oval or egg-shaped. Classes A and B are manifestly sinkers. Upper row in Fig. 13!).
C. Short, rounded forms without neck. Right and top in Fig. 150.
D. Pear-shaped. Two in Fig. 140.
E. Elongated neck, rounded base. Fig. 140.
F. Elongated neck, expanding body, contracting to a point. (Sometimts specialized) Fig. 1.50(2)
G. Perforated at top. Several in Fig. 139, lower row.
H. Grooved at either end. Fig. 141. Upper row, second from left.
I. Highly polished and very symmetrical. Fig. 144.
J. With one side flattened. Fig. 149. (Not the rough types A or B).
K. Effigy forms, and objects indicating individual fancy, also with incised lines. Figs. 14.'? and
145A (left).
The last division (K) includes the more specialized and interesting
specimens. Examples of these are found in most collections of size. Not
a few occur in New England, and in Florida a few are found. Effigy plum-
mets in the New England, New York and Washington collections total,
approximately, fifty or sixty. A dozen — more or less — were found in the
Red Paint graves of Maine, by the several expeditions sent out by Phillips
Academy. As the report on this work has not been published, extended
references to these interesting forms cannot be made at this time. In
Fig. 145A is shown to the left an interesting decorated plummet of sand-
stone from Ohio. On the same plate are two figures which do not belong
in this class, an engraved spool-shaped object and a slate bead. The
plummet is distinctly ornamental. Numbers of these plummet-shaped
sandstone objects have been found in the Ohio Valley.
I formerly thought that plummets did not cover a wide range of form,
but since better opportunity for study has been afforded, I venture to
change that opinion.
It was natural for man to select a bit of shell, oval in form, and per-
forate it, and make of it a pendant just as he did with bright-colored flat
stones. It is quite likely that he next grooved a soft stone and wore it as a
plummet-shaped ornament. Becoming proficient in the working of stone,
he was able to groove harder materials and make of them the plummets
we find so frequently in some portions of America. I have attempted
to subdivide plummets, although they may be long and slender, short and
thick, oval, flat on one side; or the body large, and the neck somewhat
lengthened. Plummets may also be grooved at either end, and instead of
being grooved may be perforated, as is seen in California types.
It is well for readers and students alike to consult the outlines in Figs. 206
and 209 which present plummets as well as related forms.
The plummet may not only be plain, but also almost effigy-like in
character. Some of the sandstone plummets of Maine and of southern
Ohio as well are decorated with incised lines as indicated in Fig. 145A,
in which one is shown.
The New England plummets are of varying lengths, and the body
may be oval or almost globular. Occasionally, it is drawn to a point at the
base, as is observed in the left-hand one of Fig. 141.
Fig. 142, Mr. William H. Foster's collection, Andover, presents an
interesting stone plummet, one-half size. Fig. 150, seven plummets
of varying dimensions and form, from northeastern Ohio, and West Virginia,
in the Phillips Academy collection. Fig. 144, a beautiful black granite
plummet from Dr. Charles F. Noe's collection. This presents the height of
stone age art in plummet-making. Fig. 139, one hundred and twelve plum-
mets from the collection of the late Mr. J. B. Lewis, Petaluma, California.
Some of those hung on the lower row are perforated, some are grooved and
also perforated. Those on the six upper rows are not only oval, but also
slender, and yet again globular with small projection attached, which is
grooved. All types of coast plummets are illustrated in Mr. Lewis's col-
lection. In Fig. 146, the plummet at the top could not be fastened as it is
ungrooved. Such objects may be unfinished, or not plummets. Several are
included in the illustrations which are more or less of plummet form, yet
may be something else. The two in the centre are well wrought and highly
polished. The same is true of Colonel Young's plummets in Fig. 141. Some of
these small plummets may have been encased in wet rawhide and used on the
FIG. HOA. (S. 1-2.) (See page 163)
FIG. 147. (S. 1-1.) A. Crozier, Wilmington, Del.
FIG. 146. (S. 1-4.) This figure shows a series of plummet-shaped stones from California.
These are in the Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Quite a number of these are not
grooved. More highly specialized plummets from California are often found. Nobody
has ever satisfactorily explained the anchor-shaped stones from along the Pacific Coast,
some of which are illustrated in this figure.
t?nd of a thong or short stick as a sling-shot. The two hundred and six on
exhibition at Phillips Academy from the Red Paint graves in Maine are for
the most part plain, rough forms. Yet, there are among them effigy plum-
mets and specialized plummets. Some of the plummets from Massachusetts
and Maine weigh as much as five pounds.
Regarding these numerous plummets and kindred-shaped stones so
common on the Pacific Coast, not a little has been written, as reference to
the Bibliography will prove. Rev. H. C. Meredith* once wrote for me a
page concerning these strange objects. As it is concise and to the point
and as good as anything I have seen in print, I reproduce it here:
"The evidence seems to point to a variety of uses and not to one only.
The view most commonly held now, I believe, is that these objects are
'medicine-stones' or 'charms', supposed to bring good luck and success
to their owners. Mr. J. G. Henderson, in an article published in the
American Naturalist, in 1872, appears to be the first to suggest this use of
the stones. Mr. H. W. Henshaw followed, in the American Journal of
Archaeology, with an elaboration of this theory. Others have followed
with additional evidence in support of it. When a final conclusion is
reached, however, I think it will be to the effect that while these stones
were used as 'charms', such use was not original and primary, but second-
ary, perhaps only occasional and incidental.
"Personally, I have no doubt that these stones were objects of utility
designed for several practical services in the economy of the Californian
aborigines. In the course of time, by a process of evolution readily sug-
gesting itself, a few of them, like the arrow and the pestle, passed from the
sphere of utility into that of veneration and ceremony. Anyone knowing
the Indian character intimately will appreciate the ease with which such a
change could be wrought. I but lately witnessed an illustration parallel.
I was in attendance upon a ceremonial gathering that continued through
five days and nights. The native game called 'hand-game' or 'guessing-
game' was played. Before the game began, I bargained with a young
Indian for his set of game-bones, to be delivered at the close of the game.
The bones had never been used. The play continued for two days, and the
team represented by this Indian won everything the opposition could put
up. The time of adjournment had not been reached, but wishing to close
my bargain, I offered the man the sum agreed upon. This he refused, and
with many and earnest words explained that the bones were ' good medicine '
and 'lucky'; that he had never done so well before. If he sold them he
could never get such lucky ones again, etc. After much talk he proposed
to let me have them for twice the sum agreed upon. I declined, though I
* Stone Age in North America, vol. i, pp. 437-439.
FIG. 148. (S. 3-8.) Two views, side and top, of a large plummet. Material: sandstone.
Phillips Academy collection. This stone was found near Fall River, Massachusetts. It
appears to be an effigy of a whale. Numbers of rude effigies, more or less whale-like in
character, are found along the Atlantic seaboard in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine.
Doubtless the whale would excite wonder in the minds of aborigines - — hence the effigies.
FIG. 149. (S. 1-3.) Plummets of various forms. From mounds along the Florida
Coast. Re -drawn from Mr. C. B Moore's reports.
really intended to take them. - 1 imagined I would lose nothing by delay.
In the meantime a company of Pah-Utes came in and joined the losers.
A stake was raised and a new game started, the Pah-Utes using their own
songs and changing them often for 'luck'. But after six hours they were
wholly defeated, losing everything to the same set of bones. After a while
I hunted up my Indian and reopened negotiations for the bones. After
beating about the bush I offered him his price. To my chagrin he refused
the sum and would not listen to any offer. I was given to understand that
no Indian could sell such lucky bones. I then called other Indians to my
aid, men who had refused me nothing I was willing to pay for, but they
gravely repeated the saying that the bones were 'lucky' and 'good
medicine'; that they could never be replaced, and it was useless to talk
about buying them. Now any one can see how a few more successes with
these bones would place them in the sphere of veneration. Anyone having
them in his possession would be considered an invincible player. Ultimately
they would pass from the sphere of utility into that of superstition and
become 'charms'.
"So with the perforated stones I am considering. Suppose they were
used as net-sinkers, or line-sinkers, as there is reason to believe they were,
and remarkable catches of fish with that net or line would make for the
stones the reputation of being 'lucky'. Continued successes would transfer
them to the realm of veneration — they would become 'charms'. They
need no longer be fastened to net or line. It would be enough to hang them
over the water or from the canoe. Suppose they were used to twist bow-
strings; and some were no doubt so used. Unusual success with that bow
would sooner or later change the twister into a 'charm', and so on.
"When a stone would be regarded as lucky, it would begin to receive
at the hands of the owner the finishing and polishing touches which at last
produced the rare specimen of elegant finish, sometimes, but not often,
J. B. Lewis, Esq., of Petaluma, California, established a ranch seven
miles from a lagoon near Sonoma Mountain. Mr. Lewis arrived at this
place more than sixty years ago, and died about 1909. He wrote me many
interesting letters regarding his observations upon Indian tribes of his
region. He was an intelligent man and a keen observer. On his arrival in
California he heard that a large tribe living near Petaluma was practically
exterminated by some contagious disease. Survivors returned annually to
the mountain and the lagoon described in his letters and there held
I quote from his letters: — "On Sonoma Mountain, seven miles from
Petaluma, is a depression in the hills in which the winter rains are collected,
forming a large lake or lagoon of two hundred acres, called by the Indians,
FIG. 150. (S. 1-2.) Plummets from Phillips Academy collection, Andover,
Massachusetts. These are from New England, Ohio, and West Virginia. The form
varies from long cylindrical-shaped objects to simple oval plummets. Occasionally
specimens are gracefully beveled to a point, as in the second specimen from the
bottom. There is an infinite variety, as will be observed by studying these forms .
Materials: sandstone, granite, hematite and shale.
Lagoon La Jara. Formerly the lagoon shores were covered with a tall
growth of tules, the home of geese and ducks and blackbirds in their season.
Some forty years since, it was drained and brought under cultivation. On
ploughing, stones were brought to light called 'ceremonial sinkers', plumbs,
etc. As time passes fewer are found, until now only three or four a year.
When I came here in the early fifties, large numbers of Indians used to go
by my ranch in the fall, down to the creek to catch sturgeon and dry them,
and they always went back by the way of the lagoon and stayed a day or
two and had some kind of a pow-wow. After the lagoon was drained they
never came back."*
So far as this place is concerned, it is interesting to note that plummets
were numerous where no fish abounded. Is it possible that these plummets
were fastened to rawhide and made use of in the capture of ducks and
geese? The Eskimos and northern tribes occasionally captured birds by
means of cords to which stones were fastened, and the use of the bolas among
the South American tribes is well known. The great number of plummets
found in the spot occupied by the lagoon would seem to indicate that they
were thrown among the reeds and rushes.
My own theory on these objects is that many of the rougher kinds
were used on lines but not on nets.
Descending the Susquehanna River May 15 to July 28 this year, our
party found hundreds of notched sinkers, but we did not find more than a
dozen plummets in all the collections examined. Yet, the Susquehanna
was famous for its fish and hundreds of Indians congregated at various
points on the river to catch salmon, shad, pike and other fish. Notched
net-sinkers (pebbles) predominated along the Delaware. Plummets do not
occur anywhere as numerous as in New England, possibly excepting
California. Reverting again to my theory, the ordinary forms of plummets
may be accepted as fishline-sinkers (not net-sinkers). The highly special-
ized plummets seem to have been used as charms to bring luck.
*One of the best articles on California plummets is Charm Stones, etc., by Dr. L. G. Yates, Santa
Barbara, 1890. This pamphlet illustrates many of them.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y.
The succession of aboriginal occupations, whereby are found overlapping
sites, complicates the archaeological problem in New York. A surface
find in the Iroquoian area in New York is no sure indication that the
artifact is Iroquoian. The object must be compared with specimens
actually excavated from Iroquoian village and burial sites that do not
overlie more ancient sites. By a careful study of several key sites we have
been able to determine in a large measure what is Iroquoian and non-
Iroquoian. We begin our comparison with the Iroquois because these
people were the known occupants of this region at the time of European
intrusion. But, by a careful study, we discover that the Iroquois are
comparatively late comers and that at the time of Cartier's voyage they
had scarcely a century's firm foothold on central New York. Before this
time, perhaps for a full century* they were in a state of constant danger
from invading or retalliating foes.
The Iroquois in certain features of their material culture were unlike
their predecessors. Who these earlier people were we do not completely
know, though we may be sure that certain Algonkian tribes lived in the
Erie-St. Lawrence Basin and south and eastward in pre-Iroquoian times.
We are led to believe, however, that other stocks besides this have left traces
in this region. Certain artifacts are Eskimoan; others seem to indicate a
southern influence and numerous remains are so similar to the mound-
builder forms that we have no hesitancy in declaring them products of
the mound-builder culture. And who shall say, also, that certain of the
eastern Siouan stock did not at one time occupy parts of New York, Penn-
sylvania and Ohio, as well as portions of the region southward?
In our examination of the "problematical" forms found in New York,
especially gorgets, banner-stones, boat-stones and the like, we soon discover
that all are non-Iroquoian. We also find that while such articles are found
on the latter pre-colonial Algonquin sites, by far the greater number belong
to a culture different in many respects from that commonly recognized as
Algonkian, of the Delaware-Mahikan-Munsee type. It thus appears that
*This would place the entrance of the earliest Iroquois tribes into New York at about 1335.
more than one tribe and perhaps stock, used gorgets and banner-stones
and similar articles; that the Iroquois did not is significant.
The mere description of "ceremonials" or problematical objects is of
little avail unless we seek to correlate these things with others and examine
the collected facts. Since we may be tolerably sure that some of the
Algonkian tribes in New York at one time or another used the
"problematical" objects and that the "mound-builder culture" in this
same area also produced similar results, for the purpose of our discussion,
we may divide the state into two sections by a line starting at the point
where the northern boundary of the state touches the St. Lawrence and
extending southwardly to the confluence of the Chemung with the north
branch of the Susquehanna, below Waverly. Did not certain evidences of
the mound-builder culture extend along the St. Lawrence we could more
conveniently divide our area by a line running north and south through
the watershed that forms the carry between Wood Creek and the Mohawk
near Rome, Oneida County.
As pre-Iroquoian western New York contains mounds adjacent to
which are sites yielding the problematical artifacts under discussion, we
propose for the purposes of this study to call the region west of our dividing
line, the "mound-builder area" and the region to the east the "Algonkian
In New York the mound-builder culture is not always coincident with
the presence of mounds. Scattered relics of this culture in the form of
monitor pipes, gorgets, banner-stones, stone tubes and even isolated burials
and stone graves indicate the one-time cultural influence of the "mound-
building" Indians.
For the purposes of accuracy it is our intent to treat the mounds made
by the predecessors of the Iroquoian stock in New York, as one phase of
an ethnic culture. We are thus enabled to treat other evidences of that
culture without necessarily confining our descriptions and facts to an
immediate association with mounds, though we take our datum from them.
It is difficult to mark the exact limitations of this culture because the
implements and ornaments that it produced in some respects are similar
to some of those made by both the Algonkian and Iroquoian peoples in
New York, but an examination of the mounds of the state gives us certain
facts upon which to base our observations.
New York mounds and the occupied sites contiguous to them, parti-
cularly those in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua and Livingston counties reveal
that the people who built the mounds used (1) platform pipes, (2) grooved
axes and celts, (3) gouges, (4) gorgets, (5) banner-stones, (6) boat-stones
and bird-stones, (7) stone tubes of several varieties, (8) native copper
implements and ornaments such as chisels, celts, spear and arrow-heads,
beads, ear ornaments, etc., (9) numerous flint drills or perforators, (10) shell
beads, (11) pearl beads, (12) mica ornaments, (13) bone and antler imple-
ments, (14) notched and triangular arrow and spear heads, (15) that they
cultivated corn and other vegetables and tobacco, (16) were a village-
dwelling people, (17) made crude pottery, (18) used discoidal stones, (19) used
cylindrical and bell pestles.
Mounds in New York seem to have been used as (a) burial places,
(b) house sites, (c) for observation and perhaps monuments.
The evidences of the mound culture are more numerous in extreme
western New York than east of the Genesee river. It would seem that it
entered the state along the shores of Lake Erie and up from the Allegheny
River. Chautauqua and Cattaraugus counties thus contain a larger
number of mounds than do other portions of the state, though certain other
sections have yielded relics in abundance.
The regions showing the greatest evidence of the mound culture are,
(1) the south shore of Lake Erie from Westfield to the mouth of the Cat-
taraugus Creek, (2) the valley and terraces of the Cattaraugus to Gowanda,
(3) the Allegheny Valley, (4) the valley of Chautauqua Lake and the
Chadekoin River, (5) the Conewango Valley, (6) the Cassagada Valley,
(7) the valley of Buffalo Creek, (8) the valley of Tonawanda Creek eastward
to the overland trails to the Genesee, (9) eastward along the Allegheny
Valley from Bradford northward along the tributaries, thence overland to
the Genesee Valley, (10) the Genesee Valley from Portageville to the mouth
of the river, (11) Irondequoit Creek, (12) Canandaigua Lake Valley,
(13) the region of the Finger Lakes, to the Seneca River, (14) the valley of
the Seneca River, (15) southward and about the southern shores of Oneida
Lake, (16) scattering relics along the Oswego River, (17) Jefferson County
along the shores of Ontario and the lower waters of the neighboring creeks,.
(18) the St. Lawrence Valley, (19) south of the Finger Lakes. Especially
along the head streams of the Susquehanna and of the Delaware are scat-
tering relics.
In our description of this western area we do not wish to imply that
the pre-Iroquoian occupation is entirely of the mound-builder culture, for
this is far from the case. Characteristic Algonkian sites are found in many
places in western and central New York, as are other sites of indeterminate
East of our division line is a region characterized in large areas by
an Algonkian occupation, but even here are many sites yielding articles
that are either distinctly Eskimoan, mound-builder, stone-grave or red-
paint products.
The Algonkian area is characterized by (1) notched and triangular
arrow points, (2) large flint knives and spears, (3) perforators and scrapers,.
(4) grooved axes and celts, (5) gouges, (6) soapstone pottery, (7) bell and
cylindrical pestles, (8) pitted mortars, cord-marked and impressed pottery
of ovoid shape, (9) bird-stones, banner-stones, gorgets; (10) small village
sites and camp sites; (11) bone implements, as barbed harpoons and awls;
(12) crude pipes with fine line decorations, varying from nearly straight
tubes to bent tubes showing the modeled "bend"; (13) and on the coast of
various literal products, as quartz implements, as choppers and points;
deposits of marine shells emptied for food, etc.
Some of the bird-stones and banner-stones appear crude and worked
from heavy granite or sandstone. More are made with a fair degree of
skill. One is led to believe that the later Algonkians copied to a large
extent the material culture of a more advanced division of the race that
came from the South and West, but which after a certain time was either
absorbed or unable to maintain itself in the eastern section. That the
eastern Algonkians received a great cultural impetus from the intruding
strangers cannot be doubted. We have some realization of this when we
note the thinning out of the polished slate object in eastern New England,
southern New York, Pennsylvania and the region north of the St. Lawrence
Basin, including the Erie-Ontario slopes, in Canada. On the contrary,
these articles appear in the greatest abundance west of our division line,
westward into Ohio and down the Allegheny to the Ohio River and south-
ward to Tennessee. The St. Lawrence Basin all along the Great Lakes
also yields the problematical slates. To the westward the polished slate
implement culture merges with the complex mound culture and to the east
with the simple Algonkian.
The Algonkian areas in New York yielding polished slate implements
are: (1) Clinton County, especially the sites along Lake Champlain;
(2) Warren County, especially about Glens Falls; (3) Washington County,
especially the Hoosick Valley; (4) the entire Hudson Valley; (5) the tide-
water districts, including Manhattan, Staten and Long islands; (6) the
Schoharie Valley; (7) the Susquehanna Valley; (8) the Delaware Valley;
(9) the Chenango and Unadilla valleys; (10) the Chemung Valley; (11) the
Mohawk Valley. West of our divisional line typical Algonkian sites are
found (12) about Oneida Lake, (13) about the Finger Lakes, (14) the
Genesee Valley, (15) Cattaraugus, Erie and Chautauqua counties; and
(16) throughout the region west of the Genesee.
This enumeration of localities covers almost the entire state and it
would have served a general purpose to say that "the entire state bears
evidence of the Algonkian occupation", were it not our particular purpose
to point out the special centres or lines of occupation, which it will be
seen were mostly creek and river valleys and lake-shore slopes.
Many of the Algonkian sites are found near earlier sites of the mound-
builder culture. Frequently, however, no trace of the Algonkian occupation
is to be discovered near a mound-culture site. The two stages of occupation,
thus stand apart and may be compared. Algonkian graves are far different
from graves of the polished slate people, the latter yielding by far the finer
implements both in type and variety. From my notes I am able to describe
several graves which contained polished slate implements or which may be
regarded as of the mound-culture period.
1. Mound grave on the banks of the Cattaraugus Creek, Chau-
tauqua County, near Little Indian Creek. Examined 1908-1913
by A. C. Parker and E. R. Burmaster. Grave opened in 1914 by
E. R. Burmaster who found a skeleton disturbed by a woodchuck
burrow. A male skull was found in good condition. The imple-
ments were four notched spears or knives, one horned banner-
stone and a copper chisel. The mound is 10 m. in diameter
composed of sand and clay intermixed. It stands on the edge of
the alluvial bluff and is directly south and opposite another mound
across the valley on the crossroad from the horse-shoe bend of the
Irving road to the Mile Strip road. The fields near both mounds
yield notched flint points.
At the mouth of the creek on the north side is a large site
covering fifty to one hundred acres or more. Several early occu-
pations are apparent. On this village site many gorgets, several
banner-stones, a bird-stone and other polished implements as celts
and gouges have been found. The arrow-points are mostly of
chert and have notched shoulders. Large spears have been
found. Some chipped flints are plainly of Flint Ridge, Ohio,
material. Mr. Burmaster in 1912 found fragments of a large
pottery jar. The pottery was thick and decorated by corded
On the slopes of the Newton farm across the valley is another
large site upon which have been found polished slates and several
bird-stones. This is east and south of the village of Irving.
2. Isolated burial in an elevation (mound?) near Oswego, con-
taining a thick pendant gorget and a highly polished gouge. Both
specimens are in the New York State Museum.
3. Burial in a low mound near Watertown containing a bird-
stone and banner-stone.
4. Two stone box graves in low mounds on the John F. White
estate, Mt. Morris. These graves contained two highly polished
and finely formed monitor pipes, many perforated pearls, two
copper chisels, a copper double-cymbal ear ornament held by
a hollow copper rivet, two gorgets, two celts and several finely
chipped, notched spears or knives. There are three burial mounds
on the White estate on Squakie Hill, two of which have been
excavated, with the results above described. In the fields about
the mounds have been found numerous flints, many celts and
several grooved axes, cylindrical and bell pestles, notched choppers;
one banner-stone is recorded and numerous other remains, as
broken implements, hammer-stones, anvils and notched sinkers.
5. Several graves have been found in a gravel bank near Vine
Valley on Canandaigua Lake. None of the graves were opened by
experts and hence there was no opportunity for close observation.
The specimens found in the graves, however, are of exceptional
interest. From one grave was taken a large tablet gorget (See
Fig. 167), a copper chisel blade, a segment of a mastodon ivory
dagger, an antler awl, a pendant gorget of bone, a bar amulet, a
broken bar amulet and two stone tubes. From another grave was
taken a stone tube, two long strings of shell beads and a chipped
knife, 25^ cm. long. Fragments of a large cord-marked pottery jar
were found similar to the Irving pottery found by Mr. Burmaster.
At the head of the lake near Naples is an Algonkian village
site, or series of sites, covering more than two hundred acres.
Numerous crude articles as mullers, hammer-stones and anvils or
metates have been found there by Mr. D. Dana Luther, who also
procured from the finders the Vine Valley specimens.
6. A mound burial near Tonawanda Creek excavated by Jacob
Doctor contained a boat-stone, a bird-stone, a bar-amulet and
two gorgets. The mound is about 8 m. in diameter and situated
on a gentle slope on the Tonawanda reservation, near Indian Falls,
Genesee County. The neighboring fields yield numerous flints.
7. An isolated burial near Athens, Green County, contained a
pendant gorget, more than one hundred native copper beads,
globular shell beads and pendant columella.
Most of the objects described are in the New York State Museum
collections, though Mr. John F. White has most of the Mt. Morris material.
Unfortunately the finding of the graves of the "polished slate" people is
usually done by men who do not stop to observe the relation of the specimen
to the skeleton. At other times the skeleton is far too greatly decayed
to permit any knowledge of the relative position of the object.
We are able to state, however, that some of these burials would be
considered ordinary in Ohio and even in Tennessee. The culture is plainly
derived from the Ohio region and southward. Numerous sites along the
central Finger Lakes and along the Seneca River have yielded an abundance
of polished slates. The region about Oneida Lake is especially rich. One
site near Brewerton has yielded more than twenty copper objects, many
gorgets and several banner-stones. Mr. Otis Bigelow, who had a collection
embracing more than ten thousand articles, had numerous polished slates
from this vicinity.
If we were to trace the route taken by the polished-slate people we
should follow both the lake shore of Erie and the valley of the Allegheny.
Perhaps the north shore of Lake Erie was also a route, for we find an
abundance of polished slates in the sites upon which the Huron and Neutral
Iroquois intruded. The Niagara was a meeting-place for the two geo-
graphically divided bands. The southmost division, we should say, dwelt
about Chautauqua Lake and the valley of the Allegheny, with its tributaries.
We thus find true mounds in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Erie counties.
The southern bands along the Allegheny and the Cattaraugus perhaps
found a portage or a short overland trail to the upper waters of the Genesee,
and the more northerly along the Tonawanda Creek to the lower Genesee.
The Genesee Valley throughout most of its length is rich in polished slate
artifacts of this culture and the routes we have suggested contain many
sites where such objects have been found. If we were to continue our
speculation based upon our lengthy observation of this region we might
say that the traces of the polished slate culture in New York indicate an
outlying colony of the main body of the people who lived in Ohio and
As to the type of dwellings occupied, we can only conjecture, though
in several instances we have the basis for some deduction. Near several
mound-sites in Chautauqua and Cattaraugus counties, as near Finley
Lake, Chautauqua Lake, the valleys of Clear Creek, of the Connewango
and the Allegheny are series of pit-like depressions with earthen rings
about their rims. Upon examination of these depressions, many of which
are 3 to 4m. in diameter, they appear to be sunken portions of earth
lodges. They are too large for caches and when excavated contain
no refuse. Small cribs made of logs or bearing evidence of log construction
have been found in mounds along the Allegheny, where sunken topped
mounds have been observed. One mound on a hilltop near Napoli, Catta-
raugus County, had within it a stoned-up vault. Some of the flat stones
yet remain, but the mound has been nearly destroyed. Several gorgets,
spears and celts were found within the vault by Dr. Frederick Larkin early
in the '70's of the last century. Dr. Larkin described the mound to me in
1905. He found human remains in the vault.
We cite these suggestions of construction to indicate the capacity of
the polished-slate people to erect structures. Without doubt they had
dwellings of more or less permanent character of poles, bark and pelts,
but these have disappeared; leaving but scanty traces, if any, for the
archaeologist. The immense long-houses of the Iroquois have long ago
rotted back to earth and it is with difficulty that even the systematic
excavator discovers the larger pestholes, all of which indicates how com-
pletely all evidence of even large structures may be lost.
European articles have not been found in undisturbed sites or mounds
of the polished-slate people in the New York region. Articles of Iroquoian
and European origin have been found in low burial-mounds of Iroquoian
erection, but the two classes of mounds must be carefully distinguished.
Our survey would lead us to believe that the polished-slate people dis-
appeared about the time, if not coincident with, the coming of the Iroquois
tribes into their present occupational area. They were the chief inhabitants
of western New York and the Allegheny Valley in Pennsylvania, pushing
eastward to the Mohawk where they were held in check by the Algonkian
tribes. No doubt there was considerable bartering and that the eastern
Algonkians benefited culturally from their contact.
In our consideration of the polished- slate people we must pause to
ask whether there were not two divisions, perhaps each of different stock
origin, instead of only one. A study of the Ohio region reveals a conflict
of two strong tribal bands. The invading band seems to have overcome
the older residents and occupied their territory and even possessed their
former village and fort sites, in some instances. Now where did the defeated
people retreat: southward down the Scioto and Ohio or eastward and
northward up the Ohio and along the shores of Lake Erie? Were the earlier
people who developed so striking a material culture a portion of the Dakota
stock, and were the invaders offshoots of the Huron-Iroquoian stock?
Are the remains in New York evidence of the first stock or the second, or
are both represented? What became of the polished-slate people? These
are questions that not only confront the eastern archaeologist, but the
student of the entire mound area.
Our present knowledge would lead us to conjecture that the Iroquoian
hordes pushing up the Ohio came into conflict with the polished-slate
people of the mound area and finally overcame them. Certainly we believe
that the makers of the banner-stone and gorget in New York were dis-
possessed by the Huron-Iroquois and either absorbed or driven to some
other region. We then pause to inquire if the Catawba, Tutelo and Saopni
do not represent the survivors of the vanquished people. We also pause to
compare certain artifacts of the early Cherokee with mound objects, —
as the platform pipe. The earlier Iroquois sites frequently yield, especially
in the graves, objects similar to those found in the mounds, — but not
gorgets, bird-stones or related forms. To be explicit, the points of similarity
between certain Iroquois forms and mound area forms, as between those
of Ripley, New York, and Madisonville, Ohio, are certain pipes and certain
pottery vessels. A prehistoric Iroquois site at Richmond Mills, New York,
known as "The old Indian Fort", has yielded matapodal scrapers, (similar
in every way to those found in Ohio mound sites. From these facts and
from an examination of the entire field of the earlier Iroquois occupation
in New York and Ontario, we are led to believe that the Huron-Iroquois
were the immediate successors of the polished-slate people in this area.
Our belief is confirmed by the abundance of polished slates in Ontario in
close proximity to the later Huron-Neutral sites. This fact has confused
some Canadian archaeologists, and perhaps others, and lead to the state-
ment that the polished slates are Huron or Neutral artifacts, but the graves
of the two peoples tell different stories.
The Iroquois, after their conquest of the polished-slate people, unlike
the Algonkins to the east, did not copy their artifacts. Indeed, they
seem to have deliberately avoided the use of the distinguishing badges of
their vanquished foes. Just as the conquerors of the first mound people
of Ohio beat up the mica ornaments and hammered into shapeless masses
the copper tools and gorgets of their hated victims, so did the Iroquois
taboo or avoid with deliberateness, the banner-stone and the gorget and
similar articles of polished slate. The student of barbarian psychology
finds nothing strange in this and every ethnologist knows how the emblems
of the enemy are despised and tabooed. And do not even civilized peoples
in conflict, renounce academic degrees and decorations given by their
present enemies when amity did exist?
Thus we may account for the difference between the pottery, decorative
art, implements and earthworks of the Iroquois and their predecessors.
This difference likewise makes it possible for us to define the polished-slate
area and fix the limits of the Iroquois.
One final observation remains to be made about the polished-slate
people as a people. We are induced to believe that the period during which
polished slates were manufactured and generally used was a longer one
than generally supposed. It appears as characteristic of a certain cultural
development and then totally disappears An important final question
must then be asked. What are the prototypes of these forms and are
there any survivals? The question of their use remains for another chapter.
In New York State, as is intimated in the preceding description, have
been found numerous examples of the so-called problematical forms. Not
a few uniquely made articles of this class have found their way into col-
lections, but in general the varieties conform to the lines found in Ohio
specimens. The principal problematical forms are banner-stones, bird-
stones, bar amulets, gorgets and pendants, and we propose to describe
these implements from this area in this order.
Fortunately, collectors have given special attention to artifacts of this
class and collections are fairly rich in them. To the eye of the modern
man these smooth objects of polished slate are conspicuous examples of
aboriginal handicraft and by collectors are prized perhaps as much as by
the man who made and used them, — an observation indeed that might
apply to any Indian relic. Several large collections in New York contain
polished " problematical ", among them those of Otis M. Bigelow, of
Baldwinsville; Alvin H. Dewey, of Rochester, President of Lewis H. Morgan
Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association; Willard E.
Yager, of Oneonta; J. L. Ogden, Penn Yan; C. A. North, of Middlefield,
and of Albert Waterbury of Brewerton. Museums in New York State
are well represented in polished slates from the state, and some institutions
possess abundant collections from other localities. Museums where these
collections may be studied with particular reference to New York specimens,
are: The New York State Museum, Albany; the American Museum of
Natural History, New York City; the Museum of the American Indian
(Heye foundation), New York City; the Staten Island Society of Natural
Sciences, Fort George, Staten Island; the Buffalo Society of Natural
Sciences, Buffalo; the Rochester Municipal Museums, Rochester; the
Peabody Museum, at Harvard, Cambridge, Mass.; Montgomery County
Historical Society, Aiken; Ontario County Historical Society, Canandaigua;
Buffalo Historical Society; Rochester Historical Society; Litch worth Park
Museum, Portage.
The material out of which these objects are made, in the majority
of cases, is of olivaceous striped slate, such as outcrops along the shores
of Lake Huron. Occasional specimens, however, are found of local steatite,
talc, pagodite, slate and marble. A number of large, incomplete banner-
stones are of granite, sandstone and compact schist. It would appear that
the popular material out of which these articles were fashioned was brought
into the New York region from western sources. The banner-stone itself,
in its complete form, seems to have been more of an importation than an
article manufactured directly in this locality, but a fairly numerous series
indicates that some were made in this region.
The forms of the banner-stone are numerous, but an examination
of a large series soon impresses one with the idea that each individual
specimen was made with a definite prototype in mind, the lines of which were
either followed or changed as the maker desired (See Fig. 151) . The principal
forms in the New York region are: first, the pick; second, the double-
bladed axe; third, the semi-lunar, slightly upturned; fourth, the butterfly;
fifth, the plumate or flanged socket; sixth, the single arm; seventh, the ball.
From these various pattern forms many individual varieties have been
evolved. In the pick type we include the varieties resembling upturned
horns, both pointed and knobbed. The semi-lunate somewhat resembles
the wings of a flying bird outstretched. With the addition of a head and
tail of a bird the idea of the wings would be emphasized. These forms vary
from specimens having only slightly upturned ends to those with a flattened
plane at the top, or those with rounded wingtips, or those ground off nearly
straight or edged like the bit of a modern axe. The butterfly type is so
named because it resembles the wings and body of a butterfly. In general,
banner-stones of this variety have thinner wings and are more delicately
polished. Very often the socket is short, owing to the grinding down of
the core. The flattened socket may be either long or short, but in general
its form looks like a segment from a stem of a platform pipe. The double-
bladed axe type is so called because the top and bottom are flattened, the
edges sharp and the specimen appearing as if plane surfaces had been
banded around a cylindrical core, the curved planes meeting and forming
the edges. This variety may either resemble a double-bladed axe per-
forated in the centre or a reel-shaped object with some variants taking (In-
form of canoes placed bottom to bottom. The ball banner-stone is spherical
but usually has a groove on one surface.
The "one-arm" variety generally has a body similar to the double-
bladed axe variety, with the exception that from one edge an arm arises
vertically from 25 mm. to 8 cm. or more. The inner surface of the arm
is generally carried to the edge of the perforation. In this variety the
perforation is almost without exception elliptical rather than round, and the
inner surface of the arm is often ground down so that a concaved surface is
presented. In a large number of cases in this type the arm is missing but
the body retains the characteristics described. In the first type, that of
FIG. 151 (S. 1-2.) Types of winged stones. New York State Museum collection,
the rounded double-pointed pick, a number of interesting features may be
observed. The perfect pick type is perforated so that no indication of the
socket is shown on the outer surface, with the exception of the necessary
flare due to the curving of the stone. There is no indication on the ideal
form that either side of the perforation was used as bottom or top, but in
many instances one end of the perforation is larger than the other (See
Fig. 151, No. 1). When this variety approaches the somewhat thinner
form it has a flattened top. Specimens in the New York State Museum
have this flattened top grooved, making two divided sides of the stone,
as if the maker had the idea that two objects were placed together, the
two forming a symmetrical object (See Fig. 151, No. 2). There seems to
be other indications in the marking of banner-stones that impress one with
the idea that the prototype of the banner-stone consisted of an object
or of objects that were placed with the inner surfaces about a cylindrical
core or arranged as two univalves might be, perforated at the beak and
central part of the lips.
When the pick type approaches the appearance of a pair of horns
curving upward, other variations are observed. These horns may be
knobbed slightly or the banner-stone when viewed laterally may resemble
the lines of a canoe. With the further upturning of the horns the position
of the perforation, that is to say the median line along which the horns
extend, is indicated upon the surface of the artifact by a bulbous extension
of the surface of the stone outlining the centrum. On one side of this bulbous
indication, in nearly all of the specimens which we have examined, is a
ridge about 3 mm. in width, running along the surface from the upper
edge to the lower edge (See Fig. 152, Nos. 4, 5, 6). This ridge in nearly
every case- is notched. The reverse side of specimens having this
characteristic is neither so bulbous nor is it ridged or notched. Some of
the larger specimens of this type have the points of the horns slightly
knobbed. Not all these horns, by any means, are circular in cross sections,
the tips generally being flattened and the outline showing two or three
planes of beveling. The plainer side of the artifact is the side away from
that having the protruding centrum with the notched ridge. This pick or
horn type runs through many variations and finally merges into other
types with thicker, thinner or flaring wings.
Examples of many varieties of the pick-shaped banner-stone are found
in the collections of the various museums in New York and in private
collections. An excellent series is contained in the collection of Otis M.
Bigelow and comes from the vicinity of Oneida Lake and the Seneca River.
One specimen (Bx-31687) is a small, pick-shaped banner-stone having the
pointed ends slightly dulled (See Fig. 152). It is of Huronian slate and has
a weathered surface. It is 9 cm. in length and about 20 mm. in thickness
FIG. 152. (S. 2-3.) Types of pick-shaped and lunate forms. New York State
Museum collection, Albany.
both through the centrum and diametrically. The drilling is smooth and
shows but slight evidences of the stria of the perforator. Evidently the
hole has been smoothed out after perforation (See Fig. 151, No. 1).
When the specimens depart from this simple form and take one flattened
edge they show a number of interesting variations. Specimen 31666 of the
Bigelow collection viewed from the side looks very much like a canoe
(See Fig. 152, No. 1). The under side of each prow is sharpened and the
stone stands upon its shorter base as a canoe would. The prows are not
upturned, and, if anything, turn down slightly. The upper surface of
this specimen is grooved from end to end and almost directly in a median
line from point to point, the line passing through the centre of the cylin-
drical perforation. This specimen is a valuable one not only for its form
but for the several points which may be gained from an inspection of it.
Turning it over upon its deck it is found that it does not set level. The
sharpened bottom of each prow does -not proceed in a straight line through
the centre of the object but veers on one side from the centre to an imaginary
point on the outer surface of the stone directly to one side of the per-
foration. On the opposite prow the line takes an opposite direction. This
specimen is of Huronian banded slate and is 12 cm. in length. The drilling
has been smoothed by subsequent polishing. Another specimen from the
collection of R. D. Loveland, Watertown, New York (L-20612), was
found at Ellisburg. This specimen has a flattened plane at the top but in
general is canoe-shaped in lateral outline (Fig. 152, No. 2). It has, however,
a slightly flattened knob at one prow; the other point is broken and battered
smooth. The specimen in its present form is nearly 13 cm. in length. A
smaller specimen similar to the one previously described is Bx-31678,
found on the shores of Oneida Lake in the town of Cicero (Fig. 152, No. 3).
It has a groove at the top and in the main represents the canoe-shaped
banner-stone No. 31666; its length, however, is little more than two-thirds
that of the former, it being 7 cm. in length. The beginning of the horn type
is shown in a specimen (Bx-31684) of the Bigelow collection (Fig. 152, No. 6).
This has heavy horns projecting from the wide centrum and is made out of
an especially compact variety of finely striped slate. It was found at
Montezuma, Cayuga County, where many implements of this sort have
been picked up. In length it is 8 cm. and in width 3 cm.; the central per-
foration being 18 mm., equal in this respect to some of the larger specimens.
The front of this specimen has a projecting ridge which is scratched at right
angles with twelve finely incised lines. The points of the horns are rounded
and not as sharp as in some other specimens.
There are several smaller specimens similar to this but with horns
more flattened. An irregular specimen in the Bigelow collection (31683)
is from the shores of Skaneateles Lake (Fig. 152, No. 5). Its polishing has not
yet proceeded to a point where the picking has been entirely removed. A
better specimen in which the horns are quite pronounced as such, is found
in the collection of Alvin H. Dewey of Rochester (D-3356), and is reported
from Watertown, New York. Upon the upturned surface of the horns is
an incision running from the point to the centrum, making a dividing line-
bounding the two halves of this artifact. This specimen is of weathered
dark-green slate and in length from tip to tip is slightly over 11 cm. A
similar horned specimen, but slightly longer, was found at Tyre on Seneca
Lake (Bx-31682). The upturned surface of the horns still shows the
scratching of the polishing sand, but the outer surface has been bleached
and weathered (Fig. 152, No. 4). In the Dewey specimen previously men-
tioned the projecting ridge is not notched but in this specimen crude incisions
are noticeable; several have been obliterated, but ten are plainly visible.
The horn type approaches its perfection in a specimen found in the town
of Pompey, Onondaga County; it is 18 cm. from tip to tip and has upon
each tip the characteristic flattened knob (Fig. 151, No. 3). The front
side does not appear to be finished and the picking and chipping still
appears. What is of considerable interest is the ridged surface from
the central portion of the perforation. The bottom portion of this orna-
mentation shows that a rather complex pattern or decoration had been
made and later removed. The upper portion of the specimen and the inner
side of the horns also show scratching of the polishing and abrading material.
The stone is of fine banded slate.
Another type of the horn banner-stone found commonly throughout
the Ohio region and more rarely in New York is the horn banner-stone
having large knobs tipping each point, the circumference of the knob
projecting like a disc fastened to the tip of the horn. Specimens of this
variety usually have no ridge projecting on the outer surface but are con-
tinued in outline like two buffalo horns carefully and smoothly cemented
together, then drilled vertically from the upper point of contact. A few
specimens of this variety have been found in the Genesee region and in
Chautauqua County. A more elaborate variety is the double-horned type,
having flattened horns curving upward and smaller supplementary horns
curving beneath. A broken specimen of this type is shown in Fig. 151, No. 5,
and comes from Lysander, Onondaga County (Bx-31671).
The second type of banner-stone from which several varieties radiate
is the so-called semi-lunate (See Fig. 153). This variety has wings shaped
like ears or canoe prows projecting from the centrum. In some specimens
the wings are almost discoidal. In many specimens in this group, it will
be observed, one side of the centrum through which the perforations run, is
flattened, while on the reverse side it is rounded. Banner-stones of this
class are more numerous than any other variety found in the state and
FIG 153. (S. 2-3.) Certain forms of the lunate banner-stone in New York.
State Museum collection, Albany.
L II N A T E B A N N E R - S T O N E S 187
vary from beautifully polished specimens with tally marks to crude and
unfinished specimens lacking perforations. In some specimens the wings
do not project uniformly in a straight line from the centrum, but either
bend to one side or appear as if twisted in opposite directions. Some speci-
mens are deeply indented at the smaller side and some are perfectly plain
or show an unbroken curvature. Some specimens, however, have the
centrum projecting like a nipple, carrying the socket for 7 mm. or more
beyond the base. A description of several notable specimens in New York
collections will serve to fix the characteristics of this type.
An interesting specimen comes from the D. F. Thompson collection,
Troy, and was found at Half Moon on the Mohawk River (See Fig. 153,
No. 4). It is composed of greenish serpentine and its thin, flattened wings
project from tip to tip a little over 11 cm. On one side the centrum projects
as if bulged out to give added strength to the socket. The edges
of the wings are fairly sharp and still show the stria of the drill. This
specimen is almost a true crescent in outline. Another specimen (Y-29632)
comes from Orange County. It is of compact black slate but the drilling
has not been completed. The centrum appears pouch or bowl-like and is
equal on both sides. Fig. 153, No. 1, shows this specimen. Another speci-
men of this type is from the Bigelow collection (Bx-31695) and comes from
Camillus, Onondaga County. It is of light-green slate containing some
more compact mineral. This specimen has wings projecting from the core
at an obtuse angle instead of directly straight as in the normal type. The
hole is considerably larger than the majority and at the widest portion
it is 20 mm. in diameter; at the bottom part it is 17mm. (See Fig. 153, No. 2.)
A much more showy specimen is (Bx-31693) and comes from Dunkirk
near the shores of Lake Erie in Chautauqua County. (See Fig. 153, No. 3.)
An interesting feature of this specimen is that it is notched all around one
side and partly on the reverse as if tally marks had been made. The
material is mottled red and orange soapstone containing a harder mineral.
This specimen is nearly 10 cm. in length from tip to tip. A typical banner-
stone of this variety (Bx-31679) is of compact limestone and is weathered
to a depth of ^2 mm. This gives it a light-gray surface. A recent chip near
the tip of one wing gives a view of the material (See Fig. 151, No. 9).
Specimens of this class seem to be found on the older sites and a number of
specimens have been reported as being found at a considerable depth in
the ground. The type is similar to that found in the Delaware Valley
by Dr. E. W. Hawks and Mr. Ralph Linton in the glacial sands on Rancocas
Another class of banner-stones may be likened to flattened tubes
squeezed out thin at the sides, but with the hole cylindrical in form. In
general outline an ideal form resembles somewhat a short paddle, wide
FIG. 154. (S. 1-2.) Broken banner-stones, showing fracture lines. The two lower
specimens are in the process of completion, the holes not being drilled. New York
State Museum collection, Albany.
at one extremity and tapering at the other. Some have described this
type as heart-shaped with the apex cut off and the top flattened instead of
indented. In this class the socket shows an outward expansion to give
strength, since the hole in diameter usually is greater than the width of
the wings diametrically (See Fig. 151, No. 6).
A few banner-stones of this type have been found along the Genesee
River, but by far the greater number within our observation come from
eastern New York, especially the Hudson River region and the territory
adjacent to the Delaware drainage.
Specimen T-29797 comes from the collection of Prof. D. F. Thompson
and was found at Cat skill, New York, where many implements of the
polished-slate people have been collected. This specimen shows a well-
defined bulge at the centrum. It is nearly 10 cm. in length and 9 cm. in
width at its widest expanse. The specimen is made of steatite and shows
a fairly good surface polish, but the surface about the top and bottom still
shows the rough picking (See Fig. 155, No. 1). This specimen is a typical
form from the Hudson Valley.
A smaller but similar form (T-29811), though with less difference in
taper, is reported from this same locality (Fig. 155, No. 3). The interesting
feature about this stone is the break at either entrance to the hole, as if
the shaft had been placed within it, had been pried against one side of
the stone and caused, by the pressure, chips to fly off. Indeed, many
banner-stones of this class show similar breaks, as may be observed from
illustrations, not to mention the actual handling of the specimens.
A rather crude banner-stone with a shorter body comes from the
Gebbard collection and was found near Schoharie, New York (See Fig. 155,
No. 2). Its length along the centrum is a little over 6 cm. and the width
is 8 cm. It is scratched and picked in such a manner that it appears to
be in the process of re-working. This specimen also shows breakage caused
by lateral pressure of the shaft and it is to be wondered if the indentations
of the butterfly class have not been made to overcome the cause of these
chipped breaks. The specimen described is of dark-gray steatite and
apparently has had rough usage (See Fig. 155, No. 2).
The fourth specimen of this class comes from Oneida Lake The wings
are irregular and one of them is almost straight-edged. The illustration
(Fig. 155, No. 4) better describes the specimen than can be done in words.
Unlike the other specimens described, this is of gritty slate or claystone.
Its width is about 10 cm. The hole is neatly and accurately drilled and
appears to have been polished by rubbing a shaft up and down through it.
The reel banner-stone in outline may resemble a double-bladed axe
with outcurving bits or the edges may be convexed or incurved, presenting
the appearance of a reel (See Fig. 151, No. 8). Our observation would be
FIG. 155. (S. 3-5.) Bipennate stones with short wings. New York State Museum
collection, Albany.
that it is an attempt to portray two banner-stones united at opposite
extremities. Indeed, the manner in which these specimens are curved
would seem to indicate this conception. None of these specimens in the
New York State Museum collection show an expanded centrum, but the
surface is uniformly smooth and incurved. The specimen cited (Fig. 151,
No. 8) comes from the collection of Otis M. Bigelow (Bx-31673), and was
found at Elbridge, Onondaga County.
Another specimen of considerable interest is that belonging to the
butterfly class, but having as its general outline an irregular circle. The
centrum is expanded and there are indentations shortening the length of
the hole, perhaps for the reasons we have recently suggested (See Fig. 151,
No. 10). The greatest width of this specimen is a little over 11cm.,
and the length is slightly more than 10 cm., while the centrum is not
quite 6 cm. The drilling is exceptionally neat and polished in such a
manner that there is no sign of the irregularities of the drill. The
cutting, however, at the top and bottom of the centrum still shows the
haggling of the flint saw, but the general surface of this specimen is smooth,
but the polishing has not proceeded to such an extent that the lines of
abrasion have been entirely removed. This specimen is from the Bigelow
collection (Bx-32013) and comes from Port Ontario, Oswego County. Many
broken specimens of this character have been found in the Genesee Valley
and along the Seneca River. Some of them are of serpentine and show
beautifully grained and polished wings. The specimen we have described
is of banded Huron slate.
The most striking banner-stone form is the so-called butterfly type,
which while not generally scarce are much rarer in New York than generally
supposed. One specimen from the Genesee Valley is shown in Fig. 170.
It is of hard banded slate and the centrum is sharply ridged instead of
rounded. The narrow extremities of the wings have been broken. This
specimen is one of the larger banner-stones and its width from tip to tip
is 18 cm., with the apex of the angular ridge placed exactly 9 cm. from each
tip. The entire curvature of the edges shows careful planning and the eye
of an artisan.
A similar banner-stone of the double-edged axe type is of black slate
and comes from the Dewey collection (D-3323). The hole is not exactly
centred, measured from edge to edge, but the specimen is a good one and
has a fairly good polish for the material out of which it is made. The
centrum is flattened and the expansion is not outlined.
Very few New York banner-stones show engravings of any sort that
could be construed as decorations other than slight notchings on the edges,
to be observed in some specimens. Fig. 169, however, shows a good specimen
of a New York banner-stone with the addition of decorative lines. It is
FIG. 156. (S. 7-8.) Unique bird-stone from Lysander, New York. Side and top
view. New York State Museum collection, Albany.
FIG. 157. (S. 7-8.) Two unusual bird-stones. New York State Museum
collection, Albany.
smoothly polished but not of any great regularity of outline. The hole is
so placed that it does not follow the median line of the object.
Another interesting form of banner-stone is that shown in No. 4,
on Fig. 151. The stone does not show the expanding centrum and the hole is
elliptical in outline instead of round. The specimen has a chipped break
as illustrated in Fig. 154, No. 3. Banner-stones of this sort frequently
have an arm extending upward from one base. The length of this arm
may be anywhere from 20 mm. to 5 cm. Another interesting feature is
that both top and base are incurved as if a cylindrical polisher had been
rubbed along the edge. No specimen in this class is very large. The
specimen in Fig. 151, No. 4, is about 6 cm. wide.
BREAKS. Broken banner-stones are a frequent occurrence on village
sites of pre-Iroquoian occupation; in fact, the larger number of these
implements are found in a fragmentary condition. The breakage in many
instances seems to have been caused through their being struck a heavy
lateral blow, but a larger proportion show fractures that have been caused
by the internal pressure of a shaft. The appearance is that the shaft
had been driven into the socket with such force that the pressure forced
apart the implement. Fig. 154, Nos. 1, 2, 3, shows broken wings of
banner-stones. No. 1, has been entirely split by internal pressure, but
No. 2 has an abrupt fracture and the break may be due to an external
knock. In some of our experiments with the banner-stone we placed the
stone on the small end of a javelin or spear shaft, using the banner-stone
as the guide that steadied the spear in its flight, just as the feathers of an
arrow give poise to the arrow shaft. When the shaft struck a stone or a
tree with great force an imperfectly fastened banner-stone would sometimes
be driven with great suddenness further onto the shaft and the stone would
be split in the same manner revealed by many broken specimens under our
observation. In mentioning the subject of our experiments it might be
well to say that while we do not claim that the banner-stone was used as
an auxiliary to the spear shaft, nevertheless our experiments definitely
prove that a spear can be thrown at least twenty-five per cent farther when
assisted by a winged weight placed on the tail end of the spear shaft. These
experiments carried on in 1899, were reported to Prof. F. W. Putnam of
Peabody Museum at Harvard, with whom the manuscript reports describing
the experiments were filed. Whether the banner-stone was used upon a
spear shaft or not, many broken specimens clearly show that they were
fractured by being forcibly driven upon their spindles.
Not all banner-stones are perforated by a drilled hole, but specimens
are occasionally found in New York that are notched at top and bottom,
or have a groove running along the surface on the line between the wings.
The impression is given that they were placed between the parts of a split
stick instead of upon a spindle.
Frequently the broken wings of banner-stones have been worked down
so as to smooth the breaks, especially along the centrum perforations
and at the tip of the wing, so that the implement was used as a pendant.
Where the wing was fractured and the centrum not injured appreciably,
holes were sometimes drilled on either side of the break in order that the
separate parts might be laced together.
PURPOSES OF THE BANNER-STONE. Banner-stones are evidently not
complete objects but the remaining portions of more complex implements.
This is plain from an examination of the perforated centrum. This indicates
a socket for a stem or shaft. The tapering hole points out in some cases
a tapering shaft or spindle. Place a spindle-shaft the size of an arrow shaft
in the banner-stone socket so that the shaft projects 8 cm. or more, twirl
the shaft and it spins like a stem-heavy top.
What does this suggest? Spin the shaft upon a board and note how
quickly it indents it. The efficiency of a banner-stone of almost any form
as a spindle- whorl will be quickly noted. Used with a bow spinner or a
twist pump attachment, the banner-stone by its resistance to the air is far
more efficient as a weight and counter- weight than a heavier and more solid
Our experiments in this direction made it possible for us to quickly
perforate slate objects with flint stem-drills or tubular cane-drills, with a
sand and water mixture. We were also able in two experiments to produce
fire by drill friction. Our inquiries here, with these suggestions, open up
a new field of inquiry and speculation. The banner-stone resembles in
many ways the top socket of a fire or drill spindle, such as used by the
Esquimaux. Once this socket was perforated and slipped down over the
shaft, its use as a counter-weight would be apparent. There are specimens
in which lightning symbols are shown leaping from the core to the wings.
Do these wings represent a "thunder-bird's"?
Perhaps the modern Sioux pick-headed warclub with a semi -perforated
socket is a survival of the banner-stone. Certainly the long string streamers
look suspiciously like the cords of the spinning bow and the red hair at the
top suggests the spouting of the fire. If horns were used as weights and
laced in front, we may have here the prototype of the horned banner-stone.
Certainly "horns'* were always highly regarded. The banner-stone found
by Professor Putnam among the Sioux was mounted as a survival of a
fire spindle might be.
Who knows but that the banner-stone was used by some ancient fire
cult that passed its device down to the beginnings of the modern period?
The stone itself as a counter-weight may have been supplemented by
decorative additions. A buffalo or other head of wood may have been
placed below the horned banner-stone and the winged forms been further
elaborated by the head and feathered tail of a thunder-bird effigy.
FIG. 157A. (S. 1-3). Group of fourteen bird-stones, from Indiana and Ohio. L. W. Hills,
Fort Wayne, Indiana. Note the one to the right with the elongated bill.
' - • m
Among the most perplexing of polished stone artifacts are the so-called
bird-stones. Of all polished implements these approach more nearly
zoomorphic forms and yet remain so highly conventionalized that it is
almost impossible to say whether the prototype is bird or beast. A beak-
like face, however, gives the designation "bird-stone".
Bird-stones are those articles of the polished-slate culture having a
conventionalized head and fan-shaped tail at the extremities of a ridged
bar-like body, and perforations at angles at either lower base from end to
bottom. These artifacts vary, in New York, from straight ridge-backed
bars to those having "tails" at either end, or head and neck only without
body. The typical bird-stone, however, has an arch-shaped cross section
in the body and a slightly raised head projecting from a short neck. The
appearance is that of a swimming duck or gull with an expanded tail.
Not all bird-stones are of slate, though the greater number are, the variety
being striped Huronian. A few are of heavy sandstone, granite or lime-
stone. Some bird-stones are large and cumbersome and appear never to
have been completed.
The simple bars with slightly flared ends are comparatively rare in New
York, though the State Museum has more than a dozen specimens. The
plain-faced bird-stone is the most common form and the knobbed-eye or
eared bird-stone not uncommon.
Bird-stones were picked roughly to shape and then scraped and rubbed
until the approximate form was reached, when the surface was rubbed
with wet sand until the polish appeared. The perforations were probably
made before the polishing was completed. This was done by drilling at a
slant from opposite directions so that the holes met. These holes evidently
were designed for the passage of thongs to hold the bird-stone to some base
or to another surface. Ridges or transverse projections appear on many
bird-stones, specially made to hold the perforation. If the stone were
inserted in a piece of wood or bark these ridges gave further security. In
specimens having a flat base the hole goes diametrically through as in the
bird-head stone shown in Fig. 157. A description of some of the typical New
York forms will give a general idea of the characteristics of the bird-stones
of this region.
A specimen of bird-stone with a long, projecting beak is found in the
D. F. Thompson collection and comes from Hague, New York. The
distance from the beak to the neck is about 5 cm., the body itself being
about 8 cm. This specimen is narrower than most bird-stones and the
FIG. 158. (S. 2-3.) Forms of New York bird-stones. New York State Museum,
back is less angular at the ridge. The tail, however, is typical, though a
little narrow. A smaller bird-stone of green striped Huronian slate is
shown in Fig. 158, No. 2. The peculiar feature of this bird-stone aside
from its short length is the notching which is carried out all around the
stone on the angular edges. This specimen is from the Bigelow collection
(Bx-31775), and was found at Van Buren, Onondaga County. Its total
dimension from the beak to the tip of the tail is 8 cm. A larger bird-stone
typical in form is shown in No. 3 of this plate. This artifact has a some-
what longer neck than is usual, but otherwise has no remarkable feature,
though it is an exceedingly fine specimen. It is in the Bigelow collection
(Bx-31779), and was found at Van Buren, Onondaga County. Its total
length from the beak to the tip of the tail is 13 cm.
One of the most remarkable bird-stones that has come to our observa-
tion is from Plattsburg, where many unique specimens have been
picked up. This specimen is of syenitic porphyry and the surface does not
show any degree of polish although the specimen is fairly smooth. The
stone gives the appearance of a black background in which there are light
blotches. The drilling is neat and the bars made by the holes are small.
The total length of this specimen is 10^ cm. (See Fig. 158, No. 4.)
A bird-stone with bulging eyes or ears is shown in No. 5 on Fig. 158.
This is from the Moseley collection and was found at Richmond Mills.
The material is light limestone. This specimen does not appear to be
finished, especially on the under side. The rear perforation was imperfectly
done and not carried to the proper depth. The slender segment of stone
between the holes is broken. At the front there is no perforation. The
neck, throat and base of this specimen show transverse scratchings, as if it
had been rubbed against the edges of a flint. The tail of this specimen is
a little unusual, being knobbed instead of expanded.
Fig. 158, No. 6, is a very remarkable object of the bird-stone class.
It represents a swimming animal, which agrees with our view that bird-
stones were made to represent aquatic creatures. The material is of banded
Huronian slate and the back of the specimen follows the striping in the
slate with great accuracy, the medial stripe following parallel to the spinal
ridge of the effigy and the ear-knobs being bounded on their outward side
by an expansion of the stripe. The specimen is from the Bigelow collection
(Bx-31764), and was found at Lysander, Onondaga County.
Bird-stones with knobbed eyes or ears seem to be quite as common as
those without that feature, there being a considerable number of specimens
in both the collection of the State Museum and the Buffalo Society of
Natural Sciences. The most remarkable specimen, however, is shown in
Fig. 156. It is of mottled syenitic porphyry and greatly weathered. The
specimen has been figured in numerous reports, frequently with an incorrect
FIG. 159. (S. 1-1.) Forms of New York plummets. New York State Museum
collection, Albany.
locality. It was originally from the Otis M. Bigelow collection (Bx-31776),
and comes from Lysander on the Seneca River region. The body is some-
what shorter than usual and considerably flatter. The tail is wide and
almost absolutely flat on the under side; the specimen, however, is beveled
from the medial line. On the under side are bar-like projections through
which the holes are drilled. The specimen has larger and more projecting
eyes than is usual. It has frequently been described as one of the finest
specimens of the bird-stone extant.
Another bird-stone of similar material with a shorter body and pointed
tail is shown in Fig. 1. In this specimen the eyes are bulged out but not
knobbed. The specimen represents a nesting bird. It is from the Bigelow
collection (Bx-31778), and was found at Montezuma, Cayuga County. A
similar specimen is reported from Newark Valley, Tioga County. Both
specimens are highly polished. The second specimen in this figure is of
a bird's head mounted upon a flattened base. The top of the head is
narrow and the eyes and ears projections which seem to be unfinished
project in knob-like forms.
An interesting bird-stone very similar to that found at Lysander is
from Springville, Cattaraugus County, and is in the collection of the
Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. It has a broad, flattened tail wrhich,
however, is not raised at such an angle. The head also is not knobbed with
eye or ear projections. A small bird-stone in the Buffalo Historical Society
collection comes from Town Line, Erie County. It is similar in many
respects to the brooding-bird bird-stone previously described, viz.
From the headless and tailless body of the bird-stone, amulets or
ornaments were frequently made, but many beautifully polished and well-
made bars of slate of definite form appear to be complete implements.
They vary from a straight bar with slightly upturned ends and angularly
perforated bases to specimens having expanded bases in the centre and
curved or humped tops.
Fig. 160, No. 1, shows a straight bar perforated at the bottom. The
position is so arranged that the bottom and a portion of the side of this bar
appear. This specimen was found on the Woodruff farm, Monroe County.
The beginning of the raised top bar is shown in Fig. 160, No. 2. This speci-
men is of greenish-gray slate and is about 15 cm. in length. A side
view is given in the picture, but the perforations at the base are plainly
visible. The specimen is from the Bigelow collection (Bx-31752), and
"""•"*- —•«•<_.
FIG. 160. (S. 4-5.) Certain forms of the bar amulet in New York. State Museum
collection, Albany.
comes from Geddes, Onondaga County. A similar bar amulet with a
curved back and flaring ends is 14}^ cm. in length and was found on the
Woodruff farm, near West Rush, by Mr. J. E. Mattern. The under side
of this bar is shown in Fig. 160, No. 3. The method of perforation is clearly
shown. A bar amulet without perforations appears in Fig. 160, No. 4.
It has the rounded hump in the centre and appears to be very smoothly
worn as if it had been rubbed a great deal when in use. It is from
the Bigelow collection (Bx-31754), and was found at Granby, Oswego
Another form of the bar amulet, similar in many ways to the gorget
has a rounded back and a rounded base. One end is indented. The manner
in which this end is finished shows that it was not broken and then refinished
but that the end was purposely made this way. The specimen is 12 cm.
in length and is from the Bigelow collection (Bx-31753), found at
Port Byron, Cayuga County. (See Fig. 160, No. 2.)
New York boat-stones are among the rarer of the polished slates.
They occur in very few collections and even Museum specimens are rare.
Most specimens appear to be the tops or ends of some unknown implement
or ornament.
In New York we have noted three general forms: First, the arch-
backed bar slightly grooved on the inner or basal side; second, the humped-
back bar, sometimes having a small knob between the perforations; and
third, a deeply hollowed boat-stone shaped like a blunt-ended canoe having
a flat bottom. In all these forms there are two holes, at least, bored to
the top upward from the base.
Boat-stones are neatly made of slate and of dark steatite. Some forms
appear to have eyes outlined and other specimens have circles drawn one
within the other.
Typical specimens of New York boat-stones are found in the New York
State Museum collection. One specimen shows a shield-shaped outline of
circles. It is similar to the Tennessee boat-stone in Colonel Young's
collection, but was found at Plattsburg, as was a shuttle-shaped boat-stone.
One New York specimen is an expanded bar shaped like a boat-stone,
but with a flat base instead of an excavation. Another specimen is
grooved through its length on the base and the drilling is from the under
side upward. Both specimens are from the Bigelow collection and are
from the Seneca River region. They are nearly identical in length, being
about 13 cm.
FIG. 161. (S. 3-5.) Forms of the pointed end gorget having holes widely spaced.
New York State Museum collection, Albany.
Gorgets or "pierced tablets" constitute another class of polished
"slates" of the problematical class, of considerable interest to the archae-
ologist. The neat appearance, the shapely form and symmetry of these
artifacts attract the attention and curiosity of the collector. What are
they, for what were they used? Perhaps it is the unknowable element
about these smoothly polished, perforated tablets of soft- toned slate that
lends charm to them.
Gorgets are found throughout the New York area but are not of
Iroquoian origin. They are found on pre-Iroquoian or non-Iroquoian sites
from Chautauqua County eastward in every direction and in every county
showing any considerable trace of aboriginal occupation. It is of import-
ance to know that they have been found in graves, but by far the larger
number have been found on the surface.
The material out of which the gorget is fashioned is usually slate, but
shell and bone gorgets have been found. Other stone material is soap-
stone, schist, claystone, chert, limestone, etc. There is not as large a
variety of stone used in gorget-making as for banner-stones, or bird-stones.
Gorgets are generally of the duller slates, of the Huronian and Portage
groups, though red slate and gray steatite specimens are in evidence. \Ye
have looked in vain, however, for New York specimens in mottled marble,
or the colored serpentines. Though a few early sites have yielded beads
and a pipe or two of Minnesota pipestone or catlinite, we know of no
specimen of a catlinite gorget, or for that matter any other "problematical "
object of this class. Gorgets, it will be observed, are made from slate or
other soft mineral that splits in sheets along natural lamination lines. On
one of these sheets of slate the gorget outlined is drawn, or it is roughly
broken to form and then rubbed down on the edges until the desired form
is reached. The flat surfaces are then polished and then the holes are
drilled in. We believe that all "gorgets" were not used for the same
purpose and that some of these with one hole at the top were employed as
pendants. Those having two or more holes do not seem to have been
suspended but attached to some other surface, like buttons. Drilling was
done by a flint drill and in many cases the half-drilled hole was met at the
opposite point by a drilling from the opposite surface. In most examples
the estimate of position is accurate but in not a few instances the holes
meet a "little off-centre". It may be that there was another and final
polishing after the drilling was completed, but numerous specimens from
New York show the marks of inaccurately attempted perforations at one
side of the successful drilling.
Gorgets take three general forms: first, those of uniform thickness or
nearly so; second, those rounded on the back or thickened in a curvilinear
plane, in some instances flaring at the sides; third, those made like thick
pendants with a single hole near the top. This classification does not relate
to outline as much as to thickness. In outline the gorget ranges from a
nearly rectangular tablet to an approximate ellipse. Some ends are rounded
outward and some sides are incurved, and the reverse is also true. Tops
are bifurcated and sides deeply concaved in other specimens, while the
round-pointed spade form is by no means uncommon. The holes may
vary from one placed near the top to one-third way down the median line,
or there may be two, three or eight or more perforations (See Fig. 164, for
forms) .
Some gorgets may be crudely scratched with meaningless lines or a
pictograph may appear. The edges may be notched like tally scores or an
engraved border may appear. As numerous and varied are the forms, there
is yet something in the feeling and character of a real gorget that stamps
it as genuine. A fraud cries out its own infamy, heard by the subconscious
ear of the experienced archaeologist.
It has been said that gorgets are not implements because they show
no signs of wear. This is said especially of the perforations, since certain
individuals have said gorgets were "sinew or thong smoothers", the sinews
being drawn through the hole to give it a uniform thickness. It has been
pointed out that the soft slate would not stand any usage of this kind.
It may not be strictly true that either surface or holes show no signs of
wear, but we may say that none show signs of being made for rough usage.
Many are found broken but we question that they were broken through
use. Our object in raising this question, however, is to point out that
some specimens do show signs of use both as to surface and as to perforation.
Most specimens, however, seem to have been used with considerable care,
and held by the holes with thongs that moved so slightly that little wear
appears. So true is this that many perforations yet show the scratching
of the irregular edges of the drill point.
There are gorgets that have been broken one or more times and re-
drilled. In some specimens the break has been ground down, but in others
the fracture is plainly in evidence.
In size gorgets vary from small tablets 5 cm. in length to large tablets
20 to 23 cm. long, and in width from 25 mm. to 10 or 13 cm. None in
New York are reported of larger dimensions. Generally speaking we
should describe the average two-holed gorget in this area as ll^cm. in
length and 4 to 5 cm. wide. In gorgets of this size the holes would be a
little more than 20 mm. apart. In thickness gorgets vary from 4 mm. to
about 10 mm., though some pendant forms are thicker than these.
FIG. 162. (S. 2-3.) Gorgets or pendants having one hole. This figure illustrates
the shifting position of the hole. New York State Museum collection, Albany.
The simplest form of the so-called gorget is that of the pendant class
with the hole near one extremity. It seems quite probable that these
were actually pendants, but we can by no means be sure. In Fig. 162 are
some of these pendants. The "one-holed" gorget such as shown in Fig. 164,
No. 3, represents one of these puzzling forms. Here the hole is not so near the
extremity that it would hang easily from a looped cord. The extremity is not
narrowed to afford an easy swing as in the pendant represented in Fig. 162.
An interesting feature of the one-hole gorget is that the hole may be
drilled anywhere along the median line of its length. Occasionally the
single hole is found slightly off-centred, but instances of this kind are rare.
In some cases the drilling is placed very near the centre of the tablet, but
in many more cases, as we have previously remarked, at about one-third
the way down. In other cases the hole is drilled so near one extremity
that any severe jerking of the gorget upon the cord upon which it is sus-
pended would break the slender rim of the hole. The one-hole gorget is
found in all localities where the tablet gorget with two holes is found. In
general outline, with some exceptions the one-hole gorget does not differ
very much from other gorgets, but the majority are of somewhat pendant
shape, that is to say, wider at the point away from the hole than the one
nearest to it.
Fig. 162 shows four gorgets or tablets pierced by one hole and indicates
better than description just how these holes are placed. The forms shown
also are typical of New York specimens. Fig. 162, No. 1, is a red slate
tablet with a curvilinear surface and was found by Otis M. Bigelow
(Bx-31767), at Van Buren in Onondaga County. No. 2 in this figure is a
gorget from Jefferson County. It flares at the top and bottom and is con-
caved at the sides. It is thicker than the usual gorget, being about 5 mm.
through. Another specimen similar in form and in position of the hole
is Bx-31709, found in Cayuga County along the Seneca River. Both of
these gorgets are of striped Huronian slate. No. 3 has a spade-shaped
point. It is a little more than llj/2 cm- in length with a hole a little below
the central point. It is from the Bigelow collection (Bx-31742) and comes
from Elbridge in Onondaga County. The material out of which it is made
is an inferior brown slate. The fourth gorget is a rectangular tablet
1Q1/2 cm. in length and 5^ cm. in width. The hole is placed almost exactly
in the centre. This specimen is from the Fred H. Crofoot collection
(C-25099) and was found in Livingston County. Like all gorgets of this
type it is not exactly rectangular but tapers slightly from top to bottom. It
is of compact black slate and has a fairly high polish. A similar gorget of
almost the identical length, but slightly narrower, was found by J. S.
Twining (Tw-396) in Jefferson County. It is much thicker, in this respect
being about the thickness of gorget Bx-31709. The hole is drilled from
both sides but does not meet exactly in the centre.
FIG. 163. (S. 2-3.) Forms of two-holed shuttle gorgets in New York State
Museum Albany.
Gorgets having two holes are more common in New York than any
other variety. Fig. 163 depicts several of the two-hole type. The first
specimen is of drab slate, 17 cm. in length by 5 cm. in width measured
between the holes. It was found by Clarence F. Moseley on the surface near
Bergen, Genesee County. It is an unusually fine specimen both for work-
manship and size. Though undoubtedly old, the perforations appear newly
drilled, a characteristic of many gorgets of undisputed antiquity. The
Genesee Valley has yielded many scores of implements of similar nature.
The next specimen in the plate is a weathered red slate gorget with curvi-
linear sides and measuring 14 cm. in length. It is rather thick and the
drilling appears to have been first made from the side presented in the
picture. When the point of the drill came through the hole was then en-
larged from the opposite side; this is clearly indicated by the counter-sunk
holes which approach within 1 mm. of the opposite surface before the line
of the opposite drilling appears. The holes from centre to centre are
3 cm. This specimen (Bx-31717) from the Bigelow collection was found at
Lysander, Onondaga County.
Of exceptional interest is the gorget shown in Fig. 163, No. 3. This
specimen was found by Clarence F. Moseley in a burial near Avon, New
York. The material is of marine shell and the surface outline shows that it
has been cut from some large valve. The Avon shell gorget is 15 cm. long
and 4cm. wide. In thickness it is nearly 6mm. The holes are two in
number and placed about 5% cm. apart. Evidently the surface of the gorget
at one time was highly polished and the under side yet shows evidence of
this. Shell gorgets are exceedingly rare in New York, but two good speci-
mens have come to our observation, both from the Genesee Valley and from
Livingston County. The second specimen is in the Museum of the Buffalo
Society of Natural Sciences. Both specimens are shown side by side in
the pen drawing, Fig. 164 A. The interesting feature about the second speci-
men is that the holes are almost exactly placed in the same relative position
and distance apart as in the specimen in the State Museum collection.
The length is also identical but the Buffalo gorget shows a greater curve
at the sides. It has a chip broken from one corner. The polish on this
specimen is exceptional for buried shell. It seems to give evidence that, like
many other gorgets, it was made after careful measuring. The curve of
the surface indicates a circle whose diameter was 33 cm. The fourth
specimen in Fig. 163 is of highly polished obdurated clay. In some
respects it is a remarkable gorget. It seems to have been worn exceedingly
smooth and to such an extent that its edges are rounded and polished, a
feature unusual in gorgets whose angular edges generally bound flattened
planes. In this specimen the holes are worn smooth, especially on the side
not shown in the picture. A peculiar feature in the material of this gorget
FIG. 164. (S. 56-100.) Various types of New York gorgets. Collection of the State Museum, Albany.
is the check lines that appear upon the surface. The impression is given
that the clay out of which this stone was made was comparatively dry when
it was compressed so that the irregular folds of clay pressing down upon
one another did not effect a perfect coalescence. This specimen is from the
collection of Alva H. Reed (R-28548) and comes from the vicinity of
Richmond Mills, Ontario County, where there are several interesting sites
of the polished-slate culture.
Many of the gorgets found throughout central New York are shuttle-
shaped, being pointed or nearly pointed at each end. Fig. 161, No. 1,
is a gorget of mottled brown slate and is 17 cm. in length. The holes are
7 cm. from centre to centre. This gorget is flat on one side, that shown in
the engraving. The hole at the left shows a number of markings that
appear like radiations. In this specimen the drilling is from the under side.
The specimen (Bx-31703) is from Elbridge, Onondaga County.
Another shuttle-shaped gorget with flattened base but with a
curvilinear back is shown in Fig. 161, No. 2 (Bx-31739), and comes from
Ly sander, Onondaga County. Both ends of this specimen were originally
sharply pointed, but one has been blunted by breakage. Like many
shuttle-shaped gorgets, the holes are far apart, in this case 8 cm. from
centre to centre. The total length of the gorget is 15^ cm., although
its original length when the points were intact must have been 16 cm. at
The next gorget shown in Fig. 161 is R-28547 and was found by
Alva S. Reed. Its surfaces are irregular curves, and the holes are not
exactly placed in the median line from point to point. The succeeding
No. 4 in Fig. 161, is a specimen of unique interest. It is a broad petaloid
gorget of the shuttle order and was found by C. F. Moseley in Genesee
County. It is of polished drab slate and the under side, not shown in the
picture, shows considerable polish. There is an indentation along the
median line as if a thong had worn its way into the stone, or that a groove
had been provided for its reception. On the surface of the gorget, shown
in the engraving, a groove plainly appears running from hole to hole. An
interesting feature of this specimen is the line of scratches that appears
along one side below the holes; there are forty-nine of these short scratches
running in a fairly straight line for about 6 cm.
In Fig. 164 are shown typical examples of New York gorgets from the
unperf orated forms to forms having three holes. Fig. 164, No. 1, may
or may not be designed for use as a gorget, but its general outline takes
the form of certain gorgets found within this area. It is shaped very much
like a Delaware hair ornament. An interesting feature about this object
is a series of notches shown in the engraving. This specimen is from the
Alvin H. Dewey collection (D-3328). No. 7 is a three-hole gorget from the
FIG. 164A. (S. 1-1.) Shell gorgets from the Genesee Valley. Not often found
made of shell. New York State Museum collection, Albany.
FIG. 165. (S. 2-3.) Two-holed gorgets from New York State Museum collection, Albany.
Dewey collection and was found at Stafford, Genesee County. It is made
of striped and mottled Huronian slate. This specimen also has notches
about the edge in groups of three and four incisions. It is a highly polished
and beautiful specimen.
Fig. 165 illustrates four typical forms of New York gorgets. No. 1 is
from the mouth of Cattaraugus Creek in Erie County and was found by
E. R. Burmaster. It is of gray claystone. The notched edges indicate
that it belongs to the spud class. It will be noted that the perforations
are not exactly centred. No. 2 in this plate is tablet or shield-shape. Its
interesting feature is the engraving which covers the entire side of one
surface; the reverse also shows some scratching. It is of compact gray
slate and is rather thin for a gorget of its size, though it is a little more
than 10 cm. in width. It was found by Alva S. Reed (R-28396) on the
George Rowley farm near Richmond Mills, Ontario County. No. 3 in
this plate is from the Dewey collection (D-3350). It is of striped Huronian
slate and is 12)/2 cm. in length. The interesting feature of this specimen
is the wearing shown at the holes. The surface shown in the plate, however,
does not indicate this to the extent that that on the reverse does. A slight
depression along the median plane would seem to indicate the presence
of the binding thong. If we were to judge from the appearance of this
specimen, we would say that it was laced on either side and that the thong
on the surface appearing in the picture continued over the edge of the
gorget along the median line. We have described this gorget elsewhere
under the subject of "Evidences of Wear". Fig. 165, No. 4, is a thick
gorget of the shield shape and is made of banded Huronian slate. It is
from the Moseley collection and was found in the Genesee Valley. Like
many gorgets that are thick, the drilling has proceeded from one side until
the point of the drill has broken through the opposite face, making an
opening which was enlarged from that surface. The hole, therefore, appears
counter-sunk from one side.
In Fig. 166 are shown two specimens with incomplete drilling; the drill
hole has not yet pierced the opposite surface, nor has the gorget finally
been polished. No. 3 in this plate shows a broken shuttle-shaped gorget,
the broken end of which has been rubbed down to smooth off the rough
edges of the fracture. It was probably intended for a secondary use as
a pendant. Nos. 4 and 5 in this plate show tablets with irregular drilling.
In No. 4 the two central holes are probably intended as the primary holes.
These irregular drilled gorgets are not so rare as has been thought. The
purpose of these irregular perforations is by no means clear, unless they
were meant to afford additional points of attachment. Both specimens
are deeply weathered and the original polish has been removed.
FIG. 166. (S. 3-4.) Gorgets with incomplete and irregular drilling. New York State
Museum collection, Albany.
An examination of any extensive collection of gorgets or pierced
tablets gives the immediate impression that the makers of these imple-
ments were skilled workmen. There is not only an abundance of evidence
that the artisan had an understanding and an appreciation of symmetry
and the decorative value of striped, mottled and colored stone and the
aesthetic value of a smooth or polished surface, but in many instances
there are unmistakable proofs that measurements of a definite character
were employed. These measurements not only apply to straight lines and
distances but also to an understanding of curved lines and how to produce
them by use of compass.
Nearly every collection of any considerable size which we have ex-
amined contains a specimen or two that lend strength to this conclusion.
One of the more striking specimens in the New York State Museum
collection is a thin tablet gorget of black slate (See Fig. 167). This specimen
was found in a pre-Iroquoian burial near Vine Valley, Yates County. In
the same grave were articles of bone, antler, copper, clay and shell. The
gorget is of symmetrical design with the sides equidistant from the median
line running through the perforations. The perforations themselves, both
upper and lower, are equidistant, or nearly so, from the ends of the gorget.
What is more astonishing, however, to the observer, is the fact that each
perforation forms the centre of an arc describing the curved ends of the
upper and lower portions of the gorget. The necessary cutting and polish-
ing in the latter portion of the process of making the gorget has produced
a little inequality, but nevertheless all the lines so conform to the measure-
ments as suggested that the methods of designing the artifact become
plainly evident. One of the interesting features about the Vine Valley
gorget is that its polished surface is covered by dendritic exusions from
the gravel in which it lay. In length this gorget is 16}/2 cm. at the median
line, and the length from each hole along this line is 7 cm. The slightly
con vexed sides are 13 cm. in length.
A second specimen in the State Museum collection is the unique gorget
shown in Fig. 164, No. 4. Here one long side is convexed and its opposite
concaved. The material is weathered Huronian slate. Three holes in the
form of a triangle perforate the tablet, which is about 7 mm. thick. Both
curved sides of this tablet are segments of circles. By actual experiment
the curvature of the convexed side was carried out in a line which continued
until it met itself, forming a circle with a diameter of 31 cm. The per-
forations are so placed that the upper hole nearest the convexed side is
equidistant from both ends. The holes marking the base line of the trian-
gular series of perforations are equal distances from the ends of the gorget
***3(ft*V •* • **<. **' *i • ••* j^f L/« Jrz* A* ' •v"v •/*> J'- Jrt*** T
^'i^^ •:.^4,^v*'- .„•
Vxj&Zfty' • jc<;jM. • \,v *>-.<•. -^,v
1^'traSr' ^V 4^^*^ »* -' .?-
r,f*_ «-tji3<? jiv ?/••"' v^'S' *^W4
V.'t, • - . -«b& ,k 'fV.'*: '^ •*'Ak*»^B>
FIG. 167. (S. 5-6.) Large tablet showing in its lines evidence of careful measure-
ments. New York State Museum collection, Albany.
and the upper triangle also is the same distance from the concaved side.
This gorget (Bx-31728) was found in the town of Clay, on the Oneida River
in Onondaga County, where many finely polished and symmetrical gorgets
have been found.
These two specimens in their evident design will call attention to
other specimens and serve as a means for comparison.
Cylindrical stone tubes on the Pacific Coast have generally been
accepted as being pipes, but we have no definite authority for asserting
that the stone tubes found in the East, especially in New York, served this
purpose. Stone tubes are among the rarer objects of polished slate, but
a large enough number have been found to indicate that the polished-
slate people of New York were familiar with these objects. At least four
kinds are known to New York. They have been found along Lake Cham-
plain and the upper waters of the Hudson, the Mohawk Valley, about
Oneida Lake, the Finger Lakes region, the Seneca River, the Genesee
Valley, Tonawanda Creek Valley, the shores of Lake Erie, about
Chautauqua Lake and in the mounds about the Allegheny. Some of these
tubes are cigar-shaped and have capacious cavities, others are irregular
cylinders, some of them having flattened sides. The material out of which
they are made varies from catlinite, sandstone, banded slate and oolitic
Several very remarkable specimens of limestone were found in graves
accompanied by gorgets and other polished slates on the east shore of
Canandaigua Lake. Mr. S. L. Frey of Palatine Bridge found a number
with flattened ends and small orifices, though the general cavity throughout
the length up to the orifice was considerably larger. Prof. George H.
Perkins found a number along the east shore of Lake Champlain that
varied from 18 to 33 cm. in length. The perforations through these tubes
tapered from about 20 to 10 mm. at one end. In the tubes found by
Professor Perkins there were stone plugs at one end. A number of stone
tubes and other slate ornaments were found by Percy Van Epps near
Hoffmans, New York.
An examination of the data concerning stone tubes shows that they
are usually associated with stone graves, when found in burials. The
longer tubes seem to be those with flattened ends and small orifices that
open out into larger cavities that extend out through the length of the speci-
men. The stone tubes found on Canandaigua Lake are of this character.
The walls of the tube are very thin and in one or two places weathering has
caused the decay of the wall, revealing a portion of the interior of the tube.
FIG. 168. (S. 3-5.) Certain forms of polished stone tubes from New York. State
Museum collection, Albany.
A flattened tube with uniform drilling is found in the Dewey collection
at Rochester (D-3378). A similar one, but shorter, is in the Bigelow
collection and comes from the Seneca River region. A finer specimen in
the Bigelow collection is a cigar-shaped tube of impure slate, found at
Clay, New York. No. 1 in Fig. 168, gives a view of this tube which is about
15 cm. in length. By far the most beautifully finished specimen is shown
in No. 2 of this plate. It is cigar-shaped and has a tapering hole. The
orifice is thin and flaring. It was found in Cattaraugus County.
An unusual specimen of catlinite was found by Dr. A. W. Holden
in the township of Queensbury, Warren County (H-25530). The larger
orifice is 23mm. in diameter and the smaller or mouthpiece is 12mm.
The inside of the tube is smooth to about 25 mm. of the mouthpiece.
Jefferson County has yielded a number of stone tubes of green slate
and some unusual specimens have come from that locality. Many specimens
have also been reported from Onondaga County, especially about the shores
of Oneida Lake. Good specimens have come from the St. Lawrence Valley
between Ogdensburg and Long Sault Island. A few have been reported
from Cayuga County and a number from Clinton, Warren and Fulton
counties. Several specimens have been excavated in Yates County and a
fine specimen made of oolitic limestone was found by J. E. Mattern on the
south end of Hemlock Lake, Ontario County.
PLUMMETS. Stone plummets are among the rarer of the problematical
objects found within our State. Most of them occur about Oneida Lake,
eastward through the Mohawk Valley and northward along Lake Cham-
plain. T-29854-5 are two fine specimens contained in the D. F. Thompson
collection; they are of picked limestone and both were found at Green
Island, New York. They are similar to specimens from Maine. A number
of other specimens of this variety have been found along the Hoosick River
which flows as a boundary between Washington and Ransselaer counties.
Plummets have also been found near Brewerton and several are contained
in the Bigelow collection. The Brewerton plummets have necks less well
defined, with a groove running over the top. Another variety of plummets
made of polished talc comes from Jefferson County. One is much longer
and cigar-shaped, with a knob being formed at the blunt end, probably as
a means of suspension. One from Lysander made from a natural pebble
slightly worked has this characteristic, but with the addition of tally
marks on one side. The most beautiful specimen from central New
York is Bx-31141, reported from Caughdenoy, Oswego County. (No. 3,
Fig. 159.)
SPOOL-SHAPED OBJECTS. Spool-shaped objects have been found along
the Hudson River and a number have been collected at Coxsackie, New
York, by Mr. Forest Ryder of North Troy. A specimen, somewhat flat-
tened, is in the O. W. Auringer collection. It is of picked sandstone and
the locality is given as Troy, New York. (See Fig. 159, No. 6.)
PENDANT NOTCHED AXE. An unusual specimen surely of the prob-
lematical class is contained in the R. D. Loveland collection (L-20899).
It is a pendant notched axe of polished gypsum. The hole at the butt is
counter-sunk and appears to have been bored for a considerable distance
with a blunt drill. In general appearance the outline resembles an ordinary
grooved axe, but as the object is flat and thin, scarcely more than 13 mm.
in thickness, there is no grooving (L-00000). (See Fig. 171, No. 3.)
UNUSUAL PERFORATED OBJECTS. In Jefferson County have been
found a number of unusual perforated objects. Many of these are discs
perforated near the circumference at one point. Fig. 10, page 29, shows a
number of these objects.
STONE FACES. Stone Faces, some of them highly conventionalized,
are occasionally found with the groove running around the circumference
separating the front from the back. These are usually of serpentine, talc
or gypsum. One of them was found at Adams, Jefferson County. Another
of considerable interest comes from near Buffalo.
STONE TRINKETS. Fig. 10, page 29, shows a number of polished stone
trinkets from central New York. There are almost innumerable stone
trinkets of this sort scattered throughout various collections in New York.
STYLOID IMPLEMENTS. In New York are occasionally found styloid
implements varying in length from 5 cm. to 23 or 25 cm. They look like
large punches or perforators, but none of them show any signs of hard
usage. They are generally of hard stone and the surfaces of all the specimens
show a fair degree of polish.
DOUBLE CONCAVED Discs. Double concaved discs are rare in New
York, but a few have been reported from the Genesee Valley, from Erie,
Chautauqua and Livingston counties. One was found by the writer in an
ossuary at Westfield, New York. These discs may or may not be per-
forated, many of them are. The more beautiful specimens, however, are
those that appear like double-sided saucers. They are neatly made and
generally well polished.
FIG. 169. (S. 7-8.) Engraved banner-stone.
New York State Museum collection,
FIG. 170. (S. 64-100.) Bipennate form and a lunate form, the ends of which are enlarged.
New York State Museum collection, Albany.
New York State as a field of research in archaeology is an important
and prolific one. Numerous collections throughout the state attest the
handicraft of the aborigines, from an early period down to the Iroquois
of late colonial times. Nearly every farmer along the central and western
New York water-courses has a small box of specimens, and not a few have
fairly good collections. Important collections of considerable size have been
made from sites along Lake Erie, the Genesee Valley, the Seneca River,
Jefferson County, Lake Champlain, the Mohawk, the Hudson, the upper
Susquehanna, the Delaware, the New York tidewater region, including
Westchester and Richmond counties and Long Island. Polished slates
occur in all these localities and collections made in these regions abound
in them.
In western New York, Hon. Obed Edson of Sinclairville, for many
years president of the Chautauqua County Historical Society, was a
pioneer student of the polished-slate culture. Chautauqua County has
yielded many of the finest type, but unfortunately the individual specimens
have become scattered. In Erie County many polished slates have been
found, especially on sites bordering the larger streams. Interest in making
collections began very early in Buffalo and several larger societies have kept
that interest alive. This has not only resulted in stimulated activity but
led to the preservation of the specimens in museums. Early students were
such men as William Clement Bryant and O. H. Marshall. In Buffalo
to-day the Buffalo Historical Society and the Buffalo Society of Natural
Sciences bear evidence of their pioneer activity. Mr. Henry R. Rowland,
Superintendent of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, has given every
opportunity to the writer to study and sketch the specimens in his Museum.
There are gathered a considerable number of unique or finely made speci-
mens collected by Dr. Ernest Wende, Prof. Frederick Houghton, William
L. Bryant, Dr. A. L. Benedict, D. M. Silver, Esq., and Mr. Henry R.
Howland. The field of operation is mostly confined to western New York,
particularly Erie, Cattaraugus and Genesee counties, but the Buffalo
Museum has specimens from other parts of New York and some from
Ohio and the Mississippi Valley.
In Rochester the Municipal Museum is in charge of E. D. Putnam,
Curator. In the Rochester Museums are housed the collections of several
citizens and of the Rochester Historical Society. A few good specimens
of polished slates are on exhibit there but by far the most valuable local
collection is in the possession of Mr. Alvin H. Dewey, President of the Mor-
gan Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association. Mr. Dewey
has a good series of Genesee Valley slates and also an especially good
collection from the Ohio region. In this general region, collections of slates
have been made by Mr. Joseph E. Mattern of West Rush and Mr. Fred H.
Crofoot of Sonyea. Both have placed their exhibitions in the New York
State Museum. There are nearly one hundred collectors in the vicinity
of Rochester.
Near Syracuse the largest collection was that of Mr. Otis M. Bigelow
of Baldwinsville. It contains several hundred polished slates, all of which
are now in the State Museum in Albany. Mr. Bigelow was fortunate in
having the assistance and advice of Dr. William M. Beauchamp, through
a period of years. Dr. Beauchamp, by his studies of the Bigelow collection,
has shown the Seneca River region to be one occupied for a considerable
period by the people of the polished-slate culture. There are several
good small collections in the vicinity of Syracuse, especially about Oneida
In Jefferson County many gorgets, banner-stones, bird-stones and the
like have been discovered by Dr. Getman, Dr. R. W. Amidon, J. S. Twining,
R. D. Loveland and C. S. Oatman — all of whom have permanently
deposited their collections in the care of the University of the State of
New York, at Albany.
Southward along the upper Susquehanna, collections have been
gathered by L. D. Shoemaker and Ward E. Bryan of Elmira. Near Bing-
hamton many remarkable specimens have been found by more than a score
of active collectors, including Mayor Ely of Binghamton and William
Hakes of the National Guard. Up the river collections of polished slates
may be seen at Cooperstown and at Oneonta. Mr. Willard E.. Yager of
Oneonta has some exceptionally fine specimens.
In the Mohawk Valley several collectors have been specially fortunate
in finding polished slates. Among these are S. L. Frey of Palatine Bridge,
Maj. H. L. Case of Rome, A. J. Richmond and W.Max. Reed of Amster-
dam. There are also good collections near Utica and Schenectady.
Along the upper Hudson, collections have been made by several
students. The Champlain Valley has also yielded its share of polished
slates. Among the larger collectors in this region have been Dr. D. S.
Kellogg of Plattsburg, Dr. A. S. Holden of Glens Falls, Rev. O. C. Auringer
of Troy, D. F. Thompson of Troy and J. P. Van Heusen of Glens Falls.
Along the lower Hudson many slates have been found from Hudson
and Catskill southward to Manhattan and Staten Island. The American
Museum of Natural History has many specimens collected during the past
thirty years from the lower Hudson and the tidewater region. Active
field workers who have collected slates here are George H. Pepper, M. R.
Harrington, Alanson Skinner, James K. Finch, R. P. Bolton and William
T. Davis. On Long Island are numerous small collections of polished
slates. The collections of W. W. Tooker of Sag Harbor and of James Price
of Glen Cove contain several slates of interest.
The large amount of interest in archaeological research in this state
has led to the organization of the New York State Archaeological Asso-
ciation, with headquarters in the New York State Museum. This
organization, projected by the State Archaeologist, was made a possibility
through the activity of Mr. A. H. Dewey of Rochester and the
active cooperation of Mr. E. Gordon Lee. The cooperation between
collectors is closer than formerly and the scientific spirit of the various
individual members is strengthened by organization. Because of this it has
not been a difficult task to study the class of objects that form the basis of
these chapters on the polished slates of New York.
FIG. 171. (S. 2-3.) Thick pendants from New York. State Museum collection, Albany.
These forms are closely related to the crescent and the thick gorget
having a horn-like protuberance.
The real types are shown in Figs. 172 and 173 and a series in 175.
In other figures scattered through this volume quite a number are
shown. Frequently photographs sent by correspondents present more
than one type of objects. Yet sufficient are here shown to acquaint readers
with the prevailing forms.
FIG. 172. (S. 1-1.) Greene County, Ohio.
Striped slate. The owner says: — "This is the
best of five we have in our collection from
Greene County, Ohio." F. P. Thompson,
Dayton, Ohio.
They possess arms or horn-like projections of varying width. In
Fig. 173 the extension is long and thin. In Fig. 174 it is short. Tubes may
be arranged in a series following a grouping of these geniculate forms
according to one's fancy.
FIG. 173. (S. 1-1.) Dark, banded slate. Collection of W. F. Matchett, Pierceton, Indiana.
FIG. 174. A short, almost tube-like geniculate
form from near West Rush, New York. J. E.
Mattern, West Rush. New York.
Five are presented in Fig. 175 and these are practically all the forms.
Possibly these were head ornaments worn in imitation of short horns.
Fig. 176 shows the thick expanded gorget and one on which is a long
horn-like point. Shortening of the base to the left of the horn would make
of this a geniculate type.
In Fig. 177 is shown one of them (lower figure) and to the left
a specialized problematical object almost a double geniculate form.
If but three or four of these geniculate forms had been found I would
not consider them as a type, but rather as representing individual fancy
of Indian workmen.
FIG. 175. (S. 2-3.) All of banded slate. Phillips Academy collection. These
are the geniculate forms, or horn-shaped probjematical forms, regarding which
nothing is known. Reference to our series of outlines presented in Fig. 207 will
indicate that there is gradual progression in this series. Attention is called to the
contrast between the thin arms, or projections, of some and thick ones of others in
this series. Whether the purpose of these geniculate forms will ever be determined
is doubtful.
• FIG. 176. (S. 1-2.) Five ridged gorgets from the Phillips Academy collection.
Attention is called to the one with the horn-like elevation.
FIG. 177. (S. 1-1.) Phillips Academy collection. This figure shows an engraved
spool in the upper right-hand corner, an L-shaped object below, and a peculiar
slate object in which an angular opening has been cut. Whether the spool-shaped
object should be classed with plummets or in the problematical series, I do not know.
The finding of ornamental-problematical objects in the mounds of
the Scioto, Miami, and Muskingum valleys, Ohio, by Professor Mills,
Squier and Davis, Professor Putnam, Mr. Fowke, myself and others brings
up for consideration one of the most interesting features of our study.
All of these explorations were carefully conducted, especially those of
Putnam, Mills and Fowke. The data obtained is to be depended upon
absolutely. A careful inspection of the publications and reports of all
these workers indicates an exploration of probably a hundred mounds. I
have not stopped to count all of them but am willing to assume that at
least that many have been explored by persons who made accurate notes.
An examination of the objects accompanying burials or found in altars,
or placed in tumuli as offerings brings to light this interesting fact: that
the majority of the forms are both well worked and highly polished and in
addition they represent complicated forms. In brief, little that was com-
mon or ordinary seems to have been placed in mounds — whether altar
mounds or burial mounds — representing the Hopewell culture.
Similar things have been found on the surface, on village sites or
singly between western New York and the Mississippi River, northern
Wisconsin and Michigan and southern Tennessee. The field testimony
indicates that these things are more numerous in the Ohio mounds than
in mounds or graves elsewhere. It is possible that this is due to the fact
that more detailed exploration has been carried on in the state of Ohio in
the past seventy years than in any other state of our Union. Many of
these forms have been discovered in the Tennessee and Cumberland River
valleys, but unfortunately in these regions the majority of the specimens
found have been taken from graves or mounds by commercial collectors.
Clarence B. Moore, Esq., General G. P. Thruston, W. E. Myer, Esq., and
museum assistants working for Professor Putnam have found and recorded
quite a number of these types. While this is true, yet greater numbers of
objects in collections of the ornamental-problematical class were secured
by commercial collectors who traveled up and down the Cumberland and
Tennessee and tributaries and who made no notes worthy of the name,
and took no photographs.
Assembling the data of the workers in Ohio and adding to that what
Mr. Moore, Mr. Myer, Professor Putnam and others have done in
Tennessee, it seems to me that it would not be an exaggeration to state
that the most complicated designs and highly polished objects are found
in the region where local culture developed until it reached a higher plane
> Hopewell Mound. Moorehead Exploration
Mound along the Scioto, near the Pickaway County line, procured by Mr. Thrail-
kill of Columbus, Ohio.
Story Mound, Chillicothe, Ohio. Moorehead Exploration.
Roberts Mound, Hopewell Township, Perry Co., Ohio. Moorehead Exploration.
South Fort, Ft. Ancient, Ohio. Moorehead Exploration.
FIG. 178. Greatly reduced. Moorehead Mound Explorations.
°J Edwin Harness Mound, Liberty Township, Ross Co., Ohio.
£^ J Seip Mound, Paxton Township, Ross Co., Ohio.
S^AAJ^AA-A-* .« 4.^^
Tremper Mound, Rush Township, Scioto Co., Ohio.
Edwin Harness Mound, Liberty Township, Ross Co., Ohio.
Tremper Mound, Rush Township, Scioto Co., Ohio.
FIG. 179. Greatly reduced. Mills Mound Explorations.
. Tremper Mound, Rush Township, Scioto Co., Ohio
Adena Mound, Chillicothe, Ohio.
Tremper Mound, Rush Township, Scioto Co., Ohio.
FIG. 180. Greatly reduced. Mills Mound Explorations
than the average Indian culture. This has been hinted at in previous pub-
lications by several writers, but it comes home with peculiar force when
one examines the Mills, Moore, Squier and Davis, Thruston, Myer and
Young, Putnam and Hopewell collections. These are in Salisbury, England;
Columbus, Philadelphia, Nashville, Carthage, New York, Cambridge and
Chicago museums. It also tends to prove — and that is putting it rather
mildly — that the original contentions of Messrs. Squier and Davis, who
were the pioneers in scientific work in the Ohio Valley, were not so far wrong
after all. While their claim to a "mound-builder civilization" cannot be
recognized in the light of modern explorations, it is quite true that the
cultures of the areas mentioned are far in advance of that generally through-
out the Mississippi Valley and the East. Anyone who claims the contrary
has not studied and compared the collections.
The presence and absence of certain forms in these mounds and graves
is quite interesting. While the hematite plummet is occasionally found,
the stone plummet is practically absent. The oval, single or double per-
forated ornament, is found in the gravel-knoll burials and in the poorer
mounds. One might go so far as to say that the simpler forms of ornamental
stones are characteristic of the Fort Ancient culture.
A careful tabulation of the ornamental-problematical stones from
mounds and graves will be made at some future date, it is quite likely.
The task is a great one, and because a considerable portion of the field
notes have not been published, and many of the specimens possessed by
museums are stored in more or less inaccessible places, and on account of
the inconvenience attendant on such work, this cannot be done at the
present time. But there are sufficient specimens on exhibition and illus-
trated in reports to enable one to forecast with some degree of accuracy
what the larger and more detailed technical work will set forth.
Accepting as final the explorations in the Scioto Valley, Ohio, we may
claim the presence of the highly finished and complicated forms referred
to as characteristic of the Hopewell culture, and that simpler forms are
characteristic of the Fort Ancient culture. There are exceptions as a
matter of course. Distant villages of the Hopewell culture were not thickly
populated. The natives in these did not advance so far as did the inhabi-
tants of the main villages. People living in these remote villages would
make use of simpler forms and possess fewer of the more complicated.
It is equally true that some of the larger Fort Ancient culture villages may
have secured by trade some of the finer ornamental-problematical forms.
They may have manufactured some of these themselves. Some of these
forms occur in the small mounds and gravel-knoll burials, or near the hilltop
fortifications, which comes under the general title of Fort Ancient culture.
Kindness of Clarence B. Moore, Esq.
FIG. 181. (S. 1-1.) Problematical forms, found by Mr. Moore at Indian Knoll, Kentucky. (See
page 237). E, Silicious material, resembling jade, skeleton 95. F, quartz, skeleton 251. G, clay-
stone, skeleton 93. H, limestone, skeleton 211.
(S. 1-1.) Professor Mills in his report says of these, that they are made of laurentian slate.
Fig. 182 is flat on one side and convex on the other. Fig. 184 is the largest tablet found in the
Tremper Mound.
FIG. 185. (S. 3-4.) I quote from page 208 of Certain Mounds and Village Sites
in Ohio, Vol. II, Part 3, "Explorations of the Tremper Mound" by William C. Mills.
"Fig. 185 shows another copper boat-shaped specimen, filled with round quartzite
pebbles, white and pink in color. It will be noted that in the specimen just described
the pebbles were broken, while in this one they are perfect, all uniformly rounded
and about the size of small peas. The specimen is pierced with two holes near the
centre, similar to the boat-shaped objects of stone."
FIG. 186. (S. 3-4.) Material: mottled granite. Found in Indiana. Collection
of Charles E. Hepp, Boonville, Indiana.
The same careful work done in the state of Tennessee will probably
enable future observers to draw similar conclusions with those now possible
as a result of the extensive explorations in Ohio.
Such work has been done in the past two years by Clarence B. Moore,
Esq., and his report, entitled Some Aboriginal Sites on Green River, Kentucky.
Certain Aboriginal Sites on Lower Ohio River. Additional Investigation on
Mississippi River, is now just out. Mr. Moore thoroughly explored the
mounds on Green River at a point called "Indian Knoll". Accompanying
several skeletons were found quite a number of perforated problematical
forms, which are shown in two colored plates, Frontispiece (Fig. 1) and
Fig. 181. These represent a few of the many discovered by Mr. Moore in
this mound, and which are fully described and illustrated in his volume.
To my mind, the most interesting features connected with these
objects are first, Mr. Moore's views with reference to their use, and, second,
their beautiful finish and symmetry.
Not only did Mr. Moore find objects of antler, varying from 16 cm. to
24 cm. in length, and which are hooked or bent at the smaller end, but he
also discovered other objects made of horn and of stone. These he has
apparently correctly classified as netting-needles, and he believes that the
objects were mesh-spacers, which he calls "sizers". Mr. Moore has kindly
permitted me to reproduce in colors eight of the problematical forms, which
he calls "sizers".
The following quotation from Mr. Moore's advance sheets covers the
essential points in his argument.
"An interesting feature of our work this season was the knowledge
gained by us that a class of so-called banner-stones, oblong in form or of
kindred shapes, and also probably some of the winged stones, were not
ceremonial or ornamental but had a definite practical use. Exactly what
this use was, however, unfortunately we are unable positively to determine.
"Along part of Green River, Kentucky, and particularly in 'The
Indian Knoll', Ohio County, were found by us objects of antler, hooked
at one end and having a cavity in the other end, in which sometimes was
asphalt*, used for fastening something introduced into the cavity. These
objects, all that were found by us except eightf too fragmentary for
restoration, are shown in Figs. 4, 10, 12, 13.
*"Dr. H. F. Keller writes: 'The material from cavity in needle from Burial 84, Indian Knoll,
is asphaltum mixed with a large proportion of mineral matter. It melts readily, burns with a bright
flame, and the pitch is readily extracted with solvents like chloroform, carbon bisulphide and turpen-
tine. The ash amounts to about 70 per cent., and consists of a ferruginous clay, and a considerable
proportion of phosphate of lime.' Asphalt is at present found in quantity near Green River, not far
from 'The Indian Knoll', where it is taken out for commercial purposes. The aborigines probably
used it as they found it, without attempt at refining.
t" Belonging to Burials Nos 34. 84, 87, 105, 115, 211, 219, 251, all from 'The Indian Knoll.'
"Usually in intimate association with these hooked implements of
antler were found, in nearly every instance where the hooked implements
were present, as exactly described later in this report, other objects, some
of antler (most of which were made from the base of the horn), some of
"These objects of stone and of antler evidently were employed for
the same purpose, sometimes those of stone being with the hooked imple-
ments, as were sometimes those of antler. Each has a longitudinal per-
foration of considerable diameter. The objects of stone, which would be
called banner-stones and regarded as belonging to the ornamental or
ceremonial class were their association at this place unknown, are oblong
in outline or of some similar form, a few being of the winged variety. They
are carved with the utmost care,* as a rule almost flat on one side, somewhat
convex on the other, and having on the convex side a slight ridge extending
longitudinally along the median line. The material for their making was
evidently carefully selected, some being of stone rich in coloring, including
quartz, flint, chalcedony, and a silicious material closely resembling jade.
A few of the objects of antler have the rough, original surface and perhaps
were unfinished.
"Judging that some use in common could be found for the hooked
implements and the objects of antler and of stone, it seemed to us at first
that the correct solution of the problem might be that respectively they
were netting-needles and objects used with them for spacing the meshes of
the nets, variously called sizers, spacers, mesh-measurers, mesh-gauges,
mesh-boards, mesh-blocks.
"Hereafter in this report, for convenience and not because we are fully
convinced they are such, we shall designate the hooked implements as
needles and the objects found with them as sizers.
"We were aware that we had to face two probable objections in con-
nection with our determination, namely, the orifices in the ends of the
needles, and the perforations in the sizers, neither of which seem absolutely
necessary for the use to which the needles and sizers were assigned.
*"The following quotation is of great interest, showing as it does the high esteem in which sizers
used in net-making, which it is likely these objects were, were held among Papuans and perhaps explains
the importance attached to them at 'The Indian Knoll'.
" 'Besides the netting cord . . . the only tool used is the mesh-block. This is a thin block of
hard wood rasped into shape and; since these tools are treasured as heirlooms, together with inter-
minably long rhythmical recitals of the wonderful takes of fish made by nets fabricated on each block,
the wood most commonly employed is the very dense and hard iron- wood (Casuarina equisetifolia).
It is highly polished and usually ornamented upon the ends with property marks, showing the exo-
gamous marriage class and gens of the owner, which here take the place occupied by tribal distinctions
among the endogamous races.' — William Churchill, 'Reef Knot Nets', Popular Science Monthly,
vol. XL. p. 84.
"The hollow part in the needles we considered to be a receptacle for
some adjunct, perhaps purely decorative; and the perforation in the sizers
to have been made for the reception of a handle, knowing that the Eskimo
of Alaska have handles on their sizers, which, however, are of bone and all
of one piece. Moreover, we have found by experiment that a handle
affixed to one of our sizers is of assistance in net-making with it, and, in
addition, would afford a means for suspension much preferable to running
a cord through the perforation and bringing it up along a side, since this
would interfere with the work for which the sizer was intended.
"A section of net made by J. S. Raybon, captain of our steamer, with
wooden models of a needle and sizer found by us, is shown in Fig. 1. In
this net (where the knot is a half-hitch as used by civilized peoples in net-
making and, according to Mason, by some modern Indians) the hooked
needle, not used as a bobbin with the cord wound around an end of it, was
a decided advantage in catching the cord and pulling it through the knot.
By this process, of course, the entire length of cord employed must be
drawn through each mesh, a comparatively slow but not prohibitive per-
formance for a people who girdled a tree with fire, pounded out the charcoal,
and kept on repeating this operation until the tree was felled. Besides we
are not sure that cord of considerable length was possessed by the aborigines
in the far-off days of 'The Indian Knoll'.
"If, on the other hand, a hooked implement were to be used as a
combination bobbin and needle, the hook would at least be of no evident
advantage in the kind of net-making above described.
"Our attention has been called to a description* with diagrams and
illustrations, by Mr. William Churchill, authority on Polynesia, of a
woman of New Britain, Papua, who, in making a net, worked only with a
sizer and a ball of cord held in the hand. In the knot employed by her
(the reef-knot, or ordinary square knot) the ball was not passed through
the mesh.
"Making use of a knot of this kind, which presumably the inhabitants
of the Knoll are as likely to have devised as the Papuans, and using the
cord wrapped around the base of a hooked implement, thus forming a kind
of bobbin, a net can be made with ease and without undue delay, as we
have determined by experiment, the presence of the hook being a decided
aid in catching up the cord to form the knot as made by the Papuan, the
bobbin end of the implement taking the place of the ball.
"Moreover, the use of a combination bobbin and hooked implement
probably would necessitate the attachment of something to the base of the
implement to prevent the slipping off of the cord, and this would account
*" William Churchill, op. cit., p. 83.
for the presence of the hollowed space found there and hitherto not
satisfactorily explained.
"It may be added that a hooked implement not used as a bobbin but
in conjunction with the ball of cord described as used by the Papuans
would hardly be of any benefit, there not being sufficient space in the hand
to accommodate both, and to lay down the ball in order to take up the
hook would cause delay.
"Although it would greatly support our original contention that the
hooked implements found by us were netting needles, and consequently
the objects of stone and antler found with them were sizers, we have been
unable positively to learn that a hooked needle has been used in place of a
shuttle* or as. a bobbin or in place of one, by aboriginal people, ancient
or modern, in net-making where a knot is tied, although we have consulted
a number of authorities, through their works or in person.
"Lieutenant Emmons describes and figures netting needles resembling
crochet needles, and consequently of the same class as ours, as in use among
modern Indians of the Northwest coast. f
"In a personal letter, however, Lieutenant Emmons writes: 'Native
tribes of the coast of Alaska used a netting needle just like those figured
in my Tahltan writing, but in all instances I have observed these needles
were used in the fine snowshoe filling. It is possible that their use might
also have been applied to net-making in earlier days.'
"Mr. Charles C. Willoughby, whose valued assistance in our work
we so greatly appreciate, aided by his thorough acquaintance with aboriginal
life and his intimate familiarity with the rich collections of Peabody
Museum of Harvard University, does not consider the suggestion offered
by us in regard to the use of the needles and sizers can be the correct one
from the fact that he believes a bobbin or a shuttle, similar to those now
in use for net-making, was known to primitive peoples and probably to the
inhabitants of 'The Indian Knoll'.
"Mr. Willoughby, who thought at first, judging from descriptions
and outlines, that the hooked implements might be distal ends of throwing-
sticks, after a prolonged and careful examination of the objects, now doubts
if they were so used.
"Lest any of our readers, especially our friends in Europe and in
Argentina, where so many of our reports are sent, unable to make a personal
inspection of these hooked implements, might, judging only from the
*' As the reader probably is aware, cord is wound longitudinally on the shuttle, or is wrapped
around the bobbin and thus is passed through the meshes with celerity.
f"G. T. Emmons, 'The TahlUm Indians', University of Pennsylvania, The Museum Anthropo-
logical Publications, vol iv, No. 1, p. 56 et seq.
:'• Ht ?••*&
U i re
FIG. 187. (S. 1-1.) Brown, fine-grained sandstone. J. A. Rayner's collection,
Piqua, Ohio. Found in a mound one half mile north of Piqua. The original was
sent me for examination. It bears a close resemblance to the "Cincinnati tablet"
in treatment and form. The designs are not hieroglyphic, but are of that peculiar
serpentine character noted on so many of the engraved shells, pottery, etc. Only
half of it was found, and as the break appears to be old, the specimen is of un-
questioned genuienness.
FIG. 188. (S. 1-1.) Material: black slate. An effigy of a buffalo, perforated
for suspension as an ornament (?). Madisonville Cemetery, Ohio. Peabody
Museum collection, Harvard University.
illustrations, consider them to have belonged to thro wing-sticks, it may
be well to remind them of the following points:
"1. That the thro wing-stick, or positive evidence of its use,* has not
been found anywhere in the regionf in which is 'The Indian Knoll'.
"2. That nearly all throwing-sticks are of one piece, a construction
that insures the required strength.
"3. That small points of antler or of flint, which might have served
as tips of the shafts used with atlatls, were not found associated with our
"4. That some of our hooked implements are too crooked to have been
used on throwing-sticks and that the cavities in some are too inconsiderable
to have served for the insertion of the main part of the atlatl.
"5. That the assumption that the hooked implements were parts of
atlatls offers no explanation in regard to the large objects of stone and of
antler found with the hooked implements and indubitably connected with
"As a further aid in this question of the former use of the hooked
implements and the objects of stone and of antler, which we sincerely
trust others may take up, a resume of the association of the so-called
needles and sizers found in 'The Indian Knoll' is here appended.
"It may be well to point out, however, that when a needle was not
present with a burial having a sizer, or when reverse conditions were
encountered, there was usually a good reason to explain the absence of the
object, namely: an aboriginal disturbance of the burial; a ceremonial
breaking of the sizer where fragments of it were found but where probably
parts of the needle, broken at the same time, less durable, had decayed
away; interment .in the shell material forming the upper part of the Knoll
where the shells, pressing against the needles of antler, may have cut
them, and the parts, possibly decayed, were confused with spiculse of bone
from the skeleton, also affected by the shells."
At the suggestion of Mr. Moore, I wrote to Doctor Ales Hrdlicka.
He had received the skeletal material found by Mr. Moore. A determina-
tion of the sex in the skeletons might enable us to form more correct theories
as to the use of these problematical forms. Writing from the Smithsonian
Institution underrate of November 8, 1916, he states: * * * "I regret to
*"Dr. Charles Peabody found in Coahoma County, Miss., an object referred to as of bone, having
at one end a hook and, at the other, part of a tenon for insertion, which is described as having belonged
to an atlatl. 'Explorations of Mounds, Coahoma County. Mississippi', Peabody Museum Papers,
vol. in, No. 2, Plate XX.
f'Prof. Marshall H. Saville writes: 'I know of no examples of spear throwers outside of the Cliff
Dwellers region and the sporadic find of Gushing at Key Marco in Florida. The Southwestern ex-
amples, of course, show Mexican influences. I do not consider, of course, the throwing-sticks of the
eastern Eskimos or those of the Northwest coast Indians.'
say that the majority of the numbers you mention are not represented in
our collections, or are of children or young, in whom identification of sex is
impossible. Of the four adults, two as you will see are males and two
"Sorry not to be able to serve you better, I remain
"Sincerely yours,
Here follows Mr. Moore's tables of the stone problematical forms and
needles and the skeletons with which they were found.
Bur. No. 2 stone
' 20 stone
(Disturbed bones 28
Bur. No. 29
34 sotne
37 stone
45 ... stone
47 stone
67 stone
77 '
82 stone
84 ,
87 stone
93 stone
95 stone
99 % winged stone
105 stone
115 stone
161 stone
163 stone
202 stone
211 stone
216 stone
219. .
2 antler
236 stone
251 winged stone
259 .'..stone
272 2 antler
296. .
needle with each
Mr. Moore, being on the ground when the explorations were made,
is probably best qualified to judge as to the exact interpretation to be
given these polished stones of problematical form. While I am perfectly
willing to accept his conclusions, that they may have been used in the
manufacture of nets, etc., yet I still cling to my former opinion that they
meant more than mere utility tools, and carried ceremonial significance.
FIG. 189. (S. 1-1.) Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society collection. An
ornament made of strips of ocean shell about 25 mm. wide at the centre and gradually
tapering to about 20 mm. at the end. Ornaments of this kind varied in length from 10
to 15 cm. The ends were cut square, into which a small hole was bored, about the centre
of the ornament, to a depth of 5 mm. A second hole was bored from the concave side
to connect with the first hole, thus forming a means of attachment that could not be seen
from the convex side. The strips were cut from the body of the shell and conform to the
general curve of the shell
Interesting because there is a groove between
FIG. 190. Ovate ornament, Indiana,
the perforation on one side.
Occasionally, these grooved pendants or ornaments are found. Whether it is an elon-
gated "button", or was an object on which something small was fastened, must remain
an enigma. Others shown in Figs. 3 and 11.
Sizers as mesh spacers could more easily have been made out of wood,
clay or soft sandstone or claystone. Why should the natives make use of
the hardest possible materials, such as flint, quartzite, etc.? A mesh-
spacer made of softer material would be just as serviceable, and required
far less labor in its manufacture. On the other hand, it may be that pre-
historic man devoted as much care, patience and skill in workmanship in
the manufacture of utility tools, as he did in the making of objects to be
used in ceremonies or for personal adornment. Certainly the subject is a
very interesting one, and Mr. Moore's discovery is of great importance
FIG. 191. (S. 1-1.) Phillips Academy collection. To the right is a broken problematical
form made into an ornament, but it is to the two other specimens that I would direct
attention. This circular form of ornament is rare. Materials: sandstone and black slate.
Localities: Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio.
The upper one is probably a nose or an ear ring. The lower one defies classification,
save as a circular ornament. More of these circular ornaments are found in New York
State and Tennessee than elsewhere.
This is a very comprehensive subject indeed. If one began to study
ornamentation among the Indians one would naturally visit existing tribes
and follow that research with an examination of ethnological objects in our
various museums. The ornaments are not exclusively made of stone and a
perusal of the literature on the subject will at once acquaint the reader
with the fact that among most tribes there were many more ornaments or
objects of personal adornment of wood, shell, skin, feathers and so forth,
than of stone. Perhaps the most complete study along these lines was that
presented by Professor Lucien Carr, for many years librarian at Harvard
University, who published a number of important papers. In 1897, the
American Antiquarian Society printed one of Professor Carr's memoirs
entitled Dress and Ornaments of Certain American Indians. This paper,
and others along similar lines, brings within convenient compass the essential
things said by early travelers concerning our natives. As a librarian -
for Mr. Carr, although a historian, was not an archaeologist — he dealt
with the early historic period. His paper is, therefore, of peculiar value
in connection with our study of ornaments, problematical forms, etc.
It must be remembered that there is little in literature of early America as
to the use of stone in problematical form. Since Professor Carr, who
examined the material thoroughly, found so few references, his paper is
in support of my contention that the early historians and travelers among
Indians found few, if any, of the problematical forms in use. On the
contrary, there were great quantities of ornamental objects in evidence,
and these are mentioned by the eighty writers quoted by Professor Carr.
It is impossible in this volume to treat of ornaments other than those
of stone; in fact, it is difficult within the compass of an ordinary book to
include even all the stone artifacts designated, to say nothing of an inclusion
of those of wood, shell, skin, feathers, or other materials. Yet it is quite
possible that the simple or primary forms were first made of shell or wood,
and that those of stone developed later. As against this statement, the
simple form or oval ornament may have first been made of stone, although
the writer doubts it.
In observing the extensive ethnological collections of the Field Museum
of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Peabody Museum, Museum
of the American Indian, University of Pennsylvania Museum and others,
the student of archaeology is impressed with this fact, that there is a dearth
of what one might consider stone age material in these collections. That
FIG. 192. (S. 1-2.) The straight bar-pendant; then one with slightly concave
sides. At the top, a broken rectangular form with concave sides. Phillips Academy
collection. Localities: Ohio and Iowa.
is, there are 'garments, head dresses, games, painted skins, medicine
bundles, implements, clay utensils, robes, wooden objects, basketry and
dozens of other things. Those that relate to ornamentation are necklaces,
bracelets, bead work, ornamented pipestems, toys, belts, and so on through
the list. In these we observe some survivals of the stone age, such as bone
awls, obsidian arrow-heads used by a Navaho shaman, the stone hammer,
stone celt and others. Occasionally we find simple stone ornaments, but one
looks in vain for the great majority of the objects set forth in the accom-
panying pages. The explanation for all of this is perfectly simple. These
collections have for the most part been made since the year 1850. Some of
them go back to the days of Lewis and Clark and other explorers, but
there is little or nothing prior to 1750. We must, therefore, depend chiefly
upon pure archaeology for the ornamental-problematical forms in stone.
All of the above — which could be expanded at considerable length -
is, of course, no reflection on the museums; neither does it imply that the
stone age in America is un-Indian. On the contrary, it means that the
Indian of the past seventy-five years has been in the transition period
generally in the United States; that the Indian of one hundred and fifty
years ago, except in the Northwest and West, had begun to change. His
art in ornamentation was modified, although he maintained his old form
of life in other respects.
The student of the general subject of ornamentation, in addition to
reading Professor Carr's excellent paper, is referred to the Handbook of the
American Indian in which he will find all phases of this interesting subject
covered, and if he will trouble to read some of the many reports and volumes
cited in the Bibliography, Chapter XXXIII, he will gain a comprehensive
idea of the subject. One does not need to be a trained ethnologist or
archaeologist to observe the difference between the Indian of the present
and the Indian of the past. Any intelligent person may visit one of the large
institutions named on the preceding pages and compare the ethnological
material with that taken from the mounds and graves, cliff houses, or village
sites, and he will at once observe the striking difference and dissimilarity
to which I have referred.
All of the above should be made especially clear. When the writer of
this volume published the Stone Age in North America there were those who
thought he was endeavoring to envelop "in a cloud of mystery and
antiquity" all the artifacts made and used by the American Indian.
Naturally this was an exaggeration. All that the author is attempting to
do is to classify and if possible explain, the stone and other types illustrated
in this book. If these were made and used by the American Indian of to-day.
or of the past one hundred years, it would have been far easier and more
simple to visit the descendants of such Indians, and secure first-hand
Fio. 193. (S. 2-3.) Small ovate stones, perforated. Whether these are ornaments or
spindle whorls is open to discussion. Museum of Anthropology, Affiliated Colleges, San
Francisco, California.
FH; 194 also from the same institution.
3 4
6 7
10 11
14 15
• I
FIG. 194. (S. 1-1.) Found at Ellis Landing, near Richmond, California.
No. 1. Fragment of washer-like ornament of abalone shell.
No. 2. Fragment of washer-like ornament of stone — mica schist.
No. 3. Perforated mica pendant.
No. 4. Circular stone pendant, obverse and reverse sides. Soft slate-colored stone,
shiny black.
No. 5. Triangular stone pendant, polished a beautiful black.
No. 6. Oblong pendant.
No. 7. Material: hard, slate-like rock.
Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Material: very soft greenish stone, probably serpentine.
No. 14. Roughly bottle-shaped specimen, somewhat heavier than any yet described,
No. 15. Material: soft limestone.
No. 16. May be classed as pendant, sinker or charm-stone
information as to the use and purpose of these perplexing objects. It is
because we have no specific information as to their use among tribes or
individuals, that such a book is necessary. There are occasional references
in the Jesuit Relations and elsewhere to the use of the simple ornaments
and stone tubes, bird-stones, and others, but up to the present time the
writer has been unable to find any specific or lengthy references to these
things. If such occur, of course he stands corrected, and would be glad to
Along the lines of belief that Indian art has deteriorated, one need but
cite the many baskets and woven fabrics secured by S. J. Guernsey, Esq.,
in caves in Utah during the summer of 1916; also the beautiful shell objects
inlaid with turquoise found by George Pepper, Esq., and others in the
Southwest; the superb terra cotta images taken by Professor Putnam from
the Turner Mound; the remarkable effigy pipes recently secured from the
Tremper Mound by Professor Mills; the Hopewell collection, and scores of
others. That the use of stone ornaments should be considered in con-
junction with ornamentation in general among Indians, no one will deny,
but as stated above, it is impossible to include such a study in this volume.
The best idea of the use of ornaments among Indians in the historic
period can be obtained by reading a few pages of Professor Carr's paper.
The references presented include all those I am able to find which relate
to the use of stone ornaments, and they are not numerous. On the con-
trary, most of the citations refer to other forms of ornamentation.
"Of the use of labrets and of the custom among the men of piercing
the nipples and inserting a reed or cane in the hole, I do not propose to
speak, as the evidence on the point is not altogether satisfactory.
Cabec.a de Vaca,1 it is true, asserts that both customs existed among the
Indians of Florida; and Adair2 and Father Paul Ragueneau3 speak of
piercing the lip, but in such an indefinite manner that it does not carry
much weight. At all events their statements are not corroborated, as they
would have been if the custom had been general, and hence I do not insist
upon their acceptance.
"But whilst the existence among our Indians, of these two methods
of bodily mutilation, or, if the term be preferred, of ornamentation, may
1 Relation, pp. 75, 78: New York, 1871.
2 "Some of the South American natives cut the lobes of their ears, and for a considerable time
fastened small weights to them, in order to lengthen them; that others cut holes in their upper and under
lips; through the cartilage of the nose, their chins and jaws, and either hung or thrust through them,
such things as they most fancied, which also agrees with the ancient customs of our Northern Indians."
History of the American Indians, p. 213: London, 1775.
3 "En d'autres endroits de I'Amerique, quelques Nations se percent le nez, entre les deux narines,
d'ou, ils font dependre quelques jolivetez; . . . et d'autres sur leurs levres pendantes et renversees,
et tout cela pour contenter leurs yeux, et pour trouver le point de la beaute." Jesuit Relation, 1658, p 30.
FIG. 195. (S. 1-2.) At the top is an unfinished problematical form. Next, is a
short winged bipennate type, curiously shaped problematical form, perforated, and
a small circular disc. Probably all found in southeastern Maine. Collection of
the Maine Historical Society.
well be doubted, the same cannot be said of the custom of piercing the
nose and ears. These were widespread, and were usually common to all
the members of the tribe, women as well as men; though there were tribes,
like the Iroquois, in which the women did not pierce the nose, and 'it was
only among certain others that they pierced the ears.'1 Although evidently
intended for ornamental purposes, yet there were people among whom the
custom had something of a religious significance, resembling in this respect
the practice of infant baptism among ourselves. Thus, for example, we
are told by Perrot2 that the operation was performed when the child was
five or six months old by a medicine-man ('jongleur'), who made an
invocation to the sun, or some chosen spirit, beseeching him to have pity
on the child and preserve its life. He then pierced the ears with a bone,
and the nose with a needle; and filled the wounds in the former with small
rolls of bark, and that in the latter with the quill end of a feather. These
were suffered to remain until the wounds healed, when they were removed,
and in their places were substituted tufts of the down of birds. The cere-
mony was always accompanied by a feast, and handsome presents were
made to the Shaman and his assistants.
"The holes in the ears of the men and women were of different sizes,
and served to distinguish the sexes;3 those in the ears of the women being
small, whilst the men sometimes cut a slit almost entirely around the rim
of the ear, which 'they distend and stretch as much as possible', so much
so, in fact, that the loop hangs almost to the shoulder.4 Not unfrequently
the outer edge of skin is torn apart; and then the Indian is plunged into
the depths of humiliation until, by paring the broken ends, they can be
made to grow together.5 Heckwelder6 reports an instance of an Indian,
who was with difficulty prevented from killing himself on account of an
accident of this character; and he adds that it was owing to the frequency
of such accidents, that the custom of stretching the holes in the ears to this
enormous extent was falling into desuetude.
"Of the articles worn in the ears and nose, our accounts are full and
explicit. To a certain extent they were the same — might in fact have
been used indiscriminately; and yet such an arrangement must have been
1 " Leurs narines ne sont jamais percees, & il n'y aque parmi quelques Nations, qu'elles se percent
les oreilles." Charlevoix, vi, p. 43. As to the existence of these customs, Cf. Lafitau, in, p. 53.
Sagard, p. 135. Carver, p. 227. Loskiel, p. 49. Marquette, p. 48. Iberville, p. 72, in Hist. Coll. Louisiana,
1875. Adair, p. 171.
2 Memoire sur les Mceurs, Constumes et Religion des Salvages de L'Ameriqve Septentrianale, p. 30:
Leipzig et Paris, 1864.
3 Lafitau, m, p. 53. Adair, p. 171.
4 Compare Jesuit Relation, 1658, p. 30. Adair, p. 171. Carver, p. 277. Loskiel, Indians of North
America, p. 49. Lafitau, in, p. 49. Bartram, p. 499.
5 Adair, North American Indians, p. 171: London, 1775.
6 Heckwelder, Indian Nations, p. 207: Philadelphia, 1876.
Top Row; Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. Second Row: Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8. Third Row; Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Fourth Row: Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
Fifth Row (first four objects): Nos. 20, 21, 22, 23.
FIG. 196. (S. about 2-5.) Group of various problematical forms from the University of Alabama
collection. Eugene A. Smith, State Geologist.
1. Boat-stone of ferruginous chert. 19. Hard steatite.
2. Boat-stone of light gray mica schist. 22. Reddish quartzite.
3. Boat-stone of ferruginous chert. 23. Steatite.
5 and 6. Gorgets of ferruginous chert.
7 and 8. Gorgets of ferruginous chert.
9. Gray sandy shale.
10. 20 and 21. Ferruginous chert, or possibly a reddish felsite or catlinite.
11. Gray sandy shale.
12. Ferruginous chert, or possibly a reddish felsite or catlinite.
13. Reddish, sandy shale with hole clear through it.
14. Gray sandy shale.
15. A plummet.
16. Heavy black material not identifiable without breaking. Almost perfect egg-shape.
17 and 18. Quartzite, generally of reddish colors.
Two objects in lower right-hand corner are not prehistoric.
one-sided, for whilst the nose ornaments could be used in the ears, there
were so many worn in the ears that could not be adapted to the nose, that
it seems advisable to consider them separately. Beginning then with
nose-rings, as this entire class is usually called, we find that relatively
speaking, they were few in number, and that the material of which they
were generally made was shell. The savages, for instance, whom Sagard1
saw in Canada, had a blue bead (patinotre) of good size which hung down
from above, on the upper lip. On the Atlantic coast a 'large peari, or a
piece of silver, gold, or wampum'2 was used; and in 'the interior parts' of
the country, sea-shells were much worn and were 'reckoned very orna-
mental'.3 In the Gulf States, 'such coarse diamonds as their own hilly
country produced were, in old times, fastened with a deer's sinew to their
hair, nose, ears and maccasenes.' They also, so it is said, formerly used
nose-rings and jewels; but, 'at present they hang a piece of battered silver
or pewter, or a large bead to the nostril, like the European method of treat-
ing swine to prevent them from rooting.'4
"On the other hand, their supply of rings, pendants, and articles of
different kinds worn in the ears, was practically unlimited. Shells in the
shape of beads of different sizes, pendants, and small cylinders like the
stem of a Holland pipe, were in use among the Indians of Canada, as were
small pieces of a red stone worked into the shape of an arrowhead.5 The
New England and western Indians indulged in pendants in 'the formes of
birds, beasts, and fishes, carved out of bone, shells, and stone;'6 and farther
to the south 'they decorate the lappets of their ears with pearls, rings, spark-
ling stones, feathers, flowers, corals, or silver crosses.'7 In Carolina they
' wear great Bobs in their Ears and sometimes in the Holes thereof they put
Eagles and other Birds Feathers for a Trophy.'8 Copper, in the shape of
beads, pendants or wire, was in use from Canada to Florida, as were tufts
of down as large as the fist, oiled and painted red.9 Fish-bladders, which
1 Voyage des Hurons, i, p. 135: Paris, 1865. Radisson, Voyages, in Prince Society Publications,
pp. 146, 226.
2 Loskiel, p. 49: London, 1794.
3 Carver, Travels, p. 227: London, 1778.
4 Adair, p. 171. Among the articles traded to the Indians at different times, mention is made of
5 Lafitau, in, pp. 49, 53. Charlevoix, vi, p. 43. Sagard, p. 133.
6 Wood, New England's Prospect, p. 74. Prince Society Publications. Plaine Dealing or N ewes from
New England, in Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, p. 103. Father Rasle, in Kip,
Jesuit Missions, p. 38.
7 Loskiel, Indians of North America, pp. 49, 52. Beverly, Virginie, plate u. First Voyage to America,
in Hakluyt, n, p. 286: Edinburgh, 1889
8 Lawson, Carolina, p. 193.
9 Lafitau, in, pp. 49, 50. Brereton, p. 90, in vol. vm of 3rd Series, Massachusetts Historical
Society Collections. Adair, p. 171. Radisson, Voyages, lac. cit., p. 146. Verrazzano, he. cit., p. 401.
First Voyage to America, in Hakluyt, n, p. 286: Edinburgh, 1889.
FIG. 197. (S. 1-1.) Etching on both sides of a flat piece of catlinite, North
Dakota. Collection of Henry Montgomery, Toronto, Canada.
FIG. 198. (S. 1-1.) Carved animal figure on both sides of a flat piece of catlinite.
Reverse of Fig. 197. North Dakota. Collection of Henry Montgomery, Toronto.
The three maps presented on this folder illustrate the distribution
of ornamental-problematical forms in the United States and Canada.
Fig. 202 shows the ovate form, which is most widely distributed of all,
and also the bilunate^ and geniculate, which are indicated by the letter
"J". The line representing the gorgets includes an area next in size
to the ovate. The space designated by the letter "I" may properly
be called the central area. Within this is a restricted portion, "J",
which is the true heart of the problematical belt.
Fig. 203 shows the range of winged, pick-shaped and spatulate
forms. Excepting the winged, the distribution is North and South.
Fig. 204 presents the range covered by tubes, highly specialized
forms and bird-stones. In general, the range of ornamental stones
follows the distribution of copper in eastern United States. In this
comparison the wide range covered by the ovate forms should be omitted.
are said to have looked like pearl, were worn in the South,1 as was a pin
made of the interior of a shell, called Burgo, as large as the little finger
and quite as long, with a head to prevent it from slipping through the hole
in which it was inserted.2 Finally, according to Strachey,3 and his account,
we may remark, in passing, is a good summary of the whole subject, 'their
ears they bore with wyde holes, commonly two or three, and in the same
they doe hang chaines of stayned pearls, braceletts of white bone or shreds
of copper, beaten thinne and bright, and wound up hollowe, and with a
great pride, certaine fowles leggs, eagles, hawkes, turkeys, etc., etc., with
beast's claws, beares, arrahacounes, squirrels, etc.' * * *
"Closely connected with this style of personal ornamentation, and of
interest on account of the wide field it afforded for the display of individual
taste,4 were the methods of dressing the hair. To specify a tithe of the
fashions that prevailed in this particular among the different tribes, or
among the members of the same tribe, j^ould take more time than we can
well afford."
Professor Carr proceeds to discuss at some length the various methods
of hair-dressing, of hair-ornamentation, etc. I omit much of his discourse.
He states that medicine-men in Virginia " 'shave all their heads saving
their creste which they weare in manner of a cokscombe,' and 'fasten a
small black birde above one of their eares as a badge of their office.' "5
"On solemn occasions, as on gala-days, the Iroquois wore above the
ear a tuft of the feathers, or the wing, or the whole skin, of some rare bird;6
and the Virginia Indians tied up the lock of hair which they leave full
length on the left side of the head, with an 'arteficyall and well labored
knott, stuck with many colored gew-gawes, as the cast head or brow-
antle of a deare, the hand of their enemie dryed, croisettes of bright and
shyning copper, like the newe moone. Many wore the whole skyne of a
hauke stuffed, with the wings abroad, . . . and to the feathers they will
fasten a little rattle, about the bignes of the chape of a rapier, which they
1 De Bry, Brevis Narratio, quoted in Antiquities of the Southern Indians, p. 521: New York, 1873.
2 Du Pratz, Louisiane, n. p. 195.
3 Historic of Travaile into Virginia, pp. 57, 67. Compare Captain Smith, Virginia, p. 130. Hariot,
Plates in, iv, vii : London, 1893. Breris Narratio, in De Bry, Plate xiv. Geo. Percy in Purchas' Pilgrims,
iv, p. 1687. Among the articles traded to the Indians, we find silver ear rings, ear wheels and ear
bobs mentioned in the same invoice.
4 Jesuit Relations, 1633, p. 35. Megapolensis, loc. oil., p. 154. Cartier, in Early English Voyages to
America, n, p. 43. Laudonniere, in same, p. 413. Champlain, i, p. 380. Lafitau, i, p. 201.
5 Frazer, Totemism, p. 26: Edinburgh, 1887. "They differ from each other in the mode of dressing
their heads, each following the custom of the nation or band to which they belong, and adhering to the
form made use of by their ancestors from time immemorial." Carver, Travels, p, 229. Cf. Miss Fletcher,
Journal of American Folk-Lore, vol. I, No. n, pp. 116, et seq., for modes of cutting hair among Omahas:
and Hariot, plate xi, for statement as to medicine-man. See Captain Smith, p. 139, for an account of
the snake skin head-dress of the chief Priest.
6 Lafitau, in, p. 50. Cf . Adair, p. 8, for same custom among Southern tribes.
take from the tayle of a snake, and some tymes divers kinds of shells,
hanging loose by small purflects or threeds, that, being shaken as they
move, they might make a certaine murmuring or whisteling noise by
gathering wynd, in which they seem to take great jollity, and hold yt a
kind of bravery.'1
"In addition to the articles noted above and worn as ornaments,
honors, etc., there were others that were used as bracelets, necklaces,
gorgets, etc. As a rule they were of bone, pearl, shell, and copper, though
the claws and talons of beasts and birds of prey2 were also used. Except
occasionally in size, they did not differ materially from the beads, pendants,
etc., that were worn on the head and in the ears. Taking up these articles
in their order, we find that in the Gulf States the Indians made bracelets of
bone. For this purpose they chose the rib of a deer, which was soaked in
boiling water and thus rendered soft and pliable. It was then worked into
the desired shape, and is .said to have been as white and smooth as polished
ivory.3 In Virginia 'polished', or as they are sometimes called 'smooth
bones', were used in connection with 'pearles and little beedes of copper'
as necklaces and ear-rings;4 and in New England, as we have seen, bones
carved in the shape of birds, beasts and fishes were worn as pendants in
the ears; and in Waymouth's voyage we are told that they were also
used as bracelets.
"Of pearls, there seems to have been an abundance,5 though they
were unequally distributed. Owing perhaps to this fact, and to the ex-
travagant accounts of some of the old writers, it has been thought that
they were, not unfrequently, confounded with shell beads; and, yet, the
statements as to their use are too frequent and too detailed in character,
to leave any doubt about the matter, even without the confirmatory evi-
dence of the mounds. Upon this point the chroniclers of De Soto's
expedition are in full accord; and whilst we may well doubt whether the
Spaniards took 'three hundred and ninety-two pounds of pearls, and little
babies and birds made of them' from the graves near Cutifachiqui,6 yet
1 Strachey, loc, cit., p. 67. Cf. First Voyage, in Hakluyt, u, pp. 286 et seq., for account of copper
pendants, sometimes five or six in either ear, and red pieces of copper on the head.
2 Charlevoix, vi, p. 42. 3 Du Pratz, n. p. 197. 4 Ilariot, plates iv, vi, and VH.
5" A quantity of pearls amounting to six or seven arrobes." Biedma, in Historical Collections of
Louisiana, part n, p. 101. "In her cares bracelets of pearls hanging down to her middle." Voyages of
English Nation to America, in Hakluyt, n, p. 286. In same, p. 304, it is said, "not only his own skinnes
that hee weareth, and the better sort of his gentlemen and followers are full set with the sayd Pearle,
but also his beds, and houses are garnished with them, and that hee hath such quantitie of them, that
it is a wonder to see." "Bracelets of real pearls; but they pierce them when hot, and thus spoil them."
Membre, loc. cit., p. 183. Cf. Shea, Early Voyages, p. 86, and in same; p. 140, Father Gravier says,
"the chief's wife had some small pearls . . . but about seven or eight which are as large as small
peas": Cf. Captain Smith, loc. cit.; pp. 138, 144, 191, &c. Strachey, pp. 54, 132. Tonti, loc. cit., p. 62.
6 Knight of Elvas, loc. cit., p. 144. Cf. Garcilaso de la Vega, i, pp. 424, 434; and in vol. n, pp. 5
et seq., there is an account of the way in which the Indians extracted pearls from shells: Paris, 1670.
FIG. 199. (S. 1-1.)
Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. Soapstone beads, flat, circular.
No. 5. Bell-shaped pottery bead with etched edges.
No. 6. Round perforated bead of pottery.
No. 7. Flat, circular bead, slate.
No. 8. Ring of fine-grained sandstone.
No. 9. Ring of fine-grained steatite, decorated with cross and zigzag lines and with human face at top.
Nos. 10, 11, 12. Plummets of steatite. Gr. Island.
Collection of T. B. Stewart, Lock Haven, Pa.
when we are told that pearls 'of the bigness of good pease' were found in
Virginia, and that one man 'gathered together from among the savage
people about five thousand' of them,* we cannot but admit that there is a
foundation of fact in the story of the old writer, extravagant as it seems to
Professor Carr's article on Dress and Ornaments ends with these
words : —
"With this suggestion, as to the additional use of what was evidently
a leading article in the Indian's toilet, our investigation must come to a
close. In it we have endeavored not only to picture the dress and orna-
ments of our savages, but we have been obliged to examine the materials
of which their dresses and ornaments were made, and to describe the arts
by which these materials were fitted for their several uses. It has been a
laborious task, but fortunately the sources of information were abundant;
and whilst it is probable that our treatment of the subject has not been as
complete as might have been desired, yet it is believed, that enough 1ms
been given to justify us in accepting, as our own, the statement that 'from
what has been said as to their method of adorning themselves, it might be
inferred that the savages, instead of adding to their personal beauty (for
they are, nearly all, well made,) were really trying to render themselves
unnatural and hideous. This is true; and yet when they are in full dress.
the fantastic arrangement of their ornaments not only has nothing in it
that is offensive, but it really possesses a certain charm which is pleasing
in itself and makes them appear to great advantage."!
* First Voyage, in Hakluyt, n, pp. 286, 331: Edinburgh, 1880.
t" De tout ce que je vient de dire de la maniere de s'orner, on conclura aisement, que les Sauvages,
an lieu d'ajouter a leur beaute naturelle, (car ils sont presque tous bien fait,) travaillent a se rendre laids
& a se defigurer. Cela est vrai aussi; cependent quand ils sont bien parez a leur mode, 1'assemblage
bizarre de tous leurs ornemens, non seulement n' a rien qui choque, mais il a un je ne s^ai quoi qui plait.
& leur donne de la bonne grace": Lafitau, Mtvurs des Saurages Ameriqvains, Tome HI, p. 57: P;iri>.
FIG. 200. (S. 1-1.) A geniculate form, tube and boat-stone. All Wisconsin types
and practically the same as those from any section of the problematical form central
area. H. E. Cole, Baraboo. Wisconsin.
It has been suggested earlier in this book that the tables presented
showing the distribution of these peculiar stones and forms are not as
satisfactory as one might wish. Many of the collections in public insti-
tutions cannot be studied satisfactorily for the reason previously stated.
Numbers of intelligent private collectors had not the time to furnish totals
of specimens in their possession. Therefore, my tables are by no means
complete although they represent several thousand objects. It is to be
hoped that a sufficient number is listed to give some idea of the distribution
of forms.
In the Smithsonian Institution, American Museum of Natural History,
at the Peabody Museum, Harvard, Field Museum of Chicago, there are
many more of these objects than are to be found in the Museum of Phillips
Academy at Andover, Massachusetts. But, in none of the great institutions
are these objects assembled as they are at Andover. We have 1592, of
which 1427 are on exhibition. There are probably more in the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society, and the Ohio State University
Museum, at Columbus, and the Museum of the American Indian, Heye
Foundation, of New York. The large collections at the Missouri His-
torical Society, New York State Museum, Philadelphia Academy of
Sciences, Peabody Museum, Yale University, Dominion Museum at
Ottawa, and others contain from a few hundred to a thousand or more each.
For convenience in study the Andover collection is the more accessible.
While it is not as well represented in types from the South or the Michigan-
Wisconsin country, it is representative of elsewhere. Omitting the
two large sections I have mentioned, it serves fairly well for study. In
fact, one might form a skeleton plan of distribution on the Andover collection
alone, but to make it more complete it is necessary to include all these
other public and private collections.
The tables show that in some sections of the areas known as the
ornamental-problematical belt these things do not occur in any considerable
number; elsewhere they are found in great profusion. To a certain extent
we must consider that in some areas there has not been much collecting.
This may or may not explain the scarcity of these objects. Certain river
valleys produce quite a number, whereas other valleys do not. In New
England, although the Merrimac is a long river and was inhabited by many
Indians, yet the Connecticut yields far greater number of these forms than
the Merrimac. The Connecticut types are practically the same as those of
FIG. 201. (S. 1-1.) Material: coal black slate. Bird-stone with unusually
pronounced ears and heavy, short bill. Indeed, some readers may consider this not
a bird-stone, but an animal effigy instead. Very few of this type occur. Found
in Leeper County, Michigan. Collection of C. A. Thompson, Hillsdale, Michigan.
FIG 20lA. (S. 1-1.) Material: fine sandstone, dark brown color. An unusual
tablet, in that there are four concave sides. This is one of the specialized tablet
forms. J. A. Rayner's collection, Piqua, Ohio.
the Merrimac. In fact, I am of the opinion that the Penobscot Valley,
much farther east, yields a greater number of these forms than the
Merrimac. Again, a short river like the Ipswich seems to have been thickly
settled in Indian times, and more ornamental and problematical forms
are in the Peabody Museums, Salem and Cambridge, than have come from
other New England river valleys.
Northern Ohio and Indiana, where Indian villages were not numerous
(at least in prehistoric times) have produced more of these types than any
other section of the country. The maps plainly show that the ornamental-
problematical class is not necessarily more numerous on the sites of large
Indian towns either prehistoric or historic. One of the most extensive
Indian village sites I have beheld is that one along the banks of the Ohio
River near Aurora and Lawrenceville, Indiana. Signs of Indian occupation
were very numerous for three miles along the river when I visited that
place eighteen years ago. Yet, there are not very many of these objects
found there.
A study of the maps and the hundreds of drawings and photographs
sent to my office from various points of the country, with the inspection of
the large collections in the East, leads me to the conclusion that we cannot
assign these forms to any certain tribes. I mean by this that if the boat-
stone is most numerous in western New York, we cannot with assurance
claim that it is necessarily Iroquoian. The bird-stone changes as we pass
southward or eastward. The rectangular or oval ornaments, and the wing-
stones change in form when we enter the Cherokee country. They are of
softer stone in the South, in Mississippi and Arkansas, Louisiana and
portions of Tennessee. The ridged and wide tube-like forms are frequently
made of a beautiful stone, a rose quartz. The material seems to have
appealed to the natives, but the stone is very hard to work, and the forms
are changed from that of the North.
It was inconvenient to present one large folder of all these forms.
There are over four hundred of them and they range from the simple,
ovate, unperforated, which may be finished or unfinished, to exceedingly
complicated designs. The six outlines presented are in reality a very
liberal expansion of the Baltimore Classification (see page 31). Other
students may not arrange these objects as I have, and the grouping is
rather arbitrary. It must not be supposed that all of these forms gradually
evolved from more simple ones. Rather let it be said that all the known
forms have been assembled and grouped according to shape, regardless of
locality. This is further done in order that students might not merely study
the geographical distribution, but also the range of form and type and even
the minute changes to be observed in each series. Hundreds of others could
have been added, but the changes or variations would be so slight that it
10 I
25 26
30 31
33 34 35 36 37
46 4-7 46 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5'
65 66 67 68 69 70
72 73 74
85 86
88 89
90 91 92 93
(See page 266)
)0000 00 0
I 13 14 15 16 17 18
27 28
5 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
94 95 96
38 39 4O 41 42 43 44- 4-5
75 76 78 79 80 81 82 83
244 245 246 247 248 249
258 259 260
278 279 280
289 290
297 298 299 300
FIG. 208. BIP
- 282
284- 28 5T
276 277
(See page 266)
has not been found practicable to do this. I have presented quite a number
which may seem to be duplicates, but they will serve to impress on readers
the great numbers of these things, the care with which they have been
fashioned, and their wide distribution in a given area.
The advantage of a large single folder lies in the fact that by assembling
all of them on one sheet, one may be able to indicate by arrows how one
type merges into another. Since the grouping depends largely on the
personal equation, I have left that to readers and students who may re-
group these things according to their fancy.
Some of the outlines do not correctly convey the object; for instance,
under the term "spatulate" (the spade or spud-shaped) some observers
might classify the gorgets having the expanded, rounded base. I use the
term "spatulate" to represent a totally different object. (See pages 140
to 156). This will also apply to other forms, which m.ay be incorrectly
grouped by those students who have not examined a large number. In
assembling these thousands of objects for study, it has been a physical
impossibility for the author of this book to do all of the work personally,
and many of the tables have been prepared by persons who have aided him.
This being the case, he cannot be absolutely certain that some errors have
not crept in, yet in the main, it is safe to assume that most of the outlines
are correct, although some of them are not quite as even or as symmetrical
as the originals.
In the six plans there are many unusual forms and had such not been
found by Moore, Mills, Brown, Heye, Parker or others, the genuineness of
some of them might be open to question. Eliminating all that might by any
possibility be made by white men with intention to deceive, there are at
least 390 of the outlines that present forms found on village sites and in
mounds or graves.
FIG. 202. In this the true centre, or heart, of the ornamental-
problematical area is marked with letter "I". "J" is even more restricted
and contains all the forms, and the bilunate and geniculate forms do not
extend outside. Some of the observers might consider the area marked "J"
as the true heart. It may be, but I have thought best to include a little
more. In this figure the most widely distributed (ovate forms) and the
least distributed (geniculate) are shown.
FIG. 203. In this I show the distribution of the winged or bipennate
forms, pick-shaped and spatulate. It will be observed that the spatulate
forms (formerly called "spuds") do not enter Ohio, but are curiously
distributed throughout an area narrow east and west, but at least a thousand
kilometers in length north and south. The lines of all the maps are extended
considerably into Canada. This was for convenience in lettering. It
should be remembered that none of these forms (except the ovate) are
numerous north of a line drawn between Quebec and Lake Superior.
FIG. 204. This presents tubes, highly specialized forms and bird-
stones. The distribution of the bicaves or discoidals is not shown. They
lie within an area bounded as follows: New Orleans to St. Louis, thence
to Cincinnati, to Frankfort, Kentucky, to near the head of the Tennessee
River and thence southwest to New Orleans.
Beginning with Fig. 205 and continuing through Fig. 210, I present
six sheets of outlines.
Outlines 1 to 28 indicate either unperforated pendants or simple
ovate forms. All these objects have flat surfaces, whether perforated or not.
Outlines 29 to 46 are the ovate and rectangular small pendants or
Outlines 46 to 94 are flat-surface (laminae) gorgets, etc.
Outlines 95 to 111 are forms of plummets and also one or two pendants
which hardly belong in the plummet class.
Outlines 111 to 124 are more specialized gorgets.
Outlines 125 to 133 present some of the spatulate forms. These are
better shown in Chapter XIV.
Outlines 133 to 180 are double and triple perforated ornaments and
tablets (see p. 30).
Outlines 182 to 196 are ridged gorgets and complicated forms. Now
and then one or two have been included which possibly do not belong in
this class, notably outline 195.
Outlines 197 to 200 are of the tablet class which contracts, or becomes
concave increasingly until we reach the bilunate shown in Outline 203.
Outline 206 begins with the pick-shaped, perforated in centre and which
becomes the winged stone of the forms shown in 213 or 214.
Outlines 215 to 224 present a series beginning with the pick form and
ending in the crescent.
Outlines 225 to 234 exhibit specialized forms of the crescent, gradually
changing and ending in crescent arms which are expanded at the ends.
Outlines 235 to 243 are "L" shaped or geniculate forms.
Outlines 244 to 257 include specialized forms.
Outlines 258 to 305 are various forms of winged stones or bipennate,
illustrating many variations.
Outlines 306 to 315 indicate that a series may be arranged beginning
with the thick oval pebble, including some plummets and ending in the
curious forms shown in Outlines 313, 314 and 315, which have been explained
in Chapter VIII.
Outlines 316 to 332 show small pendants or ear-rings.
Outlines 340 to 351 are various boat-stones placed at different angles.
Outlines 354 to 364, different odd forms scarcely types but chiefly ridged.
Outlines 365 to 374 present bar-amulets.
Outlines 375 to 407 show tubes.
Scattered through all these six figures are some objects representing the
individual fancy, rather than types, although most of the outlines are of
fixed types.
Major J. W. Powell's linguistic map was published in 1885, and has
since been republished in somewhat revised form in the Handbook of
American Indians. It was first thought possible to make use of this map
as a base on which to enter the distribution of problematical forms through-
out the United States. A comparison between my three maps presented in
202, 203 and 204, and the linguistic map published in the Handbook of
American Indians is sufficient to explain to readers just why Powell's
map was omitted. Practically all of the ornamental-problematical stones
were found in Algonkin, Iroquoian and Muskhogean territories. There is
an overlapping of the ovate and gorget in Siouan and other regions. If
these forms covered the entire United States, it would be quite proper to
place them on a linguistic map, but since the area of distribution is confined
to three or four stocks, it is hardly necessary.
In order to make certain that the map is now generally accepted by
ethnologists and others much more competent than myself to pass upon
these matters, I addressed twenty letters to gentlemen who are
specially interested in the study of Indian languages, and customs, and
asked them for a frank expression as to whether Major Powell's map was
accurate. The purpose of this book was explained to them, and the
reason why I desired their opinions as to the advisability of making use
of that which has stood for many years as our only complete linguistic map.
With one or two exceptions, all of these persons very kindly replied to my
request. There were no criticisms of consequence to Major Powell's map,
and the few exceptions offered dealt with tribes of the Pacific Coast. The
linguistic map may, therefore, be properly omitted. The three maps
presented in Figs. 202, 203 and 204 do not include the Far West as will be
observed. Very few if any of the ornamental-problematical forms are
found on the Pacific Coast. For this reason I have not presented a map of
that region, and have practically eliminated it from this book, although
there are here and there a few references to the presence of ear-rings, charms,
FIG. 411. (S. 2-3.) Boat-stone and lunate form. Found in Connecticut Valley.
Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Connecticut.
FIG. -214. (S. 1-1.) Unclassified problematical form, of banded slate. Found
in New York State. Collection of Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
375 376 377 378 379 380 381 38Z 383
384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391
392 393 394- 395 396 397 398
399 400 401 402 403 404
(See page 267)
or other stones ornamental in character. Of course, there are great
quantities of plummet-shaped stones on our western Coast.
It was impossible for Major Powell in his map to establish exact
boundaries with reference to our Indian tribes. It is equally true that
we cannot bound the distribution of these forms. I have, therefore, thought
it inadvisable to extend a line two hundred or three hundred kilometers
South or West of where certain forms have been found, merely because
a few objects of that particular type or form occur at a distance. In brief,
the lines indicate the distribution of the greater numbers in a certain
form, and should not be extended further because three of four forms
have been reported. The presence of these few exotic forms should not
change our lines marking geographical distribution. In this connection
I wish to mention a section of the country where I lived a number of years
and did considerable work.
In Greene and Pickaway and Ross counties, Ohio, were located villages
of the Shawano Indians in historic times. Situated within two or three
hundred meters of the Ross County village were several large earth mounds.
The mounds, as well as the graves of the Shawano, have been carefully
examined and the two cultures are quite different. For ought we know,
many of the historic sites may have been occupied by previous villages of
the same or different cultures. It is reasonable to suppose that two Indian
tribes at different times would locate their camp in a most favorable spot
on a given river. We know that the Indians chose wisely, for many of our
most prosperous and attractive towns and cities are located on the exact
spots previously occupied by Indian encampments. Objects from one site
may, therefore, represent two cultures. This is a subject which should
be carefully investigated at some future time.
Major Powell's map shows with sufficient accuracy the location of the
various Indian tribes with reference to their speech.
In following the Major's plans I first thought to enter on the maps a
large number of letters or numbers. This would necessitate the preparation
of a rather extensive key, and in view of the pioneer character of this book,
it was thought best to indicate the boundaries by lines. To place all of
these on one sheet might cause confusion, hence the use of three maps.
The students who examine these maps might say that because all of
these objects were found in Algonkin, Iroquoian and Muskhogean territory,
they are therefore confined to three stocks. Beyond question these three
stocks did make use of most of them, but judging from the concentration
north of the Ohio River, and in that central belt which I have elsewhere
called the "heart", it would seem that there these objects had their origin.
Whether this is the stock from which the three linguistic families mentioned
sprang, I shall leave to other and future investigators to decide.
The preliminary tables were made by Dr. Fred H. Stearns of the
Peabody Museum, and I hereby express appreciation of his labors.
It will be observed in the following pages of general tables made by
Mr. Heman Fay, that there are four thousand, five hundred and twenty-two
objects owned by more than one hundred museums and individuals.
Mr. Fay, under my direction, has succeeded in grouping according to types.
The small illustration to the left gives approximately the outline of the
specimen represented. There may be a few errors, since it was quite
difficult to check up correctly all of these multitudinous forms and varia-
tions. In certain instances I have referred to the numbers given in the
line drawings submitted in Chapter XXII. It is quite likely too that some
of the specimens listed vary slightly from outlines presented. Yet, after
making due allowances for slight variations, mistakes on the part of Mr. Fay,
correspondents and myself, I feel confident that errors or variations will
not affect the tables as a whole. Approximately they are correct.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 15.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Hist. Society, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
F. E. Coleman, Pasadena, Cal. (found in North Dakota), 1.
F. N. Godfrey, Oldtown, Me., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 2.
J. W. Phillips, Hailey, Mo., 2.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
Edna Slaughter, Crystal Run, N. Y., 1.
G. J. Sauermann, Crown Point, Ind., 1. -Total 26
Christopher Wrenn, Plymouth, Pa., 4.
Paul S. Tooker, Westfield, N. J., 1.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
O. W. Hayes, Allenton, 111., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
Alabama State Dept. Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala., 20.
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 4.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
J. C. Dean, Ripley, N. Y. (found in Erie County, Pa.), 1.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 3.
F. N. Godfrey, Oldtown, Me., 2.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 2.
J. W. Phillips, Hailey, Mo., 2. - Total 45
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
J. G. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1. — Total 2
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 20.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 2.
R. F. Pettit. Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
Edna Slaughter, Crystal Run, N. Y., 2.
J. H. Zumstein, Rock Island, Tex., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1. -Total 30
(W. A. Lowe), Massillon, Ohio, 1.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Hist. Society, Lincoln, Neb., 2.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 2.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, Ohio, 1. — Total 6
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, Mich., 2.
A. W« Gimbi, McAdoo, Pa., 2.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, Ohio, 1.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
J. S. Cawley, Somerville, N. J., 2.
J. M. Floor, Petersburg, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
University of Vermont, Burlington: Vt., 1. — Total 15
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
— Total 1
B. Beasley, Montgomery, Ala., 11.
See outline 334 in Fig. 209
— Total 11
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 2.
Christopher Wren, Plymouth, Pa., 1.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
W. A. Lowe, Massillon, Ohio, 1.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist, Society, 3
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 5.
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Ma?s., 1.
Museum of American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
-Total 17
W. M. Alexander, Louisville, N. Y., 1.
Mrs. L. W. Murray, Athens, Pa., 1. —Total 2
Henry Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 1.
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
W. M. Alexander, Louisville, N. Y., 1.
W. A. Lowe, Massillon, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 25.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Hist. Society, Lincoln, Neb., 3.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 3.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
Edna Slaughter, Crystal Run, N. Y., 1.
I. M. Weiss, Vero, Fla., 1.
J. H. Zumstein, Rock Island, Tex., 1.
T. L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y. (found at Maryland, N. Y.), 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1 - Total 47
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada (found Wentworth Co.,
Ont.), 1.
E. R. Ballard, Winona, Miss., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
J. C. Dean, Ripley, N. Y. (found, Erie Co., Pa.), 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O. (found, Seneca Co., O.), 4.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O. (found near Minerva, O.), 1.
C. S. Landridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O. (found, Medina Co., O.), 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111., 1.
I. M. Weills, Vero, Fla., 1.
H. Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 2.
Mrs. H. V. A. McMurray, Washington, D. C., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
Mattatuck Hist. Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Hist. Society, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 2.
J. S. Cawley, Somerville, N. J., 4.
F. E. Coleman, Pasadena, Cal. (found, Lyons, Tex.), 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
J. W. Saunders, Camden, Tenn., 1.
G. E. Morris, Somerville, N. J., 4. — Total 44
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111. (one found in Virginia, one found in Jersey
Co., 111.), 2.
C. S. Brown, University of Mississippi, 1. —Totals
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 2.
D. O. Brewster, Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston, Mass., 1.
W. M. Alexander, Louisville, N. Y;, 2.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 3.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
E. Orr, Waukon, Iowa, 1.
A. S. Purchase, Syracuse, N. Y., 1.
Townsend S. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
-Total 17
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 2.
W. Bisel, Charlotte, Mich., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 2.
J. S. Cawley, Somerville, N. J., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 5.
G. E. Morris, Somerville, N. J., 1.
Townsend S. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y.,
Christopher Wren, Plymouth, Pa., 1.
— Total 14
Cass Co., Neb., 1.
Lancaster Co., Neb., 1.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 15.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 2.
E. E. Bailey, Little Rapids, Wis., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found, Monterey, Cal.), 1.
F. E. Coleman, Pasadena, Cal. (found, St. Joseph Co., Mich.), 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 2.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 4.
A. S. Purchase, Syracuse, N. Y., 1.
I. M. Weiss, Vero, Fla., 1.
W. M. Alexander, Louisville, N. Y., 3.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
F. N. Godfrey, Oldtown, Me., 2.
J. W. Phillips, Hailey, Mo., 1. —Total 41
Summit Co., Ohio, 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
-Total 13
W. A. Lowe, Massillon, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O. (found, Seneca Co., O.), 1.
B. H. Lawson, Mattoon, III., 1. —Total 11
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
— Total 2
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1. — Total 6
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5.
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., 1. — Total 10
A. D. Hole, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 1. — Total 1
H. Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 1.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5.
E. E. Bailey, Little Rapids, Wis., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 1.
H.-M. Braun, East St. Louis, 111., 1. —Total 11
H. Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 4.
George P. Donehoo (found in Snyder Co., Pa.), 1.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society,
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 3.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
— Total 13
H. Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 2.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp. Beebe, Ark., 1.
— Total 4
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 8.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 2.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 1.
— Total 13
D. O. Brewster, Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston, 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
O ^ J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found, Palo Alto, Cal.), 1.
-Total 4
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
Mrs. H. V. A. McMurray, Washington, D. C., 1.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 3.
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
J. N. Cressy, Harpursville, N. Y., 3.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 2.
H. L. Johnson, Clarksville, Tenn., 8.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111. (found, Schuyler Co., 111.), 1.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
C. G. Broughton, Marblehead, Mass., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found, Santa Cruz, Ariz. ), 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 4.
R. W. Emerson, Bridgeton, N. J., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
J. A. Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala., 1.
W. P. Lewis, Phillipsburg, N. J., 1.
Mrs. L. W. Murray, Athens, Pa., 1.
Maine Historical Society, 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
Edna Slaughter, Crystal Run, N. Y., 1.
T. L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 3.
C. B. Moore, Lake County, Fla., 1.
C. B. Moore, West Coast, Fla., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 46
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, Mich., 1.
A. W. Gimbi, McAdoo, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
State Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala., 1.
Townsend L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1. - Total 12
Outline 31 Willard E. Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 6. - Total 6
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
F. Finger, Marissa, 111., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111., 1.
C. B. Moore, Arkansas County, Ark., 1. - Total 6
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 4.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
C. A. North, Middlefield, N. Y., 1.
C. B. Moore, Arkansas Co., Ark., 3.
J. A. Rayner, Miami Co., O., 1.
C. B. Moore, Mill Cove, Fla., 1. - Total 20
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
Townsend L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1.
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
0. W. Hayes, Allenton, 111., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Hist. Society, 2.
1. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111. (found, Crockett Co., Tenn.), 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 6.
Wyoming Historical and Geogological Society, Wilksbarre Pa., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, New York, 1.
H. F. Schultz, Chicago, 111., 1.
Museum of Geogological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 7.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis., 1.
F. E. Coleman, Pasadena, Cal., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel O., 10.
L. O. Harris, Lebanon, O., 1.
J. Henderson, University of Col., Boulder, Col., 1.
C. A Hine, Akron, O., 2.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 1. — Total 53
Outline 33 R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va. (found near East Bend, N. C.), 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 5.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111. (found, Brown Co., O.), 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
H. L. O'Brien, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
Academy Natural Science, 1. -Total 13
Outline 34
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
— Total 1
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Hist. Society, Lincoln, Neb. (found, Union
Co., Ohio), 1. —Total 2
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 7.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
J. M. Floor, Petersburg, O., 2.
F. N. Godfrey, Oldtown, Me., 2.
G. R. Moore, Janesville, Wis., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 1.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 21
Outline 40
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 2.
— Total 2
G. W. Racey, Shawanee, Tenn., 1.
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada,
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
C. B. Moore, Norwalk Landing, Fla., 1.
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 1.
—Total 13
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 12.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 7.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 1.
B. E. Wise, Jonesville, Mich., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
Townsend L. Bishop, Westville, Otsego Co., N. Y., 1.
William Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 2. — Total 34
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y.,
D. R. Fulton, Muncie, Ind., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y.,
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
— Total 3
Total 4
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Neb. (found,
Union Co., O.), 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
V. V. Robinson, Schuyler, Neb., 1. —Total 7
Outline 140 Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
— Total 1
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 7.
H. F. Schultz, Chicago, 111., 1.
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1.
J. M. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society,
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada,
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O. (notched on edge all around), 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
J. A. Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala., 2.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind. (found, Delaware Co., Ind.), 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 2.
J. M. Lawson, Mattoon, 111., 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 22.
— Total 58
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 14.
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 5.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Hist. Society, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 4.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O. (found, Seneca Co., O.), 3.
Clarence B. Moore, McKee Island, Ala., 3.
Clarence B. Moore, St. Johns River, Fla., 1.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 3.
J. M. Forney, Bird's Run, O., 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
E. Test, Layfette, Ind. (one found Michigan, one found Indiana), 2.
C. A. North, Middlefield, N. Y., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
T. L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 2.
H. M. Braun, East St. Louis, 111., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
Christopher Wren, Plymouth, Pa., 1.
W. A. Lowe, Massillon, O., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 2.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
L. B. Ogden, Penn Yan, N. Y., 1. -Total 58
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
American Museum of Natural History, N. Y,, 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1. -Total 4
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111., 1. — Total 1
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
S. B. McQuown, Monmouth, 111., 1.
C. B. Moore, St. Johns River, Fla., 1. — Total 3
State Museum of New York, Albany, N. Y., 2.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
T. L. Bishop, Portlandsville, N. Y., 1. - Total 6
C. B. Moore, Ouachita Valley, Ark., 2.
— Total 2
Outline 58 M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 2.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society,
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 8.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
C. B. Moore, Ark., 1.
— Total 26
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 4.
Christopher Wrenn, Plymouth, Pa., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 3.
Clyde Burroughs, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, Mich., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
Mrs. H. V. A. McMurray, Washington, D. C., 1.
G. W. Racey, Shawanee, Tenn., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 5.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1
T. C. Clarke, Brilliant, O., 1.
A. Gerend, Cato, Wis., 1.
A. W. Gimbi, McAdoo, Pa., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 3.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 3.
R. W. Emerson, Bridgeton, N. J., 1.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
M. G. Hill, Afton, N. Y., 1.
A. L. Hess, Philadelphia, Pa., 3.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 4.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 20.
J. D. Robertson, Holly, Mich., 1.
V. V. Robinson, Schuyler, Neb., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 5.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 3.
Everhart Museum, Scranton, 1.
C. B. Moore, Duval Co., Fla., 1.
C. L. Baatz, Massillon, O., 1.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 5.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 2.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
-Total 88
Outline 73 E. O. Sugden, Orland, Maine, 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1. - Total 2
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 4.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. W. Flanders, Camden, Term., 1. -Total 11
H. E. Buck, Delaware, Ohio. 3.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, Ohio, 2.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, Ohio, 2.
F. N. Godfrey, Oldtown, Me., 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
F. L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1.
Clyde Burroughs, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, Mich., 1.
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
W. F. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 130.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 6.
P. Esselborn, Portsmouth, O., 1.
C. S. Harris, Bardolph, 111., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
J. A. Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
Mrs. L. W. Murray, Athens, Pa., 1.
G. R. Moore, Janesville, Wis., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 2.
P. L. Perkins, Sioux Falls, S. D., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 4.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Pa., 1. —Total 167
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 15.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 60.
A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
J. N. Cressy, Harpursville, N. Y., 1.
W. R. Blackie, New York, N. Y., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 5.
L. H. Belson, Niles, Mich., 1.
W. Bisel, Charlotte, Mich., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1 .
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
Christopher Wren, Plymouth, Pa., 1.
— Total 101
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found in Hardin Co., O.), 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 2.
J. D. Robertson, Holly, Mich., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
A. Gerend, Cato, Wis., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 2.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 5.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 2. — Total 17
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 82.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
D. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
W. Bisel, Charlotte, Mich., 3.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, New York, 8.
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 2.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 3.
E. E. Bailey, Little Rapids, Wis., 1.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 4.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
C. S. Harris, Bardolph, 111., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 5.
S. B. McQuown, Monmouth, 111., 2.
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 2. - Total 126
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 6.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
Leander Whitney, Cornwall Bridge, Conn., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2.
C. S. Harris, Bardolph, 111., 1.
M. G. Hill, Afton, N. Y., 2.
J. A. Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala., 1.
H. L. O'Brien, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
Townsend L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1.
C. B. Moore, St. Johns River, Fla., 1.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
— Total 101
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
Special form C. B. Moore, 1.
-Total 2
— Total 1
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1. — Total 1
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1. — Total 3
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 5.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1. —Total 7
Special form Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1. — Total 1
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
— Total 1
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 12.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111., 2.
T. L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1.
Dr. William M. Beauchamp, Syracuse, N. Y., 1.
A. L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1. - Total 21
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1. -Total 6
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 15.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
J. M. Forney, Birds Run, O., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, WTis., 1. - Total 18
W. F. Clendenin, Sparta, 111., 4.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
C. B. Moore, St. Johns River, Fla., 2.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 20.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada (found, Halton Co.,
Ont.), 2.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O. (found, Seneca Co., O.). 8.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 2.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 2.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 54
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O. (notches on top), 1.
C. L. Baatz, Massillon, O., 1. - Total 6
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 3.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1. — Total 9
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
— Total 4
Special form R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va., 1.
— Total 1
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society,
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
— Total 5
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
J. N. Cressy, Harpursville, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 9.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 2.
J. C. Dean, Ripley, N. Y. (found, Erie Co., Pa.), 1.
P. Esselborn, Portsmouth, O., 2.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 7.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 25.
C. Robert, Lebanon, Ky., 2.
G. R. Moore, Janesville, Wis., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
J. W. Saunders, Camden, Tenn., 2.
— Total 58
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
J. M. Forney, Birds Run, O., 1.
C. Robert, Lebanon, Ry., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va., 1.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 2. —Total 11
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Wills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 9.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
P. Esselborn, Portsmouth, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 3.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 2.
— Total 25
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
Clarence B. Moore, Ala., 1.
Clarence B. Moore, St. John River, Fla., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 6
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y.,
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
C. B. Moore, Alabama River, 1.
C. L. Baatz, Massillon, O., 1.
Total 4
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
H. Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
J. M. Forney, Birds Run, O., 1.
C. E. Francis, Elkhart, Ind., 1. — Total 6
B. E. Wise, Jonesville, Mich., 1.
— Total 1
Outline 69
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
C. B. Moore, Duval Co., Fla., 2.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 8.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 8.
— Total 1
Total 4
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2. — Total 2
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 3.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1.
E. L. Perkins, Sioux Falls, S. D., 1.
H. Zubke, Thiensville, Wis., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 2.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
— Total 17
— Total 19
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2. — Total 2
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2. — Total 2
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass. (Maine 5, Montana 1.) — Total 6
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 8.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
— Total 11
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
Total 1
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
F. Finger, Marrissa, 111., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 2.
C. B. Moore, West Coast, Fla., 3.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 2.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 3.
— Total 16
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 1.
— Total 2
R. Gluck, Louisiana State Museum, La., 1.
J. A. Keniston, Newburyport, Mass., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 17.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 2.
S. S. Parker, Farmington, N. H., 1.
W. H. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
— Total 26
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
Mrs. C. M. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1. —Total 2
A. Crozier, Wilmington, Del., 1. - Total 1
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1. —Total 2
Outline 110 G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
A. S. Purchase, Syracuse, N. Y., 1. — Total 2
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 1.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Robert Gluck, Louisiana State Museum, 2.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
J. A. Keniston, Newburyport, Mass., 1.
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va., 1.
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
Clarence B. Moore, Moundville, Ala., 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
B. H. Young, Cumberland Valley, Ky., 1.
H. M. Whelpley, St. Louis, Mo., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
-Total 18
Robert Glenk, Louisiana State Museum, 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5.
V. V. Robinson, Schuyler, Neb., 1.
L. B. Ogden, Penn Yan, N. Y., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 10
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
B. H. Young, Cumberland Valley, Ky., 1. — Total 2
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
W. Carpenter, New London, O., 1. — Total 12
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
H. L. Johnson, Clarksville, Tenn., 3.
E. Orr, Waukon, Iowa, 1.
J. W. Saunders, Camden, Tenn., 1.
Wisconsin Archaeological Society, Madison, Wis., 21.
C. B. Moore, Alabama River, 1.
C. B. Moore, Mt. Royal, Fla., 4. — Total 32
Outline 125 E. L. Renno, St. Charles. Mo., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 2.
Lovell Brown, Piqua, O., 1.
Total 4
Outline 129 C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
— Total 1
Leander Whitney, Cornwall Bridge, Conn., 1.
American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y., 1.
F. P. Hills, Delaware, O., 1.
H. L. Johnson, Clarkville, Tenn., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 5.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 7. - Total 16
J. A. Keniston, Newburyport, Mass., 1.
Leander Whitney, Cornwall Bridge, Conn., 1.
J. W. Jackson, Belchertown, Mass, (found, Milton, Vt.), 1.
H. L. Johnson, Clarkesville, Tenn., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 12.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
J. R. Lovejoy, Schenectady, N. Y., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 21
Outline 162
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 4.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 1.
Total 6
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 2.
A. E. Anderson, Brownsville, Tex., 1.
E. Test, Lafayette, Ind., 1.
E. L. Perkins, Sioux Falls, S. D., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 3.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 5.
— Total 27
(R. Glenk) Louisiana State Museum, La.,
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
— Total 5
Outline 163 W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass.,
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
—Total 3
Johnson Co., Iowa, 1.
G. E. Laidlaw, Fort Ranch, B. C., 1.
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y., 1
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 2.
G. W. Racey, Shawanee, Tenn., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
O. W. Hayes, Allentown, 111., 1.
G. A. Persell, Jamestown, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada. 1.
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 2.
A. M. Brooking, Inland, Neb., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
E. Test, Lafayette, Ind. (found in Ohio), 1.
Mrs. L. W. Murray, Athens, Pa., 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. See, Domindale, Mich., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 2.
A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa., (found, Van Wert Co., O.), 1.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 2.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 3.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 11.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 6.
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 3. - Total 67
Outline 137 Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind. (notched all around), 1. -Total 2
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
G. E. Laidlaw, Fort Ranch, B. C., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
G. A. Persell, Jamestown, N. Y., 1.
A. Gerend, Cato, Wis., 1.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
State Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala., 2.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 11.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 2.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1. — Total 25
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y. (found, Alexander Co., Va.), 1.
J. E. Mattern, West Rush, N. Y., 1.
J. M. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 6.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1.
L. H. Beeson, Niles, Mich., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 6.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
W. F. Clendenin, Sparta, III, 1.
Lovell Brown, Piqua, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (three holes), 1.
F. E. Coleman, Pasadena, Cal. (found near Lake Geneva, Wis.), 1.
P. Esselborn, Portsmouth, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 2.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col , 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 7.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 30.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
Mrs. L. W. Murray, Athens, Pa., 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 5.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 79
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1. - Total 2
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 2.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
E. Test, Lafayette, Ind., 1.
G. R. Moore, Janesville, Wis., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 6.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 28.
— Total 57
Outline 144
Outline 169
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 26.
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va., 1.
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
J. E. Mattern, West Rush, N. Y., 1.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 4.
Mattatuck Hist. Society, Waterbury, Conn, (found, North Carolina), 2.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 6.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 2.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, 0., 2.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 1.
J. M. Forney, Birds Run, O. (three holes), 1.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind. (found in Ohio), 1.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 2.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 2.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind. (notched edges), 1.
C. S. Langrjdge, Albion, Mich., 1.
E. Orr, Waukon, Iowa, 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
B. E. Wise, Jonesville, Mich., 1.
B. H. Lawson, Mattoon, 111., 1.
C. L. Baatz, Massillon, O., 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, III, 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 71
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind. (notched on ends, not at sides), 1.
— Total 2
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 1
A. Gerend, Cato, Wis., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich, (three holes), 1.
B. E. Wise, Jones ville, Mich., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1. - Total 8
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 3.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 11.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
V. V. Robinson, Schuyler, Neb., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1. — Total 23
H. F. Schultz, Chicago, 111., 1.
J. G. Laidacker, Mocanaqua, Pa., 3.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
J. N. Cressy, Harpursville, N. Y., 1.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
A. W. Gimbie, McAdoo, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 25.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 2.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111., 1.
E. R. Ballard, Winona, Miss., 1.
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
F. E. Coleman, Pasadena, Cal., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 2.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind.,
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M.,
V. V. Robinson, Schuyler, Neb.,
E. L. Perkins, Sioux Falls, S. D.,
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111. (one found, St. Louis Co., Mo.; one found,
Madison Co., 111.), 2.
T. L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 2.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (from Ohio River,
W. Va.), 2.
Dudley A. Martin, Duboistown, Pa., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 40.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1. — Total 101
J. M. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
A. Gerend, Cato, Wis., 1.
— Total 2
C. B.Moore, Duval Co., Fla., 1.
— Total 1
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 12.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 4.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2.
J. C. Dean, Ripley, N. Y., 2.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 2.
R. N. Davis, Everhart Museum, Scranton, Pa., 1.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 4.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 4.
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
W. Bisel, Charlotte, Mich., 1.
— Total 39
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va. (found, Powell's Pt., N. C.), 1.
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y. (found, Alexander Co., Va.), 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 3.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
J. A. Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala.,
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M.,
J. D. Robertson, Holly, Mich., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111. (found, Union Co., Tenn.),
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1.
Outline 151
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 2.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y.,
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
E. R. Ballard, Winona, Miss., 1.
N. R. Bellamy, Wellsville, N. Y., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 2.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
H. L. O'Brien, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
P. Esselborn, Portsmouth, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 3.
J. D.Robertson, Holly, Mich., 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
— Total 34
— Total 6
Outline 153 H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
E. R. Ballard, Winona, Miss., 1.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
— Total 4
Outline 154 New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 16.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 2.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
B. H. Lawson, Mattoon, 111., 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1. —Total 26
Johnson Co., Iowa, 1.
J. G. Laidacker, Mocanaqua, Pa., 3.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
William H. Gray, Jr.; Columbus, Ga., 1.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
G. A. Persell, Jamestown, N. Y., 1.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 30.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111., 1.
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 6.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
W. F. Clendenin, Sparta, 111., 1.
Lovell Brown, Piqua, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 3.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 2.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 2.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 1.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 3.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich, (three holes), 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 2.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 75
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 2. — Total 2
Johnson Co., Iowa, 1.
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 2.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 21
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 2.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind.,
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
E. Test, Lafayette, Ind., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 5.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 15.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 25.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 25.
Albert L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1.
Outline 159 J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 2.
— Total 29
-Total 52
— Total 2
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 7.
— Total 7
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
P. S. Tooker, Westfield, N. J., 1.
J. E. Mattern, West Rush, N. Y., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 4.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
E. E. Bailey, Little Rapids, Wis., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
W. F. Clendenin, Sparta, 111., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
J. C. Dean, Ripley, N. Y., 2.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 1.
L. O. Harris, Lebanon, O., 1.
A. L. Hess, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
E. Test, Lafayette, Ind., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 2.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
Museum of the American Indian* Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 28
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
J. E. Mattern, West Rush, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society,
Outline 163
Special form
Outline 169
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
P. Esselborn, Portsmouth, O., 3.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 2.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 2.
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 38
Special form C. B. Moore, Thornhill Lake, Fla., 1.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 2.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y.,
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found, Trumbull Co., O.),
Dr. B. A. Cottlow, Oregon, 111., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
— Total 1
— Total 9
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
-Total 1
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 4.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 5.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
J. A. Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 2.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 1.
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 1. -Total 21
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 3.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
Calvin S. Brown, University of Mississippi, 1
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada,
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
C. B. Moore, Harris Mound, Fla., 1.
L. B. Ogden, Penn Yan, N. Y., 1.
— Total 5
Total 7
Outline 171 Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada., 2.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
— Total 3
Outline 151 Christopher Wren, Plymouth, Pa., 2.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y.,
— Total 3
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, Mich., 1.
J. G. Laidecker, Mocanaqua, Pa., 3.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
J. M. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O.. 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 15.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 30
Leander Whitney, Cornwall Bridge, Conn., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada,
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 2.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
— Total 7
Special form New_York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 1.
— Total 1
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 5.
— Total 10
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 3.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass , 14.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1. — Total 19
Robert Glenk, Louisiana State Museum, La., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society,
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 4.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 3.
C. L. Baatz, Massillon, O., 1.
— Total 23
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va. (found near Valley River, N. C.), 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1. — Total 2
o o
E. O. Sugden, Orland, Maine, 1.
— Total 1
Outline 179 Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
— Total 2
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
— Total 6
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 8.
P. Esselborn, Portsmouth, O., 2. - Total 10
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6. - Total 7
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
— Total 6
Outline 165 Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 1.
Wm. F. Lange, Harpursville, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 1.
— Total 13
J. G. Laidecker, Mocanaqua, Pa., 3.
— Total 3
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, 0., 2.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 2.
— Total 8
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
C. L. Baatz, Massillon, O., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 9
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
Stephen Van Rensselaer, Orange, N. J., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y.,
— Total 5
E. W. Payne, Springfield, 111., 1.
Total 1
Outline 194 Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
— Total 2
Outline 189
Outline 199
Outline 195
Outline 161
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
— Total 1
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y. (found in
Illinois), 2.
F. Finger, Marissa, 111., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 2.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, Ohio, 1.
R. Glenk, Louisiana State Museum, La., 1.
H. M. Braun, East St. Louis, 111., 1.
Summit Co., O., 1.
R. Glenk, Louisiana State Museum, La., 1.
J. A. Keniston, Newburyport, Mass., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
— Total 13
— Total 2
— Total 9
— Total 8
Outline 205 Mrs. H. V. A. McMurray, Washington, D. C., 1. — Total 1
F. A. Stengel, Marion O., 1. - Total 1
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 2.
W. A. Lowe, Massillon, O., 1.
F. P. Hills, Delaware, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 7.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 2.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 2. — Total 26
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
O. W. Hayes, Allerton, 111., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 2. —Total 4
Robert Glenk, Louisiana State Museum, New Orlenas, La., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y. (found in
Connecticut), 1. —Total 6
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
J. E. Mattern, West Rush, N. Y., 1.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 2.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
W. F. Clendenin, Sparta, 111., 1.
Lovell Brown, Piqua, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
L. O. Harris, Lebanon, O., 1.
C. Robert, Lebanon, Ky., 1.
C. L. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
E. Test, Lafayette, Ind., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 2.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 2.
V. V. Robinson, Schuyler, Neb., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
G. J. Sauermann, Crown Point, Ind., 1. — Total 21
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5.
H. M. Braun, East St. Louis, 111., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 8
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 4. —Total 4
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 10.
H. Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 2.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 3.
G. E. Morris, Somerville, N. J., 1. — Total 21
J. A. Keniston, Newburyport, Mass., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O.; 3.
Vermont University, Burlington, Vt., 1. — Total 9
T. C. Clark, Brilliant, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 4.
E. L. Perkins, Sioux Falls, S. D., 1. —Total 7
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 2.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 2.
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 7.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
Rev. James Savage, Detroit, Mich., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
-Total 29
Museum of the American Indian Heye Foundation, N. Y., 3.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
H. E. Buck, Delaware O., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Rev. James Savage, Detroit, Mich., 1.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 4. — Total 23
Special form University of Pennsylvania, 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
-Total 2
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 5.
-Total 14
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 3.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn, (found in Colorado), 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
J. C. Dean, Ripley, N. Y. (found in Erie Co., Pa.), 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 7.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
A. Setterlun, The Dalles, Oregon, 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1. -Total 23
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 7.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 4.
A. A. Elchert, New Reigel, O., 7.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
J. D. Robertson, Holly, Mich., 1.
E. L. Perkins, Sioux Falls, S. D., 1.
Dr. Wm. M. Beauchamp, Syracuse, N. Y., 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass , 2.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1. - Total 34
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Henry Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
Mrs. L. W. Murray, Athens, Pa., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 2.
Edna Slaughter, Crystal Run, N. Y., 1.
H. Zubke, Thienville, Wis., 1.
University of Pennsylvania, 16.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 1.
Rev. James Savage, Detroit, Mich., 1. - Total 35
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 3.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
G. R. Moore, Janesville, Wis., 1.
University of Pennsylvania, 2. — Total 12
Robert Glenk, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, La., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 2.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111., 1. -Total?
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 2.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
Leander Whitney, Cornwall Bridge, Conn., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
W. F. Clendenin, Sparta, 111., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
J. M. Floor, Petersburg, O., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
F. A- Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
Stephen Van Rensselaer, Newark, N. J., 2.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 16
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2. — Total 2
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 1.
— Total 1
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6. - Total 6
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist, Society, 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
— Total 2
American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y., 2.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 1. - Total 3
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 2.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
Willard H. Davis, Muskingum, Southern Ohio, 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
A. L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 1. -Total 14
Special form Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Special form Dr. Wm. M. Beauchamp, Syracuse, N. Y., 1.
Dr. Wm. M. Beauchamp, Syracuse, N. Y., 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
Paul S. Tooker, Westfield, N. J., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 7.
C. S. Harris, Bardolph, 111., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 3.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 2.
-Total 1
-Total 1
— Total 2
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111., 2.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 27
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2. — Total 2
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
F. P. Hills, Delaware, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (from Eaton, Preble
County, O.), 1.
H. F. Burket, Findlay, O., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 10
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
— Total 3
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 2.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 7.
— Total 11
Clyde Burroughs, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, Mich., 1.
A. Gerend, Cato, Wis., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
(G. R. Fox) Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa. (found in Virginia), 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 2.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
W. F. Matchett, Pierceton, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian;, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 5.
— Total 16
J. E. Mattern, West Rush, N. Y., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., L
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., 'Richmond, Ind. (found, Rush Co., Ind.), 1
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 7.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1. —Total 13
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 15.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis. (found, Kosciusko Co., Ind.), 1.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 2. — Total 22
William Wrilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1. — Total 1
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 15.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
G. W. Cummings, Belvidere, N. J., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 2. — Total 19
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
E. E. Bailey, Little Rapids, Wis., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
— Total 4
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
W. T. Fenton Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
— Total 1
— Total 1
Outline 248 Paul S. Tooker, Westfield, N. J., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 3.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 2.
Outline 249 E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
F. P. Hills, Delaware, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
— Total 8
— Total 5
Outline 263
Outline 256
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 3.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 2.
Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 3.
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, III., 1.
— Total 6
— Total 5
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 9
Outline 254
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
— Total 2
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 2.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 3.
R. W. Emerson, Bridgeton, N. J., 1.
F. C. Gabriel, South Bend, Ind., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 2.
B. H. Lawson, Mattoon, 111., 1.
Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., 1. -Total 17
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
— Total 1
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 6.
Robert Glenk, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, La., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 2.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 2.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
E. R. Ballard, Winona, Miss., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
F. Finger, Marissa, 111., 1.
J. M. Forney, Birds Run, O., 1.
C. S. Harris, Bardolph, 111., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 4.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
-Total 27
H. Wadsworth, Glencoe, Minn., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 2.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 2.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 2.
J. M. Forney, Birds Run, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 4.
— Total 17
Outline 262 Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 3.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, (one found Berks Co., Pa., one found Cecil
Co., Md.), 2.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 3.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
G. W. Cummins, Belvidere, N. J., 5.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind. (found, Delaware Co., Ind.), 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
Maine Historical Society, Portland, Me., 1.
J. D. Robertson, Holly, Mich., 1.
Edna Slaughter, Crystal Run, N. Y., 1.
J. W. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
G. E. Morris, Somerville, N. J., 1.
A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa. (found, Van Wert Co., O.), 1.
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa., 2.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 28
J. M. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 2.
W. R. Blackie, New York, N. Y., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 3.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 2.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis. (found, Kosciusko Co., Ind.), 1.
G. W. Cummins, Belvidere, N. J., 6.
F. N. Godfrey, Oldtown, Me., 2.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 2.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
W. R. Whitney, Schenectady, N. Y., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1. — Total 31
Outline 265
Outline 283
Outline 267
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va. (found near Valley River. N. C.),
A. W. Gimbi, McAdoo, Penn., 1.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
G. W. Cummins, Belvidere, N. J., 1.
H. Zubke, Thienville, Wis., 1.
E. G. Heacock, Bethlehem, Pa., 1.
E. G. Heacock, Bethlehem, Pa. (found in Illinois), 1.
F. C. Dean, Ripley, N. Y., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
J. M. Schlegel, Reading Pa., 2.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
— Total 8
— Total 1
— Total 4
Outline 268 Paul S. Tooker, Westfield, N. J., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada,
E. R. Ballard, Winona, Miss., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O. (one found in Georgia),
C. B. Moore, Thornhill Lake, Fla., 1.
Outline 270
Outline 271
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 2.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 1. — Total 10
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis., 1.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 1.
G. R. Moore, Janesville, Wis., 1.
G. E. Morris, Somerville, N. J., 1. — Totals
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y. , 2.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 2.
A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa., (found Van Wert Co ., O.), 2.
-Total 6
William Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
J. M. Cressy, Harpersville, N. Y., 1.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 2.
H. N. Gibbs, West Barrington, R. L, 1.
R. N. Davis, Everhart Museum, Scranton, Pa., 1. — Total 6
Outline 272 Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 1.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 2.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn, (found in Delaware), 1.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa. (found in Burlington Co., N. J.), 2.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
G. W. Cummins, Belvidere, N. J., 5.
H. W. George, Methuen, Mass., 1.
J. W. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
T. L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1.
R. N. Davis, Everhart Museum, Scranton, Pa., 2.
C. E. Cromley, Williamsport, Pa., 1.
Stephen Van Rensselaer, Orange, N. J., 2.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
H. K. Deisher, Kutztown, Pa., 1.
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 2.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 2.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 3.
— Total 32
Special form Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
— Total 2
Special form
Outline 275
Outline 277
Outline 276
Special form
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 1.
American Museum of Natural History, N. Y., 1.
J. E. Mattern, West Rush, N. Y., 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
L. O. Harris, Lebanon, O., 1.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich.. 1.
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
F. P. Hills, Delaware, O., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
H- E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
Total 1
— Total 3
— Total 2
— Total 3
— Total 7
W. L. Waters, Godfrey, 111. (one found, Madison Co., Mo.), 3.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1. - Total 6
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
— Total 2
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 3
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
Leander Whitney, Cornwall Bridge, Conn., 1.
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
G. J. Sauermann, Crown Point, Ind., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 2. — Total 16
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
F. P. Hills, Delaware, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 4.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 2.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, 0., 1.
J. M. Forney, Birds Run, O., 1.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 1.
C. Robert, Lebanon, Ky. (found, Marion Co., Ky.), 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 10.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 5.
— Total 31
Clyde H. Burroughs, Detroit Museum of Arts, Detroit, Mich., 1.
F. P. Hills, Delaware, O., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111. (found, Brown Co. O.), 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
Lovell Brown, Piqua, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 3.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 8.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. D. Robertson, Holly, Mich., 1.
H. F. Burket, Findlay, O., 1.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
A. L. Addis, Albion, Ind., 2.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
— Total 32
William Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1. - Total 6
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
J. A. Keniston, Newburyport, Mass., 1.
Leander Whitney, Cornwall Bridge, Conn., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 2.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 2.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 5.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 3.
A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
Townsend L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1.
H. F. Burket, Findlay, O., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 5.
— Total 27
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 4.
-Total 5
American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
University of Pennsylvania, 13.
Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1. - Total 21
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 3.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 3.
C. B. Moore, Thornhill Lake, Fla., 2.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Wis., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 2.
Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., 2. - Total 15
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Outline 294 Wyoming Historical Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
J. G. Laidecker, Mocanaqua, Pa., 30.
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 5,
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa. (one found, Cecil Co., Md.), 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 1.
W. P. Lewis, Phillipsburg, N. J., 1.
G. R. Moore, Janesville, Wis., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 2.
G. J. Sauermann, Crown Point, Ind., 1.
G. E. Morris, Somerville, N. J., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 2.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
-Total 55
Outline 273 Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
J. M. Cressy, Harpursville, N. Y., 1.
J. M. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada. 2.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found in Indiana), 1.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis., 1.
G. W. Cummins, Belvidere, N. J., 3.
M. G. Hill, Afton, N. Y., 1.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
J. W. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 2. — Total 28
Outline 293 M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 2.
E. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
H. E. Cole, Baraboo, Wis., 1.
Outline 295
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
A. L. Hess, Philadelphia, Pa., 3.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 4.
-Total 13
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
(J. Henderson) University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., 1.
J. F. Metzger, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1. -Total 5
Robert Glenk, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, La., 1.
W. S. Carpenter, New London, O., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found in Missouri), 1.
G. W. Cummins, Belvidere, N. J., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1. — Total 5
J. E. McLain, Bluffton, Ind., 1.
— Total 1
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 2.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
Wm. H. Gray, Jr., Columbus, Ga. (found, Lee Co., Ala.), 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 1.
F. N. Godfrey, Oldtown, Me., 1.
J. A. Humphrey, Birmingham, Ala., 1.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
C. B. Moore, Thornhill Lake, Fla., 1.
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 3.
Total 25
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Johnson Co., Iowa, 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 5.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1. —Total 13
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
State Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala., 2.
-Total 5
Outline 300 New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 2.
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va. (found, Buncombe Co., N. C.), 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1. -Total 4
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 3
Wm. F. Lange, Harpersville, N. Y., 2.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2. .
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 1. — Total 6
J. A. Rayner, Piqua, O., 2. - Total 2
Special form W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1. -Total 1
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 7.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (found in Hamilton, Butler
Co., O.), 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1. , -Total 12
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
.. , on, c., .
( ^— — -N jG. A. West, Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
^ A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (from Highland Co., O.), 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
— Total 7
G. A. West, Milwaukee, Wis., 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 1.
— Total 2
Outline 38
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 2.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
F. Finger, Marissa, 111., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1.
— Total 7
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
Paul S. Tooker, Westfield, N. J. (found, Lehigh Valley, Pa.), 1.
W. R. Blackie, New York, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3. - Total 6
Special form Paul S. Tooker, Westfield, N. J. (found, Lehigh Valley, Pa.), 1.
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 7. - Total 9
Special form
R. W. Emerson, Bridgeton, N. J., 1. - Total 1
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 3.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 4.
G. A. Persell, Jamestown, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 10.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 2.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
J. L. Baer, Delta, Pa., 1.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 2.
W. F. Clendenin, Sparta, 111., 1.
F. Finger, Marissa, 111., 1.
A. L. Hess, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
C. A. Hine, Akron, O., 1.
W. H. Kennedy, Losantville, Ind., 1.
Willard Yager, Oneonta, N. Y., 1. - Total 30
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 3.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1. - Total 10
H. A. Link, Waterloo, Ind., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1. - Total 5
Outline 327
Outline 328
Outline 329
Outline 331
Outline 330
Outline 333
A. C. Riebel, Arbela, Mo., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
P. A. Brannon, Montgomery, Ala., 1.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 5.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
-Total 12
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
W. M. Alexander, Louisville, N. Y., 1.
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y. (found, Alexander Co., Va.), 1.
W. H. Banser, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
J. A. Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala., 1. -Total 6
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 2.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
C. B. Moore, Florida, 1.
J. M. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
J. D. Taylor, Bristol, Tenn., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found, Muncie, Ind.), 1.
— Total 4
-Total 3
-Total 1
— Total 2
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
-Total 4
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1. '
G. W. Racey, Shawanee, Tenn., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1. -Total 4
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 3.
E. E. Bailey, Little Rapids, Wis., 1.
F. M. Hughes, Lakeville, O., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1. -Total 9
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
A. M. Brooking, Inland, Neb., 1.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
— Total 3
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society,
F. E. Coleman, Pasadena, Cal., 1.
E. W. Payne, Springfield, HI., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
— Total 6
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 3.
E. W. Payne, Springfield, 111., 1.
— Total 5
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 2.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
— Total 4
M. N. Brow'n, Hershey, Pa., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 2.
William H. Gray, Jr., Columbus, Ga., 1.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 4.
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 3.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
— Total 2
— Total 13
— Total 3
Outline 345
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 3.
J. G. Laidecker, Mocanaqua, Pa., 3.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
L. Falge, Manitowoc, Wis., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 2.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
G. J. Sauermann, Crown Point, Ind., 1.
Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wis., 3.
A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 8.
— Total 26
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
American Museum of Natural History, N. Y., 1.
Special form Mrs. H. V. A. McMurray, Washington, D. C., 1.
— Total 2
— Total 1
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 1.
— Total 1
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
— Total 2
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 3.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn, (found in Ohio), 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1. — Total 8
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y., 2.
W. R. Blackie, New York, N. Y., 1.
J. A. Branegan, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell. 111. (found in Warren Co., O.),
1. —Total 5
Outline 359 American Museum of Natural History, New York City, N. Y., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1. -Total 2
Outline 356 R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
C. B. Moore, Duval Co., Fla., 1.
— Total 2
Museum of Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada, 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
C. S. Langridge, Albion, Mich., 1.
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1.
— Total 3
— Total 3
— Total 1
Special forms William Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 2.
— Total 3
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 2.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 3.
J. See, Dimondale, Mich., 1.
— Total 6
Special forms R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
J. W. Saunders, Camden, Tenn., 1.
— Total 2
Mrs. M. C. Camp, Beebe, Ark., 2.
— Total 2
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va. (found near St. Petersburg, Fla.), 2.
E. L. Renno, St. Charles, Mo., 4.
William Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
J. S. Cawley, Somerville, N. J., 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 1.
J. M. Floor, Petersburg, O., 1.
F. N. Godfrey, Oldtown, Me., 3.
M. N. Brown, Hershey, Pa., 2.
A. L. Hess, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
W. Mclntosh, St. John, N. B., 11.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1. - Total 28
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 3.
J. S. Cawley, Somerville, N. J., 5.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1. -Total 9
J. S. Cawley, Somerville, N. J., 4.
T. F. Craig, Velpen, Ind., 1.
Mrs. L. W. Murray, Athens, Pa., 1.
A. C. Parker, Albany, N. Y., 1. -Total?
D. O. Brewster, Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston, 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 7.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 3.
J. W. Saunders, Camden, Tenn., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 6.
-Total 18
D. O. Brewster, Massachusetts Normal Art School, Boston, 3.
W. A. Lowe, Massillon, O., 1.
J. W. Jackson, Belchertown, Mass., 1.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 8.
J. S. Cawley, Somerville, N. J., 10.
G. P. Coleman, W7illiamsburg, Va., 2.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1. -Total 26
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
Wm. H. Gray, Jr., Columbus, Ga. (found, Coosa Co., Ala.), 7.
(W. C. Mills) Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Society, 6.
J. S. Cawley, Somerville, N. J., 1.
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 10. - Total 25
Outline 392 W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111. (found, Green Lake Co., Wis.), 1.
— Total 2
Outline 393
Outline 394
Outline 395
Outline 396
Outline 394
C. W. Manktelow, Cadillac, Mich., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
J. M. Schlegel, Reading, Pa., 1.
A. D. Hole, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
J. M. Floor, Petersburg, O., 1.
R. F. Pettit, Albuquerque, N. M., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
C. B. Moore, Duval Co., Fla., 1.
— Total 1
— Total 8
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
A. W. Gimbi, McAdoo, Pa., 1.
C. Kobert, Lebanon, Ky., 1. - Total 3
Mrs. H. V. A. McMurray, Washington, D. C., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
A. S. Purchase, Syracuse, N. Y., 1.
— Total 3
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, Ind., 2.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn., 1.
H. N. Gibbs, West Barrington, R. I., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 5.
J. D. Robertson, Holly, Mich., 1.
— Total 10
Special forms R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
A. G. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1.
Outline 395
Outline 397
Outline 389
Total 3
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
Ernest Shoemaker, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 1.
— Total 3
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
— Total 2
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 2.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 15.
P. H. Barbour, Lincoln, Neb., 1.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111. (one found in Park Co., Ind., one found in
Preble Co., O.), 2.
Outline 399
Outline 400
Outline 401
Outline 402
Special forms
E. R. Ballard, Winona, Miss., 1.
J. M. Floor, Petersburg, O., 1.
C. Robert, Lebanon, Ky., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 2.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 2.
— Total 28
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 3.
C. H. Burroughs, Detroit, Mich., 1.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintown, Ind., 1.
C. C. Coffin, Bridgeport, Conn, (found in Cass Co., 111.), 1.
J. A. Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala., 1.
C. B. Moore, West Coast, Fla., 1. - Total 8
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., 5.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
I. B. Amos, Bushnell, 111. (found in Wayne Co., O.), 1.
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, O., 2.
F. S. Fish, Farrell, Pa., 1.
K. M. Hostetter, Minerva, O., 1.
A. L. Pritchard, Fremont, O., 1.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 2.
C. B. Moore, St. Johns River, Fla., 1.
C. B. Moore, West Coast, Fla., 3.
State House, Montpelier, Vt., 1. -Total 19
C. H. Jackson, Kansas, 1.
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 2.
F. A. Stengel, Marion, O., 1.
E. G. Heacock, Bethlehem, Pa. (found in South Carolina), 1.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort WTayne, Ind., 4. - Total 10
J. G. Laidecker, Mocanaqua, Pa., 1.
— Total 1
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 1.
-Total 3
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1.
J. M. Weills, Vero, Fla., 1.
E. F. Hassler, Byrdstown, Tenn., 1.
Dr. Wm. M. Beauchamp, Syracuse, N. Y., 1.
B. H. Young, Louisville, Ky., 1.
Outline 389
Outline 385
Outline 385
Outline 388
Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., 1.
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 1.
A. G. Rogers, Parker, Ind., 1.
-Total 7
— Total 1
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
W. T. Fenton, Conewango Valley, N. Y., 1.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 1.
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn, (found, West Virginia),
G. P. Coleman, Williamsburg, Va., 1
C. B. Moore, West Coast, Fla., 2.
Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1. — Total 8
New York State Museum, N. Y., 9.
A. G. Rogers Parker, Ind., 3.
W. A. Holmes, Chicago, 111., 1.
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
— Total 13
— Total 1
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, N. Y., 4.
R. E. Dodge, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1.
R. D. Wainwright, Roanoke, Va., 1.
W. Wilkinson, Fountaintowri, Ind., 1.
T. L. Bishop, Portlandville, N. Y., 1. — Total 8
H. E. Buck, Delaware, O., 1.
— Total 1
There are scattered through Mr. C. B. Moore's various reports ol
explorations in the South, pictures of 99 plummets, many of which are
grooved at each end, but the majority are grooved at one end. Some
are slightly flattened, several might be classed as effigy or specialized
In the following tables totals of several collections which were not
included in Chapter XXIII, appear.
The collection of Phillips Academy has not been grouped in detail,
for the reason that at some future time it may be thought advisable to
publish a bulletin upon this collection. Therefore the tabulation of all of
the specimens is omitted.
There has been no special effort to tabulate collections in the State of
Tennessee, for the reason that W. E. Myer, Esq., of Carthage, Tennessee,
and the author of this volume, are now at work on a book devoted to the
archaeology of that state.
In spite of these two exceptions sufficient references have been made to
the collection in Phillips Academy and the several collections in the State
of Tennessee to give an idea of their character and afford students some
data on which to work.
Mr. Douglass's grouping of specimens is different from that followed
in this volume, yet he has subdivided to such an extent that the average
student will have no difficulty in tracing the distribution of forms.
The splendid collection from the Logan Museum, Beloit College,was
reported after page proof had been struck. It was therefore impossible to
include the complete description sent by Mr. Buell, the Curator, and a
table is presented instead.
It has been impossible to classify some of the unusual or unique forms.
While the author does not approve of the terms unusual and unique, yet
as the objects listed below cannot be classified and present exceptions to
the general rule, they are so termed: —
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, New York
Seven unusual forms from Ohio
Two unusual forms from Pennsylvania
Seven unusual forms from Indiana
Two unusual forms from Georgia
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania
Five unusual forms from Pennsylvania
One unusual form from Ohio
One unusual form from Mississippi
New York State Museum, Albany, New York
Seven unusual forms from New York
Buffalo Society Natural Sciences (Dr. Howland), Buffalo, New York
Eleven unusual forms from New York
General Tables . 4522
A. E. Douglass Table 1385
Andover Collection ......... 1592
Smithsonian Collection . - . . . . . . . 500 + certainly more
American Museum of Natural History Collection .... 400 + certainly more
W. O. Emery Collection 529
Peabody Museum, Harvard (not listed), Collection . . . 100 + certainly more
Illustrated in Reports . 1000 +
Collections along Susquehanna River, about ..... 400
Paul S. Tooker Collection, about 80
Wisconsin Historical Society (not listed) about . . . .100
Logan Museum, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. ..... 273
Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn. ... 54
Rev. E. M. Gearhart, Indiana, Pa 100 +
J. J. Braecklein, Esq., Kansas City, Mo. ..... 100 +
Dr. J. M. Pastle, De Kalb, 111 55
Other correspondents ......... 31
Grand total . 11,221
Gorgets, 2 holes 160
Gorgets, 3 holes . . . . . . - . . . . . . 5
Pendants ..".... 135
Tubes and narrow banners .... ..... 50
Birds .... 38
Gorget-amulets ....... .... 6
Bar amulets . ^ .,..'. . . . . . . . . 15
Tube banners ............. 8
Boat-stones ............. 22
Plummets ... . . . . . . . . . . 16
Winged banners -..''. . . . . . . . . . . 52
Pick banners .."-........... 22
Total 529
Maine . . . . . .33 Indiana ...... 86
Vermont • . " . ' . . . 1 Ohio . . . . 384
Massachusetts . . . . .75 Kentucky • . . . '. . 5
Rhode Island . --. .;..'. . . 3 North Carolina ..... 1
New York . . \ . . . 6 South Carolina . . . .1
Pennsylvania ... . . 35 Georgia ...... 17
Maryland . . . . . 1 Florida 2
Virginia . .... . . 6 Alabama ...... 2
West Virginia . ... . 9 Tennessee ..... 44
Wisconsin . . . . . 5 Arkansas ...... 1
Michigan . . . I ;. " . . 26 California ..... 3
Iowa . . . ... . 1 Montana ...... I
Illinois . ... . . 12 Alaska ...... 3
Missouri . 4
New England . . . . . 1 Wheeler Collection (Massachusetts) . 45
Perkins Collection (Massachusetts) . 10 Marks Collection (Maine) . . .31
Unfinished objects ... . . 36 Bicaves ...... 164
Unfinished "ceremonials" . 37 Plummets (Maine) .... 470
Unclassified . . . . .31
Total 1592
Beloit College, Logan Museum, Beloit, Wisconsin, Ira M. Buell,.
Curator, reports about eight hundred specimens, "in which the idea of
ornament enters with more or less fullness." Omitting a number of forms
which I have not included in the ornamental class from Mr. Buell's list,
there remain as follows: —
Wo. of Specimens
CONES Globular, pyramid oval, one flat side, three to five centimeters. 19
OVATES ....... 25
TUBES The smaller are closely related to the pipes. Others from thirty to forty
centimeters in length. 22
PLUMMETS Two kinds, perforated or grooved for cord. Rock of many kinds,
shape from globular to fusiform. 36
BIRD-STONES Six of slate, large eyes, eight to fifteen centimeters long, very finely
worked. Two saddle-stones, one slate, one prophyry. 8
BUTTERFLY- Ridged margin cut at centre on one or both edges. Slate argillite. 11
BANNER-STONES Wings symmetrical, margin whole. Rectangular, elliptical or cres-
centric outline. 24
GORGETS AND Triangle, quadrangle, pentagon, sides straight, convex, concave, faces
PENDANTS plane, curved, ridged. Fusiform, elliptical, oval; claystone, slate,
catlinite. 59
GORGETS Two-hole oblong, fusiform, oval, elliptical, quadrangular, sides
straight, convex, concave. 35
BAR-TYPE Pick-form, fusiform, transverse perforation, straight or curved, from
oval pointed to linear. 9
L STONES Three perforated, one with double L, slate 4
CHISEL FORMS Too near industrials for clear discrimination, but forms illustrate. 21
Total . 273
Bar Amulet a
Bird A mill tin
8 ""
05 SO
Tubes and Perforated
Pendants, Plummets
and Sinkers
East of Rocky Mountains
New England
New Hampshire ....
Massachusetts . . . .
Rhode Island . . .
Connecticut . . . . . .
New York , \ ..'..,
New Jersey
Pennsylvania . ' .. .
Maryland . . . . . . «
Delaware . . . ...
West Virginia .
Kentucky . ^ .
Indiana . ... . . . .
North Carolina . .
South Carolina . . . .
Georgia . . . ...
Alabama . . .- . '
Bar Amulets
Bird Amulets
s cf
Tubes and Perforated
Pendants, Plummets
and Sinkers
Stone Ornaments
Mississippi -
Missouri I .
Arizona "..
Grand total, 1383
In Europe, where various artifacts of human origin are found in
caverns or river sands and gravels associated with bones of extinct
mammals, it has not been difficult to assign man a considerable antiquity.
There are students of archaeology in Europe who have investigated the
subject of patina and weathering.
I am told by those familiar with European archaeology that this is
considered a difficult and uncertain subject even in Europe where con-
siderable work along these lines has been done. In the United States,
therefore, it is practically impossible to settle the question of age by study-
ing the surfaces of specimens.
Professor Williams in March, 1906, and again in May of last year,
with the kind assistance of Professor John D. Irving of Lehigh University
and Professor Benjamin L. Miller of Lehigh University, secured some data
on this subject. In this chapter I have presented Professor Williams's
observations. It is a subject that requires a skilled geologist, mineralogist
and chemist to handle properly, and I therefore refrain from making
Professor W. O. Emery, employed as expert chemist by the Department
of Agriculture, Washington, has devoted his spare time collecting ornaments
and problematical stones, the past twenty-five years. Professor Emery
has in his collection 529 (See page 334). I asked Professor Emery to make a
report for me as a chemist, on his collection. This was asking entirely too
much of him since it requires months to prepare a technical analysis and
-description of the surfaces of these 529 specimens. However, he presents
views on the subject and I herewith quote from his letter of November
2, 1916.
"Touching the antiquity of specimens commonly designated
'ceremonial', particularly those of banded or huronian slate, I am not at
all enthusiastic over the possibility of determining their age even approxi-
mately by a chemical examination of the superficial layer or possible
coating (patina). Of the five hundred 'slates' in my collection, only one
is conspicuous by what might perhaps be designated as patina, and yet to
me it would appear extremely hazardous to assign to such specimen greater
antiquity than to many others of decidedly fresher aspect. So many
factors other than time enter into the ageing process of this class of artifacts
during exposure to elemental influences that the surface of a specimen can
only very remotely serve as an index of age. A superficially bleached
ceremonial may or may not be very old, such appearance resulting from
widely varying conditions of moisture, cold, heat, soil acidity, etc., during
the repose of the object on or in the ground."
Before presenting Professor Williams's remarks I desire to state that
if Professor Emery had the time to examine carefully his collection from
the point of view of a chemist, I feel certain that he would be able to make
some observations of real value. The work done by Professor Williams,
Professor Irving and Professor Miller is presented and continues to the end
of page 349.
How far can the extent of patination be used to indicate the lapse of
time between the interment of a stone artifact and its exhumation? It
is evident that we must exclude that acquired before interment, and this
latter may consist of two parts: that acquired before the formation of the
piece, and that gained by use.
The excavator must have a trained eye. Otherwise he may report
of the same instant of interment all the objects found at a given depth in
apparently undisturbed soil. The trained eye recognizes the worked-over
soil of a previously rifled interment: the density or looseness of the mantle:
its aridity or saturation: the abundance and kinds of salts previously
or at present in solution — or their entire absence: the changes in regional
drainage: the chances of submergence: the proximity of springs or streams.
All objects in a small area and at approximately the same distance
from the surface have not been buried at one interment, even if there seems
to have been no subsequent disturbance of the overlying soil. Darwin
notes the burying power of earthworms, and the finding of a current coin
resting immediately against a Roman pavement, and beneath apparently
undisturbed covering. In a more sporadic manner surface objects may
be washed into the cavities formed when trees are uprooted by wind, and
covered by the soil dropped from the upturned roots. Before removing
objects from a definite layer exposed in excavation, their manner of
assemblage and congruity should be studied. If incongruity is evident,
the vertical section of the excavation should be studied for traces of
fortuitous introduction.
Regarding patination, we find very good checks in its estimate if we
find entire and fragmentary artifacts intermingled. This is especially
the case when pierced objects have broken along the drill-holes. In some
cases the fragments have been at once thrown away, and we can readily
measure the patination of the interior of the drill-hole, and compare it
with the greater patination of the surface parts which were handled or
exposed to staining due to cooking, fire, or smoke.
Very few stone artifacts were absolutely fresh when buried, except
in the accumulations of rejects at a factory. It can be said that very many
objects were more or less patinated (incident to weathering or decom-
position) as they came from the hands of the maker.
Where weathering causes softening there would be a necessity for the
selection of fresh material to form artifacts for impact. On the contrary,
soft and sectile stones of compact texture are especially adapted to the
formation of ornamental and problematical objects. Where these do not
outcrop near the workshop a search is made for weathered pebbles in the
river gravels. Where weathering does not impair the efficiency of a tool
or weapon there is little need of obtaining fresh material. The examination
of many thousand knives, arrows, spears, and other forms with cutting
edges, shows the edges to have been formed indiscriminately from fresh or
weathered material, such as the flints, cherts, highly ferruginous jaspers,
quartzites and other rocks of the Lehigh region.
The maker of tools, weapons and ceremonial objects did not throw
away labor in quarrying material when it came to hand in abundant suitable
shapes. Near the seashore of a rocky region he found beds of shingle.
Some New Zealand celts were formed by sharpening one edge of a jade
cobble. In the Lehigh region and to the west the drift sheets furnished
abundant pebbles, cobbles and boulders varying in hardness from the
weathered phyllites (slate) to the extrusive and intrusive crystallines of
the Adirondacks and Canada. Many net-sinkers, celts, gorgets, axes and
hammer-stones show a minimum of labor, and indicate that they were
culled from the drift because their bedding and jointing caused them to
break into slabby and columnar forms, which were rolled to flat-ovoid or
spindle-shaped gravel of the right sizes and forms. In the majority of
cases the weathered crust formed since the rolling of the pebbles has not
been wholly removed, and enables us to differentiate between the patina
over the denser fresh portions and that over the porous crust, and to note
the effect of burial on both.
The patination due to use is generally proportionate to length of use.
The agents are perspiration, blood, grease, liquids of cooking, salts in
solution, the dirt and refuse of the floor, the materials for tanning and
dressing skins, smoke and fire. The last acts differently upon pieces of
fresh rock and those long in use and with pores clogged with the list above
given. Fire makes some rocks more dense and hard; others porous, fissile,
pulverulent or soluble. There is no difficult}' in separating the burnt
shells of kitchen middens from the unburned. Pipes from some kinds of
slate show by their network of fine cracks, or by their splitting, that they
have been long used. It is possible, therefore, for the parts exposed to the
above agents to show a high degree of patination, while the inner surfaces
of drill-holes are comparatively fresh.
In contradistinction the patination due to interment varies with the
material from which the object is formed, its original condition, the length
and kind of usage, the habitat of the user and, most of all, the active agents
in the soil where the interment is made. In Egypt we find pre-dynastic
objects in the high-level, hot, drained sands where no liquid has penetrated.
We find them also in sands where pumps are necessary to drain off the
bitter brines. Though of the same age and shapes there is such a difference
in appearance that — without a statement of the conditions which obtained
in the two localities — we would judge that those from the flooded area
were of vastly greater age.
Burial by earthworms has been noted. The opposite effects of frost
on stones of different sizes is worth noting. The larger the stone the greater
its tendency to work towards the surface if within the heaving action of
the frozen ground.
The large jasper quarry near Leipert's Gap in South Mountain, Penna.,
with its heaps of rejects, should prepare us to find a preponderating per-
centage of jasper artifacts in the immediate vicinity and throughout the
Lehigh region. They form, however, but a small portion of the finds, and
are equalled by those from the black chert of the Ordovician limestone;
although the latter is far more uneven in grain and difficult to work. The
Olenellus quartzite furnishes a greater proportion of forms, though still
more difficult to fashion into the small and frequently delicate shapes
peculiar to the region. This huge quarry and its rim of rejects are thus
of no value in an estimate of the kinds of rock material to be expected in
a region.
Sporadic instances of artifacts of stone foreign to the region were used
to bolster the theory of trade routes between the place of its outcrop and
the string of localities where the worked pieces were found. This theory
can no longer be used in regions covered by, or bordering on glacial drift,
as the ice-sheet was a distributer of rocks from the far north, and of Lake
Superior native copper. The latter has been found in the drift of
Connecticut, near New Haven, and in the extreme eastern and western
portions of Pennsylvania. In the first locality masses of from ninety to
two hundred pounds have been found.
It was possible for the maker of stone implements in the region north
of a line drawn from New York City to Cairo, Illinois, to find at hand an
abundance of rolled material in the drift suitable for every purpose, and
requiring but a small amount of labor to be brought to shape. As an
example, the net-sinkers along the Lehigh usually show but a slight groove
for the cord. In many cases this is reduced to three or four nicks. In
the same way celts are found with one edge sharpened, and pestles showing
working only at the end in the mortar. In fine, there is an absence of the
finer work given artifacts at a distance from the drift-beds.
The following objects were studied by the writer in March, 1906, and
more carefully examined by Professor John D. Irving, then Professor of
Geology at Lehigh University. The terms Potstone, Argillite or Phyllite,
and Shale can be thus defined:
POTSTONE. An impure steatite or talc widely used by the Indians
to form cooking pots and similar objects which must be hollowed. It is
soft and sectile, and generally a greenish-gray aggregate of talc, chlorite
and serpentine in a felt-like web; rarely foliated; infusible; frequently
containing mica, calcite, dolomite, magnetite and pyrite. In colonial times
it was sawn into slabs which were clamped together to form stoves. It is
little affected by heat or hot liquids.
ARGILLITE or PHYLLITE. Here are included the clay slates, which are
claystones with more or less defined cleavage, and tl. e hornstones of meta-
morphic origin which have weathered till sectile. The slates are mainly of
clay cemented by carbonate of lime and strongly compressed. The
cementing material is frequently seen as strata which show the original
SHALE. Under this name are a wide range of rocks which vary from
a sandy slate to a clayey sandstone. The texture varies widely from
porous to compact; and the grain, from fine to coarse. At the one end they
shade into claystones and are soft and sectile; at the other they are gritty
and difficult to work. In every case they split parallel to the bedding
planes and show no cleavage. They occur massive and without signs of
bedding. They also are found thin-bedded and with great difference in
the colors of the beds; so as to be banded. Their range of color is as great
as that of the spectrum. It is infrequent that shales are useful for cutting-
tools. They have a wide usage for the problematical forms, for pipes, beads
and ornaments; for hones and rub-stones used in sharpening or polishing,
and for the tools used in making fire.
From Chatham Co., Ga. Professor Irving reports that it is a
slightly "epidotized diabase (dolerite) — almost a gabbro, but the
ophitic texture is too well marked for a gabbro." This is made
from a pebble which had been weathered before working. There
has been some etching of the surface since it was worked.
A hornblende-schist. This was made from a weathered pebble.
The drill-hole shows less weathering than the outside, but there is
a small amount of etching even in that place.
From Channel Island, Cal. This is a potstone, mostly steatite,
and contains veins of fibrous talc cutting across the older material.
The rusty coloration is due to weathering — oxidation of the iron
components of the bisilicates. The weathering is only incipient,
and but a thin film sufficient for discoloration.
Locality unknown. Professor Irving reports this an " anorthosite.
The glass shows the rock to be mostly made up of feldspar grains
and of little magnetite. It is undoubtedly one of the gabbro
group, probably an anorthosite." The fractured end shows that
the surface has been but slightly discolored since working, but
rocks of this compact texture would weather comparatively
slowly, so that you cannot get any idea of the age from its
From Mimsville, Baker Co., Ga. This is a Clinton red hematite,
looking very much like a catlinite, but rougher, showing grains of
mica and quartz sand. The surface has been discolored and
darkened by handling. This is not a very old specimen.
Michigan. This is a sandy slate, probably metamorphic. Professor
Irving seems to think it is Huronian. The surface is slightly
bleached since working, but it is a comparatively fresh specimen.
This fine specimen, said to be from New England, is an argillite.
Professor Irving says "originally a dolomitic shale now highly
altered to a metamorphic slate." The difference of color of
surface and interior is probably due to handling.
From Missouri. Professor Irving reports that this is composed
apparently of hypersthene and striated feldspar, perhaps Labra-
dorite. It resembles many of the poikilitic fine-grained gabbros of
New York and Maryland. He says, "I think this is a fine-grained
gabbro of the variety Norite."
Syenitic gneiss. The feldspar had begun to kaolonize before the
pebble was worked. Since working the surface has been con-
siderable etched, and the hornblende is left rising above the
surface. This black mineral has also been decomposed since
working, and the iron component has rusted and stained the mass.
Coarse diabase (dolerite). Professor Irving says "this is a tran-
sitional between diabase and gabbro, and resembles the hyper-
sthene diabases of the Hudson." This is made from a weathered
pebble. This has a slight etching of the surface since working.
Slightly epidotized diabase (dolerite) — almost a gabbro. This
was made from a weathered pebble. The flat surface next to the
number of marking has been polished, done through the weather-
ing to the almost fresh feldspar. The rough surfaces are in the
weathered and decomposed material of the original pebble.
A carbonaceous or graphitic phyllite. Professor Irving says "it
resembles many of the graphitic schists of the Algonkian from
the Black Hills or the Huronian period." The surface has been
etched since loosening.
Georgia. Limestone. Argillaceous. Not very old.
Coarse chlorite schist. Metamorphosed from a highly magnesian
basic rock. It is a dark variety, which has been darkened by
age and handling. The rusty film shows slight weathering.
A muscovite schist. This was originally a flat pebble, much
weathered. The only signs of weathering are the outsides and
two holes. From the same material they make rough whetstones.
A marly clay. Quite hard, having a good polish.
Extremely fine-grained muscovite schist with grains of magnetite.
This was weathered before working, and the magnetite has almost
wholly rotted to soft, dark spots. There was some etching of the
surface since working.
Professor Irving reports " 'uralitized' diorite porphyry or 'green-
stone'hornblende and feldspar phenocrysts quite well preserved."
41 >6
Hornblende gneiss. Made from a weathered pebble.
Foliated greenish talc. The lighter pits and scratches are recent.
The surface is darker than the fresh fracture, and shows age and
Georgia. Extremely fine-grained sericite schist. Resembles sand-
stone. The surface is somewhat decomposed since working.
From Jackson Co., 111. Catlinite. A very good specimen of cat-
linite. The surface is always darker after handling. The original
surface is a much lighter red. It does not decompose easily and
so does not show age.
From New England. This is a black sandy shale, probably from
the coal measures. Near the hole is a vein of quartz. The surface
shows the patina of use. This is rather a difficult stone to work,
as it may vary in hardness from 1}^ to 7 or even 8.
This is a much decomposed rock of the trap variety, which has
become so weathered and softened that it has become almost
entirely chlorite. It looks very much like an argillite. It belongs
to one of the "greenstone" rocks.
A chlorite schist. Surface weathered, and the black bisilicates
have their iron oxidized.
This is an argillite. The object has had the color of the stone
leached since working, and the iron content has oxidized to form
reddish color. It is an old object, and been long buried.
Medium coarse diabase. This has been weathered before working,
probably a roughly-dressed pebble. The smaller flat end shows
the original surface with its crust of iron-rust. The worked
surfaces were probably weathered before wrorking and never
smoothed or polished. They show the ordinary rusty surface.
There has been some weathering since working.
A marly clay. A rather soft piece. Not very well compacted.
A ferruginous calcareous shale. It has probably been exposed to
a fire or heat. An old specimen. Dark coloring due to handling
and weathering.
A marl. The coloring matter has been almost entirely leached
away from this. Is traversed by a line of fracture which has been
filled by concretionary knots of gritty vein matter, making a
swelling. This is probably a pebble weathered and shaped by
natural causes in almost the proper shape. The hardness of the
original is about 1; of the central vein about
A marly clay. This is one of the red marls, colored with oxide of
iron. The piece was made originally from a small mass that had
lain on the surface long enough to have had part of its coloring
matter leached out. The loss of color was accompanied by a
slight softening.
The following objects were studied in May, 1916, by the writer and the
rock determined by Professor Benjamin L. Miller, Professor of Geology
at Lehigh University.
29519 — Ind. Compact gray shale. This is fresh material and of no great
35365. Compact olive shale. Readily sectile. The fresh surface is much
lighter. The present surface is dark with use and shows a slight
43895 — Cal. Phyllite. This pipe shows a decided patina inside and out,
and retains its original polish.
52157 — N. J. Fine brown shale, showing patina from burial.
35451. A fresh ferruginous, fine-grained, micaceous sandstone showing
little wear or patination.
13002 — Tenn. Arkose: a micaceous, feldspathic sandstone of fresh
12441. Coarse arkose sandstone — really a grit. Formed from a pebble.
48232 — O. Olive drab shale, sectile, no patina.
28074 — Ind. Ferruginous sandy shale with darkened surface.
Ferruginous, sandy and micaceous shale, unweathered and with
dark surface from burial.
18068. Hornblende gneiss, weathered pebble, etched surface during burial.
3735. Olive color, micaceous shale, sectile and little patina.
27495 — Mo. Steatite (potstone) with small green flakes of chlorite, slight
25288. Olive colored, sandy slate, compact, no patina.
3634. Olive colored sandy shale. The working and polishing of the
surface has weakened it so that a great part has scaled off.
During burial a calcareous (?) solution has formed a slight crust
in places.
35208. Massive olive-colored shale, patina from usage.
36259. Dark-colored shale, surf ace darkened and encrusted during burial.
29521 — Ind. Drab colored, banded shale, sectile, no patina, darkened
• Tenn. Calcareous sandy shale, etched and stained with limonite
during burial.
Ohio. Drab colored, banded shale, slight patina from handling.
Compact green slate from a weathered outcrop or pebble, as the
surface shows different degrees of rock freshness.
16564. Drab slate, originally a fresh piece, darkened surface from handling.
35057. Olive colored, compact banded shale, quite fresh rock and no
29563 — Ohio. Drab banded shale — very compact, sectile, slight patina.
This was broken before burial and a hole was partly drilled into
the side of the old drill-hole.
29526 — N. Y. Calcareous slate, from a weathered pebble. The lighter-
colored parts show the weathering.
27580 — Wis. Slightly micaceous, sandy slate or shale, surface much
38581. Highly ferruginous, fine grained, micaceous sandstone, no patina.
Specimen not numbered. Compact, drab shale which has been
buried in ferruginous mud, limonite coating.
27265 — Tenn. Quartzite or possible vein quartz, slight ferruginous stain-
ing in spots.
41879. Very hard, baked shale, slight patina on sides, more on edges.
27900 — Tenn. Light green to drab shale, limonite stains on surface.
27942 — Tenn. Light green shale, surface darkened.
36263. Light green, drab shale or slate, surface etched during burial.
29766 — Mich. Drab to dark, banded slate or shale, fresh, sectile, very
slight patina.
41871 — Ind. Green, sandy shale with dark sandy lenses, slight patina.
25885 — N. Y. Red slate, very fresh surface, no patina.
35096. Dark ferruginous shale, very compact, patina from usage.
35342. Light greenish, banded, compact shale, slightly etched and crusted
during burial.
12436. Quartzite, ferruginous stains from burial.
18061. Slate, from a partially weathered pebble. Some parts show the
lighter color of the old surface, slight patina.
50809. Black slate, limonite crust from solution.
3591 1. Olive colored, banded, compact shale, fresh piece, surface darkened.
35220. Olive colored, banded, compact shale, patina from usage, no
13510. Drab sandy shale, dark patina from (greasy?) usage.
28399 — Ohio. Drab, compact shale, surface incrustations during burial.
38616. Olive colored, compact shale, slight patina.
41793 — Mich. Drab to gray compact shale, slightly etched during burial.
58311 — Mich. Highly carbonaceous or asphaltic shale. Looks like a slate
parting in a coal bed. The surface is cracked from drying
too suddenly after exhumation from a burial where it was water-
soaked. It is possible that part of the cracking is due to slight
amounts of pyrite in the shale, though there is no exfoliation of
35477. Reddish brown, banded shale, patina from use.
38571. Shale, firm, sectile, surface stains from burial.
45791 — Cecil, Md. Mica schist, soft.
16734. Ferruginous shale. Much like the concretionary coal shales of
Illinois. The disc is natural and a concretion.
52168 — N. J. Decomposed gneiss. The decomposition before working,
29770 — Ind. Olive colored, compact shale, sectile, fine patina from use
on the prominent parts.
38671. Compact sandstone or quartzite, formed from a rolled pebble.
29589 — la. Hornblende granite, rough surface stained during burial
The polished portion is recent and since exhumation.
52178 — N. J. Sericitic mica schist, stained during burial.
25269 — Forsythe County, Ga. Sericitic mica schist with biotite, musco-
vite and chlorite, patina from usage.
41778 — Mich. Compact gray shale, soft and fresh.
45790 — Cecil Co., Md. Garnetiferous mica schist, fresh piece.
Weathered slate pebble.
Hematite shale, very dark surface.
Potstone, slight patina.
Weathered pebble.
Hematitic, sandy shale, darkened surface.
Very fine-grained red, argillaceous sandstone, fresh piece, no
Banded shale, fresh, surface etched a little.
Olive shale with pinite, from pebble, part of the old surface of the
latter shows redder.
From Georgia. This is a fine-grained diabase. Professor Irving
reports that the ophitic structure is very well marked. This
object has been buried for some time, and the surface is weathered,
and has been pitted since it was worked.
This is potstone, mostly serpentine. Itjias been weathered since
working, but the discoloration is not very deep.
(Numbers 3 to 31 are from the collection of Paul S. Tooker, Esq.,
of Westfield, New Jersey. All found in that state.)
Aside from the large collections described, illustrated or mentioned
in this volume, there are about ninety groups of ornamental-problematical
forms, owned by private collectors in various portions of the United States.
The gentlemen who possessed these evinced a real and intelligent interest
in their exhibits. Nearly all of the objects were collected twenty to thirty
kilometers from where these persons live. Further, the tone of the
correspondence indicates that it is the purpose of these men at some future
time to place their collections where they will be properly cared for and
preserved in fireproof buildings. All of the collections were carefully
catalogued or recorded. It would require several chapters of this volume
to describe in detail these ninety exhibits and the author must content
himself with referring to a few of them, although he would prefer to assign
each one more space. Since this is impossible, brief descriptions will
have to suffice.
This must be made clear lest those who kindly sent photographs or
drawings should feel offended if their material is not described at length.
The collections worthy of special note are those owned by: E. R.
Ballard, Esq., Winona, Mississippi; Albert C. Bates, Esq., Hartford,
Connecticut; J. E. Braecklein, Kansas City, Missouri; J. A. Branegan, Esq.,
Millbourne, Philadelphia; H. E. Buck, Esq., Delaware, Ohio; Mrs. Maria C.
Camp, Beebe, Arkansas; S. W. Chambers, Esq., Plainwell, Michigan; H. E.
Cole, Esq., Baraboo, Wisconsin; B. A. Cottlow, M.D., Oregon. Illinois;
A. A. Elchert, New Riegel, Ohio; George R. Fox, Esq., Curator Nebraska
State Historical Society, Lincoln, Nebraska; F. M. Godfrey, Esq., Oldtown,
Maine; Richard Hermann, Esq., Dubuque, Iowa; V. H. Lawson, Esq.,
Mattoon, Illinois; Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Connecticut;
Charles E. Morrison, Esq., Williamston, Michigan; A. L. Pritchard, Esq.,
Fremont, Ohio; Dr. A. G. Rogers, Parker, Indiana; Dr. T. B. Stewart,
Lock Haven, Pennsylvania; Paul S. Tooker, Esq., Westfield, New Jersey;
Theodore L. Urban, Esq., Columbia, Pennsylvania; Rev. H. E. Wheeler,
Jonesboro, Arkansas; William Wilkinson, Esq., Fountaintown, Indiana;
Willard E. Yager, Esq., Oneonta, New York; and there are a number of others.
Three or four of these collections are already preserved in museums.
Willard E. Yager of Oneonta, New York, possesses a large collection
found in the middle Susquehanna Valley. Mr. Yager has collected nothing
of consequence outside of a radius of fifty kilometers along that river.
I present some photographs of objects typical in his region. Mr. Yager
kindly sent me twenty-five fine photographs, but sixteen of these are
practically the same as forms presented elsewhere in this volume.
FIG. 213. (S. 7-8.) Two perforated discs; the larger one was found near Afton
Lake, Chenango County, the smaller one was found seven kilometers above Afton
Lake at Bainbridge. Both are made of sandstone, one light, the other dark. Willard
Yager's collection, Oneonta, New York.
FIG. 214. (S. 7-8.) Bipennate form, broken and about to be reduced in size by cutting
off the top. See page 354. Willard E. Yager collection.
FIG. 215. (S. 1-1.) Two of the bipennate or winged stones of the true Susquehanna
type. The larger one was found at Hartwick, Otsego County, New York, the smaller one
near Oneonta. From the collection of Willard Yager, Oneonta, New York.
Mr. Yager's collection, and those of Dr. Stewart of Lock Haven, Pennsyl-
vania, Percy Lang, Esq., Waverly, New York, and Mr. Theodore L. Urban
of Columbia, Pennsylvania, illustrated all the forms prevailing in the region.
I have referred to the Susquehanna types along with the other sections
of the country and make a brief comparison on page 415 of this book.
The interesting thing exhibited in Mr. Yager's collection is that the
forms have not become western. The ovate and rectangular forms
(pendants and ornaments) are the same practically everywhere, but there
are not many of the true tablet type such as shown in Fig. 37. The winged
stones (bipennate) are largely of the form shown in Fig. 214, which shows a
splendid specimen, nearly full size. In his description Mr. Yager says that
it is of unusual size and that the deep groove appears on both surfaces.
On the reverse the perforation — apparently made from either end, with a
solid drill, the bores not meeting accurately — has broken through.
The specimen — deteriorated edges carried out in wax, to show the
original outline — is 16^2 cm. by 12cm., extreme measurement. It is of
dull green slate. Found at Sidney, Delaware County, in a low field back of
"Brant Hill", a famous village site. The Indians intended to reduce the
size of the specimen, cutting off the broken portion by means of the deep
groove which was not completed.
Fig. 24 represents two celt-shaped objects with small perforations
through the right and left upper corners, the larger 12^2 cm- m length.
These are interesting objects almost celt-like in form and may not represent
the problematical class. The ends are not sharp. There are not a few of
these corner-perforated objects in Mr. Yager's collection and they have been
reported elsewhere in New York. The perforations in the corner are very
unusual and are seldom, if ever, found out of New York State. Mr. Yager
states that these objects have a clear history and there is no doubt as to
their genuineness.
Fig. 36. An interesting gorget, length 11 cm. Dark, fine-grained
purple slate. It was found near Cold Spring, five kilometers above Oneonta.
It is decorated with incised lines which apparently are meaningless. The
form is somewhat unusual, although not especially rare.
Fig. 215. Two of the bipennate or winged stones of the true Susque-
hanna type. There are also numbers of these in Mr. Stewart's collection,
also in the collection of Theodore L. Urban of Columbia, Pennsylvania.
Those figured were found, the larger at Hartwick, Otsego County, the
smaller near Oneonta. They are shown full size.
Fig. 213 shows two perforated discs in Mr. Yager's exhibit which were
found, the larger near Afton Lake, Chenango County, the smaller near
Bainbridge, seven kilometers above. Both are of sandstone, the one of a
light color and the other dark. Numbers of these forms and also small
FIG. 216. (S. 1-1.) A bird-stone decorated along the sides, and a flattened tube.
Collection of Willard Yager, Oneonta, New York.
Fir.. 217. (S. 1-.5.) A group of bird-stones, l.oat-slmped objects, ridged gorgets and
other problematical forms from Ohio, Wisconsin. Indiana and Tennessee. J. T. Uecder's
collection, Houghton. Michigan.
circular ornaments are found at Iroquoian sites in various portions of
New York.
The curious bird-stone, 11 cm. in length, which is decorated along the
sides and with notches on the head, and the flattened tube, are Susquehanna
types shown in Fig. 216. The bird-stone was found at West Davenport,
Delaware County, near the mouth of the Charlotte. It is of purple slate,
the same material as in the gorget, Fig. 36. The tube, of green slate reddened
by fire, comes from Horseheads, Chemung County, but is of a form entirely
familiar along the upper Susquehanna.
The ovate types are presented in Fig. 22. Four are shown, which in
order of size, from largest to smallest, come from Otsego, Colliers, Oneonta
Plains, and from near Mt. Upton. All are selected pebbles merely; unshaped,
save for the third, somewhat smoothed on the edges. These are true
primary forms and a large number of them appear in the many collections
between the source and mouth of the Susquehanna and are usually found
Mr. Yager has some slender, pointed objects somewhat like the lower
specimen in Fig. 238, only they are not grooved. These may be tools
rather than problematical forms. Objects of this character are not common
anywhere, but they appear to be a fewr of them along the Susquehanna.
Mr. Yager found these, the awl-shaped object near Binghamton, the other
at Unadilla Centre. The former is of polished slate, the latter of fine shale.
In the collection of Paul S. Tooker, Esq., of Westfield, New Jersey,
which he sent to me by express for study, are some eighty ornamental-
problematical stones. One of the most interesting is a large unfinished
problematical form, which when complete would be of the bipennate form.
It comes from near Phillipsburg, New Jersey, and is made of argillite. It
was found at the very site of the serpentine quarry, four kilometers north
of Phillipsburg. From this quarry Indians secured soapstone and serpentine
fragments from which they manufactured winged forms. The large number
of broken bipennate and bilunate forms occurring in the L'nited States has
often been remarked. Their destruction is often attributed to frost or
the passing of heavy animals in the field. Many of them show evidence of
having been struck several times and thus broken. In his letter of April
29, 1916, Mr. Tooker gives his opinion upon the prevalence of broken
forms: "Most of the problematical forms I have found are broken. From
the character of the breaking it would appear to have been done
intentionally. This may have been done to dispel the mystic potency
of the ornaments."
I show some of Mr. Tooker's specimens in Figs. 219 and 221, and regret
that space will not permit me to include more of them.
The numbers given are those on Mr. Tooker's specimens.
FIG. 218. (S. 3-7.) Group of problematical forms from near Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.
No. 1. Diorite. Lock Haven.
No. 2. Fire clay rock, dark gray. Sugar Run.
No. 3. Pale green slate, thin wings. Eagleville.
No. 4. Lunate form. Great Island.
No. 5. Striped green slate, rectangular, thick. Lancaster County.
No. 6. Dark traprock, very thin wings, ends broken. Dunstown Village site.
No. 7. Mottled, of fire clay, concave on one side.
Dr. T. B. Stewart collection.
FiG.r219. (S. 1-1.) Pennsylvania and Parker River, Wayne County, Pa. Dark slate. Paul S. Tooker
collection, Westfield, New Jersey.
FIG. 220. (S. 1-1.) Material: striped slate. Found near Jonesboro, Arkansas
Collection of H. E. Wheeler.
27. Found near Phillipsburg, New York. This is an interesting frag-
ment of a highly polished perforated stone with short wings, the length is
7 cm., the width is 4 cm. The inside of the perforation is very highly
polished, unusually so. The wall between the perforation and the outside
is 4 mm. on one side, and 5 mm. on the other in thickness. This specimen
has been nicked and battered and in addition to breaking through the
centre, one end has been broken off. Whether the high polish was done
previous to the breaking, I am unable to state, but that would be my
opinion. This illustrates the opinion advanced by Mr. Tooker and which
I have believed for many years, that often these things were purposely
5. Unfinished winged pick-shaped object from Turner Hill, New
Jersey, made of serpentine, 15 cm. in length, 5 cm. in width, 3 cm. thickness
at centre, wings about 2 cm. thick. This object has been pecked and ground
but not polished. The central ridges are worked into relief to protect the
perforation. This is another indication of the fact that these things were
blocked out first, pecked, ground, and perforated, then further ground and
A. G. Rogers, Esq., of Parker, Indiana, sent me an outline of a bi-
pennate object, 24 }/^ cm. in length and 11 cm. in width. It is unfinished
and of the type shown in Fig. 14. One of the wings has been polished,
whereas the other has been pecked in shape. The perforation is complete.
The object weighs two and one-quarter pounds.
The late Reverend Joseph Anderson of Waterbury, Connecticut, was
for more than fifty years interested in archaeology and made a large
collection from the State of Connecticut and elsewhere throughout the
country. Doctor Anderson was to have made for me photographs of many
of the types on exhibition, but his death occurred last August. Miss
Lucy Peck Bush, assistant secretary of the society, has sent me outlines
of some forty or fifty specimens on exhibition, most of which are from
Connecticut. There is an interesting reference in Stone Implements of
Mattatuck, page 71, to the discovery of a child's skeleton which was found
in a grave near the town house. Accompanying the skeleton were a number
of small objects, apparently toys, which vary from 4 to 5 cm. in length.
Two of these were small gorgets, being perforated, while the others were
diminutive axe-shaped celts, much less than 4 cm. in length.
The following paragraphs describe some specimens belonging to
H. E. Wheeler, Esq., of Jonesboro, Arkansas.
1. Small, curious ornament of brightly banded stone; 32mm. by
35 mm. diameter, 10 mm. thick, perforated in centre, concave sides 28 mm.,
perforation 10 mm. in diameter, polished. (See Fig. 220.)
FIG. 2"21. (S. 1-1.) Top and reverse views of an vnfinished problematical form showing cuttings and
scratchings made with flint tool. Found at side of serpentine quarry, four kilometers north of Phillips-
burg, Xi'w Jersey. Made of argillite. If complete would be a narrow bipennate form. Paul S. Tooker
collection, Westfield, New Jersey.
Two small problematical forms to the left from Pennsylvania. Phillips Academy collection.
FIG. 222. (S. 1-1.) Pendants. Material : black slate, pottery. T. B. Stewart collection, Lock Haven,
No. 1. Pendant, black slate, 41-2x2 1-8. Lusk Run.
No. 2. Pendant, black slate, 5 1-2 x 1 7-8, very thin. Chatham Run.
No. 3. Pendant, black slate, 5x1 1-2, grave find. Packer's Cemetery.
No. 4. Pendant, black slate, 4 1-2 x 2. Plum Run.
No. 5. Pendant (?), black slate, 4 1-2 x 2, notched. Pine Station. A village site.
No. 6. Pendant, black slate, 31-2x1 1-2. Charlton.
No. 7. Pendant, striped black slate, 3x1 7-8. Eagleville, Centre County.
No. 8. Pendant, black slate, 3 1-4 x 2, covered with etching on both sides. Pine Creek.
No. 9. Pendant, black slate, 31-4x1 3-4. Queen's Run.
No. 10. Pendant (?), pottery, 2 1-2 x 7-8. Rev. William Beauchamp says this is a very rare
form in pottery. Hole from top intersects hole from side. Dunstown Village site.
FIG. 225. (S. 1-1.) This is a group of interesting problematical forms showing
type specimens from Indiana. The double crescent in the centre is one of the finest
of its class. On either side are two ridged gorgets, the elevations being horn-like in
character. Some tubular pipes from California are shown at the top. Some of the
ornaments are quite unusual. The light-colored one to the left of the lower part
of the double crescent is made of galena. The bar-amulet, just below the central
tubular pipe, is a fine specimen. Collection of Leslie W. Hills, Fort Wayne,
Indiana Localities: Indiana, Ohio, California.
2. Shield-shaped ornament of fine-grain compact sandstone, 109 mm.
in length, 50 mm. in width at widest point, 43 mm. wide at top; thickness
3 mm. The perforation in this object is interesting in that it is not straight.
On one side it extends upwards toward the top of the specimen, on the
other downwards. There is noticeable wearing in the edge of the perforation,
and this is also interesting. On one side the wearing of the rim of the
perforation is on the lower side, or toward the flaring edge. On the reverse
there is no wearing on the lower side of the opening, but on the contrary
there are signs of wearing at the top. If two strings or thongs were placed
through the perforation, and the ends of one held above the top of the
specimen, the ends of the other below the point, and if these strings were
pulled back and forth one would naturally suppose that wearing would
occur on both sides of the perforation, both above and below. But as
stated, there are signs of wearing only on one side, and further at points
opposite each other in the rim of the perforation. If a single string is put
through the perforation, and one end is held below the point of the stone,
the other end above, and the string pulled back and forth, it will cause
the wearing as described. It is not possible to account for the wearing
in any other way. Yet a thong or string (See Fig. 226) moved in the
manner described would serve no purpose, so far as one can judge. It
would not seem convenient to fasten the object to anything by means of
string attached in such manner.
3. Gorget, with expanded centre, 104 mm. long, 45 mm. wide, 6 mm.
thick, beautifully mottled, fine-grained red sandstone. "This is slightly
flattened on one side, and convex on the side shown uppermost in the
photograph. On the convex side, the edges of the two perforations are worn
opposite the centre of the stone. There is no trace of wearing of the per-
forations on the flat side. That is, although very carefully observed, the
stone presents no wearing of the perforation elsewhere than the two points
mentioned. If strings were placed through both openings, and the object
firmly lashed to something or suspended, one would naturally conclude
that the edges of the holes would be worn toward the centre of the stone.
Why the cords should wear the holes at the points indicated, and not else-
where, would seem to me that the stone was fastened in some peculiar
manner, and which is not readily explained.
This specimen is a further illustration of the fact that we do not as yet
understand the mounting, wearing or purpose of these curious ornamental-
problematical stones.
FIG. 226. A drawing illustrating how the wearing of the edges of
the perforations was caused.
Doctor Gordon has kindly permitted me to quote pages 57-68 from
his paper, "The Double Axe and Some Other Symbols", in The Museum
Journal, Volume VII, No. 1, 1916, of the University of Pennsylvania.
"The class of objects to which this name has been applied by common
consent is found in many different forms and made of a great variety of
stones. It is an ancient thing used by the former inhabitants of North
America. It is usually bored through the centre as if for mounting on a
staff, but is sometimes found without the bore.
"Prof. W. H. Holmes, Director of the United States National Museum,
has been kind enough to let me see the manuscript of his forthcoming book
on American Antiquities and to give me his permission to quote from it
the following passage.
"Within the same region in northeast America, and thinning out as
does the gouge to the south and west, is an object of rare and highly special-
ized form, an axe-like implement, known as the banner-stone, with tubular
perforation for hafting and with extremely varied wing-like blades. It is
not found elsewhere in America. In northern Europe there is found a
drilled axe of similar type and it is a noteworthy fact that this form of
artifact throughout the Old World though originally perhaps a thing of
use had wide and diversified application as a symbol. The following very
interesting and suggestive statement regarding the ' Amazon Axe ' is quoted
from Nilsson. 'Stone weapons of this kind are rather variable, and the
central part is often much shorter than the figure here referred to, resembling
that shown in Fig. 174. The original of this sketch is from the south of
Scania, and is preserved in my collection, but is not finished, there being no
hole for the handle — but this weapon is always known by both ends being
much more expanded and more or less sharpened. It is exactly like the
axes with which the Amazons are armed, wherever we see them represented.
On a marble sarcophagus of the Louvre, at Paris, bearing the inscription
with one edge and a pointed sharp back; but all the Amazons have such
two-edged axes as the one here sketched. The Amazons are represented
with such axes even in other places also; for instance, on some antique
friezes in the British Museum. In a treatise on The Sword of Tiberius
(in German, 4to, with coloured engravings), an Amazon is also represented
with a similar axe. It is called Amazon Axe. Xenophon mentioned it in
FIG. 228. (S. 1-1.) Problematical form in stone. The straight wings are rarely
found in northern specimens. Found at Thornhill Lake, Volusia County, Florida.
From Certain Sand Mounts, Si. Johns River, Part II. This is oa^ of the angular
southern forms, with expanded wings. It is not of the butterfly type. It reminds
one very strongly of a Wisconsin-Michigan form which is typified by two of the
forms in Fig. 1 00.
FIG. 229- (S. 1-2.) Winged problematical stone. Vermont. University of
Vermont collection. A characteristic Vermont-New England form. Also, not
unlike many of the New Jersey types.
O -a
a' §
the Anabasis, iv, 4; and Horace speaks of Amazonia Securis in the Odes,
iv, 4, 20.'*
"The American homologue certainly had no other than sacred and
ceremonial functions. It may not be amiss to suggest that possibly in
prehistoric times examples of this type of implement were carried by some
voyager across the intervening seas and that being regarded by the natives
as possessed of supernatural attributes these were adopted as 'great
medicine' spreading to many tribes and taking a wide range of form. It
does not appear an entire impossibility that a stone or bronze perforated
axe of this type left by one of the Ericsson ships should have been the
ancestor of these peculiar objects. Who will venture to say that these
greatly varied, beautifully finished and widely distributed objects may not
have come into existence among the tribes during the 620 years separating
the discovery of Vineland and the arrival of the pilgrims."
"In the passage which I have just quoted from his forthcoming book,
Dr. Holmes suggests that the banner-stones were derived from the
European double axe, one of which may have been brought over either by
Ericsson or by some unknown voyager in prehistoric times, and afterwards
copied by the Indians for their own uses. Dr. Holmes puts forward the
general proposition that these objects may have come into existence among
the Indians during the 620 years separating the discovery of Vineland and
the arrival of the pilgrims.
"In order to accept or reject such a view it is necessary either to support
it by strong evidence or oppose it by strong negative evidence. That an
object identical in form with some of the banner-stones existed in Europe
on the shores of the Mediterranean and on the shores of the Baltic in times
very much earlier than that of the Norse explorers is certain. On the other
hand, there is no evidence at all that it was in use or even known in any part
of Europe during the period between the discovery of Vineland and the
arrival of the pilgrims.
"In the Mediterranean area the double axe belongs in the Bronze Age
and in Northern Europe it is confined to the Stone Age. It is not probable
that Ericsson or any of his contemporaries would have brought to America
an implement or symbol that was not in use in their time. On the other
hand, there is evidence that the banner-stone existed in America at a very
much earlier time than that of the Norse voyagers. Leaving aside their
occurrence in Ohio, there is evidence that they were perfected at a very early
period in the history of aboriginal culture in North America. An excavation
made in New Jersey brought to light a number of banner-stones in situ
associated with argillite implements and other conditions that proved for
them a relatively remote antiquity, f
*Nilsson's Scandinavia, pp. 71-72 (The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia, by Sven Nilsson).
tSee University Museum Anthropological Publications, vol. vi, No. 3.
FIG. 230. (S. 1-1.) Found in Burlington County, New Jersey. Material: hard,
compact greenstone, one side smooth, and the other rough. Collection of James A.
Branegan, Millbourne, Pennsylvania.
"According to this evidence at least two forms of banner-stone were
produced in New Jersey, not nine hundred years ago, but several thousand
years ago. If, therefore, the banner-stone of America was derived from the
double axe of Europe, it was introduced at a very much earlier period than
the period to which the earliest historic communications belong. What
evidence is there that it was so derived?
"The suggestion of Dr. Holmes rests on the undoubted fact that a
large class of objects are found in America which, while presenting a wide
divergence in form show a general resemblance to the European double
axe and sometimes presents such a close approximation that it becomes
identical and cannot be distinguished. The suggestion rests also upon the
equally undoubted fact that the two classes of objects had a ceremonial
use and a symbolic significance. In either case the meaning or set of ideas
associated with the use of this symbolism remains unknown.
"These circumstances though very interesting and instructive would
need the support of substantial corroborative evidence in order to establish
anything resembling a positive argument.
" There has not yet appeared any such corroborative evidence. If any
of the varying forms of banner-stone was derived from a European model
it is not likely that the connection can ever be established. An identity
even of such a highly specialized form coupled with entire conformity of
function is not in itself trustworthy evidence of borrowing.
" What evidence is there, on the other hand, for an independent native
derivation for the class of objects known as banner-stones?
"It has been shown that certain types of banner-stones were in use in
America in very ancient times. It can also be shown that an object similar
in form was in use within recent historic times and an object similar in
form is in actual use down to the present time at one point on the continent.
In both these instances the use of the object is purely ceremonial and
symbolic. In each instance it is associated with rites which are evi-
dently very ancient and the object itself in both instances is evidently
one whose form and symbolic use have been handed down for many
"In that very valuable and excellent work by James P. Howley entitled
The Beothuck or Red Indians, may be seen opposite page 249 a repro-
duction of a drawing made by a woman of the Beothuck Indians and
obtained from her in 1829. The Beothucks were the aboriginal inhabitants
of Newfoundland and have been extinct for some time. In the drawing to
which I refer is seen a series of six staves each surmounted by a symbolic
device. One of these, we are told, represents the whale's tail. With
reference to this object Howley has the following memorandum, referring
to the notes of Carmack who first obtained the drawing from the Indian
FIG. 231. (S. 1-1.) Banded slate bilunate form from Sandusky County, Ohio. Collection
of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio. Highly
polished. Very carefully made.
woman: 'A note informs us that a whale was considered a great prize,
this animal affording them a more abundant supply of food than anything
else, hence the Indians worshipped this image of the whale's tail' (The italics
are mine.) Another reference to this occurs among some stray notes of
Carmack's as follows: 'The Bottle Nose Whale which they represented
by its tail, frequents the Northern Bays . . . and the Red Indians
consider it the greatest good luck to kill one . . . '
"This use of the whale's tail by the Red Indians of Newfoundland in
the early nineteenth century has its counterpart among the Eskimo of
Alaska about Bering Strait and the shores of Bering Sea, and on the Siberian
shores of the Strait. The Eskimo have an elaborate ceremony connected
with the whale hunt. In this ceremony they use an object which they
declare represents the whale's tail and which plays a very important role
in the ceremony. This symbolic device is made of ivory, either fossil or
walrus ivory, and is often tastefully decorated. It has two wings and a
pointed projection between the wings at the top. At the lower edge in the
centre it is partly perforated by a socket for the insertion of the staff on
which it is carried. I am unable to explain the projecting point at the top
which always has a deep incision at the end, but it certainly has something
to so with the symbolism of the object.
"When I was in Alaska in 1905 I was able to obtain several examples of
this object which are now in the Museum. I had no opportunity of seeing
the ceremony, but from Mrs. Bernardi of Nome who had witnessed many
Eskimo ceremonies I learned some of the facts about the ceremony con-
nected with the whale hunt.
"At that time and later I noticed that the whale's tail is a favorite
device among the Alaskan Eskimo for carving on ivory or wooden imple-
ments and for tattooing on their persons and for charms. This use of the
symbol which often at first sight appears to be for decoration has also a
deeper religious significance.
"Many emblems are used in the whale ceremony; that which represents
the animal's tail takes two forms, Fig. 208 (Outline 273) and Fig. 208
(Outline 284, reversed).* They conform to the tails of whales in wood and
in ivory which are used as boxes, playthings, or ornaments among the
Eskimo. These two forms correspond closely to two characteristic forms of
banner-stones. Fig. 229 and Fig. 247 (lower right-hand corner) were found
together in ceremonial deposits excavated in New Jersey.
"The preponderance of the whale and especially of the whale's tail in
the decorative art and symbolism of the Alaskan Eskimo makes it appear
*I have not used Dr. Gordon's figures, but refer to numbers of mine which are similar to the ones he
FIG. 232. (S. 2-3.) Three specimens from Stephen Van Rensselaer's collection,
Newark, New Jersey. These were found near Orange, New Jersey, and are typical
New Jersey specimens. The lower one has been broken and is covered with patina,
and appears to be a very old specimen. The two lower ones are dark gray slate.
as the most important symbolic device known to them. The set of ideas
with which this symbol is associated is probably one of the most deeply
rooted and powerful of their religious beliefs. The rites of this cult have
been practiced for a long time.
"The whale's tail as a religious symbol is therefore found at the two
remotest extremities of the North American continent, East and West;
in Newfoundland on the one extremity and at the vicinity of Bering Strait
at the other extremity. Between the two and covering a wide area are
found the banner-stones. This area extends from Ontario to Florida and
from Maine to Ohio. None have been found outside this area, and their
occurrence grows more rare towards its western and southern margins.
If such an object was in use at one time in the western part of the United
States its evidence has been overlooked or lost.
"A ceremonial object symbolizing the whale and associated with a cult
of that animal could come into existence only among a people living near
the sea. It would naturally not penetrate to the far interior of a large
continental area where the animal could not be known and where its
symbolism would not be understood. The banner-stone has its greatest
development on the eastern seaboard of the United States and it gradually
disappears as one recedes from the coast westward. Its distribution is
therefore in keeping with the idea of origin among a coast people. The
reappearance of a surviving symbol of similar form at the other extremity
of the continent, taken in connection with the historic evidence furnished
by Newfoundland, indicates a wide knowledge and use of the same sym-
bolism among the people of the continent dwelling on the coasts of the
seas frequented by certain species of whale which are known to have been
hunted and used as food from Newfoundland and Labrador to Alaska.
"Summing up the whole subject, it will be best to distinguish between
different types of banner-stones.
1. The one with upward turning wings, monoplane type, Fig. 251,
characteristic of the eastern area, especially the littoral of New Jersey
and Pennsylvania. This form is found eastward to Maine.
2. A tapering form, Fig. 247 (lower right-hand corner), found in the
same area as No. 1, and in close association with it, and found also extending
westward and southward.
3. The double-axe form, Fig. 102, characteristic of Ohio, Michigan
and Wisconsin. This form extends down into Georgia, Florida and
Louisiana. In the southern region all forms are rare.
4. The butterfly form (one in Fig. 170) , found in Ontario, Ohio and the
western and southern fringe generally of the banner-stone area.
5. The yoke form, Fig. 86, characteristic of the Ohio region.
FIG. 233. (S. about 1-2.) This presents a stone in unfinished winged form
showing* pecking. Material: close-grained sandstone. From the collection of
E. Ralston Goldsborough, Frederick, Maryland.
"Besides these five forms there are seen in most collections a variety of
shapes that are classed as banner-stones. These variants and erratic forms
increase as one goes westward and southward and are found chiefly in the
western fringe of the banner-stone area.
"The meaning of this distribution of forms is either that the different
types are unrelated objects derived independently from different origins and
representing different ideas or else they represent the variable forms which
the same symbol took, on its migration westward from the east Atlantic sea-
board. The evidence at hand seems to point to the latter view. That is
to say, a symbol which retained its proper form and significance in the place
of its origin where its meaning was plain, was naturally subject to many
local influences as it passed into regions where it was not well understood,
and being subject to varying interpretations, took on many different forms.
"Although one form of object usually classed with the banner-stone and
closely resembling the double axe of Europe may possibly have been intro-
duced into America from Europe at an early period as suggested by Doctor
Holmes, there is strong evidence in favor of a native origin for the banner-
stone that is characteristic of New England and the North Atlantic States,
and also of a second form which is sometimes found associated with this
most characteristic one. These two forms closely resemble two forms of
symbol that are still used among the Eskimo of Alaska for ceremonial
purposes. The first, the most prominent and characteristic of these two
forms, shows a close correspondence to a form of symbol used as late as
the nineteenth century by the Beothuk or Red Indians of Newfoundland.
"That the possibility of a foreign origin for various elements of Indian
culture is a reasonable assumption, cannot be denied, but it would seem
that whatever aspect of this culture we choose to study, we are likely to be
led in our inquiries to purely American sources. For the banner-stone as
for all native ideas, a native origin seems to be the most plausible, and it
is by pursuing our researches on the American continent itself that we
are most likely to find the explanation of ancient American symbols."
G. B. G.
A day or two after the publication of Mr. Moore's Some Aboriginal
Sites on Green River, Kentucky, George H. Pepper, Esq., wrote Mr. Moore,
setting forth his views as to the use to which the objects found at Indian
Knoll (and some of which are shown in colors in Figs. 1 and 181) were
put. Mr. Moore suggested to Mr. Pepper that he communicate his views
to me. He did so and I am able to here insert most of the interesting
letter. Mr. Pepper's drawing is reproduced in Fig. 235.
"I spent all of the evening endeavoring to formulate some idea in
relation to the use of the antler hooks and the stone objects found with
them. I finally decided that they may have had a certain use and I there-
fore tabulated the positions of these objects in relation to the parts of the
bodies on, or near which, they were found. It proved that most of them
were on, or near, the upper parts of the skeletons. This seems to bear out
my theory that the antler and stone pieces were, at one time, joined by
means of a plug, probably of wood, and formed a scalp ornament.
"In the accompanying drawing, you will see exactly what I mean.
The large hole drilled through the stone would readily receive a good-
sized plug, one end of which probably fitted the opening in the end of the
antler hook.
"Further study of the subject caused me to conclude that a band of
buckskin or rawhide was probably wrapped about this plug and carried
up and about the antler hook, perhaps to the hooked end itself. Such a
procedure would hold the stone piece in position and a hook in the antler
would serve to hold the object in place in the braid of the scalp-lock. By
forcing the end of the antler piece through several of the braids, the hook
would engage in the crossed strands of the hair and hold the object in place.
If they desired to hold it more securely, it could be tied in place, the hook
on the antler insuring firmness.
"For a long time I have felt that the so-called gorgets had been used
as hair ornaments. If I am not mistaken, some of the 'Delawares' told
Mr. Harrington that their ancestors had used the gorget forms in this
manner, and in looking up the published material concerning scalp-locks
and hair ornaments in general, it seems highly probable that objects of an
ornate nature such as the various types of banner-stones would have been
employed as a decoration for this highly ceremonial part of the warrior,
and possibly used in the scalp dances by the women.
"Under the heading of 'Hair Dressing 'in the Handbook of American
Indians, Volume I, page 524, you will find the following : ' The same style of
shaving the head and reaching the hair was common among eastern and
western tribes, who braided and generally hung the scalp-lock with orna-
ments. . . . Among many tribes, the hair was believed to be closely
connected with a person's life. This was true in a religious sense of the
scalp-lock. In some of the rituals used, when the hair was first gathered
up and cut from the crown of a boy's head the teaching was set forth that
this lock represents the life of the child, now placed wholly in the control
of the mysterious and supernatural power that alone could will his death.
The braided lock worn thereafter was a sign of this dedication and belief,
and represented the man's life. On it he wore the ornaments that marked
his achievements and honors, and for anyone to touch lightly this lock was
regarded as a grave insult. . ,. . There are many beliefs connected with
the hair, all of which are interwoven with the idea that it is mysteriously
connected with a person's life and fortune.'
i •"'
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' 1
, 1
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FIG. 285. George H. Pepper's sketch as to possible use to which the smaller problemetical forms
were put.
" Again in Volume 2, page 482, under the caption of ' Scalping ', you will
find: 'The scalp-lock itself was the small braid which hung from the back
of the head, or distinguished from the larger side braids. It was usually
decorated with beads or other ornaments.'
"As the antler hook, used as a part of the pendant, was quite long, it
would have enabled the wearer to use it as a wand in the scalp or other
ceremonies. To the end of the plug, opposite the antler piece, scalp-locks or
other objects may have been hung.
"This is only a suggestion and I have put down my thoughts as they
have come to me. I have not had time to look over the illustrations as
shown in DeBry, Beverly, and other early books, but this I intend to do,
as in my own mind it seems that this may be a solution of the use of one
of the most ornate of all the stone ornaments, or implements, that were
used by our Indians in prehistoric times. I do not want to assert that
your ideas concerning the use of these objects as mesh gauges and hooks,
used in net work, is not the right one, but, after viewing the matter from
all points, it seems more likely that objects of this nature were used for
ceremonial rather than utilitarian purposes."
FIG. 235A. (S. 1-1.) Specialized Bird-stone. New York State Museum
Collection, Albany. From western New York.
A great deal has been said by some writers from time to time con-
cerning the manufacture of fraudulent specimens. This need not be
considered in our volume at any particular length, but there should be
some reference made to it.
The professional archaeologists (by that term I mean all those who
are connected with institutions or give most of their time to this study),
in their explorations have found a large number of very curious and unusual
forms in stone. This can be verified by examination of the reports and
collections made by those who carry on extensive excavations. I have never
heard anyone cast reflections on the objects found during the course of
explorations by these people, yet these same objects, if found by the average
collector, might not be accepted as genuine.
The remarkable terra cotta figures from the Turner Group, the effigy
pipes and ornaments from the Tremper and Hopewell Mounds, the beautiful
polished problematical forms secured by Mr. Moore at Indian Knoll, prove
that the native American was a very skilful workman. Yet these very
same objects in the hands of private collectors might be open to serious
doubt. A limestone bowl of considerable size was taken from mound
number 23 of the Hopewell Group at a depth of four meters. It
did not look specially Indian and yet it was found associated with an old,
decayed skeleton lying on the base line of the mound. Such a bowl in the
possession of a collector would unquestionably be considered of white man's
In his able publication treating of antiquities of the Tennessee River,
Mr. Moore has referred to the great number of fraudulent specimens found
in local collections or sold by commercial collectors. For many years there
have lived in Eastern Tennessee and adjacent regions several men of the
Robinette family, who sold very fresh-looking objects to untrained collectors
throughout the United States. These people have been repeatedly exposed
in publications. Their work was crude. Undoubtedly, objects so skilfully
made that it is difficult to detect them have been wrought from stone, but
I question if many of these things offered for sale by commercial collectors
have reached the perfection attributed to them. It does not seem to me
that we should cast reflection on all unique objects or fine objects not found
by the professional explorers. We know that everything dug up by men
who do scientific work is genuine. Some of the things in the hands of
private collectors are doubtless fraudulent, but I do not think the manu-
facture of objects for sale has been as extensive as some think.
FIG. 236. (S. 1-1.) Material: fine-grained, highly banded slate. Bird-like effigy
from stone grave near Cumberland City, Tennessee. There was some question as
to^the genuineness of this specimen but, after examining the original carefully,
it is, so far as I can determine, of Indian manufacture. One or two similar objects
have been found in various portions of the country.
FIG. 237. (S. 1-1.) Base of the object shown in Fig.
collection, Clarksville, Tennessee.
5. H. L. Johnson's
FIG. 238. (S. 1-1.) An effigy pendant, Ipswich River site,
and a long problematical form grooved at the larger end.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Massachusetts.
FIG. 239. (S. 1-1.) A mask-like object of highly polished
slate. There are two grooves, and a horn-like projection.
Knox County, Ohio. Professor Mills considers this one of the
most interesting specimens in the collection of The Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society.
FIG. 240. (S. 1-1.) FIG 240A.
Material: polished slate. From Pike County, Material: sandstone. From Miami County,
Illinois. Ohio.
These two fish effigies were found about two hundred and fifty kilometers apart and may be genuine,
although they are not very "Indian" in appearance.
FIG. 241. (S. 1-1.) A bison (?) or mountain sheep (?) effigy. Found in a burial cave near El Paso,
Texas, together with a larger prehistoric pottery vase. Collection of W. A. Titus, Fond du Lac Wis-
consin. Highly polished. Material: not identified.
Scientific exploration of mounds and graves dates from about 1883.
Prior to that time there was little collecting outside of the Ohio Valley.
Atwater, Catlin, Morgan and Squier and Davis were the pioneers, and
their investigations aroused some public interest in serious study of the
Indian. There were no commercial collectors in those days, and yet as late
as 1892 there were men of standing who did not believe the mound finds
of the pioneers in archaeology genuine. In explanation of the point I
desire to make, I would call attention to an informal meeting in Washington
during the Christmas holidays of 1892. I was in charge of the Hope well
explorations and had left Chillicothe en route for Cambridge, Massachu-
setts, to give to Professor Putnam a number of copper breast-plates, rings,
anklets, sheet copper designs and other remarkable repousse work in
copper. I stopped in Washington and showed these copper objects to
about eight or ten gentlemen connected with the Bureau of Ethnology
and Smithsonian Institution. Major J. W. Powell and Professor O. T.
Mason were present. From their remarks, it was perfectly clear that they
thought these objects were made by white people and traded to the Indians
and that they were not aboriginal at all. I remember distinctly how Major
Powell dashed my hopes and stated that many of the finer stone effigy
pipes and ornaments were of white manufacture and did not represent
Indian art. He called attention to the field work of Messrs. Fowke and
Middleton as proof of his contention that if the art objects found by Squier
and Davis or myself were in general use, or represented a culture, these
would have been found by his field agents in the course of their explorations.
Later one or two gentlemen went so far as to read papers before an anthro-
pological association, to the effect that the Squier and Davis pipes were
made with rat-tail files. It was not until Mr. Moore published his analysis of
copper from the mounds and compared it with the traders copper (or brass)
that the Indian came into his own. Mills's finds have settled the genuine-
ness of Squier and Davis's pipes.
It is because of the manifest tendency on the part of some observers
to classify many unusual forms as doubtful, or fraudulent, that I have
omitted quite a number from consideration in this book. Things of unique
or "individual fancy" were not beyond the ability of the Indian to
produce. Some of the Indians were more skilful workers than others, and
we must take this into account in our studies. The unique forms, a few of
which are illustrated in this chapter, require no special explanation. They
are unusual forms and they represent the result of individual fancy and not
types, hence they could be dismissed without further or detailed discussion.
I do not think any of them are fraudulent, as they have good histories.
Again, it is possible to deceive an observer if anyone is sufficiently skilful
to exactly reproduce a prehistoric form in slate and give it an appearance
FIG. 242. (S. 1-1.) Three interesting problematical forms. The one to the left from Indiana, the
centre one from northeastern Texas, and the one to the right from Kentucky. The Indiana and Texas
specimens are of forms seldom found. The Indiana specimen is made of highly banded slate, the one
from Texas sandstone, and the Kentucky specimen of dark slate. From the Museum of the American
Indian, New York City.
of age. Doubtless all of us have been imposed upon at various times.
Certainly there are enough unique or unheard of problematical forms which
have been properly recorded and were found or dug up by responsible
persons, to indicate that the Indian's art was often modified by his individual
fancy. He was capable of high art in stone-working, as Mr. Moore's recent
finds attest.
FIG. 243. (S. 4-5.) Chelan County, Washington.
Institution collection.
Material: steatite. Smithsonian
FIG. 245. (S. 1-1.) Peculiar proble-
matical form from Wyandot County,
Ohio. Two human heads facing each
other within the crescent. Nothing
like this has been observed elsewhere.
Professor Mills states that it is genuine
beyond question. Collection of The
Ohio State Archaeological and His-
torical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
FIG. 246. (S. 1-1.) Unknown prob-
lematical form found near Delaware,
Ohio. It can scarcely be classed as a
crescent. Collection of H. E. Buck,
Delaware, Ohio.
FIG. 1244. (S. 1-2.).
1. From Michigan. Found not far from Quincy in Branch County, in a mound.
2. From Warren County, Ohio.
3. From Cpntral Oliir.
FIG. 247. (S. 1-3 to 1-4.) Group of problematical forms from various portions
of the South and East. The bipennate form in the lower right-hand corner is one
of the best of the eastern type of winged stones. Collection of the American Museum
of Natural History, New York.
During one's study of this subject many interesting and peculiar
things are observed, and these tend to increase rather than diminish.
It at once occurs to an observer rather curious that the natives did not
make more rectangular ornaments of shell and bone. There are many
bone ornaments in the collections made by both the Peabody Museum and
Phillips Academy from the Mandan sites, but very few stone ornaments.
In the shell heaps of the New England coast there are many bone tools,
but few bone or shell ornaments and practically none of stone. In the
South there are shell hairpins, engraved gorgets and large shell beads, with
some shell discs. In the tributaries of the Mississippi are found large unio
shells, quite hard, but more easily worked than stone. It would be possible
to make from these shells ornaments 8 cm. to 15 cm. in length. They
would be quite as serviceable as rectangular or ovate forms in stone and
certainly more easily wrought. Again, they would be more beautiful. The
unio was generally used for beads and hairpins, small ear and nose plugs,
but it does not seem to have met with general use save as a small ornament.
This seems rather remarkable.
At Twin Lakes, Minnesota, in 1909, I saw an aged Ojibwa woman
weaving a mat and making use of a wooden object precisely like the stone
illustrated in Fig. 248 (See two central tablets, lower row). This object had
been cut from the thick end of a shingle. I engaged her in conversation and
she said that the Ojibwa had always used this kind of shuttle in weaving, but
that she had never heard any of the old people say that they had used a
stone in that form in the manufacture of mats and nets.
Clay was generally used throughout the Mississippi Valley for pottery
and in the South spindle whorls, discs and even toys were made of it. It
would have been comparatively easy to bake clay tablets, pendants or the
simpler ornamental forms and they would have been fairly serviceable.
Yet these are missing and almost all of our clay objects relate to vessels of
various kinds, toys, circular grooved objects, and small balls or discs, which
may have been employed in gambling.
The bicaves and discoidals or small circular discs may or may not be
included in the problematical class. Certainly the larger stones are not
ornamental and are doubtless chunkey or game stones as has been fre-
quently stated by those who have studied them. The smaller discs of both
clay and stone may be spindle whorls, game stones or occasionally worn as
ornaments. However, they have been omitted from consideration in this
volume, although in Fig, 249 I present a photogravure plate of a number
of typical bicaves from the collection of F. P. Graves, Esq., Doe Run,
In Figs. 193 and 194 are shown small perforated stones and shells
from the State of California. These are selected from the large collection
in the possession of the Museum of Anthropology, Affiliated Colleges,
San Francisco, California.
Most of the perforated objects on the Coast are classed as spindle-
whorls or weights. Many of them may be ornaments and especially those
not quite round. That the small ovate form was in use among the California
Indians no one will deny, yet the majority of perforated objects in the
California collections do not seem to have been made by the Indians for
ornamental purposes. However, for the sake of argument we will suppose
that most of the stones shown in Fig. 193 are ornaments. We can go no
further. I mean by this statement that ornamentation in stones on the
Pacific Coast stops with the ovate or circular form. There are some tubular
pipes of stone, but there are no lunate, bipennate, gorgets or other forms
common in the area shown in our maps, Figs. 202 to 205. Students should
attach considerable importance to this fact. It may have a direct bearing
upon the origin of the ornamental-problematical forms.
In the Charles A. Perkins collection, Wakefield, Massachusetts, is an
interesting broken bipennate form found at Millbury, Massachusetts.
Originally it was of the type shown in Fig. 227 (the Massachusetts specimen)
but the edge was ground down until it became sharp and was made use of
probably by a later Indian than the original maker, as a knife. The half of
the winged object is the same form as the similar lunar knife of the well-
known type called the "woman's knife", common throughout New
There are many other references to re-worked forms which might be
made, but to include them all would swell this volume to unwieldy
In the three hundred or more Red Paint graves examined by the
Department of Archaeology of Phillips Academy, there were over thirty
objects taken from the excavations, which may properly be placed under
FIG. 250. (S. 1-1 about.) Found by E. O. Sugden in the Holway Red Paint Cemetery.
Orland, Maine, about fifteen years ago. Dark, green stone, soft. This was sold by Mr.
Sugden to a New York collector from whom it was secured by The Museum of the American
Indian. Drawn by Mr. Sugden from memory.
the ornamental-problematical forms. There were over four hundred
plummet-shaped stones of various sizes and forms. It would scarcely be
fair to the Department, since its report has not been published, to enter
into any detailed description of these, interesting though they are. There-
fore, aside from giving the totals and including them in a small table
(page 334), my description is confined to the large collections obtained by
Walter B. Smith, Esquire, of Bangor, Mr. Fred M. Godfrey of Oldtown,
the collection in the Peabody Museum at Harvard. In the latter there are
many interesting objects from the large number of graves examined by
Mr. Willoughby, but in these graves he did not happen to find very many
of the ornamental-problematical types. Mr. Godfrey's collection, con-
taining about two hundred objects from the Red Paint graves, includes
a number of the long, perforated pendant-shaped objects of sandstone,
varying from 15 cm. to 25 cm. in length. This form of ornamental-
problematical stone seems to predominate in the Red Paint graves.
Several crescents have been discovered by Messrs. Godfrey, Marks, Haskell,
Willoughby and Creighton, in addition to the eight secured from the
Phillips Academy explorations. These range from a minimum of 4 cm. to
a maximum of 8 cm., in varying width.
The finding of these very interesting crescents and winged forms in the
Red Paint graves at once brings before us the question as to whether
these forms originated in Maine or were imported from the Ohio Valley.
Mr. Godfrey was fortunate in discovering several of the winged stones,
and I present them in Fig. 97. He secured them from the Red Paint
cemetery at Oldtown. A similar one was found by Phillips Academy in the
Hathaway cemetery at Passadumkeag, Maine, and another at Emerson's
near Bucksport.
The largest pendant-shaped perforated problematical form was found
in a grave on the Hathaway site, Passadumkeag. It is 35 cm. in length,
and 5 cm. in width. It is unusually well worked and polished. As stated
above, however, detailed description of all of these must be deferred, as
they properly belong in the official report of these explorations.
The grand total of objects from the Red Paint graves exclusive of
those at Andover is not far short of 1400, and therefore afford us almost
sufficient material to draw some rather general conclusions.
The two tubes found in graves at Mason's cemetery, Lake Alamoosook,
Maine, were not in deposits of red ochre, but were accompanied by large
masses of charcoal. In one of these graves, which reach a depth of more
than a meter, a few copper beads were discovered. Mr. Willoughby
examined these two exhibits quite carefully, and is of the opinion that they
are intrusive. This was our theory made on the spot, as the two deposits
were noticeably different from the others in all their details.
After the final forms of Conclusions had been made up by the printers,
some observers questioned the statement that few of the bipennates were
found in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. A telegram was sent to
William Mclntosh, Esq., Curator of the Natural History Society of New
Brunswick, at St. John. He replied at once, "None known to me from
either Province." Mr. Mclntosh has had field experience in these regions
and is familiar with the collections. The absence of such forms in his
section has a direct bearing upon the questions discussed in pages 415 and
The tabulation of forms (Chapters XXIII and XXIV) fill sixty-seven
pages. It was not thought best to make this book too statistical. Exact
locations of specimens from the larger collections might be of benefit to
some students, but the majority of readers will doubtless be satisfied with
the number presented. In more than one place I have referred to the
tabulation of everything ornamental-problematical, and this will probably
be done years hence. There is another reason why some specimens entered
according to form are not set down as to locality. Most of the objects in
the larger collections, and particularly those secured twenty or more years
ago before field operations became general, were acquired by gift or
purchase from collectors. These men found or bought their ornamental-
problematical objects from persons living in the area. A detailed tabulation
of large museum collections would add a little to our present knowledge;
a tabulation of everything of this character, independently of where found
or now located, wrould add to our knowledge, but this is a task I do not care
to assume at the present time.
Some correspondents have suggested that there may have been
problematical forms made of wood. In the Southwest where wooden objects
are preserved because of favorable climatic conditions, we obtain no
bipennate, gorgets, lunate or other forms fashioned out of wood. Mr. S. J.
Guernsey showed me some small geniculate forms which he found attached
to throwing-sticks and other objects of wood. But they are exceedingly
small and scarcely of eastern form.
That the Indians throughout our ornamental-problematical belt may
have carved or cut from wood these forms, I do not doubt. Yet none of
them have been preserved. We have no positive data on which to work
or draw conclusions. Such wooden problematical forms as I have seen
among the Penobscot and Malecite Indians in Maine and Canada appear
to have been manufactured for sale, and it is doubtful if such objects are
survivals of old types. Rather, it seems, the forms have been suggested
to the Indians by white people.
FIG. 250A. (S. 1-3.) An engraved and polished disc of stone, found near a
mound twelve kilometers from Arkansas Post, Arkansas. H. L. Stoddard's
collection, Stuttgart, Arkansas.
There has been illustrated in this volume a large number of ornamental-
problematical forms. It matters little how these have been classified.
Our chief interest centres in the fact that these are scattered throughout
certain areas of the United States, and that a major portion of them exhibit
objects evincing great care in their manufacture by the red men. The
various maps presented indicate the distribution of these forms according
to type so far as it is possible to place them. There are more specimens
in museums and private collections than have been mentioned, illustrated
or tabulated in this book. To what extent a general tabulation of everything
in the United States and Canada would affect such conclusions as may be
drawn at the present time, it is impossible to state. As remarked in the
fore part of this volume the work is at best a pioneer effort. It must be
realized that to tabulate every one of these objects in the United States
and Canada would require thousands of miles of travel, endless corre-
spondence and great expense. It would be necessary to visit and personally
study all the collections that have not been reported on by letter, and
these are at least double and possibly three times the number mentioned
in this volume. It must not be forgotten that several of the larger museums
could not assemble these forms for study, because they were stored. In
some of the larger institutions there are whole rooms, and not infrequently
entire halls filled with boxes, stacks and trays containing tens of thousands
of various objects. It would cause the officials of the institutions great
inconvenience and trouble did they permit some one to go through their
stored collections. All these factors must be taken into consideration in
making up one's conclusions.
As to the grand total of objects indirectly represented in this volume
it is impossible to give the sum with any degree of accuracy. The direct
number observed, sent for study, photographed, drawn or mentioned, added
to all those illustrated in various reports which have been studied by those
who have assisted me in preparation of the volume, is probably in excess
of the total of 11,221 mentioned on page 334.
The grand total of these thirty or forty types or four hundred and seven
variations in the United States and Canada, cannot by any possibility
be stated. Since readers may query whether there are fifty thousand, one
hundred thousand or one million of these things in the hands of public
institutions and private collectors, I desire to state that, taking all the
FIG. 251. (S. 1-2.) Unfinished winged form. From the collection of Stephen Van
Rensselaer, Newark, New Jersey. New Jersey type of winged stone is interesting
in that the wings are graceful and sloping, usually narrow, and often angular.
It will be observed that although there is varying weight and width in the wings.,
yet the New Jersey specimens present certain characteristics in common.
FIG. 252. (S. 1-2.) Unfinished bipennate form, found in Howard County,
Indiana. Greenish banded slate. Collection in Smithsonian Institution, Wash-
ington, D. C.
evidence into consideration, it is my opinion that the seven thousand
private collectors in the United States will average something like ten
ornamental or problematical forms in their collections. That is, some will
have 50 to 150; a few 200 or more; many 30 to 40; many 3, 5 or 10. The
average of ten is not high. And the five hundred public institutions,
ranging from small collections in public libraries to extensive exhibits to
be found in our large cities, will average about two hundred objects per
institution. This would give a grand total of 170,000 in the United States
and Canada; but as remarked, no man may know whether this is above or
below the actual number.
In many sections of the United States there are either few of these
objects, or because the region has been recently settled, or on account of
lack of interest in archaeology, it is well nigh impossible to secure returns.
It was to be expected that few of them would be found throughout the
Rocky Mountains, although numerous letters have been written to insti-
tutions and individuals from northwest Canada to southern Texas. It
has been impossible to learn of any considerable number of ornamental-
problematical forms as occurring west of a line drawn between Winnipeg,
Manitoba, and Galveston, Texas. Assuming that research work will be
done in eastern and central Nebraska, eastern or central Kansas and
Oklahoma, and along the Trinity, Brazos, or Colorado, it is possible that the
simple oval forms and rectangular forms may be found in the three states
mentioned. A few have already been discovered. As a general proposition,
it would appear that these objects are found east of the line drawn from
Winnipeg to Galveston, and extending to New Brunswick, embracing
Ontario and Quebec. Further, as has been previously mentioned, the four
hundred sub-types are most numerous within space of a line drawn from
Duluth, Minnesota, to Little Rock, Arkansas ; thence eastward to Decatur,
Alabama; thence following the northwest slope of the Appalachian Moun-
tains, to Charleston, West Virginia; thence northeast to Pittsburgh; thence
following the northern border of the Appalachian Mountains through
Scranton, Pennsylvania, to New Jersey; thence northeast from southern
New Jersey, through the Connecticut Valley and north to Quebec.
This larger area embraces them all — save here and there eight or ten,
and these minorities cannot affect our totals. Yet within the greater area
is a more restricted one in which about sixty percent of the forms and
sub-types occur.
Roughly bounded, the region referred to is, southeastern Wisconsin,
southern Michigan; all of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio; western New York,
western and central Kentucky, central and northern Tennessee. This
region, approximately two thousand by fifteen hundred kilometers, might
be called the main part of the ornamental-problematical belt. In it objects
-,* / .-.
V/f. •. **'*.•
*< *tj
'»«» •'*
FIG. 253. (S. 1-1.) The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. No.
21715. Boat-stone of banded slate. Muses' Bottom, Ohio River, West Virginia.
William S. Vaux collection. (Two views)
reach their highest development individually, and also per type or form.
(See I, on Fig. 202). Yet there is within this main region a restricted area
about eight hundred by six hundred kilometers, which I have termed the
"heart" of the district. Within this heart, marked " J" on Fig. 202, all of
the forms are present and most of them predominate, except that in Ohio
few spatulate forms occur.
Indian art in Central and South America was far in advance of
aboriginal art in the United States. The culture of certain sections in the
North, notably where our large mound groups occur, was high compared
with that evinced by the average United States Indian tribe.
Notwithstanding the high development in Central or South America,
or even in the Cliff -Dweller country, these things do not occur in numbers,
neither are the forms similar to ours.
The forms illustrated in this book do not persist in those regions in
which there was high development along the lines of architecture, textiles,
work in precious metals, ceramics, sculpture and other arts. The author
refers especially to Mexico, Central and South America.
First. — Supposing that America was peopled from Asia by way of
Bering Strait, the first arrivals brought with them no knowledge of these
forms. As their numbers increased and they penetrated to the headwaters
of the Missouri and down into the Great Plains, or through the Cliff-Dweller
country through Texas and on to the Mississippi, they began to develop
new arts. Those natives residing in the Southwest developed the ceramic
art to a high degree, but it did not occur to them to make or use the prob-
lematical forms. As is pointed out on page 407, if the migration had
been from the East to the West, it is reasonable to suppose that a knowledge
of these prevailing ornamental-problematical forms would have been
carried through to the Coast and there manifested itself. The same is true
of pottery and the grooved axe, and other forms common in the East.
Second. — While it seems to the writer that the Pacific Coast was
settled first, and tribes or bands found their way from there to the East,
one must not overlook the possibility of another solution.
Since apparently very old and primary forms of large, oval pendants
and a few lunate and bipennate forms occur in Maine and New Brunswick
and also primary forms in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, it is possible
that the first Indians came to this region, and spread westward and south-
ward. This the writer does not believe, but it should be stated as a
possibility. No complicated or highly specialized forms occur in the Far
East, and the lunates are small and of soft stone and not difficult to
FIG. 254. (S. 1-1.) Problematical form. Blue slate, highly polished, perforated
through the centre or longest diameter. The perforation is large. This may be
an elongated tube. The edges are carefully serrated. Wyandot County, Ohio.
The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society collection, Columbus, Ohio.
Both of these questions should receive our earnest consideration. It
would appear that the facts available indicate that one or the other of them
is correct. As has been mentioned on page 403, it appears that if America
were peopled from Asia or Europe at some time rather recent in the history
of civilization, the people coming here would have carried with them
implements such as they had used in the Old World. At least they would
have brought in their minds the knowledge of such things, were they
unable to transport the actual objects. The fact that most of our American
Indian problematical forms, utensils, tools, and other artifacts are so
different from those elsewhere in the world seems to the writer to indicate
a considerable antiquity.
There is a great scarcity, amounting almost to an absence, of
ornamental-problematical forms in the Rocky Mountains. In the Pueblo
region of the Southwest; along the Missouri River, north from Mandan,
North Dakota, to the headwaters of the Columbia, down that stream to
the Pacific, a distance of more than two thousand kilometers — through a
region inhabited by Indians, few are found. I have presented a few illus-
trations throughout the book, of small ornaments, pendants, ear-rings,
charm-stones and so forth from California, yet the more important types
of the winged, tablet, bird, shield and boat-form are conspicuously absent.
In the State of Texas it has been impossible for me to discover more than
a scant dozen of these forms, yet there are a number of collections, public
and private, in various portions of Texas, and the Indian population at one
time was considerable. The State of Florida, famous for its large shell-
mounds and many Indian sites, has produced far fewer of these objects
than the State of Connecticut. The extensive range of the Ozarks, where
are located numbers of caverns inhabited by man, and extensive village
sites, furnishes very few specimens of the types and forms to which this
book is devoted.
Dr. Charles Peabody has explored extensively throughout the Ozarks,
and although he found a grand total of several thousand chipped imple-
ments, scarcely any ornamental stones were discovered. The extensive
ranges of the Appalachian Mountains contained many Indian sites, and yet
these objects cannot be said to predominate. As we proceed eastward from
the Connecticut they gradually diminish in numbers, and in the Penobscot
Valley, Maine, outside of the graves of the so-called Red Paint People,
not many were found. Passing eastward into New Brunswick some have
been found in the lower St. John Valley, but they have become scarcer
toward the east, and with here and there an exception, practically dis-
appear on the eastern side of Nova Scotia. What is the reason for the
absence of these forms in the western part of our country? The line referred
to on page 401 marks the western boundary beyond which very few of
59681 Kentucky
21212 New York 61153 Illinois 23670 California
21879 California
FIG. 255. (S. 1-1.) A spool-shaped object and pendants and toy axe, all of stone. Smithsonian
Institution collection, Washington, D. C.
FIG. 256. (S. 1-1.) Side and base views of a bird-stone of hard black slate.
Collection of Dr. B. A. Cottlow, Oregon, Illinois.
these things are found. The reason for their absence cannot be assigned
to lack of ability to work in stone. Neither is their absence due to cultural
inferiority. The Cliff-Dwellers and Pueblo peoples were developed in most
respects beyond the mound-building tribes, or any of the Indians of the
East. The Mandans were at least equal to many eastern bands who made
and used these stones. Absence of suitable material cannot be taken into
account, since many varieties of shales, fine-grain sandstones, and other
material suitable for the manufacture of ornaments were at hand. Ability
to make these must be granted the western Indians since in the ceramic
arts and the chipping of very delicate artifacts from semi-precious stones,
they were past masters. None of these explanations are satisfactory, and
we must seek the solution of this interesting question along different lines.
If the tribes living in the Mississippi Valley, along the Atlantic seaboard
and in the St. Lawrence Basin came originally from the Pacific Coast or
the Southwest, they must have developed the ornamental-problematical
stones after reaching the East. Manifestly, if the Pacific Coast and South-
west were settled by aborigines coming from the East they would have
carried with them a knowledge of these forms and have made similar ones
on the Pacific Coast and in the Southwest.
Thus we have for discussion a most interesting and important question.
The evidence presented by the specimens themselves would seem to indicate
that the Mississippi Valley and Pacific Coast cultures are so different that
each developed independently. The many forms illustrated in this book
persist through a given area, thus indicating that all the tribes in that area
were familiar with these things, many of which seem to have carried a
special or peculiar meaning. In the face of this evidence it does not seem
likely that people familiar with such objects would not carry that knowledge
with them wherever they might migrate. Therefore, it is unlikely that the
Southwest or Pacific Coast was settled by people coming from the East.
If there was any migration it was more likely to have been from the West
to the East and at a period of unknown antiquity, since the forms described
between the covers of this book developed in the East and not in the
The phrase, "restricted area" in the above chapter heading would
convey a wrong impression were one speaking of eastern and central United
States. Compared with the vast extent of North America, the area is properly
restricted. The limits of the distribution of these forms we have studied in
preceding pages. Reference to lines marking distribution and shown in
Figs. 202, 203 and 204 indicate the broadest distribution together with the
lesser area. This is about one-third of the area north of Mexico, and not
including the extreme north of Canada or of Alaska. It has been previously
indicated that even this comparatively large area may further be reduced,
and it is within this lesser expanse of country that most of the objects
It seems to the writer that the restrictions of these objects to a, given
area bears a special meaning. We should examine into this feature of our
study in considerable detail. The area has been inhabited in historic times
by Algonkin, Siouan, Iroquoian, Muskhogean and one or two other stocks,
and these are again subdivided into many smaller tribes or bands speaking
dialects. As a primary proposition we have four diversified tongues (and
possibly two or three others) in the entire area. In the more restricted
region of that central portion, which I have called the "heart", we have
Algonkin and Iroquoian with Muskhogean to the south. Whether these
tribes and their subdivisions entered the central area from elsewhere or
originated there, and migrated, it is not my purpose to discuss in detail.
The author stated in several places in this book that there would occur
some repetitions or duplications of these forms. The fact that the specimens
themselves may be arranged in several series (arrangement depending upon
one's personal point of view) accounts for the difficulty in following in
consecutive and orderly fashion this complex subject.
WThile the above admission is made, in justice, yet these very repetitions
or duplications of evidence have a direct bearing on the greater questions
involved in our study. Since certain facts and observations present them-
selves with persistent recurrence, it seems to the writer that these do not
hinder but rather help our progress. If the student of folk-lore found two
or three myths which were common throughout a large area of this country,
and these myths varied in detail, but in their ensemble presented the same
story, this same student would record all of that, notwithstanding their
similitude. Because in each of them there was a dominant theme prevalent,
it is quite probable that the faithful folk-lore student would draw certain
conclusions. So it is with our story of the ornamental-problematical class.
We have our duplications and our repetitions but they are very properly a
part of the whole story. Critical readers as well as professional students
of archaeology and ethnology will at once demand to know the actual facts
on which conclusions were based. These are as follows:
First. — The primary forms of stone ornaments are widely distributed
throughout the United States. A few occur on the Pacific Coast, or through-
out the Rocky Mountains and Coast Range. Plummets are the sole type
predominating on the Pacific.
Second. — From this extreme range of all the ovate or primary
ornaments, there is a gradual contracting area as one proceeds east. Finally,
one reaches the heart or centre of the area where all the forms occur in
profusion (save spatulate).
Third. — With the exception of simple ornaments or a few tubes none
of the bipennate, bird-stones, lunate or truly problematical forms are found
associated with Indian remains of the historic period.
Fourth. — There is not the slightest evidence that any of the forms
described in this book were made by early white traders or travelers for
Fifth. — The distribution of most of the forms follows the distribution
of copper and of the grooved axe. The exception is the Cliff-Dweller country,
where grooved axes occur, but they are of different form from those of the
Sixth. — Excepting tubes and pendants, most of the ornamental-
problematical forms do not occur in Central or South America.
Seventh. — The presence of lunate forms and a few bipennate forms
in the Red Paint graves indicate considerable antiquity.
The above facts seem to justify the belief that the solution of the
American Indian problem depends quite as much upon archaeological
evidence as that of ethnology or philology. We know that the languages
are diverse and that manners, customs and traditions vary. There is an
equally great difference between the artifacts of the East, the South,
and the Pacific Coast as between the languages of those regions. Taken in
conjunction with the research work in myths and languages, religion,
customs and archaeological evidence it would seem to indicate that con-
siderable time had elapsed since the United States was inhabited by the
Indians. It does not seem possible that these differences could have
developed in a short period of time.
The restriction of the ornamental-problematical forms to the area
indicated on the maps and absence of such objects in the Far West and
Central and South America, present a problem directly connected with the
origin and development of the American Indian.
An excellent review of certain archaeological problems in the United
States was set forth in a presidential address by Dr. Roland B. Dixon at
the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association in New
York in December, 1913. Dr. Dixon's paper was published in the American
Anthropologist, Volume XV, No. 4.
While Dr. Dixon could not in a brief address emphasize in detail these
problems, he clearly indicated the importance of further study of several of
the questions I have brought up for consideration in my conclusions. Those
students specially interested in the relation of ornamental-problematical
forms to general archaeological problems are referred to Dr. Dixon's
The tables and maps made up from these collections which have been
studied indicate, however, that most of the objects seem to have radiated
from that central area. Along such lines my argument proceeds, and it is
for others to work out the migration, origin and other problems connected
with the ethnology and linguistics of these various peoples. The arch-
aeological evidence, aside from the forms under discussion, indicates con-
siderable difference between artifacts found in one river valley and those of
another. It requires no special skill on the part of the observer to distinguish
specimens found in the valley of the Illinois from those of the Penobscot,
or to separate specimens found on village sites along White River, Arkansas,
from those of the Upper Mississippi. It does not require special training in
archaeology to differentiate between surface finds from the Valley of the
Tennessee, those of the Scioto, and those of the Connecticut. That there are
many specimens more or less alike in different sections of the country no
one will deny. It is especially difficult to distinguish between the celts or
pestles of Ohio and those of Alabama or Arkansas. The flint implements
are more or less similar as to form, but the difference in material gives a
clue. It has been suggested that in many instances reliable observations
cannot be made, because several diverse tribes may have occupied the same
site at different periods of time. All of this is possible and in some instances
quite probable. However, it seems to me that to distinguish the art forms
of one river valley from those of another does not present great difficulties,
especially if one is familiar with the subject, and further, if one studies a
collection in its ensemble, one is able to judge the life of the particular tribe
that occupied that region. To be further specific, I should say that one is
able to understand the use of stone ornaments and problematical forms or
their distribution better, if one considers them along with all the other
objects found in a given region.
FIG. 258. (S. 2-3.) Bird-stone of black slate from Rock Island County, Illinois.
Collection of J. Braecklein, Kansas City, Missouri.
FIG. 259. (S. 1-1.) Material: dark, hard slate. A typical perforated ornament
on which some marks or lines have been cut. Collection of Dauphin County
Historical Society, Pennsylvania.
Now we come to the question of the relation of these things to linguistic
stocks and tribes who once occupied the whole region. The first
observation would be that they are most commonly found in regions
occupied by the Algonkins, Iroquois and Muskhogean stocks. The heart,
or central portion, may be further restricted to Algonkins and Iroquois
with such of the Muskhogean tribes as inhabited Kentucky and Tennessee.
Taking as our centre Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, and radiating from this hub
north, south, east and west, we find types gradually changing locally and
diminishing until we reach the boundaries previously mentioned, where
they disappear.
After consideration of all the factors entering into the subject, it seems
to me that one might assume the Illinois-New York region as the centre of
the development of the problematical forms. This view seems to be borne
out by the evidence rather than the view that the original inhabitants in the
lesser area received these forms from elsewhere. There appears to be little
support for the proposition that all the forms originated among southern
tribes and found their way northward.
It is possible that the complicated forms may have developed in the
course of evolution from simpler forms; but if so, it appears that the simple
forms were local. The high percentage oi artistic or well- wrought forms in
the Illinois-New York district naturally leads to the theory that the Ohio
Valley, west of Pittsburgh, and also southern Wisconsin and Michigan,
constituted the place where these forms originated. To some observers
this may seem radical, but I am firm in the conviction that when all the
tabulations are made (years hence) this will be found true. Of more
importance is the indication that these forms developed in a single or
compact stock or tribe within the area bounded. The trend of facts available
at the present time is in the direction of such a theory.
Mound explorations indicate a high development of ceramic art in
the South, and of sculpture in the Scioto, Tennessee and Cumberland
regions. Some of the stone objects found by Mr. Moore in the southern
mounds are quite equal to those from Ohio. But the average ornamental-
problematical stone from the South does not compare with those of the
central portion of the problematical belt. That is, there are more fine
objects found in the northern area than in the southern. It occurs to one
that from this central area, types were distributed north, south, east and
west. In far-off Maine, nearly fourteen hundred kilometers from western
New York, and more than two thousand from Indiana, there are delicate
lunate forms and winged stones occasionally found. But the simpler oval
and rectangular ornaments predominate. In Iowa and Missouri a few of the
complicated designs occur, but the majority of the objects are simple in
form and manufacture.
FIG. 260. Fragment on which the Indian had just begun work. Hard green
stone (granite?) covered with patina. Very rough, pecked but not polished.
Weathered to point of disintegration. Collection of James A. Branegan, Mill-
bourne, Pennsylvania.
FIG. 260A. (S. 1-1.) A form of short or contracted bird-stone of slate.
A. C. Gruhlke Collection. De Kalb Co., Indiana.
In the Tennessee and Cumberland valleys the form gradually changes
until we observe types which may be truly called Muskhogean and southern
Algonkin forms. It would seem that the delicate lunate forms of Maine
were fashioned by natives who had seen similar but larger forms, in the
possession of traders or travelers. In aboriginal times a journey from
Indiana to Maine was not only both difficult and dangerous, but required
considerable time, since it was necessary for the Indians to stop en route to
hunt and fish. That Indians occasionally made long journeys or received by
barter materials and artifacts from a distance is true. The finding of copper,
obsidian, sharks' teeth, ocean shells, mica, etc., is evidence of this.
The collections from Maine, at Washington, Cambridge, Portland,
Bangor, New York and Andover indicate that a few of the true Ohio Valley
types had reached that country. The Penobscot and Red Paint peoples
apparently manufactured from soft materials (seldom using granite) forms
similar to those of the Ohio Valley, but presenting local differences. This is
also true in Delaware, Massachusetts and New Jersey where a considerable
number of winged stones (bipennate-shaped ornaments) and gorgets are
found. It was a long journey from Ohio to New Jersey. In addition to
the objects imported the Lenni Lenape made forms in imitation of those
that they had seen.
Coming to the Susquehanna Valley we find more of the ornamental-
problematical class between Oneonta and the mouth of the West Branch at
Sunbury and on the West Branch than elsewhere in that region. The
splendid collection of Willard E. Yager, Esq., of Oneonta, N. Y., and
Dr. T. B. Stewart of Lock Haven, Pa., contain a total of nearly two
hundred ornamental-problematical forms from the Susquehanna region. In
these collections we observe the forms characteristic of the Andastes and
Algonkins. But the Susquehanna being nearer the Ohio Valley, some of
the specimens could not be differentiated from those of the central area.
Others are apparently Andaste in character.
Western New York has been treated by A. C. Parker, Esq., State
Archaeologist and Curator of the Museum at Albany, in Chapters XVI-
XVIII. As it was quite possible for the Indians, after making one or two
carries, to travel by canoe to the head of the Allegheny River, from thence
down to the Ohio was an easy journey. Parker has informed me that there
was much interchange between the natives of western New York and Ohio.
The ornaments and unknown objects present a close similarity to western
New York and Ohio types, which in view of the proximity of the tribes is not
surprising. I have in other portions of this book covered comparisons in
greater detail and it is only necessary now to point out some general con-
clusions. These hark back to the proposition made by Mr. Parker and
other observers that at some future time we may be able to affirm that a
FIG. 261. (S. 2-3.) Vermont and Swanton graves types. The finding of a bicave or
discoidal in a grave is unusual. Collection of the State of Vermont, Montpelier, Vermont.
A. Champlain Valley, Vermont. C. Swanton Graves, Vermont
B. Hubbardton, Vermont D. Swanton Graves, Vermont
E. Champlain Valley, Vermont
very early culture existed in the Ohio Valley, and that subsequent cultures
or tribes developed from this parent stock.
I am quite aware that there is insufficient information and evidence
at the present time to draw definite conclusions, but I should like to suggest
tentatively, that a careful study of the 11,221 specimens available from the
entire ornamental-problematical area indicates a central, an earlier and a
primitive culture. Whether the Algonkins or Iroquois developed from this
culture may or may not be true. No one knows.
It would seem that these forms were carried from the central area
elsewhere in the United States, or that information as to these forms
penetrated to tribes living in remote sections, such as Maine, Florida,
Iowa and Louisiana. The fact that these things are not numerous in Texas,
Colorado, California and New Brunswick, where thousands of suitable
natural slabs and pebbles exist in hundreds of places, is in itself interesting
and significant.
The Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountains were so far away that little
or no intercourse is evident between that section and the East. The only
exception of note is a deposit of obsidian blades found in the Hopewell
mounds, and, according to Professor Putnam, having been brought down
the Missouri River from the obsidian cliffs at Yellowstone Park.
These variations in the forms, types and concepts indicate, it seems
to me, the difference in the tribe just as the varying speeches indicate
linguistic differences. We need only to study any of the large museum
collections to bring home this truth. The realization of it is sometimes
warped in the minds of those who have not given the subject special
attention. A gentleman versed in archaeologic matters once called my
attention to some bone awls which he had seen in use among the Ojibwa
in the extreme North, and another person exhibited a polished stone
hatchet or celt from New Zealand, objects very like those in use among our
own Indians. These comparisons are natural. The bone awl is a universal
tool, throughout the world, as the polished stone hatchets or celts are,
and they have suggested themselves to primitive people regardless of
speech, color, environment or locality. The same is true of many of the
simpler forms of chipped implements. But if one assembled the entire range
of stone objects of a given tribe of people, and compared them with those
of another, one could immediately note the lack of correlation between them.
Throughout the length and breadth of the area mentioned there are
these local differences. In Ohio, the valley of the Little Miami is somewhat
different from that of the Muskingum, but the change in type is not marked.
The Etowah Valley in Georgia is slightly different from the Tennessee;
the St. Francis quite different from that of the White River in Arkansas—
and so on throughout the region. But the St. Francis and the Scioto, and
FIG. 262. (S. 1-1.) Material: polished slate. Broken ornamental stone from
western Texas. This is owned by A. E. Anderson, Esq., of Brownsville, Texas, and
he says that it is the only stone implement that has been found in his section of
Texas. He has never observed a polished ornament. The form is somewhat
different from an ovate ornament of the East and is interesting.
the Potomac produce such objects that no one who had even a rudimentary
knowledge of American archaeology would be so careless as to label speci-
mens from those regions as from one place.
It has been stated that the area is restricted. If this were not true
these things would have penetrated to the Pueblo country, and the Pacific
Coast, for the Indians of those sections of the country are quite as skilful
in the use of stone tools as those in the East. The very fact that the objects
are most abundant in the heart of a restricted area indicates that they
developed there. There seems a unity of purpose running through this
class of objects, beginning with the ovate, and continuing through to
complicated forms. After all is said and done, the objects naturally fall
within a rather limited classification. The unusual, or freak forms, should
not be included in this final analysis. Even those bipennate, lunate,
bilunate or spatulate forms occurring far from the heart of the region,
indicate a gradual change from the types characteristic, or predominating,
in that heart.
I think that this fact carries even further significance. Professor
Holmes has in press a most interesting volume treating of the stone artifacts
among the American Indians. Doctor Gordon of the University of Penn-
sylvania Museum, quoted a page from Professor Holmes's advance sheets,
and I have quoted same in Chapter XXVII. It will be observed that
Professor Holmes is of the opinion that the bipennate and bilunate forms
had their origin in the double-bladed iron hatchets brought to this country
by the Norsemen a thousand years ago. It may be somewhat heretical to
dissent from Professor Holmes's explanation. The field evidence seems to be
against it. If these forms of curious winged, worked stone had their origin
in the Norse axes, it follows that such stones would be most common in New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and eastern New England. On the contrary, all
the evidence tends to a conclusion that the winged stones of the type shown
in Figs. 207 to 208, and especially those with thin or sharp edges are more
common in the Ohio Valley and in the Tennessee and Cumberland than in
the East. The winged stones from the Red Paint graves are small and
rather thick (See Fig. 97) and do not resemble double axes. I cannot
believe that the iron axes of the Norse suggest this form. Again, the
Red Paint graves, it may be safe to assume, antedated Norse occupation.
If none of our Indian graves or village sites are pre-Norse, then we must
account for a sudden and widespread expansion of Indian population. I do
not think that we may assume that the Indians came here at the same time
as the Norsemen. Indeed the distribution of forms, their age and the
positions in which they occur, indicate that they were highly developed
long before Leif Ericsson and his sturdy warriors invaded the territory of
the red Indians.
FIG. 263. A sketch illustrating the author's suggestion that some winged or bipennate stones^were
made use of as thunder-bird effigies or charms.
The stock that originally inhabited the heart of the ornamental-
problematical belt may have later developed into the Algonkin family or
may indicate the first appearance of that stock. Certainly, the objects
from the South, which show a marked difference from those of the North,
do not in detail resemble as a class the objects from the restricted area or
heart. I am not speaking of trade objects frequently found and which
indicate that original forms penetrated to great distances, but on the con-
trary, of the average ornamental-problematical stones. Assuming that a
sufficient number of these things have been studied, tabulated or observed,
the totals bear out the contention that western New York, Ohio, Indiana
and southeastern Wisconsin constituted this heart, or real centre, of the
area. Here we have, apparently, a parent stock, or if not that, perhaps a
group of persons who originated the ornamental-problematical forms, for
here they are found in their greatest purity and uniformity. The collections
from distant sections of the country present differences more or less striking ;
whereas, there is practically no difference in the forms in the restricted
area mentioned.
Readers will ask how old are these objects. It is impossible to measure
their antiquity in years. Some of them may have been used as late as two
or three centuries ago; again, several thousand years may have elapsed
since many of them were in use. That the Ohio Valley was not thickly
populated east of the Illinois villages at the time of La Salle's visit, is
quite probable. Were the contrary true, La Salle would have gone to the
Muskingum, the.Scioto, the Wabash regions, which were nearer Quebec,
rather than those he did visit in western Illinois. The fact that he heard in
Quebec of the Illinois towns, and did not seem to know of Indian populations
in Ohio and Indiana appears to be significant. In short, it seems to me
that mound-building in the Ohio Valley had ceased prior to La Salle's visits
to the West.
All of the titles presented in the bibliography put together, contain
very few references to the bipennate or commonly called butterfly forms as
found in mounds. The types found in mounds by Messrs. Moore, Mills
and others, as has been previously stated, seem to be of quite a different
class, although belonging to gorgets and tablets, with one or two subdivisions
of winged stones. Thus we have yet another problem to be solved : — did the
smaller and thicker winged stones (See Figs. 1 and 181) found in the mounds
FIG. 264. (S. 1-2.) Four specimens, three of which are problematical forms
found in Hancock County, Ohio. There is a slate spear-head shown in the lower
right-hand corner. Spear-heads of slate are very rare in the Ohio-Indiana regions.
Collection of H. F. Burket, Findlay, Ohio.
precede or follow such winged stones as occupy the two central rows in
Fig. 208? Manifestly not all the forms are found accompanying burials.
Speaking of theories, Dr. George B. -.Gordon in his excellent paper
(Chapter XXVII) on the uses to which banner-stones were put, gives it as
his opinion that this form had totemic significance. That is, the whale
suggested it, and many of the winged stones are reproductions of the tail
of the whale. There are numbers of large plummets which apparently
indicate the whale, and I show one of them in Fig. 148. Several in the
Peabody Museum are whale effigies and I believe were found in Alaska.
That the whale, the porpoise, and other very large sea creatures were
observed by the natives living along the coast is quite true. Several effigies
of the whale and the porpoise have been found in the Red Paint graves.
Because of his size and difficulty of capture, the whale would appeal to
the natives and doubtless was regarded with superstition or reverence.
Some of the perforated bipennate stones are shaped more or less like the
tail of the whale, but others are not. It does not seem possible that the
tribes living between western New York and Wisconsin were familiar
with the whale or would attach any totemic or religious significance
to an effigy made by Indians living in the East and who had observed
whales. A few objects representing the tail of the whale might have
penetrated as far as western New York, but I doubt if that idea was upper-
most in the minds of the original makers of the bipennate stones in the
central area or heart. While some hundreds of bipennate forms occur in
New Jersey and Connecticut, thousands are reported from the Ohio-
Indiana region. Dr. Gordon has certainly worked out a very interesting
theory, and it may be correct, but I doubt it for the reasons given. If the
form is to be compared with any form of life, many of them are nearly akin
to birds in flight, not a few resemble butterflies, and some suggest the bat.
There has been reference in this volume to the many theories con-
cerning the use of problematical forms. The writer has not come out
positively in favor of any particular theory until this time. Since Professor
Holmes, Mr. Moore, Mr. Pepper and Dr. Gordon have all advanced theories
as to the use of the bipennate or winged stone, the way has been opened for
the author to give his opinion regarding their use, which is different from any
so far advanced. That is, to be exact, the author is not aware of previous
mention of the theory or explanation to be offered.
The thunder-bird myth is one of the most widespread through northern,
central and eastern United States. It has been referred to repeatedly in
the reports of those who have investigated the mythology, tradition and
folk-lore of the Indian tribes. Perhaps there is no animal, bird or other
form of life, around which more traditions and beliefs are centred than
this same thunder-bird. Bay-bah-dwung-gay-ausch, the old blind Ojibwa
shaman of Pine Point, Minnesota, now aged eighty-nine, told me in the
summer of 1909, many interesting things concerning the Ojibwa belief in
the thunder-bird. During a severe electrical storm one night in July, when
we were camped at Big Medicine Lake, Bay-bah-dwung-gay-ausch arose
and sang his medicine songs and burned some tobacco to propitiate the
thunder-birds and drive them away. He informed me that in the olden
times his people used charms to counteract the evil which these birds
sometimes wrought.
My own theory concerning the bipennate or winged forms is that
they represented the body and wings of the thunder-bird, and to this
stone body were added the head and tail which were made of perishable
This theory requires some explanation. It will at once be asked why was
not the entire bird effigy carved out of stone? For the same reason that
the pipe-stem and the ornamentation accompanying pipes are of different
material. The head of the pipe being of stone or clay is always preserved;
the stem of wood disappears as do the feathers or other decorations. It
was inconvenient for the Indian to carve an entire bird effigy out of stone,
and it was difficult. The entire effigy would be too large. Small effigies he
did make. He found it simpler to make the body of the bird out of stone
and add the head and tail feathers, just as he found it easier to make the
stem of the pipe out of something else.
While these forms do not occur in the far Northwest or on the
Great Plains where thunder-storms are frequent, yet it has been
shown that they do occur throughout a wide section of the country
where thunder and lightning is common during the summer. Manifestly,
the thunder-bird myth and thunder and lightning are more widely
distributed, and would seem to suggest naturally to the Indian this form.
Indian charms, and the combination of wood, feathers and stones
referred to by so many of our writers in ethnology, and particularly by
Dr. J. W. Fewkes in his papers upon the Southwest, indicate that it was a
common custom for Indians to combine wood, feathers and stone in objects
for use in their ceremonies or religious observances. Were it not true, it
would seem far-fetched to present the idea embodied in the illustration
Fig. 263, which typifies the thunder-bird in flight. Some of the bird-stones
may represent the thunder-bird at rest and with folded wings. The per-
foration of the bipennate forms seems to be in support of the theory of the
thunder-bird flight, and the small perforations in the bases of certain of
the bird-stones, would indicate the fastening of the bird-stones to some
object rather than the carrying of the bird-stone. Following the same line
of thought further, two of these effigies may have been exhibited in the
shaman's lodge or in the sacred lodge of the tribe, the one typifying the
FIG. 265. (S. 1-1.) An interesting study of an unfinished bipennate form. Material: dark greenish
slate. Found by A. B. Winans near Battle Creek, Michigan. This is not perforated. It clearly shows
the scratches made by the flint cutting-tool. Remains of hand-hammer action will be observed in the
centre. This specimen well illustrates the method of manufacture and how that the Indians left a
protecting ridge in the centre.
thunder-bird passing through the air, and the other representing the
thunder-bird at rest or at peace.
The large perforations in the bipennate forms indicate that they were
not worn, but mounted on something. Mounting them on a slender stick
would not interfere with the insertion of a bird's head in the upper portion.
The tail was probably composed of feathers spread out fan-shaped and
extending a short distance below where the staff enters the winged stone.
Porcupine quills could be laced in to keep the feathers spread out in fan-
shape or true imitation of the tail.
Medicine sacks and various pouches on exhibition in museums, fre-
quently exhibit the dried heads of small animals or of birds. There is no
valid reason why Indians should not dry the heads of birds, and fasten
the necks on short sticks, securing them with pitch or sinew in the per-
forations of the bipennate forms. Possibly the head of the bird may have
been carved out of wood.
It seems to the writer that this theory is more in accordance with the
geographical distribution of these things. It seems more reasonable than
Dr. Gordon's theory that they had their origin in the whale's tail. There
are not enough of them in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and New England,
and too many in the West to support the whale-tail theory.
The languages spoken in the central region prior to the year 1500,
we shall probably never know. And there does not appear to be much
reliable ethnological data back of the De Soto and Coronado expeditions and
the records found in the Jesuit Relations. These and the journals of other
early travelers do not take us back very far. At present it appears that our
study is confined along archaeological lines. Certainly, the period of time
prior to the year 1500, belongs to the realm of archaeology.
We have a great deal of archaeological material on hand, but it is in a
more or less chaotic condition. It might be compared to heaps of bricks
and mortar, of glass and of stone which men have assembled. They
await the direction of a skilled architect in order that there may arise from
the disorder a structure embodying in its lines beauty and in its purpose
utility. We may confidently hope that some archaeological craftsman in
the same manner will make use of our bricks and our mortar, and by
properly assembling them erect for us a structure which shall endure.
In compiling the bibliography of the use of ornamental-problematical
stones, the chief difficulty lies not in finding brief references to such things,
but in the elimination. There are scores of objects, which found under
certain conditions and by certain observers might be classed as problematical
stones. We have used the term "problematical", as meaning in the strict
sense, stones presumably made use of by chiefs, shamans, warriors and
women for personal adornment or in ceremonies or during religious rites.
It is difficult to draw a sharp line of division. Had we not confined our
descriptions to stones, objects of wood, buckskin, fabrics or feathers would
naturally find a place in the bibliography. The book is confined to the use
of stones, ornaments and problematical forms, hence the elimination of
all others.
Many references of a few words each to these objects are considered
of insufficient importance to include them in the bibliography. Many
references are more or less duplicates of others and are therefore eliminated.
Perhaps the most perplexing problem is the lack of uniformity in
nomenclature. This emphasizes the need of an archaeological nomenclature,
based on Latin, such as we employ in geology. One writer calls a certain
form a banner-stone. Another writer will designate the same form as a
winged stone ; a third student calls it a butterfly, whereas the fourth observer
mentions it as a badge of authority.
Although it was not very satisfactory to group these objects by title
in the bibliography, we have endeavored to do so, and the result is pre-
sented. We have attempted, as far as possible, to place all the lengthy
references to winged or banner-stones under that title. Obviously there
are many variations, and under such titles there are included forms which
another observer might not consider banner-stones.
In order to simplify the study, I have adopted my own classification
based on the skeleton classification of the Baltimore Meeting of the Anthro-
pological Association, and under this new classification (or rather, an
extension of the classification made in 1908) I have presented the more
lengthy, if not complete grouping of these things.
About twenty manuscript copies of our bibliography were sent to the
persons who had made special studies of these forms. Accompanying each
of the copies was the request that the gentleman addressed add to the
bibliography any titles or sub-titles which may have been omitted. From
the replies received, it would appear that very few references of any con-
sequence had been omitted.
ABBOTT, C. C. Archaeologia Nova Caesarea, Trenton, N. J., 1908.
Miscellaneous objects made of stone. Report of the U. S. Geographical Survey, west of 100th
meridian, vol. vn. Washington, 1879.
Primitive industry. Salem, 1881.
The stone age in New Jersey. Annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1875.
ABBOTT, DR. C. D. Notes on a supposed marriage emblem of American Indian origin. Nature, 1875,
vol. xii, pp. 436-437.
ANDERSON, R. T. Malahide, Yarmouth and Bayham Townships. Annual Archaeological Reports.
Toronto, 1902.
ATWATER, CALEB. Description of antiquities discovered in the State of Ohio and other western States
Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, vol. i. Worcester, 1820.
BAILEY, L. W. On the relics of the stone age in New Brunswick. Bulletin of Natural Historical
Society of New Brunswick, no. 6, 1887.
BARBER, EDWIN A. Stone implements and ornaments from the ruins of Colorado, Utah and Arizona.
American Naturalist, vol. n, 1877.
BEAUCHAMP, WM. M. Bird totems and amulets. American Antiquarian, vol. vn, 1885.
Polished stone articles used by the New York aborigines, before and after European occupation.
Bulletin of the N. Y. State Museum, vol. iv, no. 18, 1897.
The rarer Indian relics of central New York. American Antiquarian, vol. xi, 1889.
BERLIN, A. F. Bobbin or spool-shaped implements. The Antiquarian, vol. i, 1897.
BINKLEY, S. H. Pestles and banner-stones. American Antiquarian, vol. vm, 1886.
BLAIR, A. E. Stone relics from Tioga Co., New York. American Antiquarian, vol. HI, 1880.
BOURKE, JOHN G. Vesper hours of the stone age. American Anthropologist, vol. HI, 1890.
BOYLE, DAVID. Annual Archaeological Reports, Toronto.
BRANNON, P. A. Aboriginal remains in the middle Chattahoochee valley of Alabama and Georgia.
American Anthropologist, n. s. 1909, vol. xi.
BROWN, CHARLES E. The banner-stone ceremonials of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Archaeologist, vol. x,
no. 4, 1912.
The bird-stone ceremonials of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Archaeologist, vol. vin, no. 1. Wisconsin, 1909.
The distribution of discoidals, cones, plummets, and boat-stones in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Archae-
ologist, vol. vin, no. 4, 1909.
Pierced tablets or gorgets in the W. H. Ellsworth collection at Milwaukee. The Wisconsin Archae-
ologist, vol. i, no. 2, 1902.
The stone spud. Wisconsin Archaeologist, vol. 2, no. 1, 1902.
A Wisconsin collection. Records of the Past, vol. xn. Washington, 1913.
BUSHNELL, DAVID I.. JR. Research in Virginia from tidewater to the Alleghanies. American Anthro-
pologist, n. s., vol. x, 1908.
CARR. LUCIEN. Dress and ornaments of certain American Indians. Proceedings of American Anti-
quarian Society, April, 1897.
CULIN, STEWART. The origin of ornament. Bulletin Free Museum of Science and Art. University of
Pennsylvania, vol. 2, no. 4, May. 1900.
DIXON, ROLAND B. Some aspects of North American Archaeology. American Anthropologist, n.s.
vol. 15, no 4. 1913.
DOUGLASS, ANDREW E. A find of ceremonial weapons in a Florida mound, with brief notice of other
mounds in that State. Proceedings of American Society for Advancement of Science, 1882, vol. xxxi.
A table of the geographical distribution of American relics in a collection exhibited in the American
Museum of Natural History, New York. Bulletin, American Museum Natural History, N. Y.,
vol. vin, article x, 1896.
FARRINGTON, OLIVER C. The worship and folk-lore of meteorites. Journal of American Folk-lore,
vol. xin, 1900.
FEWKES, JESSE WALTER. Casa Grande, Arizona. Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of
American Ethnology, 1906-1907.
Expedition to Arizona in 1895. Seventeenth report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1895-
1896, part 2.
Two summers' work in the Pueblo ruins. Twenty-second report of the Bureau of American Eth-
nology, 1900-1901 parti.
FOSTER, J. W. Prehistoric races of the United States. Chicago, 1881.
FOUNTAIN, GEORGE H. So-called banner-stones. The American Archaeologist, vol. n, 1898.
FOWKE, GERARD. Archaeological history of Ohio. Columbus, 1902.
Archaeological investigations in James and Potomac valleys. Twenty-third Bulletin of Bureau of
American Ethnology, 1894.
Prehistoric objects classified and described. Missouri Historical Society, Dept. of Archaeology,
Bulletin 1, 1913.
Stone art. Thirteenth annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1891-1892.
GILLMAN, HENRY. Mound-builders and platyonemism. Report of the Smithsonian Institution,
1873, 1874.
GORDON, GEO. B. The double axe and some other symbols. The Museum Journal, University of
Pennsylvania, 1916, vol. vn, no. 1, pp. 46-68.
HAWKES, E. W. and LINTON, RALPH. A Pre-Lenape site in New Jersey. University of Pennsylvania.
University Museum Anthropological Publications, vol. vi, no. 3. Philadelphia, 1916.
HENDERSON, JOHN G. Notes on aboriginal relics known as "plummets". American Naturalist, vol. vi,
HENSHAW, HENRY W. The aboriginal relics called "sinkers" or "plummets". American Journal of
Archaeology, vol. i, no. 2, 1885.
Perforated stones from California. Bulletin of Bureau of American Ethnology, no. 2. Washington,
HEYE, GEO. G. AND PEPPER, GEO. H. Exploration of a Munsee Cemetery near Montague, N. J.
Contributions from Museum of American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. u, no. I.
HODGE, F. W. Handbook of American Indians. Bulletin 30, parts 1 and 2. Bureau of American
HOLMES, WM. H. Illustrated catalogue of a portion of the collections made during the field season of
1881. Third Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1881-1882.
Notes on the antiquities of Jemez valley, New Mexico. American Anthropologist, 1905, n. s. vol. 7.
Certain notched or scalloped stone tablets of the mound-builders. American Anthropologist, 1906,
n. s. vol. vin.
Bulletin 30, Bureau of American Ethnology, part 1, pp. 128-129, 148-149, 157, 335, 496; part 2,
pp. 247-248, 267-268, 620-621.
HOUGH, WALTER. Archaeological field work in Arizona, 1901. Report of U. S. National Museum, 1901 .
HOUGHTON, FREDERICK. Indian village, camp and burial sites on the Niagara frontier. Bulletin of
the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, N. Y., 1909, vol. ix, no. 3.
JONES, C. C. Antiquities of the Southern Indians. New York, 1873.
KAIN, SAMUEL W. Notes on the archaeology of New Brunswick. Bulletin of the Natural History
Society of New Brunswick, no. 19, 1901.
KROEBER, A. L. The archaeology of California. Putnam Anniversary volume. New York, 1909.
MACCURDY, GEORGE GRANT. Anthropology at the Winnipeg meeting of the British Association.
American Anthropologist, n. s. vol. xi, 1909.
MACLEAN, J. P. The mound-builders. Cincinnati, 1879.
MERCER, H. C. The Lenape stone. New York, 1885.
MILLS, WrM. C. Certain mounds and village sites in Ohio. Exploration of the Tremper mound.
Columbus, 1916.
Excavations of the Adena mound. Ohio Archaeological and Historical publication, vol. x, 1902.
Explorations of the Baum Prehistoric Village site. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly,
vol. xv, 1906.
Explorations of the Edwin Harness mound. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications,
vol. xvi, 1907.
Explorations of the Gartner Mound and Village Site. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publi-
cations, vol. xin, 1904.
Explorations of the Seip Mound. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications, vol. xvm, 1909.
MOORE, CLARENCE B. A cache of pendent ornaments. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, vol. xi. 1898.
Aboriginal sites on the Tennessee river. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,
vol. xvi, 1915.
Antiquities of the Ouachita valley. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,
vol. xiv, 1909.
Antiquities of the St. Francis, White and Black rivers, Arkansas. Journal of Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. xiv, part 2, 1910.
Certain aboriginal mounds of the Florida central west coast. Journal of Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. xn, 1903.
Certain aboriginal mounds of the Georgia coast. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, vol. xi, 1897.
Certain aboriginal remains of the Alabama River. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, vol. xi, 1899.
Certain aboriginal remains on Mobile Bay and on Mississippi Sound. Journal of Academy of
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. xm, 1905.
Certain aboriginal remains of the northwest Florida coast. Part 2. Journal of Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. xn, 1902.
Certain aboriginal remains of the Black Warrior River. Journal of Academy of Natural Science
of Philadelphia, vol. xin, 1905.
Certain mounds of Arkansas and of Mississippi. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila-
delphia, vol. xni, 1908.
Certain river mounds of Duval Co., Florida. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila-
delphia, vol. x, 1895.
Certain sand mounds of the St. Johns River. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila-
delphia, vol. x, 1894.
Certain sand mounds of the Ocklawaha River, Florida. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, vol. x, 1895.
Crystal river revisited. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. xm, 1907,
Miscellaneous investigation in Florida. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
vol. xni, 1905.
Moundville revisited. Reprint from Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,
vol. xni, 1907.
Notes on the Ten Thousand Islands, Florida. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila-
delphia, vol. xm, 1907.
Some aboriginal sites in Louisiana and in Arkansas. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, vol. xvi, 1913.
Some aboriginal sites on the Mississippi River. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila-
delphia, vol. xiv, 1911.
Some aboriginal sites on Green River, Kentucky Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, vol. xvi, 1916.
Some aboriginal sites on Red River. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,
vol. xiv, 1912.
Two mounds on Murphy Island, Florida. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,
vol. x, 1895.
The so-called "hoe-shaped implement". American Anthropologist, n. s. vol. v, 1903.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. Bird-stone ceremonial. Saranac Lake. 1899.
Prehistoric implements. Cincinnati. 1900.
Report of field work, carried on in the Muskingum, Scioto, and Ohio valleys during the season of
1896. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications, vol. v.
Hematite implements of the United States. Bulletin 6, Phillips Academy, 1912.
Some unknown forms of stone objects. Records of the Past. 1904.
The stone age in North America. Boston, 1910.
NELSON, N. C. The Ellis Landing Shellmound. University of California Publications in American
Archology and Ethnology, 1910, vol. VH, no. 5.
ORR, ROWLAND B. Annual Archaeological Reports, Toronto, 1911-1915.
PATTERSON, REV. GEO. The stone age in Nova Scotia. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova
Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, 1890, vol. vn, pp. 247, 249.
PEABODY, CHARLES. Explorations of mounds, Coahoma Co., Mississippi. Peabody Museum Papers;
vol. 3, no. 2, 1904.
PEABODY, CHARLES, AND MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. The so-called "gorgets". Bulletin 2, Phillips
Academy, Andover, 1906.
The so-called "plummets". Bulletin of Free Museum of Science and Art, University of Penn-
sylvania, vol. 3, no. 3.
PEET, STEPHEN D. Arrow-heads and banner-stones. American Antiquarian, vol. xix, 1897.
Difference between mound-builder's and Indian relics. American Antiquarian, vol. XH, 1890.
Spool ornaments and ear-rings. American Antiquarian, vol. i, 1887.
PERKINS, GEORGE H. Aboriginal remains in the Champlain valley. (2nd paper) American Anthro-
pologist, n. s. 13, 1911.
Archaeology of the Champlain valley. American Naturalist, vol. xm, no. 12, 1879.
On an ancient burial ground in Swanton, Vermont. From the Proceedings of American Association
for Advancement of Science, Portland meeting, August, 1873.
Some relics of the Indians of Vermont. American Naturalist, vol. 5, 1871.
PIERS, HARRY. Aboriginal remains in Nova Scotia. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian
Institute of Science, Halifax, 1890, vol. vn, pp. 283, 284.
Brief account of the Micmac Indians of Nova Scotia and their remains. Proceedings and Trans-
actions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, 1912, vol. xm, pp. 114, 116.
PUTNAM, F. W. Reports upon archaeological and ethnological collections. U. S. Geographical Survey,
west of 100th meridian, vol. vu. 1879.
RAU, CHARLES. Ancient aboriginal trade in North America. Report of the Smithsonian Institution,
1872, 1873.
Prehistoric fishing in Europe and North America. Washington, 1894.
The archaeological collection of U. S. National Museum, Washington. 1884.
READ, M. C. AND WHITTLESEY, C. Antiquities of Ohio. Report of Ohio Centennial Managers,
Columbus, 1877.
READ, M. C. Archaeology of Ohio. Cleveland, 1888.
Stone tubes — suggestions as to their possible use. American Antiquarian, vol. n, no. 1.
ROBERTSON, R. S. Gorgets or what? American Antiquarian, vol. i, no. 2.
ROBINSON, C. H. Banner or ceremonial stones. Wisconsin Archaeologist, vol. 7, no. 3, 1908.
RUST, HORATIO N. A puberty ceremony of the Mission Indians. American Anthropologist, vol. vin
n s. 1906.
SAVILLE, MARSHALL H. Monolithic Axes and their distribution in Ancient America. The
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. n, no. 6, 1916.
SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. Historical and statistical information, respecting the history, condition and
prospects of the Indian tribes of the U. S. Philadelphia, 1851, part 1.
SKINNER, ALANSON. Indians of Greater New York. Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1914.
SMITH, HARLAN I. Archaeology of Gulf of Georgia and Puget Sound. Jesup North Pacific Expedi-
tion, vol. n, no. 6,
Archaeology of the Thompson river region. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History,
vol. 2, no. 6. 1900.
Memoirs of American Museum of Natural History, 1897.
The archaeology of the Yakima valley. Anthropological Papers. American Museum of Natural
History, vol. vi, part 1, 1910.
The prehistoric ethnology of a Kentucky site. Anthropological Papers, American Museum Natural
History, vol. vi, part 2, 1910.
The Saginaw Valley Collection. Supplement to American Museum Journal, 1901, vol. i, no. 12.
SNYDER, J. F. AND MUHLJG, F. M. The plummet puzzle. The Antiquarian, vol. i, 1897.
SQUIER & DAVIS. Ancient monuments of the Mississippi Valley. Smithsonian Contributions to
Knowledge, vol. i. 1848.
SQUIER, E. C. Aboriginal monuments of New York. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge,
vol. n, 1851.
THRUSTON, GATES P. Antiquities of Tennessee. Cincinnati, 1897.
TOOKER, WILLIAM WALLACE. A perforated tablet of stone from New York. Annual report of the
Smithsonian Institution for 1881, 1883.
WARD, HENRY L. A remarkable ceremonial object from Michigan. Bulletin of Wisconsin Natural
Historical Society, vol. 4, 1906.
WELCH, L. B. AND RICHARDSON, J. M. A description of prehistoric relics found near Wilmington,
Ohio. American Antiquarian, vol. 4, 1882.
WILL, G. F. AND SPINDEN, H. J. The Mandans. Peabody Museum Papers, vol. in, no. 4, 1906.
WILLIAMS, FREDERICK H. Prehistoric remains of the Tunxis valley. The American Archaeologist, 1898.
WILLOUGHBY, C. C. Dress of the New England Indians. American Anthropologist, vol. vn, n. s. 1905.
Prehistoric burial places in Maine. Peabody Museum Papers, vol. i, 1898.
WILSON, THOMAS. A study of prehistoric anthropology. Report of the U. S. National Museum, 1887-
Prehistoric art. Report of the U. S. National Museum, 1896.
WINTEMBERG, W. J. Some ceremonial implements from western Ontario, Canada. Records of the
Past, 1902.
YATES, LORENZO G. The so-called "plummets" or "sinkers" of California. Bulletin 2, Santa Barbara
Society of Natural History, 1890.
YOUNG, BENNETT H. The prehistoric men of Kentucky. Filson Club Publication, no. 25, Louisville,
ABBOTT, C. C. Primitive industry. Salem, 1881, pp. 349-367.
ABBOTT, C. C. The stone age in New Jersey. Annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1875,
pp. 364-373.
BARBER, EDWIN A. Stone implements and ornaments from the ruins of Colorado, Utah and Arizona.
American Naturalist, vol. xi, 1877, pp. 264-275.
BEAXJCHAMP, WM. M. Polished stone articles used by the New York aborigines. Bulletin of the New
York State Museum, 1897, vol. iv, no. 18.
BLAIR. A. E. Stone relics from Tioga Co., N. Y. American Antiquarian, vol. in, pp. 55-56, 1880.
SHANNON, P. A. Aboriginal remains in the middle Chattahoochee valley of Alabama and Georgia.
American Anthropologist, vol. xi, 1909, pp. 186.
BROWN, CHARLES E. A Wisconsin collection. Records of the Past, vol. xn, pp. 70-73, 1913.
CARR, LUCIEN. Dress and ornaments of certain American Indians. Proceedings of American Anti-
quarian Society, April, 1897.
CULIN, STEWART. The origin of ornament. Bulletin Free Museum of Science and Art, University of
Pennsylvania, vol. II, no. 4, 1900, pp. 243, ff.
DIXON, ROLAND B. Some aspects of North American Archaeology. American Anthropologist, n.s.
vol. xv, no. 4, pp. 553-554. 1913.
FEWKES, JESSE WALTER. Casa Grande, Arizona. Twenty-eighth Annual report of the Bureau of
American Ethnology, 1906-1907, pp. 125, 129.
FEWKES, JESSE WALTER. Two summers' work in Pueblo ruins. Twenty-second report of the Bureau
of American Ethnology, pp. 87-88, 1900-1901.
FOWKE, GERARD. Prehistoric objects classified and described. Missouri Historical Society, Depart-
ment of Archaeology, Bulletin 1, 1913, p. 17.
HETE, GEO. G. AND PEPPER, GEO. H. Exploration of a Munsee Cemetery near Montague, New Jersey.
Contributions from Museum of American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. n, no. 1.
HODGE, F. W. Handbook of American Indians. Bulletin 30, parts 1 and 2, many references. Bureau
of American Ethnology.
HOLMES, W. H. Illustrated catalogue of a portion of the collection made during the field season of 1881.
Third annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1881-1882, passim.
HOUGH, WALTER. Field work in northeast Arizona. Report of the U. S. National Museum, 1901,
p. 344.
HOUGHTON, FREDERICK. Indian village, camp and burial sites on the Niagara frontier. Bulletin of the
Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, N. Y., vol. ix, no. 3, 1909.
MACLEAN, J. P. The mound-builders. Cincinnati, 1879.
MOORE, CLARENCE B. Aboriginal sites on Tennessee River. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia, 1915, vol. xyi, passim.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. Prehistoric implements. Cincinnati, 1900.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. Report of field work, carried on in the Muskingum, Scioto and Ohio Valleys
during the season of 1896. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications, vol. v, passim.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. Some unknown forms of stone objects. Records of the Past, vol. HI, pp. 269-
274, 1904.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. The stone age in North America. Boston, 1910.
NELSON, N. C. The Ellis Landing Shellmound. University of California Publications in American
Archaeology and Ethnology, 1910, vol. vn, no. 5, pp. 398-400.
ORR, ROWLAND B. Annual Archaeological Reports, Toronto, 1911-1915.
ORR, ROWLAND B. New accessions in museum. Twenty-seventh Annual Archaeological Report, 1915,
pp. 97-100.
PEET, STEPHEN D. Difference between Mound-builders' and Indian relics. American Antiquarian,
vol. xii, 1890, pp. 267-272.
PEET, STEPHEN D. Spool ornaments and ear-rings. American Antiquarian, vol. i, pp. 380-385. 1887,
PERKINS, GEORGE H. Aboriginal remains in the Champlain Valley. Second paper. American Anthro-
pologist, n. s. 13, 1911, pp. 241-247.
READ, M. C. Archaeology of Ohio. Cleveland, 1888, pp. 40-41.
SKINNER, ALANSON. Indians of Greater New York. Torch Press, Cedar Rapids. Iowa, 1914.
SQUIER, E. G. Aboriginal monuments of New York. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vol. n,
1851, pp. 78-79.
WILLOUGHBY, C. C. Dress of N. E. Indians. American Anthropologist, vol. vn, n. s., p. 506, 1905.
WILSON, THOMAS. A study of prehistoric anthropology. Report of the U. S. National Museum, 1888,
pp. 648-656.
WII.SON, THOMAS. Prehistoric art. Report of the U. S. National Museum, 1896, pp. 447-453, 580-582.
YOUNG, BENNETT H. The prehistoric men of Kentucky. Filson Club Publication, no. 25, Louisville,
1910, pp. 194-235.
BEAUCHAMP, WM. M. Bird totems and amulets. American Antiquarian, vol. vn, pp. 367-369, 1885.
BEAUCHAMP, WM. M. Polished stone articles used by the New York aborigines. Bulletin of the New
York State Museum, no. 18, vol. iv, pp. 56-61, 1897.
BOURKE, JOHN G. Vesper hours of the stone age. American Anthropologist, vol. in, pp. 61-62, 1890
BOYLE, DAVID. Annual Archaeologist Report, Toronto, 1896, pp. 58-59; 1898, pp. 50-51; 1904, p. 49;
1905, p. 23.
DOUGLASS, A. E. Table of geographical distribution, etc., in American Museum of Natural History,
New York. Bulletin American Museum Natural History, N. Y., vol. vm, article x, pp. 203-204,
FARRINGTON, OLIVER C. The worship and folk-lore of meteorites. Journal of American Folk-lore,
vol. xm, pp. 199 ff., 1900.
HOUGH, WALTER. Archaeological field work in Arizona, 1901. Report of United States National
Museum, 1901, p. 344.
JONES, CHARLES C. Antiquities of the Southern Indians. New York, 1873, pp. 372-273.
MAcCuRDY, GEORGE GRANT. Anthropology at the Winnipeg Meeting of the British Association.
American Anthropologist, n. s. vol. xi, p, 470, 1909.
MOORE, CLARENCE B. Aboriginal Sites on Tennessee river. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia, vol. xvi, 1915, pp. 318, 337.
Certain aboriginal mounds of the Florida central west coast. Journal of Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. xn, 1903, p. 399.
Certain sand mounds of the Ocklawaha River, Florida. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, vol. x, p. 100, Philadelphia, 1895.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. Prehistoric implements. Cincinnati, 1900, passim.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. The stone age in North America. Boston, 1910, passim.
ORR, ROWLAND B. Annual Archaeological Report, Toronto, 1912, pp. 32-34.
PERKINS, G. H. American Anthropologist, vol. xin, p. 244.
WILLIAMS, FREDERICK H. Prehistoric remains of the Tunxis Valley. The American Archaeologist,
1898, pp. 200-201. Columbus, Ohio.
WINTEMBERG, W. J. Some ceremonial implements from Western Ontario, Canada. Records of the
Past, 1902, pp. 150-153.
YATES, LORENZO G. The so-called "plummets" or "sinkers" of California. Bulletin no. 2, Santa
Barbara Society of Natural History, 1890.
ABBOTT, C. C. Archaeologia Nova Caesarea, n. Trenton, N. J., 1908, pp. 66-68.
ABBOTT, C. C. Primitive industry. Salem, 1881, pp. 351-360.
ABBOTT, C. C. The stone age in New Jersey. Annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1875,
pp. 332-336.
ANDERSON, R. T. Malahide, Yarmouth and Bayham Townships. Annual Archaeological Report,
Toronto, 1902, p. 82.
BEAUCHAMP, WM. M. Polished stone articles used by the New York aborigines. Bulletin New York
State Museum, vol. iv, no. 18, pp. 72-78, 1897.
BINKLEY, S. H. Pestles and banner-stones. American Antiquarian, vol. VIIL p. 292, 1886.
BOYLE, DAVID. Annual Archaeological Report, Toronto. 1887, pp. 30-31, 33-36; 1888, p. 36; 1890,
p. 45; 1892, p. 19; 1895, pp. 64-65; 1901, p. 18; 1902, p. 32.
BROWN, C. E. The banner-stone ceremonials of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Archaeologist, vol. x, no. 4,
1912, pp. 146-164.
DOUGLASS, ANDREW E. A find of ceremonial weapons in a Florida mound, with brief notice of other
mounds in that state. Proceedings of American Society for Advancement of Science, 1882, vol.
xxxi, pp. 585.
DOUGLASS, ANDREW E. A table of the geographical distribution of American relics in a collection
exhibited in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Bulletin, American Museum
Natural History, New York, vol. vin, article x, pp. 200-201, 1896.
FOUNTAIN, GEORGE H. So-called banner-stones. The American Archaeologist, vol. 2, pp. 186-187,
FOWKE, GERARD. Archaeological history of Ohio Columbus, 1902, pp. 566-569.
FOWKE, GERARD. Stone art. Thirteenth Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1891-1892,
pp. 120-125.
HAWKES, E. W. AND LINTON, RALPH. A Pre-Lenape site in New Jersey. University of Pennsylvania.
University Museum Anthropological Publications, Philadelphia, 1916, vol. vi, no. 3, pp. 63-72. 76.
HOLMES, WM. H. Banner-stones. Bulletin 30, part 1, pp. 128-129, Bureau of American Ethnology.
KROEBER, A. L. The archaeology of California. Putnam Anniversary Volume. New York, 1909, p. 21.
MOORE, CLARENCE B. Aboriginal sites on Tennessee River. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia, vol. xvi, 1915, pp. 252, 410.
MOORE, CLARENCE B. Antiquities of the St. Francis, Wrhite and Black Rivers, Arkansas. Journal of
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. xiv, 1910, p. 358.
MOORE, CLARENCE B. Certain river mounds of Duval Co., Florida. Journal of Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. x, 1895, p. 19.
MOORE, CLARENCE B. Certain sand mounds of the St. Johns River, Florida. Part 2. Journal of
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. x, 1894, pp. 168, 170.
MOORE, CLARENCE B. Some aboriginal sites on Red River. Journal of Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia, vol. xiv, 1912, p. 548.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. Prehistoric implements. Cincinnati, 1900, passim.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. Some unknown forms of stone objects. Records of the Past, 1902, pp.
MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. The stone age in North America. Boston, 1910, vol. i, Chapters xx, xxi.
ORR, ROWLAND B. Annual Archaeological Reports, Toronto, 1911, pp. 23-27; 1912, pp. 30-32; 1914,
p. 84.
ORR, ROWLAND B. New accessions in Museum. Twenty -seventh Annual Archaeological Report,
Toronto, 1915, p. 102
PEET, STEPHEN D. Arrow-heads and banner-stones. American Antiquarian, vol. xix, pp. 26-31, 1897.
, PERKINS, G. H. American Anthropologist, vol. xm, p. 243.
READ, M. C. AND WHITTLESEY, CHARLES. Antiquities of Ohio. Report of Ohio Centennial Managers.
Columbus, 1877, pp. 121-123.
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Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. x, 1894, pp. 175, 187.
Abbott, Dr. C. C., 46.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 138,
Acknowledgments, 9-15.
Adair, 253, 255, 257.
Addis, A. L. 39, 41.
Algonkian sites, 173, 174-175.
Algonkins, 170, 171, 408, 413, 415, 417.
Amazon Axe, 367.
American Anthropological Association, 31, 57, 112,
264, 427.
American Anthropologist, 153, 411.
American Association for the Advancement of
Science, 130.
American Journal of Archaeology, 165
American Museum of Natural History, 10, 24, 71,
130, 151, 179, 224, 262, 333, 391.
American Naturalist, 165.
Andastes, 415.
Anderson, A. E., 418.
Anderson, Rev. Joseph, 360,
Archaeological nomenclature, 28.
Archaeologist, The, 28.
Atlantic Coast, 157, 166, 255, 377, 407.
Author's theory as to winged stones, 420-426.
Baatz, C. L., 23.
Ballard, E. R., 350.
Banner-stones, 16, 114, 173, 179-196, 335-337, 367,
Bar-amulet, 70, 72, 81, 85, 200-202, 267, 334, 335-
Bar-shaped stones, 71.
Bartram, 253.
Baskets, 251.
Bates, Albert C., 102, 268, 350.
Bay-bah-dwung-gay-ausch, 424.
Beads, 130.
Beasley, B., 09.
Beauchamp, Dr. Wm. M., 26, 85, 88, 91, 102, 105,
224, 362.
Beothuck or Red Indians, The, 371.
Beothucks, 371, 373, 377.
Beverly, 255.
Bibliography, 20, 51, 114, 165, 248, 427-443.
Bicaves, 392, 394.
Biedma, 258.
Bilunate or double crescent, 28, 112, 116, 124, 126,
127, 128, 265, 357, 372, 419.
Bipennate or winged forms, 28, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41,
43, 44, 45, 50, 110, 113, 116, 190, 266, 334, 352,
353, 354, 357, 360, 370, 378, 394, 397, 400, 419,
424, 426.
Bird-stone ceremonial, 92.
Bird-stones, 81-99, 173, 195, 196-200, 263, 264, 334,
335, 336, 337, 357, 406, 409, 412.
Blooded quartz, 35, 40, 114, 126, 139.
Boas, F., 17.
Boat-shaped stones, 71, 76-80, 202, 261, 267, 334,
"Bobbin-shaped" gorgets, 68, 73.
Boston Public Library, 22.
Boyle, David, 26, 90, 92.
Braecklein, J. E., 334, 350, 412.
Branegan, James A., 44, 79, 120, 350, 370, 414.
Breaks, 193.
Brereton, 255.
Brief description of Maps, 265.
Brief description of Outlines, 266.
Brinton, D., 46.
Broken and re-worked forms, 57, 59, 61, 63, 123,
394, 418.
Brower, J. W., 143, 151.
Brown, C. E., 10, 26, 63,73,85,88, 92, 114,140-153.
Buck, H. E., 10, 111, 119, 350, 390.
Buffalo Historical Society, 179, 200, 223.
Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 179, 198, 200,
209, 223, 333.
Burket, H. F., 423.
Bush, Lucy Peck, 360.
Butterfly form, 38, 114, 335.
Camp, Mrs. Maria C., 350.
Canada, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 46, 71, 81, 83, 126, 130,
255, 266, 340, 397, 398, 399, 401, 408.
Carr, Prof. Lucien, 246-260.
Cartier, 257.
Carver, 253, 255, 257.
Catlinite, 204, 218, 220, 256.
Ceremonials, 16, 59, 171.
Chambers, S. W., 350.
Champlain, 257.
Chandler, G. P., 130, 133.
Characteristics of Algonkian area, 173, 174.
Charlevoix, 253, 255, 258.
Charm-stones, 16.
Chisel forms, 335.
Churchill, Wm., 238, 239.
Classification, 28, 31, 32, 35, 55, 81, 88, 111, 112,
143, 149, 151, 153, 162.
Clay, 392.
Coffin-shaped form, 168.
Cohen, Miss Ethel, 22.
Cole, H. E., 10, 261, 350.
Collections in New York, 179, 223, 224.
Conclusions, 399-426.
Cones, 335.
Connecticut Historical Society, 102.
Copper, 16, 255, 387.
Cottlow, Dr. B. A., 350, 363, 406.
Crescents (see Lunate) .
Criteria of Age, 339-341.
Criteria of Distribution, 341-342.
Crozier, A., 164.
Cushing, Frank H., 90, 92.
Dauphin County Historical Society, 412.
Davis, Willard H., 104, 156.
Dean, F. C., 67.
Delaware-Hudson region, 76.
Dela wares, 379.
De Soto's Expedition, 258, 426.
Dewey, Alvin H., 179, 185, 211, 223, 225.
Discoidals, 336-337, 392.
Discs, 336, 337, 351, 354, 398.
Distribution of Ornamental-Problematical forms,
270-332, 334, 375, 399-410.
Dixon, Dr. R. B., 17, 411.
Double Crescents (See Bilunate).
Double-winged forms (See Bipennate).
Douglass, A. E., 26, 71, 333, 334, 336, 337.
Dress and Ornaments of Certain American Indians,
Du Pratz, 257, 258.
Ear-rings, 267.
Effigy pipes, 251, 382.
Elchert, A. A., 350.
Ellsworth, W. H., 153.
Emery, Prof. W. O., 10, 83, 98, 334, 338, 339, 409.
Eskimos, 169, 239, 373.
Europe, 338, 367, 369, 371, 377, 405.
European influence, 83.
Everhart Museum, R. N. Davis, 37, 53, 58, 123.
Evidences of measurements, 216.
Father Rasle, 255.
Fay, Mr. Heman, 140, 270.
Fenton, W. T., 89.
Fewkes, Dr. J. W., 422.
Field Museum of Natural History, 246, 262.
Fletcher, Emily, 84.
Fletcher, Miss, 257.
Forbes, Prof. Charles H., 28, 100, 140.
Forms of Banner-stones in New York, 180.
Forms of New York gorgets, 205.
Fort Ancient, 61, 64, 68.
Fort Ancient culture, 231-234.
Foster, W. H., 161, 163.
Fowke, G., 26, 71, 90, 143, 145, 230, 387.
Fox, George R., 350.
Fraudulent specimens, 382-391.
Frazer, 257.
" Freak forms ", 24.
Garcilaso de la Vega, 260.
General Remarks and Observations, 392-398.
Geniculate or L-shaped, 28, 100, 102, 116, 226-230,
265, 335.
Godfrey, Fred, 120, 350, 396.
Goldsborough, E. Ralston, 376.
Gordon, Dr. G. B., 9, 367-377, 419, 421, 422, 424,
Gorgets, 21, 23, 25, 29, 32, 52, 55-65, 204-218, 266,
334, 335-337, 354, 365, 393.
Granite, 35.
Graves, F. P., 394.
Ground stone, 30.
Gulf States, 255, 258.
Hakluyt, 255, 258, 260.
Hamilton, H. P., 151.
Hampton, George, 108, 378.
Handbook of American Indians, 22, 71, 248, 267.
Hariot, 257, 258.
Harvard University Library, 22.
Heckewelder, 253.
Henderson, J. G., 165.
Henshaw, H. W., 165.
Hepp, Charles E., 236.
Hermann, Richard, 350.
Heye, George G., 9, 265.
Hills, Leslie W., 83, 99, 100, 103, 113, 115, 195, 364.
Hine, Chas. A., 132.
Hodge, F. W., 17, 31.
Holmes, W. A., 91, 393.
Holmes, Prof. W. H., 17, 26, 71, 110, 367, 369, 371.
377, 419, 424.
Hopewell collection, 251.
Hopewell culture, 230-234.
Hopewell exploration, 387.
Hopewell group, 61, 382, 417.
Rowland, Henry R., 223.
Howley, James P., 371.
Hrdlicka, Ales, 17, 242, 24.'5.
Iberville, 253.
"Indian Knoll", 237, 238, 239, 240, 242, 377, 382,
Indians, 16, 17, 22, 38, 40, 46, 49, 53, 57, 59, 68, 76,
90, 105, 110, 119, 123, 124, 130, 151, 157, 159, 162,
165, 167, 169, 171, 228, 246, 248, 251, 253, 257,
269, 357, 387, 397, 398, 410, 411, 415, 417, 419,
422, 424, 426.
Indian village sites, 264.
Iroquois, 170, 171, 176, 177, 221, 257, 408, 413, 417,
Iroquois sites, 178.
Irving, Prof. John D., 338, 339, 342, 344, 349.
Jenkins, L. \V., 9.
Jesuit Relations, 251, 253, 257.
Johnson, H. L., 74, 89, 106r 139, 384.
Jones, Col. C. C., 145.
Jones, Dr. Joseph, 147.
Kroeber, A. L., 17.
Lafitau, 253, 255, 257, 260.
Laudonniere, 257.
Lawson, 255.
Lawson, V. H., 350.
Lenni Lenape, 415
Lewis and Clark, 46, 248.
Lewis, J. B., 158, 163, 167.
Lewis, Prof. T. H., 143, 151.
Linguistic Map, 267, 269.
Little, George, 83, 93, 94.
Logan Museum, 92, 333, 334, 335.
Loskiel, 253, 255.
Lovejoy, J. R., 146.
L-shaped (See Geniculate) .
Lunate or crescent, 28, 100, 109, 116.
Maine Historical Society, 252.
Mallery, 17.
Mandans, 407.
Manufacture, 35-53, 110, 196.
Maple sugar, 117.
Maps and Outlines, 262-269.
Marquette, 253.
Martin, Dudley A., 56.
Martin's Creek, Pa., 35, 42.
Mason, Prof. O. T., 387.
Matchett, W. F., 227.
Materials, 35, 40, 63, 88, 110, 112, 124, 126, 149,
179, 180, 204, 238, 246-260, 342.
Mattatuck Historical Society, 334, 350.
Mattern, J. E., 202, 220, 223, 227.
McGee, W. J., 46.
McGuire, J. D., 31.
Mclntosh, William, 397.
McLain, J. E., 45.
Megapolensis, 257.
Meredith, Rev. H. C., 165.
Merkel, John, 72, 73.
Metric System, 55.
Miami, 116, 117.
Miller, Prof. Benjamin L., 9, 338, 339, 346-349.
Mills, Prof. W. C., 10, 26, 53, 76, 230, 232, 233, 234,
235, 236, 251, 265, 387, 424.
Miscellaneous objects from New York, 220-221.
Missouri Historical Society, 262.
Mitchell, Rev. E. C., 143, 151.
Mooney, J., 17.
Montgomery, Henry, 256.
Moore, C. B., 9, 20, 26, 51, 57, 76, 123, 135, 141,
142, 145, 147, 150, 153, 161, 166, 230, 234, 237,
243, 245, 265, 332, 368, 377, 382, 387, 389, 413,
Morrison, Charles E., 350.
Mound explorations, 413.
Mound finds, 230-245.
Museum of the American Indian, 24, 74, 75, 89, 99,
122, 124, 152, 179, 246, 262, 333, 388, 395.
Museum of Anthropology, Affiliated Colleges, San
Francisco, California, 249, 394.
Muskogean, 408, 413.
Myer, W. E., 130, 230, 234, 333.
Net-sinkers, 167, 169.
New York State Museum, 29, 174, 175, 179. 181,
182, 183, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 196, 197, 199..
201, 203, 206, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 215, 216,
217, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 333.
Noe, C. F., 161, 163.
Nomenclature Committee, 30, 57, 81, 111, 112.
Norse, 369, 419.
Objects examined by Professors Irving and Williams,
Ogden, L. B., 155.
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Collection,
127, 128, 244, 262, 372, 385, 390, 404.
Ohio State University, 10, 64, 262.
Ojibwa, 159, 392, 417, 424.
Olen, C. T., 116.
Ornaments, 16, 38, 40, 42, 49, 51, 53, 110, 244, 246,
260, 336, 337, 365, 412.
Orr, Elison, 141.
Oval form, 116.
Ovate, 28, 30, 46, 249, 266, 335, 336, 337, 354, 357,
"Owl Ornament", 64, 65.
Pacific Coast, 71, 130, 157, 165, 218, 267, 403, 407,
410, 417, 419.
Pah-Utes, 167.
Parker, Arthur C., 9, 26, 170-225; 265, 415.
Parkman, Francis, 17.
Patina or Age, The Question of, 338-349.
Peabody, Dr. Charles, 28, 31, 55, 56, 68, 157, 162,
242, 405.
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, 30, 48, 55, 159, 164,
193, 241, 246, 262, 264, 270, 334, 396.
Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., 160, 264, 385.
Peabody Museum, Yale University, New Haven,
Conn., 262.
Pendants, 16, 20, 27, 29, 47, 61, 63, 73, 110, 225,
250, 266, 267, 334, 335-337, 362.
Penobscot Valley, 264.
Pepper, Geo. H., 224, 251, 377, 380, 424.
Percy, Geo., 257.
Perforated stones, 394.
Perkins, Prof. George H., 130, 135, 218.
Phillips Academy collection, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27,
33, 38, 41, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 67, 72, 76, 77, 82,
83, 85, 86, 96, 97, 101, 107, 114, 115, 118, 127, 133,
163, 164, 166, 168, 228, 229, 245, 247, 262, 333,
334, 361, 393.
Pick-shaped stones, 100, 102, 116, 265, 1.66, 334,
Pilling, 17.
Plummet-shaped stones, 157, 220, 234, 266, 269,
332, 334, 335, 336, 337.
Polished-slate culture in New York, 170-179.
Polished slate implements from New York, 179-225.
Powell, Maj. J. W., 267, 269, 387.
Pritchard, A. L., 350.
"Problematical forms", 17, 28, 33, 35, 57, 61, 64,
108, 117, 121, 125, 170, 234, 268, 357, 361, 364,
368, 380, 382, 388, 390, 391, 393, 394, 404.
Provincial Museum, Ontario, 84, 85, 86, 92.
Purposes, 194.
Putnam, Prof. F. W., 193, 194, 230, 251, 387, 417.
Radisson, 255.
Rau, Dr. Chas., 145.
Rayner, J. A., 20, 52, 241.
Red Paint graves, 53, 105, 120, 162, 165, 394, 395,
396, 410, 419.
Red Paint People, 53, 120, 405, 415.
Reeder, J. T., 356.
Regions showing greatest evidence of mound
culture in New York. 172.
Relation to Linguistic Stocks, 411.
Ridged and expanded gorgets, 66-70.
Ringeisen, Jos., Jr., 114.
Rogers, A. G., 10, 34, 350, 360.
Sagard, 253, 255.
Savage, Rev. James, 104, 143.
Saville, Prof. Marshall H., 242.
Scarcity of these objects in Central America and the
West, 403-407.
Seri, 46, 49.
Setterlun, A., 78.
Shawano, 269.
Shea, 258.
Shell, 49, 163, 244, 251, 392.
Shoshoni, 46.
Sinkers, 336, 337.
Siouan, 408.
Sizers, 237-240, 242.
Skinner, Alanson B., 9, 224.
Slate or shale, 35, 40, 51, 88.
Smith, Capt., 257, 258.
Smith, Harlan I., 9, 143.
Smith, Walter B., 396.
Smithsonian Institution, 24, 26, 97, 107, 114, 117,
119, 130, 137-138, 142, 154, 161, 246, 262, 268,
334, 387, 389, 400, 406.
Snyder, J. F., 143, 149, 151.
So-called "Gorgets", The, 68.
So-called Plummets, The, 157.
Spade-shape or spud (See Spatulate).
Spaniards, 258.
Spatulate or spade-shape (Spuds), 28, 140-156, 265.
Special Collections, 350-366.
Specialized forms, 266, 332.
Specimens used by Indians of New York, 171, 172.
Spindle Whorls, 336, 337.
Squier & Davis, Messrs., 130, 230, 234, 387.
State House, Montpelier, Vermont, 135, 416.
Stearns, Dr. Fred H., 270.
Stewart, Dr. T. B., 259, 350, 354, 358, 362, 415.
Stoddard, H. L., 398.
Strachey, 258.
Sugden, E. O., 395.
Suggestions as to why ornamental-problematical
stones are in a restricted area, 408-419.
Susquehanna River, 26, 37, 38, 50, 53, 62, 169, 223,
224, 334, 357, 415.
Swanton graves, 135, 416.
Tables, 159, 243, 262, 270-332, 333-337, 397.
Tablet, 35, 61, 68, 235, 241, 266.
Tennessee-Cumberland region, 73, 230, 415, 419.
Terra cotta images, 251, 382.
Thompson, C. A., 263.
Thompson, F. P., 25, 70, 94, 226, 230.
Thruston, G. P., 130, 147, 230, 234.
Thunder-bird, 40, 420, 422, 424, 426.
Titus, W. A., 97, 386.
Tonti, 258.
Tooker, Paul S., 10, 36, 38, 40, 43, 54, 62, 117, 334,
349, 350, 357, 359, 360, 361.
Total of objects either directly or indirectly studied
or reported, 334.
Tubes, 130-139, 218-220, 227, 261, 266, 334, 335,
336, 337.
Unfinished forms, 38, 40, 42, 425.
Unique Forms and Fraudulent Specimens, 382-391,
United States, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 46, 83, 112, 145,
267, 375, 382, 399, 401, 419, 410, 424.
United States National Museum, 88, 143.
University of Alabama, 254.
University of Pennsylvania Museum, 246, 367.
University of Vermont, 368.
Upham, E. P., 9.
Urban, Theodore L., 38, 40, 350, 354.
Use of ornaments by the American Indians, 246-260.
Valentine, F. B., 58.
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 374, 400.
Verrazzano, 255.
Volk, E., 46.
Wardle, Miss H. Newell, 10.
West, George A., 126, 129.
Whale, 371, 373, 375, 421, 422, 426.
Wheeler, Rev. H. E., 350, 359, 363, 365.
Whelpley, Dr. H. M., 146.
Wilkinson, William, 350.
Williams, Prof. Edward H., Jr., 9, 117, 338, 339.
Willoughby, C. C., 10, 240, 396.
Wilson, Dr. Thomas, 76, 87, 88.
Winans, A. B., 425.
Winged forms (See Bipennate).
Wintemberg, W. J., 9.
Wisconsin Archeological Society, 144.
Wisconsin Archaeologist, 92, 140.
Wisconsin State Historical Society, 73, 114, 122,
Wood, 397, 422.
Wren, Christopher, 10.
Wright, Prof. John H., 30.
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, 333.
Yager, Willard E., 9, 47, 50, 62, 179, 224, 350, 135,
352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 415.
Young, General B. H., 79, 114, 125, 134, 148, 154,
156, 160, 163, 202, 234.
Zuni, 88.
Some idea of the scope and character of "The American Indian" may be had from a few of the
chapter subjects, and these are:
Ethnological-Humanitarian; The Indian of Today; Reservations in 1879 and at Present; The
Ojibway; Indian Testimony; The Sioux; The Ghost Dance; Death of Sitting Bull; The Five Civilized
Tribes; The Oklahoma Scandal; Red Cloud, a Sketch of His Life, together with the Lives of Geronimo,
Sitting Bull, etc.; Education of Indians; The Desert Indians; The Navaho; Health of Indians; Indians
of the Northwest and of California; The Indian's Religion; The Buffalo ; The Plains Indians Fifty Years
Ago and Today; The Communistic Life: Indian Men and Women of Prominence; Stories of Indian
Heroism; Conclusions and Recommendations.
PRICE, $3.75 (Postage extra)
"In it there is no narrow prejudice and no pet theories, but an unvarnished account which should
arouse the interest of the whole nation in the welfare of our Indian wards." — Bulletin of the American
Geographical Society, August, 1915.
"He skillfully blends the scientist's and the humanitarian's points of view." — Scientific American,
June 12, 1915.
"The volume is a magnificent tribute to the aborigines of this country. It is beautifully printed
on heavy white paper, and is supplied with artistic illustrations, in which Indians are shown in their
most striking poses. There are sketches of Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, Geronimo and other Indians who
have become noted in the history of this country." — Eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y., February 13, 1915.
"We have in this book the most frank and fearless presentation of the wrongs inflicted upon these
defenseless wards of the government which has yet appeared. The book is a mine of information for
the social student, but it is intended to arouse public feeling and action in behalf of the Indian." — The
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, September, 1915.
"The book is assured of an interested clientele of readers, both because of its intrinsic merit and
as a tribute to the high dignity of its authorship." — Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, February 20, 1915.
"It contains numerous excellent cuts and maps and contains about everything of interest regarding
the modern native since the middle of the last century." — The Minneapolis Journal, February 9, 1915.
"Textually and pictorially here is one of the most impressive presentations of our neglected duty
to the red man that has been offered to an apathetic public in many years." — Boston Herald, February
6, 1915.
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